Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 179 Give You a Chance

Chapter 179 Give You a Chance

Mo Fei suddenly saw a familiar figure among the group of adventurers, hey, the black shadow was also inside, this kid really found a good job for himself.

"You should go Aidan, they are coming for me, go away, while there is still a chance, teleport away directly from the teleportation, I am glad to know you as a friend before I die, goodbye--friend .”

Murphy looked at Medivh's resolute eyes, nodded silently, and walked towards the teleportation room.

He still hesitated in his heart, whether he should stay or not, but the plot points of Deathwing and Aidan are settled separately, even if he becomes Deathwing and kills them all, he will not get any benefits, and Deathwing Wing's rank can no longer be raised...

He came to the teleportation room and teleported to Stormwind City.

With a flash of white light, Murphy appeared in the mage area of ​​Stormwind City.

Nodding to the mage in charge of the portal, Murphy walked to the balcony and looked at Stormwind City in the distance. At this time, the army had left the city, and the whole city looked empty.

Ms. Aegwynn is in Tempest Keep. Do you want to give her the book?

He touched the book of Medivh in his bag, and couldn't help but send a private message to the black shadow.

Aidan: Shadow, why did you hang out with these people?
Black Shadow: Hey, how did Boss know?

Aidan: Of course I do.

Black Shadow: Am I also here to make money? By the way, boss, you'd better be careful, Tiandao Studio knows your identity in reality, and they seem to want to attack you in reality.

Murphy was taken aback.

Aidan: what?Shit, how did they know?
Black Shadow: You were not an anchor at Shining Star Company before, and many people know about it. Ye Tiandi knew who you were after a little inquiring, but he didn't know your specific identity.

Aidan: What, what does this guy want to do, offline real person PK?
Black Shadow: I don’t know either, but it doesn’t look too good. Ye Tiandi even offered me 100 million to buy your detailed information. I didn’t agree. Black Shadow: They said they wanted to talk to you about business, of course I I won't believe it. You can talk about business in the game. It's clear that I want to trouble you, so I refused.

But I think they will find you sooner or later, you still have to be careful, I feel that this group of people has a big background.

A surge of anger suddenly surged in Murphy's heart.

He had already experienced this feeling of being threatened once in Xingyao Company. Originally, he didn't feel much about Ye Tiandi's studio. Investigate him in reality.

This is unbearable.

Aidan: You did a great job.

Black Shadow: Haha, we are friends, of course friends should take care of each other.

These words sound familiar, yes, this is what Medivh told him before.

He suddenly felt a little guilty, that guy Medivh regarded him as a friend, but he was always trying to get benefits from him...

Suddenly there was a decision in his heart, and he sent a private message to Ye Tiandi directly.

Aidan: I heard you were looking for me.

Ye Tiandi: Hello, Prince Aidan, or I should call you Murphy.

Aidan: How do you know my name?
Ye Tiandi: Hehe, now is the information society. As long as you have technology, you can easily get many things. Not only do I know your name is Mo Fei, I also know that you live in Tianshui City Community, and I even know your floor number, but no need Worry, I'm not going to do anything bad to you - we're not there yet, so I hope you'll answer my questions well.

Can you help me get rid of Arthas, Murphy?Please answer my question carefully, if you answer it badly, it may be dangerous.

Aidan: Are you threatening me?

Ye Tiandi: Of course not, I just give you a chance.

Mo Fei was overjoyed, Nima really regarded himself as a gangster.

Aidan: Why don't I give you a chance to get out of Karazhan immediately, otherwise you will be in danger.

Ye Tiandi: Hahaha, you are so funny Aidan, I don't know where your confidence comes from, but to be honest, I really think you should seriously consider my proposal.

I'm busy now, so I won't talk nonsense with you, and I will give you a day to think about it.

After finishing speaking, I closed the private message.

Mo Fei closed the private message with a sense of awe in his heart.

Without hesitation, he directly used the Karazhan badge, and with a flash of white light, he entered the instance again.

