Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 185 Trust Allies One More Point

Chapter 185 Trust your allies a little more (two chapters in one)

In fact, it's not that Murphy didn't think about learning magic.

After all, this is the dignified former guardian, the strongest mage in the firmament world, Ms. Aegwynn.

If he could learn magic from her, he would undoubtedly be able to learn a lot of supermodel skills and powerful spells.

Even if you don't follow Iger's literary magic, you can learn by yourself with the book of Medivh.

In fact, the reward he thought of at first was the Book of Medivh in Aegwynn's hands. In his hands, it was only a quest item, but it should return to its original attributes after being handed over to Aegwynn.

The Book of Medivh is an artifact. It records all the magic knowledge that Medivh has mastered, and even the ancient wisdom mastered by the demon king Sargeras. It can be said to be priceless.

But Murphy didn't intend to want this thing. The book of Medivh was a hot potato for him, and it played an extremely important role in the plot. It was absolutely impossible for Emperor Xuan to accept that he took away the book of Medivh.

If I snatched it with my own strength, then naturally I wouldn't say it, but now I can be regarded as half an employee, and I only got it by relying on the convenience of Deathwing's avatar, so naturally I don't have so much confidence.

But this doesn't mean he can't seek benefits for himself. Since the treasures that exist in the plot cannot be tampered with, then those that don't exist in the plot can naturally be messed with.

Right now is an excellent opportunity.

"I need you to help me make something." Murphy said, he explained his plan to Ms. Aegwynn, and finally asked——

"How, can you do it?"

Aegwynn looked at him in shock, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, "Who on earth are you? What exactly do you want to do? Do you know how crazy your plan is!"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hehe, I'm just a little prince from a small remote country. As for what I want to do, this is not something you need to consider. Sargeras is a threat to this world , and thanks to your magical operation, he still has the power of the guardian. If there is no accident, this world is destined to usher in destruction. Lothar and the others have no chance at all. I think you know this very well.

And now there is a chance to save your son, kill your enemies, save all the mistakes you made, if I were you I would take this opportunity and not ask so many questions. "

Aegwynn was pissed off, she was not a good-tempered person, but at this moment, she didn't get up, but pondered for a while, finally Aegwynn sighed, and gradually showed a decisive expression on her face. Look, "You're right—if I really had the chance, I could make what you want, but I warn you, don't try to deceive me, an angry mother can do many terrible things."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Don't worry, I'm always honest and keep my word, and I will never make fun of my friend's life, you should have more trust in your allies, then we will make a deal gone?"

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Star World): "It's decided, but I need a little time to prepare. The thing you want is very troublesome and requires a lot of precious materials and complicated magic crafts. How about you come to me at noon tomorrow .”

"No problem, then I'll wait for your good news."

At noon the next day, Murphy arrived at Stormwind Fortress on time.

He walked into the place where Ms. Aegwynn lived with anticipation, and followed the arcane servant into the alchemy room in the basement.

In the alchemy room, a huge magic circle was located in the middle of the hall. Ms. Aegwynn was standing on the complicated and strange magic circle, melting several different magic materials together.

Arcanite gold, mithril, branches and leaves of the world tree, powder of the soul stone... These incomparably precious materials are suspended in the air under the catalysis of powerful magic power, and gradually merge into one, turning into a ring exuding golden luster. The shape is unremarkable, just a round golden ring.

Then Ms. Aegwynn used the most powerful magic runes to engrave a complex circle pattern on the ring, and enchanted it with ancient magic rituals to enhance its strength and power.

Finally, the ceremony is complete.

A ring appeared in the middle of the magic circle.

Lady Aegwynn beckoned, and the ring fell into her hand.

She handed the ring to Murphy.

"This is what you want."

Murphy took it over and looked at it.

"Are you sure this thing works?"

"Don't worry, for the safety of this world, I will never allow myself to make a mistake."

Murphy nodded: "Very well, then let's set off and act according to the previous agreement." Murphy said and returned the ring to Ms. Aegwynn, "After this is done, Medivh will belong to you, this ring to me."

As he said that, Murphy took out the emblem of Karazhan and directly activated the teleportation technique in the emblem.

With a flash of white light, Murphy once again appeared in Karazhan's teleportation hall.

He was somewhat anxious in his heart. Without the obstruction of the players, Lothar and the others would come to Karazhan soon, and if it was a day later, it might be too late.

And today is also the day when the Portal of Darkness opens, the alliance and the Horde may have already started to work, so I quickly finish the work, and I have to go to the Portal of Darkness later.

He hurried upstairs, and before he got there, a private message appeared on the private message channel.

Wang Xuan: Brother Mo Fei, are you in place?It's time for Deathwing to make an appearance.

Aidan: Sorry, things went a little wrong, I'm afraid I need to hold up for a while.

Wang Xuan: Damn, what are you kidding, now the tribe and the alliance are in a stalemate, if you don't play, what if the tribe can't get in.

