Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 166 Choice of Plot Route

Chapter 166 Choice of Plot Route
Aegwynn had to look at him with admiration, "How do you know this?"

The thing is obvious, if you want to find out the detailed time of the orc attack, you have to go to the planet Draenor. Only astral mages like Medivh and Aegwynn have the ability to travel to different worlds.

Aegwynn couldn't believe it, the young prince in front of him could actually hear information from another world?

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Of course I have my own way. The question is how we should deal with this war next."

Mo Feixin said that it must have been heard by some players who went to the orc's side as undercover agents.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Father! Don't hesitate any longer, call the army immediately, we must arrive at the Dark Portal one step ahead of time, only by blocking the orcs there can we protect our country, otherwise once the orc army swarms into our world, and our kingdom will be destroyed."

King Ryan still hadn't calmed down for a while, and he was a little lost after receiving too much information at once, "How many people are there in the orc army?"

"There are millions of people."

what!Everyone showed disbelief when they heard this, and thought to themselves, what are you kidding, an army of millions of orcs?

You must know that the total number of troops in the entire alliance is about 100 million, and this still has to include militias from all over the country. Otherwise, it would be great if a country can dispatch tens of thousands of troops.

If the entire Stormwind Kingdom was fully mobilized, it would probably be possible to mobilize an army of [-] troops.

100 against [-] million, it's still a mess.

"Don't panic everyone. Although the orcs have millions of troops, there is only one door leading to our world. As long as the door of darkness is blocked, it doesn't matter if there are tens of thousands of enemies. Don't hesitate anymore Father, if you can't block the darkness Once the army of millions of orcs floods into this world, the Kingdom of Stormwind will be unable to resist. Even if Stormwind City can be defended, all the lands in other regions will fall.

People will be slaughtered, we have no other choice. "

Second-hand Lion (Prince Storm): "That's right, father, let's send troops."

Will of the Holy Light (Prince of Storms): "Yes, Father, Varian is right, we must protect the land and the people."

There are also some other princes in the Kingdom of Stormwind, but it is different from the brothers in Alsace and the intrigue in Alterac.

These brothers of Varian are almost overwhelmingly supporting their little brother, and they are united around the little brother, which especially makes King Ryan feel bad—you gangsters don’t even have such respect for your old man. what.

But at this time, he also knew the seriousness of the matter and had to make a decisive decision.

Ryan (King of Storm): "Okay, I am announcing by the King of Stormwind's order that all the troops in the Stormwind Kingdom will be summoned immediately. All the nobles will lead their troops to join the battle. I will personally lead the Storm Knights to the Dark Portal to resist the attack of the orcs." , may the gods be with us.

Dear envoys, I hope you can report everything that happened here to your king as soon as possible, and I also welcome you to go to the Dark Portal with your army to witness the first battle of the war between the Alliance and the Orcs. "

"Lothar, I have a task for you. Although I really don't want to see all this, I can't allow that when I confront the orcs, there is a hidden threat behind me. Medivh must be eliminated. I only want to do this task." Believe me, take the Stormtroopers, and any warriors you can find, and you'll get it done.

Ms. Agwynn - I'm sorry this happened and I hope you understand what I'm doing. "

"I'm also sorry, don't care about my feelings, I'm already mentally prepared, in fact, if there was no accident, I would have had the opportunity to completely erase him last night."

"what happened?"

"Sargeras and Deathwing have allied themselves."

what!This is another super blockbuster.

Everyone present had heard about the ferocity of Deathwing. From time to time, he led the Black Dragon Legion to launch dragon disasters. Cities in several countries were burned by the flames of the black dragon.

However, players and NPCs are completely different in their shocking points.

All of these players were a little confused, thinking what the situation was, the script was wrong!

Why is Deathwing still showing up?

"So I have to face Medivh and Deathwing at the same time?" Lothar's tone was a little dry, and he said in his heart, king, king, you really arranged a good mission for me.

