Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 184 Soul Splitting Technique

Chapter 184 Soul Splitting Technique

Of course, it was impossible for Murphy to directly say that he wanted to learn the soul splitting technique.

Wang Xuan was right next to him, he couldn't let Wang Xuan guess his plan.

"Let's start with a few simple ones, meteor fire rain, approaching storm, split soul, charm human beings..."

Murphy spoke several iconic dragon language magic in a row.

Neltharion nodded, "Okay, then let's start. To use dragon language magic, you must recite spells in dragon language. Follow me..."

As he spoke, he recited the dragon language incantations of these spells.

The pronunciation of Dragon Language is very convoluted when read by humans, so Mo Fei can only focus on the Soul Splitting Art. Mo Fei followed it up and repeated it a few times, thinking that he probably has mastered it.

"and then?"

"And then you just use it."

"It's that simple?" Murphy couldn't believe it.

"Humph, it's easy if you just learn spells, but if you don't have the power of a dragon, then what you read is just a meaningless text. Dragon language magic inherits the ancient dragon wisdom, and every spell has its own meaning. With great power, with your wisdom, I'm afraid you won't be able to comprehend it at all, you must be transformed into a black dragon to use such power."

This is true, Mo Fei only has 10 points of intelligence, not to mention casting the soul splitting technique, even the fireball technique needs 12 points of intelligence to learn.

Mo Feixin said that this would be more convenient.

He recited the incantation of the soul splitting technique several times in his heart again, and the other incantations were left to chance, making sure that nothing would go wrong. Then he nodded, "Okay, let's stop here today, go back and test it out, if you need it later Come to you again, if you want, I will bring it for you."

Wang Xuan put Neltharion's soul stone away.

Wang Xuan: "Let's not talk about Deathwing, how did you destroy the team of heroes who went to assassinate Medivh? This is not in your script."

Murphy had already thought up his speech. "What's wrong, didn't you say that we should try our best to ensure that the plot follows the original historical development? Lothar and the others should be the ones who want to kill Medivh. Isn't Lothar still on his way to Karazhan?"

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "That's not what I mean, what I mean is that the general direction of the plot is correct. For example, Medivh must be killed and then leave the scene. As for who gets killed, it doesn't really matter that much. If they are killed by the players, it can also give the players more sense of participation, giving them a feeling that they can change history.

If you do this now, these krypton gold bosses will definitely complain behind their backs. Their accounts are all made with real money. It is inappropriate for you, a part-time employee, to do such a thing. If someone finds out I thought you were the number we asked for. "

Mo Feixin said why there are so many problems, I have been busy for you, and I was tortured by the whispering spirit of the ancient gods, the SAN value is almost lost, what's wrong with killing a few players.

But there was a dazed look on his face, "Oh, so that's the case, then you said it earlier, I don't know, I thought it was to share the company's worries.

Okay, now I understand, so as long as the general direction of the plot remains the same, the details can be developed by themselves, right, that’s fine, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future. "

Looking at Mo Fei's playful smile, Wang Xuan felt a little helpless, "Well, let's forget about it, but tomorrow the Gate of Darkness will open, so you must not have any more problems then."

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems. I have assembled the Black Dragon Legion. When the time comes, I will give an order. If you ask me to destroy the tribe, I will destroy the tribe. If you ask me to destroy the alliance, I will destroy the alliance."

After separating from Wang Xuan, Mo Fei went directly outside the city and found a place where no one was around.

Lift the seal!

boom!The huge Deathwing suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Spreading its wings, it flew towards the dark mountains in the distance.

The Dark Mountains stretch for hundreds of kilometers, most of which are barren wastelands and densely smoky volcanoes, but there are also some black forests mixed in, where there are large and small monster settlements, which is a good place for Murphy to experiment .

Murphy glanced at the skill list of dragon language magic, and found that all of them were dark.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can repeat the reading successfully, you should be able to unlock it.

Suddenly, several ogres who were grilling meat by the fire caught Murphy's attention. Among them was a boss-level ogre. Okay, it's you.

The huge black dragon king descended from the sky, and with a bang, it directly crushed several ogre barbarians under its feet, grabbed one by one, and killed them all in an instant.

Only one double-headed ogre boss was left, trembling from the aura of the Black Dragon King, unable to move at all.

Baghdad (Ogre Wizard): Skull Tier 42 Boss, ——Level [-].

