Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 182 Harvest and Murphy's Plan

Chapter 182 Harvest and Murphy's Plan (Two in One)

The first thing Mo Fei did was to pick up the equipment dropped by Ye Tiandi and Han Laomo.

They completely ignored Medivh/Sargeras' weird eyes.

The equipment dropped by these two people is nothing to Medivh, but to him, it is a good thing, real money, which is why he is willing to spend 100 million to let the black shadow replace it. The reason for his work.

Because they were here to challenge the World Destroyer Boss, the two of them were armed to the teeth, wearing the best equipment, and the supplies in their backpacks were even more astonishing.

All kinds of top medicines, ultra-red and ultra-blue, magic scrolls, and spell-casting materials alone are worth hundreds of thousands.

The equipment on the two of them is even more luxurious, completely worthy of their status as gold-level heroes.

Ye Tiandi's profession is Juggernaut. The biggest feature of this profession is that it does not wear heavy armor and is a pure agility profession. The equipment on his body is mainly to increase speed and agility attributes.

All kinds of top accessories, armor, and pieces are worth a lot, but the most valuable are the three of them.

The first thing--

[Elf Sword Master Blouse (Shirt/Epic)

Equipment: Dexterity +5, dodge chance increased by 5%.

Item introduction: A blouse made of strange feathers, with strange magic power attached to it, it is said to be the weaving of the ancient night elves, which can improve the wearer's agility attribute and ability to dodge attacks. 】

the second one--

[Windwalker Boots (Boots/Epic)

Equipment: Armor +6, Dexterity +1.

Special effect 1: Stepping on the wind.Improve your jumping ability by 30%. This effect can be applied to jumping displacement skills.

Item introduction: The strange boots blessed by the wind spirit can greatly improve the jumping ability of the equipment. It is said that wearing these boots is like walking on the wind. 】

The third -

[Blade of Destiny (One-Handed Sword/Epic)

Attack power: 36-108.

Special Effect 1: Evil Blade.Those who are wounded by this sword will randomly reduce their lucky attributes by 1-3 points, lasting for 60 minutes.

Special Effect 2: Sword Qi.Energy attacks made with this weapon deal additional enhanced damage.

Item introduction: A strange weapon forged by an ancient oriental tribe. The specific origin has long been lost. It is said that those who hold this sword will suffer from bad luck and suffer a miserable fate. Only those who truly control their destiny will not be hindered by this sword. . 】

Needless to say, the Blade of Destiny, an epic weapon, can easily sell for 50 million at the current market price.

The sword master blouse is also very valuable. Although the attributes seem to be very ordinary, the most powerful thing about this thing is that it is a shirt.

Generally speaking, the shirts in this game have no attributes, and are just worn inside the armor as decoration or cushion.

This elven swordsmanship master blouse actually has additional attribute blessings, which is equivalent to having one more piece of equipment than others. For players who pursue strength, it is definitely a rare top-quality product.

And the Boots of the Windwalker is a good thing. Adding the attribute of jumping ability can be said to be very useful for melee occupations, and it is also effective for jumping skills. —Of course, including Murphy's storm attack, you can enjoy the boost effect.

It is equivalent to increasing the displacement distance by 30%, which is definitely a good thing.

The fall of Old Devil Han is equally astonishing.

The most valuable are his staff and a suit of legal accessories.

It's a pity that they are all legal equipment that Mo Fei can't use, so they can only be sold for money.

Murphy took a rough inventory, and all the items dropped by the two of them could be sold for 400 million, which is absolutely easy.

In addition to the benefits of equipment, the increase in rank is of great help to Murphy.

Finally on silver.

Mo Fei felt a little excited in his heart. Although the difference between Silver One and Bronze Five is only one rank, there is a world of difference in strength. Without it—there is one more heroic soul.

A silver-ranked hero has two hero souls, and can upgrade two hero skills. It can be said that the combat power has been instantly improved to a higher level.

Murphy relied heavily on the power of Storm Rift Slash, and now that he could get a new big move, he was naturally looking forward to it.

As for what skills to upgrade, he hasn't decided exactly yet.

