Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 175 The Dark Portal: The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 175 The Dark Portal: The Beginning of Chaos

Two days later—the Portal of Darkness—Planet Draenor: "Great Chief, please stop, there are all greedy adventurers outside the door, you must not open the Portal of Darkness, this is going to cause serious trouble !"

A group of orc players were still persuading them, but they didn't notice that Doomhammer Orgrim's face was getting darker and darker.

(Because of being born in the Blackrock clan, Orgrim's skin was originally black.)
"Enough!" Orgrim roared, standing up abruptly, staring coldly at the orcs in front of him.

"Useless waste, so cowardly, so cowardly, completely without the glory and blood of my tribe, since you are afraid of death, then I will die for you."

He stepped forward, grabbed an orc by the hair, and chopped off the head with one blow of the axe.

The rest of the orc players were all frightened and wanted to run away, but the surrounding Kor'kron guards rushed up and held them down one by one, and they all cut off their heads.

Orgrim walked out of the tent with a head in his hands. He looked at the densely packed tens of thousands of orcs below, and held his head high.

Orgrim Doomhammer (Horde Warchief): "Our Horde has only fearless warriors, not cowards and cowards, and this is what happens to cowards."

"The last failure was due to the weakness and stupidity of the black hand, and we were not prepared at all, and did not pay attention to the enemy on the opposite side, but this time is different, we have brought together the warriors of all tribes, all the strongest warriors, those who are weak Humans will die howling under our axes, and we will conquer the whole world.

Tell me, warriors of the Horde, are you ready for battle! "

"For the tribe!"

"Locta oh ga!"

"Power and Glory!"

"Stealing money, robbing food, robbing women."

"All the alliance dogs are dead!"


Hearing the shouts of the orcs resounding through the sky, Orgrim nodded in satisfaction, "Gul'dan, open the Dark Portal, the Horde is ready!"

Meanwhile - on the other side of the Dark Portal - on the wastelands of the Blasted Lands.

The army of the alliance has gathered here, the number is more than [-], but what stands in the front is not the elite main force of the Storm Kingdom, nor the powerful Storm Knights, nor the soldiers of various nobles and feudal knights, but a group of people. The adventurers in small groups and teams occupied almost the entire front area of ​​the Dark Portal, abruptly blocking the army of the Stormwind Kingdom.

Seeing the scattered formations of adventurers in the distance, the Duke of Bolvar was a little worried, "Your Majesty, are you sure you want to hand over the front of the battlefield to those undisciplined adventurers? If they are defeated, it will be easy to disperse our army formation." .”

King Lane opened his mouth, but Varian on the side answered his question first.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "No problem, Duke Bolvar, they are all fearless Alliance warriors, with the determination and will not to fear death."

Bolvar has no doubts about this. The fight has not yet started, and hundreds of casualties have been caused by planting flags at the door because of boredom-this meeting has not even seen the shadow of the enemy.

Bolvar doubts very much that if the Dark Portal does not open for a whole day, these adventurers will be able to kill themselves.

"I don't doubt it, but—"

"There is nothing wrong with it. These adventurers have defeated the tribal army before, and they will win again. You just wait to reap the fruits of victory.

Well, I have to go and have a look, Master Bolvar, would you like to go with me? "

When Varian rode his steed into battle, there were cheers waiting for him.

"It's King Wa!"

"King Varian, fight for your glory."

"Wawang Wawang, I love you, I want to give birth to a monkey for you."

"Wa Wang is invincible, and Wa Wang is awesome!"

Varian waved at the adventurers, accepting the cheers frankly, with a smug expression on his face.

Listening to the cheers around him, Bolvar finally understood why King Lane was on pins and needles. With the support of so many people, it would be a drumbeat for anyone else.

But fortunately, the nobles didn't have any good impression of these messy things about Varian and the adventurers. They disliked these adventurers running around and hated their attitude of showing no respect to the nobles.

He didn't even support Varian very much, and was closely united around King Lane.

"Look, the portal of darkness!" Someone yelled, and Duke Bolvar hurriedly looked at the portal of darkness, which was undergoing some kind of change.

At this moment, as the dozens of orc warlocks led by Gul'dan poured all their evil energy into the Dark Portal, the evil energy gathered into a huge vortex, the Dark Portal was finally activated, and the space-time tunnel connected the two world.

The adventurers here suddenly discovered the changes in the Dark Portal.

"Wo Cao, don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore, it's time to spawn monsters."

"Come back, fill me up with the BUFF, prepare all the big medicines, don't be reluctant to drink them when the time comes."

"Warrior, where are the fighters? Go to the front row, what? You specialize in throwing weapons? Nima still has this kind of fighter."

The adventurers finally stopped fighting and formed battle formations one after another.

It has to be said that once these people get serious, they are still a little bit strong. Warriors, knights, druids who turned into bears, berserkers, weapon masters, all kinds of messy tank professions lined up in a loose front.

Behind them are magicians, archers, elementalists, arcanists and other legal professions, and the last ones are priests, priests and other auxiliary professions of various gods.

