Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 173 Step into Madness

Chapter 173 Step into Madness
A void drake that Medivh summoned from nowhere, a terrifying monster that Medivh summoned from a world he never knew, and of course the Nightmare transformed by Akanagos.

The strength of these bosses is not weak, most of the levels are between 50-70, but compared with the strength of Medivon himself, they are not very strong.

It can be regarded as powerful in an ordinary dungeon, but if you look at the strength of the heroes outside the castle, there is not much advantage. It seems that the previous bosses are all given away, only the last one is Medivh. The strength is a bit beyond the standard.

Fortunately, as a hidden boss, even if the boss form is not triggered, he is still a neutral unit, and the monsters in the dungeon will not attack him.

Murphy took a closer look along the way, and thought that it was a good thing he didn't choose the crusader, otherwise he would be dead if he met anyone with the strength of his current level 20 bronze fourth-tier hero in human form.

He walked all the way to the top of the castle, and finally found Medivh.

Medivh looked a little strange, he was sitting in front of a painting, looking at the crystal ball above, his expression was ferocious for a while, and painful for a while.

"Why did this happen, did I do it, no, I didn't do it, I didn't do those things, but why... why did they come to kill me."

"Am I Sargeras? No, I'm Medivh, I'm the Guardian!" Medivh murmured to himself, constantly pulling at his hair.

When Murphy walked over, he immediately found that what was displayed in the crystal ball was the scene outside the dungeon.

Even voices can be heard.

Those heroes are discussing how to kill Medivh.

"Medivh brought the orc army into this world, if we kill him, won't the portal of darkness be opened?"

"It's useless, the Portal of Darkness has been activated. I heard from players on the Horde side that Gul'dan has fully mastered the ability to open the Portal of Darkness. It doesn't matter if he dies or not."

"Don't worry, Medivh must die, we will definitely succeed, as the chronicles have said."

"The chronicles say that Medivh was killed by Lothar, we are not Lothar."

"Medivh is possessed by Sargeras, you said, will there be a second stage of demon form or something?"

"That's for sure, but don't be afraid that although this kind of legal system boss has super high damage, its body is fragile. As long as it gets close, it is easy to kill."

"Really, that's a world-destroying boss."

"World-destroying bosses also need to teach basic laws. As long as they are humanoid bosses, they are easy to kill. The trouble is that after he becomes Sargeras..."

Medivh looked at Murphy suddenly, and the distorted expression on his face made Murphy startled.

"It's not true, it's not true, right? They're all lying!"

Murphy hurriedly replied: "That's right, it's not true, they're all talking nonsense, aren't you doing well, how can you be possessed by the demon king?"

"Hehehe, hehehe, no, that's true." Medivh's voice was full of despair, "In fact, many times I can feel that when I wake up in the morning, I find that my shoes are covered with red mud, and there is residual evil energy on my body. breath, I have seen corpses appear out of thin air in the bedroom.

In the castle, I ran into demons from nowhere, they called me master...

I used to be terrified that I was going crazy, but then it turned out that the truth could be worse than going crazy.

Do you know what that feels like?

I never know whether the surroundings are real or illusory. One second, I was singing and feasting with people at a banquet, and the next second I found myself standing in a dark tomb, surrounded by skeletons and mummified corpses.

I dreamed of the scary face of the devil, the burning planet and the ruins of the foreign land, and countless strange demons shouted and shouted around me. I always deceived myself that those were my hallucinations, dreams, but it seemed real. It is true after all. "

Medivh's voice gradually lowered and turned into a mutter, "Have you ever had this feeling that you feel that there is another 'thing' hidden in your heart, which is secretly affecting your mind and changing your mind? Your thinking, maybe you have discovered something, but you can't change anything, because your thinking has been changed, you are no longer you.

You'll do something out of the ordinary, something you wouldn't normally do, and at first you'll feel scared and nervous, but soon you'll get used to it and think it's your own thoughts. "

When Mo Fei heard this, he was slightly taken aback. Why did these words sound so familiar?

That's right, I also have Deathwing in my body, but it doesn't matter, I am different from Medivh, what I have in my body is just the body of Deathwing, the soul is still my own, how can the body affect the body, but I—— Aidan, King of the Black Dragon, Prince of Alterac, Guardian of the Earth, Knight of the North Wind...

right?Is not it?

"Are you sure?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the ear, with a joke and a distorted echo.

who?He turned around in surprise, there was nothing, illusion?

In the next second, Murphy felt a blur in front of his eyes, as if some kind of tentacles and flesh and blood grew out of the corner of his eyes, he hurriedly looked towards it in fright, but there was nothing.

Huh, yes, it's just an illusion.

"It's nothing, it must be fake, it's just an illusion." He said to himself.

Medivh smiled wryly, "I hope so, but... come with me to Aidan, I want to show you something." He brought Murphy to a water basin. In order to understand all this, I created This device - the mirror of true knowledge, where I can see my true self.

As Medivh said, he looked at himself in the mirror with horror. At first, there was only himself in the mirror, but gradually, a larger silhouette emerged around his body. Demon wings spread behind him, and tentacles grew on his cheeks. Suddenly, huge twisted horns and a flaming crown appeared above the head, the image of the demon looked lifelike, and there was even a smug smile on its furious and ferocious face.

That's right, that was the other self in his body. Originally, he didn't know what it was, but after listening to the words of the heroes who came to attack him, he understood.

Demon King Sargeras, so it is.

He didn't know when Sargeras lurked into his body, but all the confusion in the past became clear now.

There was fear, anger, and determination on his face, and he knew what to do.

Murphy looked at Medivh, whose expression was constantly changing, and looked into the mirror curiously, "It's nothing, isn't it—"

The sound stopped abruptly, and he saw the head of a black dragon in the mirror, which was the image of Deathwing.

It really works, it can reflect the real self, yes, so majestic, so stalwart, this is me, Deathwing... Hey, why do I look a little...

Murphy saw Deathwing's pair of dark golden pupils staring at him firmly, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, there seemed to be something strange in Deathwing's eyes, there was a tiny dot in the dark golden pupil, he got closer and found that it was a blood spot.

what is that?
He stared at the blood spot, and his eyes began to blur again. The surrounding light seemed to be dimming, and there seemed to be something wriggling in the blood spot. Suddenly, Mo Fei could see clearly that it was a very small tentacle. , a tiny eyeball grew on the tip of the tentacle, and that eyeball looked at him.

He suddenly felt itchy in the corner of his eyes, and something seemed to want to come out of the glasses.

He reached out and touched it, and a drop of blood appeared on his finger.

Murphy was shocked, and the next second, the familiar whispering voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"caught you."

(End of this chapter)

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