Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 174 The Fool's Crown

Chapter 174 The Fool's Crown
"caught you!"

Following the weird voice, Mo Fei's eyes suddenly went dark, and his vision was covered with bloodshot eyes for an instant, even Death Wing in the mirror was covered with a layer of blood red.

He stared at the image in the mirror as if possessed, Deathwing's dark golden pupils became extremely scarlet, and countless tentacles and blood sprouts grew from the black dragon's eyes, mouth, and gaps in the scales. Coming out, the substances made of flesh and blood squirmed, eroding its huge body, and eyes grew on its body. The black dragon let out a silent roar. Attached, captured, Deathwing struggled and tore, trying to break free from that weird bondage...

are you me?If the black dragon in the mirror is corrupted, then what?
He lowered his head to look at his hands, which looked white and unchanged.

Fortunately...he breathed a sigh of relief, but in the next second, the skin on his arm ruptured suddenly, and a tentacle full of suction cups came out of it, slowly squirming along his arm, and the suction cups could still be seen. Seeing eyeballs one after another, she looked at him blinking.

Tremendous fear arose in Murphy's heart. He grabbed the tentacle and wanted to tear it off his body, but when he pulled it, he could feel something wriggling under his skin, as if something wanted to move all over his body. It's as if you want to pierce his skin and get out.

Do not!He yelled and wanted to tear the tentacle off.

Until Medivh raised the staff in his hand towards him.

Weak sense technique!
A mediocre magic hit him, and Murphy's mind froze. Looking in the mirror, there were no tentacles, flesh and blood, and strange eyeballs there.

The black dragon in the mirror is still mighty, no, that's not the black dragon, it's Aidan, a mighty knight, looking at him majesticly.

"Thank you—" Murphy said, looking at Medivh, "What happened just now? I..."

He suddenly found that he hadn't completely returned to normal, the surrounding pipelines were still a bit dark, and in the corner of his eyes, there seemed to be some vague things surrounding him.

"You have been corroded by the power of the abyss. I didn't expect your situation to be more complicated than mine." Medivh's eyes were a little relieved, like a person who has been sprayed with dog blood, and then finds that someone has the same problem. Drenched in blood like an expression.

"Abyss? You mean, the Old God?"

"What ancient god? I have never heard of it. I only know about the abyss and the monsters in it. My mother once told me that the dark abyss and the bottomless unknown world are sealed with terrifying existences that cannot be described. , They are the masters of the old days, relics of the last cosmic cycle, afterimages of the old era, they do not belong to this world, they are sealed in the deepest abyss of the universe, waiting for the next cycle of the universe.

Usually the existence in the abyss will not be seen by people, unless through special rituals, or with super high perception ability. "

"There is a powerful power sealed in your body. Although I don't know what it is, it makes your perception too high, which makes you see things you shouldn't see. I just used it on you The weak sense technique reduces your perception ability, but this magic cannot last long."

Murphy looked up and found that he had an extra DEBUFF on his body.

[Weak sense technique: Your perception attribute has been reduced by 25 points for 9 minutes. 】

"Then what should I do? Will I see and hear that thing again later?"

"Don't worry, I think I have a solution." Medivh rummaged through the box, and finally found a helmet. It was a strange helmet made of black iron. There was a circle on the top of the helmet that looked like a crown. decorations.

"This is the Fool's Crown. It can enhance your spiritual power, but it will reduce your perception. Wearing it should temporarily make you fine."

Murphy put on the helmet, and the shadowy objects around him immediately disappeared.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and now even the whispers in his ears were gone.

"You'd better wear it all the time. The power of the abyss will erode human consciousness and change a person's cognition. It will gradually transform into an entity as human beings fall into madness. If you fall into the control of the abyss completely, what you just saw The horror scene will turn into reality, but generally speaking, only those cultists who worship evil things in the abyss will be affected by the abyss, what happened to you?"

Murphy knew how that thing came about. Although what was sealed in his body was only Deathwing's body and would not be affected by Deathwing's soul, but Deathwing, as the guardian of the earth, had to face the influence of the Old God .

He was equivalent to becoming a second-hand dealer, the influence of the ancient god was transmitted to himself through Deathwing's body.

Under normal circumstances, I guess I'm fine, but because I ate three dragon hearts, my human form also began to change towards the dragon form, and I had a certain resonance with Deathwing invisibly, which resulted in this The mental pollution is then passed on to the human form self.

This is really the blood mold.

In the past, he didn't take the Old God seriously, because in World of Warcraft, the Old God is just a boss in the dungeon, and there is no essential difference from liches, dragons, demons, etc. No matter how awesome the plot is, once you enter the dungeon and the health bar is on, it is just a piece of data. In front of the 25 great lords, you can only kneel down and receive the death explosion equipment.

But obviously, the ancient gods in this game—or the abyss is not that simple at all, the ability to corrupt the spirit, until now Murphy still feels afraid in his heart.

He had never encountered such an enemy before, and his body didn't even appear, but the mental pollution almost scared him to death.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. Fortunately, Medivh is by your side, otherwise just now...

He glanced at Medivh gratefully, feeling a little uncertain in his heart, if he was polluted by the ancient gods in this game, he would be fine in reality, right?

Maybe it will change the template, from the human hero template to the monster template of the Old God faction. Although it is a bit ugly, it should be quite powerful?
But he wasn't entirely sure, the change just now was too terrifying.

This game has mind control skills, and even skills that can make people choose crazy, such as the "frenzy" skill of the warlock, which can make the biological target indistinguishable from friend and foe for a period of time.

But the feeling just now was completely different.

"Anyway, thank you."

Medivh smiled, "It's nothing, this is what friends should do - can you do me a favor, Aidan."

Murphy nodded, "Of course, as soon as possible."

Just when he thought that the other party would give him a difficult task, Medivh took out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Can you have a drink with me? In the past two days, stay with me, chat, and talk. I have been alone for a lifetime. At least this time, I hope someone can be with me."

Murphy did not reject this at all. He was looking for Sargeras in the first place. If Sargeras didn't show up, just wait.

But what does 'this time' mean?
He looked at Medivh, who no longer had the despair he had before, but instead had a relieved expression.

(End of this chapter)

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