A dense army of orcs swarmed out from the Dark Portal.

Bolvar's expression became serious, and it started!

Meteor fire rain, blizzard, lightning storm, meteorite technique!
The sky is full of destructive magic, and the proportion of legal professions among the adventurers is astonishingly high. Ordinary kingdom troops, often with hundreds of people, are only equipped with a dozen mages and priests as support, but among the army of adventurers, The number of legal occupations is as high as three or four floors.

With so many spellcasters attacking together, the range of hundreds of meters in front of the Dark Portal almost became a place of death.

The orcs that poured out of the Dark Portal were like cannon fodder, instantly submerged in the destructive magic, occasionally a few lucky ones broke through, and what awaited them was the siege of countless melee professions.

Since the portal of darkness was only 200 meters wide, it was completely blocked by tens of thousands of adventurers, and it was almost a one-sided massacre.

Seeing the layers of corpses piled up higher and higher, Varian also showed a satisfied smile, "See, Bovar, there is no suspense in the battle, this is the strength of adventurers, and it will end soon gone."

Bovar himself had to admit that maybe it was true. Suddenly, the lineup of orcs who rushed out of the Dark Portal changed. They were no longer simply sending cannon fodder to death, but some well-equipped orc vanguards, orc berserkers, and orc warriors appeared. , Among the large number of elite monsters, there are also some small boss-level orc warlords.

The dropped equipment is no longer just white and gray.

Blue and green appear occasionally, as more and more equipment burst out on the ground.

There was also some commotion in the lineup of adventurers.

"Damn it, I lost a lot of equipment."

"Don't go there, do you want to die?"

In the firmament world, there is no concept of friendly troops being harmless, as long as they rush over, they will inevitably be killed by magic.

Fortunately, it was just blue-green equipment, and it wasn't enough to cause people to lose their minds, but soon, the situation changed again.

An exceptionally tall orc in black armor and holding two giant battle axes rushed out.

Balusak (High-ranking Warlord): "I am High-ranking Warlord Balusak! Weak humans, scum of the alliance, prepare to die."

As soon as this orc appeared on the stage, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the BOSS logo on his head was even more eye-catching, but the name alone was obviously not a historical celebrity.
Disaster Tier 40 BOSS, this is already a [-]-player raid-level BOSS, and it’s a story battle, so the drop must be quite good.

"Wo Cao, there is a BOSS coming out, hurry up and gather fire, hurry up and gather fire!"

"Kill the boss, don't worry about the mobs, grab the aggro quickly, the first kill will definitely drop good things."

"Don't mess up, don't mess up, let's clear up the mobs first, day, what the hell are you all doing?"

All the overwhelming magic fell on the orc warlord. In this way, the pressure on the orcs on both sides of the surrounding area was greatly reduced. Finally, some orcs rushed out of this land of death and fought with the players' forward formation.

A bunch of idiots!Bolvar shook his head, obviously he could use magic to completely block the attack of the orcs, but for the sake of a leader of the orcs, it affected the overall form, damn it.

What's more, it's still behind.

Although the high-level warlord was powerful, he fell quickly under the overwhelming attack. The moment he fell to the ground, several purple beams of light suddenly appeared around him.

"Wo Cao, it's a weapon when it's bursting into purple."

"There is also a skill book, I saw it."

"Come on, what are you waiting for?"

A few adventurers who were not afraid of death really rushed over, but they were bombarded by the magic of the friendly army as soon as they picked up a piece of equipment. It is not known whether it was intentional or unintentional.

But this still can't stop people's greed. Purple equipment is the most valuable item in this game. It is not difficult to sell any one for tens of thousands, and a good purple equipment can even be worth hundreds of thousands.

It's nothing to die once for 10 yuan.

More and more adventurers broke away from the formation and rushed towards those pieces of equipment.

As a result, the lineup suddenly became chaotic.

Then more and more orc armies came out, bosses appeared one after another, five or six high-level warlords, three or four orc chieftains, and even historical celebrities like King Saurfang and Hellscream.

"Damn it, it's King Saurfang!"

"Hurry up and pull the king out, we'll take care of it."

"Lao Hou is also out, let's grab Lao Hou first."

"Wow Kaka Kaka, Gorehowl is mine now."

"Go to hell."

"Relying on daring to snatch our BOSS, Skull and Bones will dislike you bastards a long time ago."

"Everyone from the iron-blooded race should come here quickly. Damn, we have to take revenge today."

"Damn, dare to snatch our BOSS, seek death!"

Bolvar stared dumbfounded at several adventurer guilds who had gaps with each other and directly fought each other on the spot. Some adventurer teams tried to pull King Saurfang out of the crowd and killed him alone, but were immediately backstabbed by other player teams. , King Saurfang who was pulled out rushed into the crowd, and a whirlwind slashed a piece of crispy back row.

Hellscream uttered a battle cry, leading a group of war song macho men to kill through the front line, and the good situation fell into chaos in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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