Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 165 Our MVP Jumped Backwards

Chapter 165 Our MVP Jumped Backwards

"Hey, what happened to your hair?" Mo Fei asked with a deliberately surprised expression.

"Forget it, I got into a fight with a damn black dragon and burned my hair." Morgan Lisa said with a gloomy look on her face.

"Need me help you deal with that black dragon? And Varian, I think he'd be happy to help."

"No need, I'm afraid you won't be able to help with this matter. As for Varian, he still has to deal with the orcs."

"I don't think the orcs are anything to fear. As long as the alliance is united, they will definitely be defeated—you say it's Varian."

Varian suddenly showed a proud expression, "Hmph, it's just a group of orcs. As long as I lead the army to go out, I will definitely let them come and go."

"Tsk tsk tsk, so confident, do you have any special experience with orcs?"

"Those orcs are indeed savage and cruel, fierce and strong, but they lack wisdom, let alone know tactics and strategy. They only know how to charge without thinking. As long as they are ready to fight and give full play to their tactical advantages, they are not difficult to defeat. Let me tell you, when I But in the dark swamp, I encountered hundreds of thousands of people..."

The two chatted for a few words, and seeing that Murphy had no intention of leaving, Morgan Lisa had no choice but to leave first.

When Morgan Lisa left, Varian stopped talking immediately.

"Thank you Aidan, that woman is really troublesome." He said with some headaches, "I would rather face the army of orcs than face the entanglement of that woman."

Is Murphy exaggerating?Anyway, she is also a beautiful woman, but I guess Varian is still too young to understand adult things.

"Don't tell me, I think you two are a good match, and she's not bad looking."

"Hmph, I don't think about this now. I won't waste time on these boring things until the threat of the orcs is solved. Besides, even if I want to save my kingdom, I can rely on my own strength. How can I rely on it?" Marriage is such a boring means.

Speaking of orcs - I received word this morning that an army of orcs is about to launch an attack on our world, and I need your support in convincing my father to send out an army. "

"Of course, we are sworn brothers. I will definitely help you, but don't worry, I think someone will give you an opportunity today."

At nine o'clock, as the special envoys of various countries entered the venue, the meeting finally started.

As usual, the Kingdom of Ryan will read an opening speech first, which is nothing more than a situational speech about the need for unity and friendship within the alliance in the face of a crisis.

King Lane had just finished his opening remarks and was about to hold a meeting. Before Varian could speak, Morgan Lisa stood up first.

"Before discussing today's meeting, there is someone I would like to introduce. She brought a very important message. Maybe everyone present has heard of her name. She is the conqueror of demons and the guardian of the world. The most powerful magician who ever lived, the mother of Guardian Medivh—Lady Magna Aegwynn!"

boom!The door of the conference room was slammed open, and the silver-haired Aegwynn strode in.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by her appearance.

Although she is nearly a thousand years old, the silver-haired Aegwynn is still amazingly beautiful. The years have not left any traces on her body. She still looks young, like a girl, except for her eyes that radiate arcane light. , the wisdom and strength contained in it make people realize that she is a legendary figure.

King Lane and Duke Lothar stood up and saluted. King Lane, Duke Lothar, and Medivh were friends since childhood. They also met Aegwynn when they were young. When they saw Aegwynn, they also called Ai of.

But looking at Aegwynn, who was as young as a girl, and looking at each other as middle-aged uncles, the two felt somewhat embarrassed.

Aegwynn didn't pay any attention to these common etiquette, just waved his hand casually, and walked to the conference table.

She glanced at everyone present with solemn eyes.

"I bring terrible news to all of you. My son, Guardian Medivh - has fallen."

what!Everyone exclaimed.

The team is about to start, you tell us that the strongest main force on our side has reversed?This is kind of scary.

Originally, everyone was still holding the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal. Anyway, no matter how hard it is, there will be guardians to cover it up. No matter how united the countries are, they will not be able to get rid of it.

But now that even the people who are at the bottom of their pockets have jumped back, how can they watch the fun leisurely.

Aegwynn ignored everyone's complicated state of mind, and talked about what happened on his own.

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Stars): "I don't know when, the soul of the demon king Sargeras possessed Medivh, bewitching him and corrupting him.

Now Medivh's mind has been completely controlled by the Demon King. He has completely become our enemy. The orcs came to this world because of him. The gate of darkness is about to open, and the army of orcs is about to arrive in this world. You guys Everyone must be prepared, a tide of darkness is about to flood the world, and only by uniting can the alliance have a chance of victory. "

"Ms. Aegwynn, don't make a conclusion yet. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I think we should have a long-term plan."

A special envoy also wanted to delay the time. After all, if this matter is really admitted, then the alliance countries will have the responsibility and obligation to support the Stormwind Kingdom.

But Aegwynn snorted coldly, "Enough, you short-sighted mortals, the horn of destruction has sounded, and the army of demons and orcs is coming, but you are still fighting for your own interests, I guard the world For thousands of years, I have seen too many dark and terrifying things, but nothing can threaten this world more than your inner selfish desires."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Don't be angry with Ms. Aegwynn. We have already prepared for this crisis. I have issued a summoning order to the adventurers. The powerful adventurers and I will crush those orcs. You Just have to wait and see the good show.”

Aegwynn was a little speechless after hearing this, and thought how could you have such confidence, a brat, your father was not even born when my mother went around doing evil things.

Still a powerful adventurer?What adventurer can defeat an army of orcs and a demon king?Those wastes who are greedy for money will beat goblins, and killing two ogres is about the same.

Aegwynn also experienced countless adventures back then, and she has seen a lot of so-called 'adventurers', who are nothing more than a group of mercenaries, explorers, tomb robbers, etc.

Aegwynn (Star Guardian): "You have no idea what kid you're talking about."

Varian (Storm Prince): "Of course I know what I'm talking about. I've seen a lot of dark and terrible things with my own eyes. I dare say more than most people here. Maybe not as much as you have seen." Many, but I also understand the cruel truth hidden in this world.

I once led adventurers to defeat an army of [-] orcs, and this time I will still win. In fact, my people have told me the news in advance that the orc army is about to attack, and the gate of darkness will open again, and the time is just around the corner Three days later. "

(End of this chapter)

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