Of course, hero specialization is also a good enhancement, this one can be pointed out immediately.

Murphy checked it directly.

The three hero specialties acquired this time are quite unusual.

1: Backstabber (combat feat).You killed a hero from behind in a sneak attack in a battle, so you realized that the trick to killing is to catch him by surprise, and to launch a fatal blow with the enemy's back is the only way to kill someone.

Benefit: When you strike from behind an enemy, you have a higher chance to land a critical strike.

2: Seed of the Abyss (alignment feat).You have been seduced and corrupted by the whispers of the ancient gods. Although you successfully resisted the spiritual corruption, the whispers of the ancient gods still left a seed in your heart. You felt the call from the abyss and gave birth to Some depraved thoughts.

Special effect: Gain 10% of the progress of Abyssal Corruption, increase your HP limit by 500 points, and increase your HP regeneration speed by 1 point per second.You can increase the progress of corruption by contacting monsters or documents of the ancient god faction. For every 10% increase, you will get additional attribute rewards. Once the corruption effect reaches 100%, your race will be transformed from [human] to [ancient god family], Your template will be converted from a hero template to a BOSS template, and an ancient god oath quest line will be opened to choose one of the four ancient gods as the object of your allegiance.

3. Brotherhood leader (behavior feat).You successfully formed an alliance with two heroes, called "Brothers", so you established a primitive form of "Brotherhood" invisibly.

Specialty effect: You can use [Brotherhood] with an NPC whose favorability for you is higher than [Friendly], and make a persuasion judgment. After the judgment is successful, the other party will automatically join your brotherhood and become your [Brother]. [Brother] has extremely high influence, and can order it to serve you to a certain extent.

When there are two or more [Brothers] in an area, all [Brothers] will get the Brotherhood BUFF. When a Brotherhood member is in danger, the [Brothers] in the nearby area will be called by fate to come to aid.

As the leader of the fraternity, you get the function of "summoning brothers" (limited to once a month), and initiate a call to all fraternity members. After accepting the call, the brothers will appear by your side in the most reasonable way within 24 hours (with There is a certain probability that the summoning will fail).

Looking at the three specialties, Mo Fei was a little stunned, especially the second specialty, Seed of the Abyss, which can be transformed into the kin of the ancient gods, which is really unexpected.

The monsters of the ancient god faction are still relatively rare in the game. They often appear in the deepest part of some ancient ruins, and some cult organizations will occasionally summon a few.

Most of the monsters of the ancient god faction are curious in style, and the most representative one is the legendary "face". This thing is ugly, but it is indeed powerful.

Not only the life value is super high, the life recovery speed is super fast, but also the powerful corruption ability, which can corrupt the enemy and directly assimilate him into his little brother.

It's a pity, I have already taken the route of transforming into a dragon.

Although they all become BOSS, but the dragon clan is handsome, whether it is strong or not is a matter of a moment, and whether it is handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime.

The younger brother of the ancient god can be dubbed "a few faces" by the players, so it is not difficult to imagine how bad the appearance of this thing is.

Give up decisively.

How to choose the remaining two.

Mo Fei hesitated again and again, but chose the third one. The main reason is that he is a strong man with a huge sword, and there are not many opportunities for sneak attacks from behind. I am afraid that there are not many opportunities for stabbing someone in the back.

As for the specialty of the Brotherhood, it happens that Alsace and Varian, the two chosen sons, are already there. If they recruit more people to be brothers in the future, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Now that you've chosen your hero feat, it's time to chat with Brother Sargeras.

At this moment, that Medivh had already looked at him with complicated eyes.

Medivh (Guardian): "Aidan? Why would you... Damn, I see, you are an ally of Sargeras? Deathwing's incarnation, I should have expected it, but I still keep it You are my friend, it turns out that you are such a person..."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hahahaha, now you know how stupid you are Medivh, you don't need to struggle anymore, you have no hope, give your body to me, Merge your soul with mine, and together we will save the world, don't resist."

Medivh (Guardian): "No, I will never give up resistance. Your so-called saving the world is simply destroying the world. I will not let you succeed. This is the oath and responsibility of the Guardian."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hmph, whatever you want, mortal, you will wake up one day.

