Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 167 The Black Dragon's Conspiracy

Chapter 167 The Black Dragon's Conspiracy (Two in One)

Soon the heroes in the council hall each chose the plot line to participate in.

This can be regarded as the welfare of rich players, being able to participate in the plot for the first time.

The assassination team was led by Duke Lothar himself, leading a team of elite assassins from SI:[-], a team of Storm Knights, and accompanied by more than a dozen hero players, to assassinate Medivh.

On the other hand, King Ryan and Varian also began to assemble an army to prepare for the expedition to the Dark Portal.

The summoning order was quickly issued, and the order was sent to every nobleman.

Soon, the Stormwind Kingdom was fully mobilized.

Elite Stormwind City guards, powerful Stormwind Knights, Kingdom Infantry, Kingdom Flat Crossbowmen, Kingdom Spearmen, and regular troops with standard configurations from various alliance camps all came out of various barracks outside Stormwind City, On the open field outside the city, a neat team was laid out.

Teams of soldiers lined up neatly and marched towards the dark swamp.

And in the territories of the various nobles, there is also a scene of a war approaching.

The Stormwind Kingdom, like other human kingdoms, is a feudal country, and the nobles are very powerful. The entire Stormwind Kingdom's army is only about [-]% in the hands of the king. Although it is elite, the number is not very large, only about [-].

And the nobles have more troops. According to the different titles of the nobles, there are hundreds of small ones, and even thousands of troops. However, although the number is large, the quality is more worrying. The soldiers are knights as the core, supplemented by a large number of conscripted militias, and the combat effectiveness of these militias is not guaranteed.

As armies of nobles continued to join the expeditionary force, the size of the army soon became larger...

The entire army lined up for several miles, causing the passing adventurers to stare at them one by one, asking what happened.

Soon, information about the opening of the Dark Portal began to circulate crazily among the players.

Upon hearing that the Dark Portal was finally about to open, the players all went crazy.

Whether it's the lord, the soldier, or of course the adventurers.

They are all waiting for the big battle to come. It is fun to fight robbers and slash jackals on weekdays, but after playing for a long time, they will get used to it. Naturally, they are looking forward to a larger-scale war.

The officials had already released rumors before, but now that the opening time has finally been confirmed, everyone is excited.

The streets are filled with groups of adventurers calling for friends and friends, and the quick ones have already bought their supplies and headed towards the Dark Portal.

The lord player summoned his own army and couldn't wait to join the army of Stormwind City, ready to fight the enemy and play a war game.

Soldier players and vassal players are also armed and ready to participate in this epic battle.

There are also some high-end adventurer teams, large guilds, and game studios, who directly target those famous characters.

This Dark Portal battle must be a plot event, which means that plot kills will be indispensable at that time. There must be a lot of plot points and plot equipment. Many heroes and adventurers have formed teams with various configurations. It's time to take the head of a tribal boss and have a good time.

At this moment, Arthas was riding alongside Varian, at the forefront of the team.

Alsace (Prince of Lordaeron): "Second brother, do you think our army is enough?" Alsace asked worriedly while looking at the majestic lineup of the army. He is the prince of Lordaeron , I have also seen the army of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, so I still have some experience in estimating the number of troops.

Although the army in front of us is huge, it only looks like tens of thousands. Even if those nobles continue to lead the army to join, it is estimated that it will be around [-] by then.

Facing an army of millions of orcs, it feels very mysterious.

Especially those conscripted militiamen, with simple equipment, look like they have little combat effectiveness.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Hehe, don't worry about the third brother, there will be an army, look, isn't that coming."

I saw a group of more than a hundred adventurers chasing up from behind on horseback.

The people who saw Varian's lion battle flag leading the way immediately galloped over.

Hawke: "King Wa, more than 100 members of our Dragon Age guild have all come, this time we will fight for you!"

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Thank you for joining the brave adventurers, let us fight side by side at the Portal of Darkness." He waved to the knight.

The player named Hawk was about to leave when he saw Alsace next to Varian, and his eyes widened.

(Fuck me, Alsace? Why is this kid here?) The player didn't ask any more questions, and ran to the front with his troops.

Soon, several teams of adventurers came, some in groups of three or four, some in hundreds, and they kept passing the army and marching towards the portal of darkness, even running over to say hello from time to time.

He opened his mouth to the king of Wa, and shut his mouth to the king of Wa, but he ignored Alsace.

"Second brother, I didn't expect you to be so famous among adventurers. They all call you King Wa? What's going on?"

Varian shook his head, "I don't know too well. When the Dark Portal opened for the first time, facing an army of [-] orcs, that's what those adventurers called me. Hehe, I think maybe it's because I was born There must be a royal demeanor. Of course, it is also possible that these adventurers don't know the title of the royal family, so they call it indiscriminately. Who knows.

Don't pay too much attention to Alsace, the real king does not rely on title and blood, but courage and strength, read more and learn more, and you will become a qualified king in the future. "

"Well, don't worry, second brother, I will definitely try my best to learn from you and elder brother. By the way, where is elder brother? Why didn't I see him."

Varian shook his head: "I'm not sure, maybe he went to join the Duke of Lothar's team, don't worry, I don't think he will miss this battle."

Meanwhile - Blackrock Spire.

The black smoke from the Blackstone Mountains covered the sky and the sun, and the figure of the black dragon hovered and danced in the air.

This is the Blackrock Tower, a powerful stronghold of the Black Iron Dwarves. However, since a few years ago, the upper floor of the Blackrock Tower has been occupied by a powerful black dragon lord. He and his dragonmen and servants have firmly guarded the Blackrock Tower. At the entrance located in the middle of the mountain, many black iron dwarves were even captured as servants.

At this moment, the black dragon lord was looking at the army of monsters that belonged to him in front of him, frowning.

