Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 172 Hidden Boss

Chapter 172 Hidden Boss
Murphy sneered in his heart, a bunch of rubbish, just because you still want to cancel my account, I am Deathwing, I am World Destroyer, I am..., shit, why did I suddenly fall into the second grade.

Mo Fei wanted to laugh at his sudden entry into the play, but felt that it should be taken for granted, why bother with these ignorant mortals, show his true strength, and let the dragon's fire burn everything...

He subconsciously wanted to lift the seal, but suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind, no, if they found out that he was Deathwing, then wouldn't his hero status be messed up in the future.

He was startled, thinking what's the matter, it must be that the influence of the previous whispers on him has not subsided, and his mind is a little unclear.

Forget it, let's flash people.

He was about to use the badge to teleport, and then at this moment——

Dimensional anchor!A magical white light suddenly locked on his body, and the Karazhan badge in his hand could not be used.

Old Devil Han laughed triumphantly, "Hahahaha, kid, do you think we won't prevent you from teleporting and escaping? How about it, there is no other way, if you can't, just admit it quickly."

Mo Fei's face suddenly became a little ugly, and a violent emotion was churning in his heart - looking for death!These mortals who don't know how to live or die, lift...

At this time, a bearded dwarf hero suddenly stood up, "I said you are going too far, everyone is a hero of the alliance, if you attack your own people, do you still have a sense of honor?"

Another knight hero covered in golden light said: "That's right, at this time of crisis for the alliance, you didn't want to join forces to fight against foreign enemies, but did such a thing that hurts your loved ones and makes your enemies happy, how can you deserve the title of your own heroes?" .”

"Looking at the two bronze heroes Ye Tiandi in front of me showing disdain, you RPG party, stay away, you can just lose your nerve, we will not accompany you, how can you manage the matter of Tiandao studio."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, if you don't want to die, get out, otherwise I will kill you all.

Old Devil Han really has the decisiveness to kill people in the devil's way, raising his hand is a Pyroblast.

I don't know what specialty he ordered, but this high-level spell can be issued smoothly.

Be careful!

Arcanagoth's arcane vortex!

Murphy also raised his hand, and a black vortex appeared out of thin air. The space around the vortex seemed to be distorted. A fireball the size of a washbasin flew towards him. As soon as he got close to the vortex, it looked like a star captured by a black hole. General changed direction, flew towards the vortex, was twisted and restored to the most primitive arcane energy, and submerged in the vortex, the volume of the vortex immediately increased a lot.

This Pyroblast attack was like a signal, and seven or eight spells flew towards him in an instant, but without exception, they were all sucked in by the arcane vortex.

What Murphy didn't expect was that the light of the dimensional anchor magic that restrained him was also sucked into the vortex.
Hey, this skill actually has a dispel effect!Although he could only dispel the nearby magic, while he was shocked, he found that the arcane vortex in his hand was so big that he couldn't control it—arcane release!
In the next second, the arcane energy in his hand turned into a pitch-black arcane ball and shot out head-on. At first, the arcane ball was only the size of a basketball, and it rotated while flying. , However, it flew bigger and bigger, and soon became the size of a washbasin, and it continued to grow.

The Tiandao players were taken aback and wanted to dodge. The arcane magic ball had already hit Old Demon Han.

boom!The aftermath of the huge explosion blasted out five or six adventurers around Laomo Han. Laomo Han himself was protected by a magic shield, but his expression was a bit ugly.

He has never seen this skill used by the other side, and he can't even tell what faction it is.

This son must not stay, otherwise it will cause serious trouble in the future.

"kill him!"

After such a fight, Mo Fei suddenly calmed down, and he tossed something with them, "I will not accompany you." He directly activated the teleportation technique and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Damn! This kid can run fast." A figure suddenly appeared where Murphy was standing just now, but it was an assassin hero with annoyed expression on his face.

"It doesn't matter. A monk can't run away from the temple if he can run. He can run in the game. I don't believe he can run in reality."

As Ye Tiandi said, he suddenly looked at the black shadow, with a smile on his face, "Brother Ying, why don't we talk about a deal, I plan to buy some more for information, but - I want to change someone of."


With a flash of white light, Murphy found himself in Karazhan's teleportation room.

He was about to move around when an option popped up in front of him.

[System prompt: You have entered the hero team dungeon [Tower of Karazhan], please choose your identity in this dungeon.

1. Crusaders.You come to Karazhan as a hero of the Alliance to fight against Medivh who has been possessed by demons. (Unseal skills are not available)

2. The gatekeeper boss.You came to Karazhan as an ally of Sargeras, the demon king, and as Karazhan's gatekeeper BOSS, you fought against the heroes who came to crusade together. (Unseal skill is automatically activated)
3. Hidden BOSS.Although you are controlled by Deathwing, you still retain your sanity. You come to Karazhan to meet your friend Medivh, but if the conditions of the boss battle are triggered, you may still show the side of the boss (the ability to unseal is in the closing state. to activate upon attack). 】

what!Can you still choose your identity?This is really the first time, I have never encountered such a thing before.

However, Murphy immediately realized that this should be the result of his special identity. After all, an existence like him who is both a hero and a BOSS should be unique in the game, and should be temporarily generated by the system. set up.

After hesitating for a moment, Murphy chose 3 to hide the boss.

Medivh is sure to die, he doesn't want to help Medivh fight against the heroes who come to kill him, as the guard boss, he may have to be a backup for Medivh.

But the crusader is definitely not good either. If he chooses this, he will become Medivh's enemy. If he wants to crusade by himself, he will definitely die.

Or be a hidden BOSS.

Immediately after he made his choice, he found that the name above his head had changed into a neutral yellow font.

[System prompt: You have become the hidden boss of the [Tower of Karazhan] dungeon, and your avatar projection has been added to the normal mode dungeon.

Boss refresh probability: 30% in normal mode, 100% in heroic mode.

Boss trigger condition: The crusader initiates an attack on you. 】

So, the so-called hidden BOSS should also be considered as an optional BOSS. If the heroes and adventurers who enter the dungeon attack you, you can turn into a BOSS to fight with them. Just be a spectator.

Mo Feixin said it was interesting, he hasn't been a boss for a long time.

However, there should be no one to challenge the hero mode in a while, so he doesn't need to rush to the challenge, he'd better go and see how Medivh is doing.

Along the way, Murphy found that Karazhan had undergone great changes. The originally empty castle now had many mobs and bosses.

Groups of ghost grooms, ghost attendants, ghost guests, and various undead monsters appeared in groups from the entrance of the gate.

Most were transformed by those killed by Medivh.

There are also constructed creatures such as arcane puppets and golem guards, guarding the library and storage rooms of the castle.

There are also a large number of magic elements, arcane servants, flesh and blood beasts and other elemental creatures, biochemical monsters, guarding the magic experiment area and the alchemy area.

Some demons guard the intersections, basements, and some dark corners. These demons should be summoned by Sargeras.

There are also all kinds of powerful bosses, I have never seen them before, and I don’t know where they came from. There is a powerful demon lord, a giant golem more than ten meters high, and Karazhan led by Moros Guard team.

(End of this chapter)

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