Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 181 The End of ADD

Chapter 181 The End of ADD

Black Shadow: "Boss, are you kidding me?"

The mysterious man: "Give me a knife, and then you run back upstairs, the one million is yours." Without further ado, Murphy called the one million.

The black shadow didn't know what Mo Fei was going to do.

Black Shadow: "Boss is awesome, then I'm here."

After speaking, the black shadow stabbed Murphy with a knife.
185!The damage of this product is actually quite high, the damage of level A can almost catch up with the boss of the same level.

[System prompt: You are under attack, and your hidden boss battle has been triggered. 】

Murphy was waiting for this moment.

The seal is lifted.

The body swelled instantly, and the huge body of the black dragon almost filled the entire banquet hall.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Insignificant mortal, dare to be rude to me, die bug!"

The black shadow stared at the behemoth in front of him dumbfounded.

Until the black dragon in front of him glared at him, "What kind of bug are you waiting for, run away."

Only then did the black shadow come to his senses, he turned around and ran upstairs.

Murphy followed the black shadow and rushed out of the banquet hall. This time, the light curtain did not stop him. Generally speaking, the bosses of the dungeon are fought one by one, but if the raiders insist on fighting two or more at a time Not impossible.

Anyway, as long as there is hatred for the BOSS, you can follow. Seeing the black shadow rushing to the roof, Mo Fei flapped his wings and flew out through a hole in the wall beside the banquet hall.

The heroes who were fighting Medivh suddenly felt the castle roof trembling under their feet, and they were a little confused.

Old Demon Han asked doubtfully, "What's going on?"

He yelled at an adventurer at the door, "Go downstairs and have a look, is there an earthquake?"

The adventurer nodded, turned around and entered the door where he came from, and a few seconds later, he rushed in again with a pale face.

"It's not an earthquake, it's..."

Roar!A flame that fell from the sky directly burned the adventurer to ashes, and in the next second, a huge black shadow fell from the sky, and the huge dragon claws directly grabbed the edge of the roof.

As the team leader, Ye Tiandi immediately checked the battle records.

System prompt: Your team has started a BOSS battle - Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras).

System prompt: Your team has started a hidden boss battle - Mysterious Man/Deathwing.

Ye Tiandi (Sword Master): "I'm a fucking idiot, who the hell brought up the hidden boss?"

All of a sudden everyone was dumbfounded.

Medivh (Sargeras): "Deathwing, you're finally here. I knew you were reliable. Hurry up and help me kill all these bastards."

Dark Night God and Salliman looked at each other, exchanged glances, and raised the staff in their hands at the same time.

Teleportation array!A huge disc appeared at the feet of the two of them.

"Go!" The two yelled at the same time.

The Phantom of a Thousand Traces did not hesitate, and arrived next to Suliman with a single shadow step.

Dawn Excalibur hesitated for a moment.

"I think there is still a chance, or..."

In the next second, a white light flashed, and Suliman and Phantom Thousand Traces had disappeared.

An Ye Fashen shouted anxiously, "Hurry up, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

Liming Excalibur gritted its teeth and jumped in.

With a flash of white light, the two disappeared.

Only Ye Tiandi and Han Laomo were left on the spot.

Ye Tiandi reacted immediately, "Damn, we sold Ragnarok and Qingyang Empire, and the old devil will take us away!"

Old Demon Han was about to teleport immediately, but Sargeras' ultimate move couldn't be used, and the instant cast magic was easy to use, and a fel lightning shot interrupted Old Demon Han's teleportation magic.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "If you want to leave, it's not that easy."

Medivh (Guardian): "Get out of here heroes, I'll hold him back."

Old Mo Han felt thankful in his heart, watched Medivh turn around, and hurriedly raised his staff again, but in the next second, a mouthful of dragon flames sprayed towards him.

Old Demon Han had no choice but to dodge with a flash, and the flames followed closely. Old Demon Han had to use a group phantom technique and an invisibility technique to barely escape the ferocious dragon fire.

Those adventurers didn't have such good luck, and all of them died in the dragon fire.

However, after a while, Sargeras regained control of his body.

The huge shadow of Deathwing pressed even more over the two of them.It is also a world-destroying boss, but the huge figure of the Black Dragon King is undoubtedly more oppressive.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Face the power of the King of the Black Dragon."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Face the will of the Demon King."

Ye Tiandi looked at the huge black dragon in the sky, with despair on his face, Nima, did you make a mistake, two world-destroying bosses came to ambush me, those bastards from Qingyang Empire and Ragnarok must have known There is such a thing!I don't agree!Ah ah ah ah ah!
However, facing such a desperate situation, Ye Tiandi still did not give up hope.

He looked at the black dragon, facing the overwhelming flames from Deathwing, he jumped up suddenly.

Hero Skill - Stepping into the Sky and Soaring to the Clouds.The whole person seemed to be walking freely in the air. Every time he stepped on it, a small whirlwind would lift him up. With seven or eight steps on his face, he leaped into the air, parallel to Deathwing.

However, the flame of Death Wing followed closely behind, and Ye Tiandi suddenly leaned over and pressed the sword.

Heroic Combat Technique - Moon Shadow in the Gap!
The stern knife light slashed head-on, piercing through Deathwing's thick scales, leaving a clearly visible sword mark on Deathwing's face.
1795!Unfortunately, although the sword energy is strong, it is still far from a fatal blow.

For Deathwing, whose life value was as high as one million, it was simply negligible.

Roar!The overwhelming dragon flames fell on his head, and the Emperor Zhongye in mid-air was directly reduced to ashes in the dragon flames.

On the other hand, Sargeras was more troublesome against Old Devil Han. Medivh was still bothering him, so he could only use instant magic to solve the battle.

The battle between magicians is based on the strength of each other's mana and the depth of their spells. Facing the threat of life and death, Old Devil Han can be said to have used all the tricks at the bottom of the box.

A finger of death!
Death Protection Barrier!

Fel lightning!

Everything will be returned!

The evil fire eats away at the bones!
Arcane body!

Dark tentacles!


Snapped!After all, Old Devil Han's spellcasting speed was a bit slower, and he was tightly entangled by more than a dozen dark tentacles, unable to move.

The expressions on Medivh's face staggered, first it was Medivh's unbearable expression, and then it turned into Sargeras' ferocious smile.

He raised his staff, and he was about to end this person.

However, in the next second—poof!A giant storm sword directly pierced Laomo Han's body and protruded from his chest.

Fatal blow! -3795!

What the hell?Why was I stabbed to death?
One last thought flashed through Han Laomo's mind, his eyes turned into pitch blackness, and he died.

Murphy pulled out the giant sword from Laomo Han's body, and smiled at the opposite 'Medison', no thanks.

It was Mo Fei who saw the opportunity, turned back into a human form and grabbed his head.

The story points of Deathwing and Aidan are calculated separately. In order to increase the rank, one must play by ear. Such a good opportunity to grab the head, Mo Fei will naturally not miss it.

[World Announcement: The second [Assassination of Medivh] event ended. The assassination team composed of six heroes and a group of adventurers failed again. Ye Tiandi and Han Laomo died in battle. In this battle, the sudden appearance of Deathwing, the incarnation of the mysterious man, joined forces with Sargeras.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

[System prompt: You helped Medivh defeat the assassin as a 'mysterious man' during the assassination of Medivh.

Deathwing got 750 plot points, Prince Aidan got 1500 plot points, and your hero rank has been raised, now it is Silver Tier [-]. 】

(End of this chapter)

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