System prompt: Please choose your identity in this dungeon (this dungeon has already triggered a plot event [Assassination of Medivh], the dungeon identity you choose will be directly synchronized to this plot event, please choose carefully).

1. Crusaders. (Since a team of players has already started to challenge the copy of the hero, you cannot choose this identity).

2. The gatekeeper boss. (Since there is no vacant BOSS position, you cannot choose this identity)
3. Hidden BOSS.Optional activity areas - banquet hall, star observation tower (as a neutral unit, it can trigger a BOSS battle after being attacked.)
Without hesitation, Mo Fei directly chose to become the hidden boss, and chose the activity area - the banquet hall. With a flash of white light, he was teleported into the banquet hall.

There are ghost waiters and ghost nobles everywhere here, and many of the guests who attended the Karazhan banquet appeared in front of Murphy at this time.

They still maintain their appearance before they were alive, but presenting an erratic ghost posture, repeating the things of their lives, drinking, dancing, talking and laughing happily.

It's just that it feels very weird when combined with the gloomy surroundings and the blue will-o'-the-wisps.

Murphy walked through the ghost and walked to the entrance of the banquet hall, but was blocked by a light curtain. Sure enough, Murphy thought that as the hidden boss of this area, he could not leave the banquet hall, but could only stay here, waiting for the heroes door to door.

This is the rule in the dungeon.

But it doesn't matter, the road leading to Medivh's room will pass through here, all he has to do is wait.

System prompt: No. [-] gatekeeper BOSS 'Attumen the Hunter' has been defeated.

System prompt: No. [-] gatekeeper BOSS 'Moros' has been defeated.

System prompt: No. [-] gatekeeper BOSS 'Holy Maiden' has been defeated.

System prompt: No. [-] gatekeeper BOSS, 'Curator', has been defeated.

A system beep can be heard almost every ten minutes.

Come so fast!Murphy couldn't help being a little surprised, but thinking about the lineup of six gold-ranked heroes plus ten top-level adventurers, it's quite normal.

But it doesn't matter, if you dare to provoke me, I will let you all know the fate of offending me.

Just then, a group of people appeared at the entrance of the banquet hall.

coming!Murphy felt excited.


"Hey, that hidden little boss has been spawned, why don't you fight it by the way."

"It's not necessary, just go upstairs. The adventurer from our guild who hides the little boss has fought it before. He didn't lose any good things. Our goal is Medivh, so don't make any trouble."

Seeing a group of people rushing upstairs, Murphy suddenly became anxious and didn't even enter the door. What's wrong with this.

As a hidden BOSS, it is also called an optional BOSS, because the refresh location is not on the main route, you can choose to fight or not to fight, unlike those guard bosses, you must fight to enter the next area.

Hidden small boss?Is it me?I am dignified Deathwing...

Murphy wanted to follow out, but was blocked by the light curtain at the door.

[System prompt: You cannot leave the area you are in. 】

This is a bad dish, do you really want to watch them kill Medivh?

System prompt: Boss No. [-], Nightmare has been defeated,

System prompt: Boss No. [-], Shadow of Elran has been defeated.

system hint:……

There were a few more reminders. As expected of the dream team, the advancing speed was not so fast.

No, there must be other ways, and Medivh must not die in the hands of these people.

Mo Fei was thinking hard. At the same time, Ye Tiandi and others had already reached the entrance of Medivh's room.

Black Shadow (thief): "This is it. This is Medivh's room. Are you sure you want to go in? If you fight, you won't have a chance to regret it."

Salliman (Court Archmage): "You can't catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den. For the Book of Medivh and the Staff of the Guardian, it's worth a gamble, and according to my speculation, Medivh will definitely not be perfect. Otherwise, how did Lothar win in the original history.

Lothar, Khadgar, and Galona are just gold-ranked heroes. The three of them can kill Medivh. There is no reason why the six of us can't win. "

(End of this chapter)

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