There are indeed many elite assassins in the Stormwind City Assassin Group. If it is just a Medivh, there is still a lot of confidence. No matter how powerful the Guardian is, he is also a mortal body, and it is not difficult to kill as long as he gets close.

But what if adding Deathwing?
Let the assassins in Stormwind go up and get a dagger to backstab Deathwing with poison?
At this moment, the voice of the system prompt rang in the ears of everyone present.

[System prompt: Trigger the plot task [Expedition of the Cursed Land], join the Stormwind Army, go to the Cursed Land, and face the orc army from another world. This task is a branch plot of the large-scale plot event [Dark Gate].

After accepting this task, you will get the plot status 'War Envoy', your performance in the war will be well known by the world, and you will get a certain number of plot points according to your performance. 】

[System prompt: Trigger the plot task [Assassination of Medivh], join the assassination team of Duke Lothar, go to Karazhan to assassinate the corrupted Medivh, this task is a branch plot of the large plot event [Dark Gate].

After accepting this task, you will get the plot identity 'Fearless Assassin', your performance in this operation will be well known by the world, and you will get a certain number of plot points according to your performance. 】

This is obviously an alternative plot line choice.

Whether to take the route of war or the route of assassination.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and soon someone made a choice.

Morgan Lisa (Princess of Lordaeron): "I am willing to go with you, Grand Duke of Lothar. As a mage, I would like to experience Medivh's strength, and I have to settle a debt with Deathwing." Clear."

She stroked her short hair and said fiercely.

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "And me, if Medivh really fell, I will report all this to my king."

"And I!"

"And I!"

"Me, me, count me in."

As soon as they heard that they were going to do Medivh, the heroes present immediately started to sign up.

This is a good time to collect plot points, that is the guardian Medivh, the incarnation of Sargeras, you can make a lot of money if you just pop out some equipment, and there are many treasures hidden in Karazhan, maybe you can collect them Scratch a few magic books, grab two artifacts or something.

The most wonderful thing is that everyone knows this plot. In this plot, Medivh is definitely going to die. Where can I find this kind of plot that is sure to win rewards? After this village, there will be no such shop.

As for Deathwing... Maybe it's just an exaggeration, besides, the script is impossible to lie to people.

Sigret whispered to Murphy, "Brother Aidan, why don't we go?"

Murphy shook his head, "I have other things. If you want to go, just sign up. Anyway, it's all about plot points. This is naturally a matter of personal choice, but it's best to take care of both. These two plot branches, It’s better to have someone involved.”

"Then we're welcome."

Sigret raised his hand as he spoke, "Count me in."

Dalabang hesitated for a moment, "Then I'd better go to the Portal of Darkness, just to get a specialization in warfare, but let me use those northern wind knights in your hands first, a hundred elite cavalry went to the battlefield Anyway, it can play a role.”

Murphy and Sigret did not refuse this, and now the three are allies, so they naturally want to help each other.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen heroes signed up to take part in the assassination of Medivh, and they were all strong among the missions from various countries.

King Ryan was also quite moved.

Sure enough, a friend in adversity sees the truth, and time sees people's hearts. The warriors of the alliance are still very courageous. It seems that I wrongly blamed them. Facing the crisis of the world, it seems that everyone is actively participating.

In fact, most of the people who signed up to kill Medivh in Karazhan were players.

Although the Portal of Darkness is an important plot event, the problem is that on such a large-scale battlefield, a single hero really can't play much role, and the plot points that can be collected must be limited.

If the aristocrats and royal families of the Stormwind Kingdom can still lead troops into battle, let’s swipe him, but if they are heroes in the messenger group, they only have a few guards around them, and there is not much room to play on the battlefield.

But hunting Medivh is different, it is the incarnation of the Demon King, as long as you participate, you can leave your own name in the plot.

Only a few hero players like Dalabang chose to go to the Dark Portal to watch the battle with the army of the Stormwind Kingdom.

As for the NPCs, most of them felt that it would be safer to act with the army, and they could see the real situation of the orcs more intuitively.

As for going to Karazhan - that's Medivh, and Deathwing, isn't that going to die.

(End of this chapter)

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