Like other black dragon lords, Nefarian also has a large number of monster servants. These messy monsters are very good cannon fodder. Unfortunately, he still doesn't know what kind of enemy the black dragon king summoned the army to fight this time. Nefarian was still not sure how many troops he would bring into battle.

But one thing he was sure of, he had to speed up, his father was not a patient leader.

A huge black shadow suddenly flitted across the sky, Nefarian looked at the sky in surprise, his expression suddenly became gloomy, and saw a huge black dragon descending from the sky, a circle bigger than him, slowly It landed slowly in front of him.

Transformed into a man in a black robe.

Nefarian (King of the Blackrock Spire): "Murpheus, hmph, you're pretty quick. It's in line with your character to be so attentive to my father's call. Why, you heard that call too. The command?"

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "That's right, otherwise how could I appear here, tsk tsk tsk, you have found a good place for yourself, this place is much more decent than my dark dragon lair, the black iron dwarves are more What a craftsman."

Nefarian (King of the Blackrock Spire): "Hmph, what are you doing here? Father asked us to gather in the Nightwhisper Forest. Don't tell me you came to see me specially."

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Hehe, don't be so nervous. In fact, I'm here to discuss cooperation with you. Are you interested in doing something big together, Nefarian?"

Do big things?Nefarian immediately became vigilant. He and Murphys have never dealt with each other very much. It was almost about to start before. Although it is impossible for the two to have a direct conflict because of the return of their father, this does not mean that the two sides will recover. There is peace.

"Don't look at me with that look, I'm serious, I can see that you are very upset with Deathwing, right, that's why I came to you, don't you want to replace him as the King of the Black Dragon?" ? We can work together to deal with him,"

Nefarian suddenly showed a gloomy expression, "Hmph, do you think I'm an idiot? You used such crude words to deceive me. If I remember correctly, you kept saying that you would wait for his return and lead the Black Dragon Army Woolen cloth.

Why did it suddenly change?

I do hate him, but I'm not a fool, it's you who dare to provoke the relationship between me and my father, you are not afraid..."

"Why, are you still planning to report me? Please, but to be honest, I don't think the final result will be what you want to see, so how about listening to my opinion before making a decision?"

Nefarian snorted coldly, but did not stop.

Murphys smiled slightly: "Deathwing is a lunatic, you should be very aware of this, last time he almost killed you, I think you can feel that he has really considered doing it, who knows what he will do next time he gets angry What happened, he's getting mentally unstable, and one day he'll kill you.

Unless we can fix it ahead of time. "

Nefarian (King of the Blackrock Spire): "Hey, are you kidding me? My father is invincible. This is your stupid plan? I think it's death."

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "No, nothing in this world is truly invincible. We all have to face the mercy of fate, and Deathwing is no exception. Unless you can see the truth of this world clearly, there is no Man can escape his fate.

When the moment of fate comes, you will find that he is not as invulnerable as he seems. "

Nefarian was slightly moved by Murphys' profound words, "Oh, then what can you do?"

Murphys (Ancient Black Dragon): "Not yet, but this time he summoned us to show that the enemy he will face is extremely powerful, and he cannot defeat it alone, and this is our opportunity, I am not Say something must be done, but at least, I think we can reach an agreement for the time being. If the time comes, maybe we can put aside the past and cooperate.

There is no enmity between us that cannot be let go, I wonder if you have heard a sentence, there are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. "

Nefarian was still unmoved: "And then? Even if we can really defeat him, or even kill him, who will be the king of the black dragon? There can only be one king of the black dragon army."

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Of course it is you, believe it or not, I have no interest in becoming the king of black dragons."

Nefarian (King of the Blackrock Spire): "Hmph, do you think I'll believe your kindness? Dragons are greedy, so you always have a plan."

Morpheus (Ancient Black Dragon): "Yes, Deathwing does have what I want, but it is not the power of the King of the Black Dragon. I am not interested in dealing with the affairs of the Black Dragon Legion. I have more important things to do , and to accomplish this, one must master a special kind of power, which is the power held by Deathwing—the power of the guardian of the earth.

Well, let's kill Deathwing together, and when it's done, you'll be the Lord of the Black Dragon and I'll be the Guardian of the Earth. "

Nefarian couldn't help being startled, so that's the case, so is this your plot?
Hmph, the power of the guardian of the earth, idiot, do you think I don't know what you are thinking, think that you can go further if you get the power of the guardian of the earth, don't think about it, that power is a curse, get the power of the guardian of the earth People will definitely be swallowed by that power.

The power of the guardian of the earth is a big pit, Nefarian is very aware of this, he watched his father gradually go crazy, Deathwing used to be a majestic ruler, a powerful dragon king, but the power of the guardian of the earth The heavy burden drove him mad.

Neltharion used to mention that he would hear strange whispers, it was the evil will from the depths of the deep, the ancient existence sealed in the depths of the earth.

It is impossible to describe the evil in words. As the guardian of the earth, it is the gatekeeper of the evil, and this also means that it is bound to be corrupted and harassed by the ancient existence.

Although Neltharion is strong-willed, even rocks will gradually collapse under the scouring of the years. The dragon race is a long-lived race, and the lifespan of the guardian of the earth is almost eternal. In the tens of millions of years, falling into madness is almost is the inevitable result.

But it’s okay, with a crazy Murphys and a dead Neltharion, by that time, the Black Dragon Army will completely become their own.

Nefarian (King of Blackrock Spire): "Hmph, I'll think about it, but don't expect me to trust you completely."

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "That's natural, and maybe that opportunity will never arise at all. In short, let's play by ear, then goodbye Nefarian, and see you in the Nightwhispering Forest."

After speaking, Murphys stretched his wings and flew into the sky gracefully and lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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