Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 180 The End of the Demon King

Chapter 180 The End of the Demon King

Ye Tiandi (Sword Master): "It makes sense, it's worth taking a gamble, then let's go in."

Dawn Excalibur (Dragon Blood Knight): "Get ready everyone, the potion BUFF is all ready, this will be a hard fight."

As the two talked, one left and one right opened the door in front of them. Six heroes and ten adventurers rushed in.

In front of him is a huge rooftop.

The stars twinkle in the sky, shining with charming luster.

On the edge of the platform, under the charming night sky, Medivh was looking at the distant night and didn't know what he was thinking. He was wearing a cloak and holding the staff of the guardian in his hand. Come a gentle smile.

Medivh (Guardian), legendary Tier 95 hero, level 29800.The life value is [-].

Everyone is on alert.

Looking at the attributes alone, it seems to be mediocre, with less than [-] health points, it is not as good as a random boss, but everyone present is very clear, like this kind of legal hero, [-] health points are already terrifying.

Legal professions often rely on various body protection magic to improve their survivability. Health value is an unimportant secondary attribute. The three mages present have no more than [-] health points. Even this secondary attribute It can be piled up so high, the strength of this Medivh is absolutely outrageous.

Just as everyone was about to make a move, a cutscene popped up in front of them.

Medivh in front of him opened his hands and made a welcome gesture.

Medivh (Guardian): "Welcome to Karazhan, fearless heroes, brave adventurers, I know why you are here, and I appreciate your courage, but you must defeat me to complete the Are you ready for our mission, warriors, you are about to face a terrible demon within me."

Ok?This line is a bit strange.When several people were stunned for a moment, an evil spirit suddenly appeared on Medivh's face.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hahahaha, tiny humans, weak elves, and stupid dwarves, are you here to kill me? With your ants-like roles, it seems that the alliance is stronger than I expected. The night elf empire 1 years ago caused me a lot of trouble. Those ancient elf heroes were so powerful that they could even compete with my subordinates.

But look at you... I really have some doubts whether such caution over the years is really necessary, but it doesn't matter, soon you will all be reduced to dust, face your impending death. "

After finishing speaking, there was a bang, and the evil fire rolled all over his body, and the horns of the devil grew on the top of his head, directly entering the demonized form.

Medivh (the incarnation of Sargeras), the first-order boss of Destroyer, level 95.The life value is 298000.

At the same time as the blackening, the life value instantly increased to zero.

The blood volume of 30 is still not very thick, after all, it is a humanoid creature, but everyone dare not underestimate the strength of this world-destroying boss.

Even the prepared lines were too late to say, and they were directly ready to fight.

Dawn Excalibur (Dragon Blood Knight): "Everyone, according to the previous plan, Ye Tiandi, let's go!"

The two rushed towards Medivh at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right. The three mages were behind the formation, and the master assassin, Phantom Thousand Traces, disappeared immediately, ready to look for an opportunity to cut in and kill.

Generally speaking, this kind of humanoid boss is relatively easy to deal a fatal blow, especially the assassin, a profession that restrains mages, as long as they get close, they will have an advantage.

However, Medivh is not an ordinary mage after all, raising his hand is a full-screen magic.

Evil fire storm!

The green flames of fel energy spread in all directions, overwhelming the sky like a tide.

The three melee professions had to retreat after only a few steps forward, and hid in the magic barrier supported by the three magic systems.

However, this is just the beginning.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "O Nathrezim from the Twisting Nether, heed your master's call and come to me."

There was a twist in the air, a purple portal opened, and a dreadlord with huge wings was summoned.

Varimathras (Dreadlord): "At your command, my great master."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Annihelan warrior from Mardum, heed my call and fight for your master."

A green portal opened, and an abyssal demon king with a height of seven or eight meters and a giant bladed spear walked out of it.

Azgalor (Abyss Demon King): "Who dares to fight against the will of the Burning Legion!"

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Lord Eredar from Argus, follow my orders and answer my call."

A red portal opened, and a tall eredar lord stepped out of the portal.

Prince Maczaar (Lord of the Eredar): "For you, Lord of Demons."

As soon as the three powerful demons at the BOSS level appeared on the stage, they immediately frightened everyone.

Wocao, how can I fight this.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "See, this is the real power of the Burning Legion, hahahaha!"

That Medivh laughed, and suddenly his face changed, and he became a human again in an instant.

