Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 178 The Book of Medivh

Chapter 178 The Book of Medivh

Looking at Medivh's resolute expression, Murphy couldn't help recalling his memories of this period of history.

In the original history, Medivh was killed by Lothar, Khadgar, Garona, and a "small group of soldiers" who had no sense of existence.

When I first watched this episode, Mo Fei always felt that it was outrageous. Although these three are heroes, a powerful fighter, an excellent mage, and an excellent assassin, in the final analysis, the three of them are just mortals. Level of strength, that team of soldiers is the background board.

Just such a few people can kill the majestic guardian Medivh. The strength of this guardian is too unknown, not to mention that this guardian still has the remnant soul of the demon king in his body.

No matter how you look at it, it is a bit suspicious of the protagonist's aura and cheating.

However, at this moment, Murphy suddenly understood that maybe it was not the hero who killed Medivh, but Medivh himself. For a guardian who wanted to die, the arrival of the hero just gave him the best chance. .

"What are you going to do? Suicide?"

Medivh shook his head: "No, I'm not that cowardly yet, besides, I'm afraid I can't really attack myself." He looked at his hands, showing a wry smile, the demon possessing my body and my soul Intertwined, it can feel my thoughts, although it is dormant now, but if I want to kill myself, such a strong emotional change will definitely wake him up, and if I do do it, he will definitely stop me.

So I can't do it myself, I have to do it by someone else. I thought that the assassin who came to kill me would be an assassin sent from Stormwind City, but now it seems that the situation seems to be a little different. "

He said, looking at the crystal ball. In the image of the crystal ball, you can see the bustling adventurers in the small town outside, but the real focus of attention is still the group of heroes.

At this time, the group of heroes had stopped quarreling, as if they had reached some kind of agreement, and they were discussing something together.

Then the screen of the crystal ball turned, and the shadow of Lothar appeared again. He was leading the heroes of the alliance to cross a river, but the bridge on the river was broken for some reason, and there seemed to be something in the water. A group of people What is being debated.

"You want to kill yourself by their hands?"

"That's right, I alone can't fight the demon in my body, but if a group of heroes come to kill me, I can help them, restrain the will of the demon, and let those heroes have the opportunity to complete what they should do matter."

Mo Feixin said I'm rubbish, so doesn't that mean that Medivh is a free gift package of equipment?

The reason why the group of people outside didn't rush in immediately was because they were afraid of the strength of Medivh's legendary hero and the strength of the demonized Sargeras first-order boss.

If they knew that Medivh wanted to die, he would help them restrain Sargeras, and he would rush in immediately.

No, I have to find a way to do something.

Or just kill Medivh himself.

Murphy thought to himself, but after hesitating for a moment, he suddenly realized that he couldn't do this. Medivh could contain Sargeras, but it was only a containment. In a real fight, Sargeras would definitely exert some fighting power, even if it was only [-]% Strength is not something that a level [-] hero can win.

In fact, not to mention Medivh, those bosses in the front can't get through by themselves. If you choose to become a "crusher", then you can only kill all the way up, and any boss is enough for you to drink a pot.

But if he becomes Deathwing himself, Medivh will definitely find out the problem and won't sit still.

This is really a pain in the ass, as expected, the game loopholes are not so easy to exploit.

He looked at Medivh and the crystal ball with resentful eyes. If he was really going to die, at least he hoped that Lothar would take the head.

Ye Tiandi's group of people didn't deal with him very much, if he let those guys get Medivh's head, it was definitely not what he wanted to see.

Medivh didn't know about Murphy's complex psychology, he thought Murphy was feeling sad for him.

"Don't be sad Aidan, this is the path I chose, we are friends, right Aidan?"

"Of course," Murphy said, wondering if there is something you want to entrust to me?

"As a friend, I would like you to do me a favor and tell my mother that I'm sorry, that I've let her down."

"I will."

"Also—give this to her for me."

System prompt: Trigger the task [Guardian's Relic], hand over the Guardian's relic to Ms. Aegwynn, whether to accept it, yes/no.

As Medivh spoke, he took out a thick magic book and handed it over.

This is—I'm sorry, the Book of Medivh!Murphy was shocked immediately. The legendary Book of Medivh, which is an artifact, was given to him like this?
Accept, this task must be accepted, this is a magic tool, turn around and give up the task, directly withhold the book.

He directly chose to accept the task, and then took the book.

However, when he opened it, he found that there were no words in the book.

Read the introduction of the book.

[Book of Medivh (quest item)
Story Item: Unique.

Item introduction: The magic book that Medivh entrusted to you, give it to Ms. Aegwynn, you can get some rewards. 】

Day, it turned out to be a mission item.

Murphy was speechless for a moment.He looked at Medivh with resentful eyes, and said to himself that you can't give me one that works.

If it is the real Book of Medivh, he will keep it even if he fails in the mission. Unfortunately, it is a mission item. This thing is equivalent to the existence of Schrödinger. Book.

Otherwise, it's just a quest item.

At this time, Medivh's gaze suddenly turned to the crystal ball.

"It's time, they're here." Medivh's expression suddenly became serious, and Murphy looked at the crystal ball, and saw a group of heroes walking towards the gate of Karazhan, all of them golden ranks, Ye Tiandi (sword Saint), Old Demon Han (Great Magister), Dawn Excalibur (Dragon Blood Knight), Night Magic God (Great Elemental Envoy), Saliman (Court Archmage), and Phantom Thousand Traces (Master Assassin), a total of six Hero, plus ten adventurers.

Most of the heroes are around level [-] or [-], and the lowest Dawn Excalibur and Dark Night God are also at level [-]. I don't know how these two guys practiced. The level of kung fu is so high in just a few months.

Even those ten adventurers are experts above level 55. It seems that this group of people should gather together the top group of experts in the four great guilds.

Judging by their aggressive appearance, it is obvious that a wave of lore is about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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