The double-headed ogre is a variant of the ogre. It has two heads. It is much smarter than the ordinary ogre. It is relatively easier to learn magic and witchcraft. Since it has two heads, there must be more souls. Yes, there must be at least one and a half of them. This thing is just used to test the effect of the soul splitting technique.

Looking down at the two-headed ogre in front of him, Murphy began to chant the dragon language spell.

The incantation was quite convoluted when recited with a human voice, but it was smooth as expected when it was pronounced with a dragon's voice.

After several repetitions, Murphy gradually found the feeling.

Soul splitting technique!
Finally, a purple light shot out from the dragon's claws, blasting Baghdad straight, the two-headed ogre let out a tragic roar, his fat body showed a vague texture, like a ghost, and his body began to move slowly. It was torn apart, and finally split into two ogres, but these two ogres looked much thinner than their original bodies, and both had only one head.

Bagg (Ogre Wizard): Monster Boss - Level 42.
Dahl (Ogre Brute): Elite - Level 42.

The two ogres looked at me and I looked at you with shocked faces.

Haha, it worked!

Mo Fei was excited. He said that it was the soul splitting technique, but even the body could be split apart. Magic is really amazing.

At this time, Mo Fei looked at the skill list again, and found that the soul splitting technique in the dragon language magic had successfully turned into a bright color, and it was unlocked.

[Soul Splitting (Dragon Language Magic)
Use: tear the soul of the target, causing 1100-1300 points of soul damage to a target. If the target is not killed, the torn soul will be transferred to the corresponding body. This skill is effective for elemental creatures, constructs, Units without souls, such as undead, have no effect. 】

It turns out that this magic is actually an attack magic, and the effect of tearing the soul is just an additional effect, just like the fire magic will burn, and the freezing magic will slow down.

In the original history, the future Onyxia used the soul splitting technique to tear Varian into two people.

And Sargeras and Meditext are two souls, but they are entangled together. It should be easy to separate them with the soul splitting technique.

Murphy was helped by Medivh, and this time he decided to use the soul splitting technique to help his friend.

Of course, it would be even better if you can get some benefits for yourself by the way.

After the experiment was over, Mo Fei ignored the two ogres who were in a state of confusion, and returned to Stormwind City again.

He walked straight towards the Storm Fortress.

All the way to Ms. Aegwynn's residence.

Lady Aegwynn was recuperating here after being wounded fighting the Avatar of Sargeras.

Murphy knocked on the door, and soon the door opened automatically.

An arcane servant came out of the door and took a look at him. The face without facial features made of arcane energy nodded at him, and Murphy followed the arcane servant knowingly and walked in.

Ms. Aegwynn was standing on the balcony of the tower and looking into the distance. When she turned around, she saw Murphy showing an indifferent expression.

"Young Prince Aidan, what do you want from me?"

"Yes, Ms. Aegwynn, I was entrusted by your son to bring you something."

As Murphy said, he took out the book of Medivh in his hand.

Aegwynn couldn't help but be moved.

She took Medivh's book and looked at the words in the book with some sadness.

[System prompt: After completing the task [Guardian's Relic], Ms. Aegwynn's favorability for you has increased, and it is now friendly. 】

Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this time the plan should come true.

Aegwynn has a proud personality, and he doesn't pretend to be a liar to anyone. Being able to raise his favorability to friendly by handing in relics will at least make the subsequent conversation much easier.

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Stars): "Medivh asked you to bring me his spellbook? When did this happen?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Just a few days ago, when he was not completely controlled by Sargeras, at that time he already felt the dark power in his body expanding, so he entrusted me to This book is for his mother, Lady Aegwynn.

But besides sending books, I have a question for Ms. Aegwynn. "

"what is the problem?"

"Do you want to save your son?"

Aegwynn looked at him thoughtfully.

"Of course, do you want to tell me that you can save my son?"

Murphy smiled slightly, "Yes, I can indeed save him, and we can be regarded as friends after all, but it is not easy to save him, I need your help—and it will take a huge effort to save him Even though Medivh is my friend, and I really want to save him, but it’s not so good that I can give everything, do you understand what I mean, Ms. Aegwynn?"

What he said was a little cryptic, but Aegwynn has lived for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years, so he understood the meaning instantly.

"What do you want? Magic? Knowledge? Wisdom? If you can really help Medivh, I can teach you all the magic I have learned."

Mo Fei shook his head, thinking that I only have 10 points of intelligence, and I'm learning magic.

(End of this chapter)

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