Medivh (Guardian): "No, Sargeras, your time is over - demons from other worlds, this world no longer welcomes you, I command you in the name of my guardian, go back to you Go to your own world."

After speaking, he waved his staff, and the three disappeared portals reappeared, the space was distorted, and the huge force sucked the three great demons into the portals.

The three demons looked confused and said to themselves, Boss, are you playing?
In the blink of an eye, all three demons disappeared.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Damn, what the hell did you do?"

Medivh (Guardian): "I just did what a guardian should do, expelling demons, but there is one last demon that needs to be dealt with. Warriors of the Alliance, do what you should do."

Everyone was overjoyed at once, this is really a corner.

Saliman (Court Archmage): "Ha, I knew that Medivh would not be perfect." ——The Star of Mystery!
Raising your hand is a hero skill, a star in the sky suddenly slipped and fell towards Medivh, one after another, the stars continued to make crisp explosion sounds, exploding on Medivh's body protection magic.

Everyone else also made moves one after another, charging towards Medivh again.

Medivh used the three hero-level mages on the magic side to bombard him, and at the same time cast all kinds of strange magic. He sometimes split into dozens of phantoms, and sometimes summoned powerful arcane elemental creatures as cannon fodder.

However, the three gold-level hero mages are not vegetarians, and it is not unreasonable to join forces to deal with them. As for the summoned objects, they are completely incomparable with the previous demon lords, and they were blocked by the ten adventurers.

Either be exiled, or be dispersed.

Ye Tiandi and Liming Excalibur finally rushed to the front, and both swords slashed at him. They dare not have the slightest chance against this world-destroying boss, and their shots are heroic skills.

Sargeras flashed out in a hurry, ignoring all kinds of destruction magic that kept falling around him, he raised his staff high.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Irreverent mortals, face the power of Sargeras!" - Fel Starfall!
A huge ball of evil light gathered in the sky, with a diameter of more than ten meters. The faint green light was like a comet falling from the sky. If this spell was blasted down, the entire rooftop might not be wiped out.

However, before the star was formed, Medivh's face suddenly turned into a human form again, directly interrupting the guidance of magic, and the huge star in the sky turned into countless light spots and dissipated in the air, like a gorgeous firework.

Medivh (Guardian): "Oh, sorry, it looks like I interrupted your magic."

Now Sargeras is in a hurry. It is not difficult for him to deal with these mortals in front of him. As long as he uses a big move, they will be half disabled even if they are not dead. It was interrupted by Medivh before it was released, how can it be beaten.

Those instant spells can be used casually, but the power of instant spells is generally not very good. These heroes in front of them are not weak chickens, and they cannot be easily killed.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Enough of Medivh, stop messing around, we will all die if this continues."

Medivh (Guardian): "This is exactly what I want to be Sargeras, let's go to hell together."

At this moment, Medivh seemed to be mentally split, his expression kept switching, and he kept talking to himself in two different tones.

How could Ye Tiandi and others let go of this opportunity and output crazily.

That Invisible Thousand Traces even rushed to Medivh's back, stabbing him frantically with a pair of epic purple daggers.

The pair of daggers had a magic-breaking effect, and seeing that the magic shield on his body was about to be pierced, Sargeras raised his hand and pointed at death.

"Get out of here!"

However, with a shake of his hand, the red magic suddenly deviated in one direction and hit the wall.

"Useless Sargeras, we will all die here today."

At this time, the black shadow was throwing darts one after another.

As an adventurer and not a member of these major guilds, this boss battle is destined to have nothing to do with him. This dungeon went back and forth a dozen times.

At this moment, someone sent me a private message.

Aidan: Shadow, how are you doing?

Black Shadow: Medivh is dying.

Aidan: Do me a favor.
Black Shadow: Sorry boss, I'm working, I'll talk about it later.

Aidan: Right now, hurry up.

Black Shadow: Boss, I really can’t leave. I’ve collected all the money, so I have to talk about professional ethics.

Aidan: One million, do me this favor, one million is yours.

Black Shadow: Tell me, boss, what do you want me to do.

Aidan: Come downstairs to the ballroom, right now.

Not long after, the black shadow came to the banquet hall downstairs, and was shocked when he saw Murphy.

Black Shadow: "Hey, boss, why are you here? Damn, that hidden boss is probably you."

Mysterious man: "That's right, it's me, give me a knife now."

(End of this chapter)

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