Aidan: Don't worry, the tribe's army of millions, how could it fail? It's just a waste of time, and don't worry, I'll be over in a while, that's all...

Murphy closed the private message, and the door to Medivh's room appeared in front of him.

When he entered the door, he saw Medivh standing in front of the crystal ball with a distraught expression on his face.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Surrender, Medivh, there is no need to waste any more time, your defeat is doomed."

Medivh (Guardian): "Don't think about Sargeras, I will fight until the last moment, and I will use all my strength to stop you."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "You stubborn guy, don't you understand that the real threat to this world comes from this world itself, and those ancient gods are the real evil beings, and they are trying to corrupt This planet, once this world is corrupted, the entire universe will be in crisis, and now the only way to save the universe is to sacrifice your world."

Medivh (Guardian): "Shut up, you devil, I will never allow you to harm my people and destroy my world, your evil words will not confuse me!"

Seeing Medivh muttering to himself like a schizophrenic, with a righteous and awe-inspiring expression for a while, and a hideous twist for a while, Mo Fei laughed.

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "What's wrong, Sargeras, it looks like you're in trouble again."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "It's you Deathwing again, what are you doing here if you don't go to the Dark Portal to welcome the Horde?"

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "Don't worry, the Dark Portal has been opened, the Horde has gathered millions of troops, and the Alliance has only the Kingdom of Stormwind to fight. The Alliance has no chance at all, but you, why haven't you done it yet?" Medivh, your current appearance is not suitable for destroying the world, where are Lothar and the others?"

Sargeras pointed at the crystal ball casually, and the image of Lothar's team emerged in it.

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "Oh, we've already entered Deadwind Pass. At this speed, they'll be here in less than an hour."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "So what, it's just a group of mortals. The only thing waiting for them here is death. None of them can live."

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "Hehe, you are still so stubborn, let me see who came, Duke Lothar of the Storm Knights, Morgan Lisa the Great Arcanist, Quel'Thalas Elven archmages and ranger lords, werewolf assassins in Gilneas, shadow priests in Alterac, champion knights in Stromgarde, tidesages in Kul Tiras, archmages in Dalaran...

Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that there are quite a few people who want your life. These people are more troublesome than the group of people who came last time. Are you sure you can do it alone? "

Strictly speaking, the lineup this time is indeed more luxurious than last time. Although they are all heroes, this group of people are all from the national team, and they are all real local tyrants with various deep backgrounds. The strength gain bonus is not ordinary.

In contrast, although Ye Tiandi's group is also very strong, they are at best considered the strongest civilian heroes. In this world where princes and generals really have kind, the gap is not small.

Not to mention that the Duke of Lothar, a real plot character, led the team this time. This is the person who killed Medivh in the script, the hero in the Warcraft movie.

He has the halo of the protagonist, so I ask you if you are afraid.

Sargeras' face was also a little ugly, but he still insisted on it.

"Hmph, it's just a group of mortals. As long as I get rid of Medivh, I won't just kill them randomly."

"But you can't solve it. Alas, it hurts to see you working so hard. Forget it, let me help you."

What Sargeras said was unconvinced.

"What can you do?" Sargeras asked suspiciously.

Murphy snorted coldly, "Hmph, I am the king of black dragons, the guardian of the earth, and the ancient dragon clan. The ancient dragon language magic I master, especially the research on the soul of mortals, is beyond your imagination.

In the inheritance of dragon language magic of our family, there is a spell called soul splitting, which can tear the soul apart.

As long as I use this magic on you, I can split Medivh's soul from your body and get rid of this burden, so that you will not receive any constraints, how about it. "

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Let me think."

Medivh (Guardian): "Damn it, Aidan you can't do this, you're going to ruin everything, Sargeras has to be stopped."

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "I'm sorry, Brother Medivh, Sargeras is right, this world must be destroyed, I will never allow you to interfere with my plan, although we have a good relationship, but for the sake of the overall situation, you must die.

Come on Sargeras, what are you still thinking, those people are coming soon. "

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "What do I need to do?"

Murphy glanced at the magical light shining on Medivh's body. This guy is covered with seven or eight kinds of protective magic at any time. After all, although the magic power is powerful, the mage's body is too fragile. It's hard enough to be effective.

Aidan (the incarnation of Deathwing): "First of all, you have to remove all the protective magic on your body. Soul Breaking is an offensive magic. I can't use it like this."

Sargeras suddenly showed a vigilant look: "You don't think you want to plot something, do you?"

Conspiracy, we are destroying the world, brother, what do you think...

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "Oh, what you said really broke my heart, don't forget I saved you twice, if I really wanted you dead, you would have died , we are allies who want to destroy the world together, it’s not good for you to be so suspicious, you need to trust your allies a little more.”

"Look, that's Karazhan, we're almost there..." Duke Lothar's voice came from the crystal ball at the right time, which became the last straw that overwhelmed Sargeras.

