Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 183 Bargaining with Nelthario

Chapter 183 Bargaining with Nelthario

"So that power is now yours? How does the voice of the ancient god make you feel?"

Nelthario said, with a gloating expression on his face.

Mo Fei and Wang Xuan looked at each other, and Wang Xuan spread his hands helplessly.

"Well, this matter is indeed a bit beyond my expectation. I thought Deathwing was completely crazy, but I didn't expect that he could recover."

Mo Feixin said that he had never seen such an unreliable GM like you.

But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that there is nothing wrong with me?Getting Deathwing back on duty would be the end of it.

He couldn't help feeling a little tangled in his heart, he felt a sense of relief, but also a faint sense of loss, he just started to feel a little bit of playing.

He glanced at Wang Xuan, but found that Wang Xuan didn't seem to think about it, and he couldn't help but have a faint guess in his heart.

"The whispers of the ancient gods really made me feel very uncomfortable, almost insane..."

As Mo Fei spoke, he glanced at Wang Xuan, but Wang Xuan showed disapproval.

"Oh, what's so uncomfortable, it's just a game mechanism, doesn't it look normal now?"

Mo Feixin said that what you said was easy, if it weren't for the fool's crown and a few pieces of equipment that increase mental power, he would not be so relaxed now.

"How about this, Nelthario, do you want to get your body back? As long as you do me a favor..." Murphy asked tentatively. He was about to lure Nelthario into cooperating with him. He, however, to his surprise, Neltharion immediately started to mess up when he heard his question.

"No thanks, I think it's fine now. The power of the guardian of the earth is a heavy burden. I was deceived and had to bear this responsibility. For tens of thousands of years, I have been bearing the whispers of the ancient gods." Now that I am finally free from that horrible voice, this is something I wish for, and now that someone has replaced me, I would rather keep it like this."

Damn, if there is such a thing, I will be the one to take the blame for my feelings?
Murphy originally wanted to use his body to lure him to teach him the Soul Splitting Technique, but now it seems that is not possible, this is not possible, and he is still counting on using the Soul Splitting Technique to save Medivh.

"Oh, what you said, the whispers of the ancient gods are not too uncomfortable, don't you think I'm fine now, it was indeed a little noisy at the beginning, and I got used to it, and it's just like that, besides, you have endured 1 It took you many years to fall into madness, and now that you have regained your sobriety, wouldn't it be possible for you to persist for more than 1 years?"

"Why, are you planning to return my body to me?" Nelthario asked with a smile.

"Of course, but not now, I need you to help me first, teach me a few dragon language magic."

Wang Xuan was a little strange: "Why do you suddenly want to learn dragon language magic?"

"Isn't Yidu overbearing? Besides, since I want to play Deathwing, if there is a place where I need to use dragon language magic, I don't know how to use it. Wouldn't it be a lie?"

Wang Xuan nodded, "That's true."

However, Neltharion continued to play badly in the soul stone, "Why should I teach you magic? Let you better grasp my power? Huh, are you treating me as a fool? You have no intention of using my Give me back your body."

Murphy chuckled in his heart, Deathwing, Deathwing, you said it was so easy just now, why do you care so much about your body again? It seems that not wanting to return to your body is just a way to retreat It's just a trial.

"Hahahaha, but don't you want to go back to your own body? Then why do you care if it will help me master your power?"

Neltharion snorted coldly, "But I really don't want to continue to bear the whispers of the ancient gods. Maybe you think it's okay now, but I have fought against the ancient gods for countless years, and I know their abilities very well. Maybe now you You can still stay awake, but you will eventually sink in a short time. Dragons have a long lifespan, and guardian dragons have endless lives. Sooner or later, you will not be able to bear this burden.

In the face of endless years, falling into madness is almost an inevitable result.

So stop wasting your tongue.

The reason why I don't want to help you is not because I want to get my body back, but just because I don't want to watch you desecrate my body. That power should not be within the reach of you despicable mortals. "

"So uncooperative, you make me very difficult, Wing." Murphy said, picked up the soul stone, and looked at Neltharion inside. "What about your family? What about your son, daughter, and wife? You don't care anymore?"

"Hmph, don't confuse our Dragon Clan with you mortals. The secular concepts of mortals have no effect on me. As long as I want, I can have thousands of offspring. As for my spouse, it's just a tool for me to reproduce. I don't need it." Threat me with that boring thing."

Let me wipe, this product is really oily and salty.

"But you always have something you care about, right? Let me think about it, the mighty power of the ancient black dragon? The authority of the king of the black dragon? The power of the guardian of the earth..." Every time Murphy said, Nelthario's face Mo Fei's disdain was even deeper, and Mo Fei was furious with a look of contempt for me.


"Nesharion's soul, how about this? Don't you care about your own soul?"

"I've been imprisoned in a stone, what else can you do to me? Kill me, hehe, if you could, you would have done it already, let me guess, one of you must not be able to kill me The reason is right, although I don't know what the reason is."

Quite a few smart guys, but if you fight with Lao Tzu, you can knock him down.

"It's true that I can't kill you, but I can do other things to you, such as stuffing your soul into the body of a dog, or a frog? A mouse? A bedbug? You choose."

"No, you can't do that kind of thing."

"Haha, you don't have any confidence in what you said, why don't you make a bet."

Murphy's words made Nelthario's face change for a while, and he really didn't dare to bet.

"Okay, I can teach you dragon language magic, but you have to do one thing for me."

This time it was Murphy's turn to play leisurely, but he didn't dare to push Neltharion into a hurry. After all, he didn't have such ability, he just used his expertise in bluffing masters.

"tell me the story."

Nesario sighed, "I lied just now, I don't really care about my family, maybe I was like that in the past, but now I have woken up, I am deeply aware of how much I have done in the past Wrong thing, for my children, my wife...

I want you to go and tell Nefarian and Onyxia, and Sintheria (Nesharion's wife) if you can find her, tell them I love them and I'm sorry for what I did in the past Some things, I will treat them well, I hope they can forgive me. "

Murphy was a bit annoyed. If he played a tyrannical black dragon king, he would complete it without any scruples. He would not be able to play a loving father.

"I'll at most convey your love and care, and treat them better, nothing else will do."

Neltharion nodded, "That's enough, so what do you want to learn?"

(End of this chapter)

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