Deathwing—I have to say that I had some doubts about forming an alliance with you, but it seems that I made the right choice. I am very satisfied with your performance today. "

Murphy gave him a playful look.

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "But I'm not very satisfied with your performance—is this the performance of the Demon King? I have to say, it's really not satisfactory. I was almost killed by mortals twice. Saved by me every time, I'm starting to wonder if it's a good idea to ally with you."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "That's enough Deathwing, pay attention to who you are talking to, I am Sargeras, I was just disturbed by this mortal soul, or else just a few Waste doesn't pose any threat to me at all.

Don't worry, soon I will assimilate Medivh's soul and control his thoughts, and by then..."

Aidan (Avatar of Deathwing): "By that time you're dead, I thought you'd learn a little from your past failures, Sargeras, but it looks like I overestimated you, humans will never let them The guardians who are still alive after betrayal have become a huge threat. They will continue to send assassins and warriors to attack you and assassinate you. You have failed twice, Sargeras, and you would have died if it weren't for me.

So what's different about the third time? "

What he said was not polite at all, and Sargeras was so angry that he couldn't speak, so he could only roar out of embarrassment.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "That's enough, I know what I'm doing, and when I absorb this mortal's soul, I won't make such a mistake again! No matter how many assassins that idiot Ryan sends, There is only one dead end.

Don't worry about me Deathwing, the orc army is about to arrive in this world, the tide of darkness is about to begin, you should also prepare Deathwing, don't forget our agreement. "

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "Of course I remember our agreement. The black dragon army has been assembled, and I will naturally lead the army to fight at that time. So be it. I will leave Sargeras first. Be careful yourself. Don't get killed again, I may not be able to save you next time."

The face of Sargeras who said this was ashen, and he said in his heart that I still need you to save me, the majestic demon king...

But he didn't say it out, mainly because the previous two battles were a bit embarrassing.

Medivh (Guardian): "Wait a minute, Aidan, my friend, I know you are still there, just like me, when we get along, I can feel that you are a good person, don't be corrupted by evil forces , don't be blinded by the darkness, fight against the darkness in your body like me, for our world!"

Murphy was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this Medivh really did not give up, and he really regarded him as a friend, well, Medivh, I will call you a friend...

But he just shrugged and left the rooftop.

After teleporting back to Stormwind City, Murphy showed a trace of determination.

No matter how powerful Deathwing was, it was not his real power, and he knew very well that sooner or later, Emperor Xuan would take it back.

Only your own power is king.

While the power of Deathwing is still in his hands, he must make good use of it.

The next day, Murphy entered the game early and vigorously.

As early as when he went to save Medivh, he already had a detailed plan.

Now is the time to finish it.

He directly sent a private message to Wang Xuan.

Aidan: Wang Xuan, are you here?

Wang Xuan: Yes, do you need me?
Aidan: The black dragon army has been assembled and will join the battle on time, but what I want to tell you is another thing. Remember what I said about the whispers of the ancient gods?

Wang Xuan: I remember, what's wrong?Didn't I say everything was fine?

Aidan: I want to talk to Deathwing, maybe he has some experience.

Wang Xuan: All right.

Half an hour later, the two mysterious men met at the Pig and Whistle Tavern.

Wang Xuan had a strange expression on his face.

Murphy ignored it and asked impatiently.

"Did you bring something?"

Wang Xuan nodded, and he took out Deathwing's soul stone, in the section of the soul stone, the figure of a middle-aged majestic man suddenly appeared.

To Murphy's surprise, the man in the soul stone looked very normal, not crazy at all.

"Deathwing?" he asked tentatively.

The image in the soul stone smiled slightly, "I would rather you call me Neltharion, this is my real name."

"How did you get back to normal?"

Neltharion: "Yes, I was restored to normal, when I was freed from that horrible whisper, when I was freed from that difficult situation, when I was shut up in that dark little room, Enjoying the rare quiet and calm, my sanity finally gradually recovered.

Speaking of which, thank you all.

So that power is now yours?How does the voice of the Old God make you feel? "

Nelthario said, with a gloating expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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