Medivh (Avatar of Sargeras): "Well, Deathwing, I trust you."

Saying that, Sargeras lifted all the protective magic on his body.

"Let's go to the rooftop, I can't use it here."

The two came to the rooftop, and Murphy immediately transformed into Deathwing.

The huge black dragon overlooked the tiny human beings in front of him.

"Get ready Sargeras, once I split your souls, you will become two people, the guardian's power and your souls will be entangled, it depends on you who can divide more It's up to me."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hurry up, Deathwing."

The Black Dragon King nodded, and began to chant the spell in dragon language.

Dragon language magic-soul splitting technique!

boom!A ray of purple light hit Medivh's body, and in an instant, two overlapping figures appeared on his body, one with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a righteous face, which was exactly Medivh's own soul, while the other had an evil face, long With horns and tentacles, wings on the back, hooves on the feet, and evil eyes, it is the remnant soul of Sargeras.

Under the effect of the soul splitting technique, the two translucent figures began to split slowly, but although the figures were separated, a large ball of white light appeared in the middle, connecting the two, that is the guardian The powerful magic power gathered by the mages of the Tirisfal Council has swelled to an extremely terrifying value under the inheritance of the guardians of the past generations.

Whoever can master this power is the strongest mage in Azeroth.

As soon as the two figures separated, they stretched out their hands towards the ball of light at the same time, desperately absorbing the power of the guardian in the ball of light.

However, because the power of the guardian is too great, it is difficult for the two souls to compete for this power for a while.

Soul of Sargeras: "Deathwing, attack Medivh's soul, kill him, and let me complete the final evolution."

Medivh's soul: "Aidan, I know you are still here, don't bow your head to the darkness..."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Please shut up, both of you, there is someone I think you all want to meet, come here, Ms. Aegwynn."

In the sky, a white owl fell at a high speed, and instantly turned into a beautiful witch with white clothes and silver hair.

Medivh's soul: "Mother!"

Soul of Sargeras: "Aegwynn! Deathwing—you betrayed me? How dare you! You despicable and shameless reptile, how dare you plot against me like this."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hmph, that's enough Sargeras, I have endured you for a long time, your incompetence and stupidity make me sick, using human power but being blocked by it I hope that a group of brainless orcs will be defeated by mortals several times. I thought the Demon King would be a strong ally, but you have disappointed me. Instead of wasting time on you, I will implement my own plan.

Come on witch, it's time to end this farce. "

Aegwynn looked at the huge black dragon in the sky, and was shocked at the same time. He turned out to be Deathwing, and Deathwing actually got into the alliance. What was he going to do?
There is undoubtedly a more terrifying conspiracy in it.

But now it's not the time to be stupefied.

Soul Torrent!A bright beam of white light shot towards the soul of Sargeras, who was trying to compete for the power of the guardian, and there was no room for dodge at this moment.

boom!The soul that was blasted upright was suddenly dissipated, and the entity that had been gradually condensed also turned into nothingness again. ,

The remnant soul of Sargeras: "Damn it, don't think that you can kill me like this, I will come back." He said, directly interrupting the link with the power of the guardian, and prepared to run away.

However, in the next second, a powerful force attracted him, sucking him towards Aegwynn's palm.

It was that ring that Aegwynn held in his hand.

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Star World): "Evil souls wandering in this world, terrifying existences that do not belong to this world, and the incomplete consciousness of the Demon King, in the name of Aegwynn, I seal you here! Sealed with this Lord of the Rings! For eternity!"

The suction was getting stronger and stronger, and Aegwynn's powerful mana could even fight against Sargeras head-on, but it was no match for a mere shattered soul.

The remnant soul of Sargeras: "No, let me go, I am the Demon Lord, I am the Dark Titan, no one can do this to me! Ah..."

With a terrifying roar, Sargeras' soul was finally completely absorbed by the ring.

The soul was still struggling in the ring, and the ring was vibrating constantly, as if the evil spirit sealed inside would be released at any time.

But as Aegwynn dropped the last rune, the ring finally calmed down.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Give it to Lady Aegwynn."

Aidan in front of him said calmly, reaching out his hand to her.

Aegwynn glanced at her son who was still absorbing the power of the guardian and hadn't fully formed yet. She knew that now was not the time to turn her face.

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Stars): "I hope you understand what you are doing - young prince."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Of course, don't worry, I won't try to destroy this world."

Aegwynn finally threw the ring to him.

Murphy caught it and nodded in satisfaction.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then goodbye, Ms. Aegwynn, Medivh, I suggest you leave here as soon as possible. Duke Lothar has brought people here, and they will enter Karazhan soon. They are Those who came to kill you, even though Medivh has returned to normal, I don’t think they will listen to your explanation.”

After speaking, Murphy transformed into Deathwing again, soared into the air and flew into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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