Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 186 Sargeras' Ring of Command

Chapter 186 Sargeras' Ring of Command

Looking at the black dragon disappearing into the distant sky, Aegwynn sighed.

In recent years, she felt more and more that she could not understand the world.

Soon she put her attention back on her son, and her eyes softened.

Finally, Medivh completely absorbed the power of the guardian, and his body regained its real texture, no longer a vague and translucent soul body.

He appeared to be fully human again.

Feeling the peace in his heart, no more evil demons whispering in his ears, Medivh felt extremely peaceful and peaceful.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes became clear for the first time.

He looked at Aegwynn at the side, mother and son's eyes were complicated and excited.

Finally, Aegwynn couldn't help but hugged Medivh, and the mother and son hugged each other tightly.

After a while, Aegwynn was the first to regain his composure.

She gently pushed Medivh away from her arms, "We must leave here quickly, child, as your friend said, there is no way to calmly explain the ins and outs of all this to Lothar and the others."

Medivh looked sad, "Mother, I..."

Aegwynn shook his head: "You don't have to blame Medivh, I am also responsible for this matter, maybe it was my negligence that caused all this to happen, but it doesn't matter, we still have time, slowly save us The mistakes we made, but it still makes us want to get out of here, Lothar and the others are coming soon."

Inside the crystal ball, Lothar and his party have arrived at the gate of Karazhan.

Medivh nodded. Once the dungeon is activated and the plot event is triggered, it is really impossible to leave at that time.

One of them turned into a white owl and the other turned into a black crow, and they flew into the distance and disappeared into the sky.

boom!The door was knocked open, Lothar took the lead and rushed in, followed by heroes from various kingdoms, either princes or princesses, each with extraordinary strength, the so-called national team is not in vain.

But they were destined to be disappointed this time, they didn't meet a single boss along the way.

Morgan Lisa was speechless: "What the hell is going on, why is there no BOSS?"

Although their main target was Medivh, it would be good to hit the rabbits with grass, kill a few bosses along the way, and get some equipment.

Could it be that gathering so many powerful heroes is simply a waste.

Tianxiu (Court Swordsman): "It should be killed by those studios. Didn't you read the news on the forum? Those studios united to take down Medivh's head, but they were killed by Deathwing. It was wiped out by the regiment."

"Don't worry, it's good that Medivh is not dead, anyway, all the good things are on him."

Everyone fought all the way to the top floor of Karazhan, but they rushed to nothing, looking at the empty rooftop, everyone looked confused.

What about the BOSS?What about plot events?Why is there nothing.

Can this well-written script go wrong?What bastard did it.


At this moment, that bastard is flying in the sky triumphantly.

Murphy was not in a hurry to rush to the Dark Portal, and stopped halfway through the flight. He changed back into a human form and took out the magic ring made of the remnant soul of Sargeras for a closer look.

In the history of World of Warcraft, there are many artifacts made from the bones and souls of famous people. The most representative one is the skull of Gul'dan. It is the skull of the orc warlock Gul'dan, which contains powerful power. , has the evil ability to seduce people's hearts.

Ner'zhul reopened the Dark Portal for the third time with the Skull of Gul'dan.

Later, the head of Gul'dan fell into the hands of Illidan, and Illidan also relied on this artifact to complete the final evolution of the demon form.

And now, the artifact in Murphy's hand, which was made with the incomplete soul of Sargeras, was undoubtedly more powerful than the Skull of Gul'dan.

[Sargeras' Ring of Command (ring/artifact)

Story Items: Unique

Equipment: Perception +10, Magic Power +100.

Fel Energy: 579/1000. (Restore 100 points every day)
Effect 1: Whispers of Sargeras (passive).The incomplete soul of Sargeras resides in this ring, and there are constantly strange whispers. You may be able to get some useful information from these whispers and learn some evil magic, but you must be careful, Sargeras is always there Bewitches the bearer of the ring, causing it to fall.

Special effect 2: The majesty of the demon king (passive).This ring exudes the aura of the demon king. When the wearer encounters other demons, he will make an intelligence judgment on them. After the judgment is successful, the demons will automatically regard you as the demon king. You can instruct and order these stupid demons to be You serve, and failing the judgment will immediately cause the demon to attack you.

Special effect 3: transformation of evil energy.Inject the power of evil energy into the target body, transform the target's race into 'demon/××', and transform the power system it uses into 'fel energy', (consume 1-999 points of evil energy according to the target's strength, If the target is too powerful, or resists conversion, the conversion may fail)

Special effect 4: Twisting the void.Open a portal to the Twisting Nether for 60 seconds. The portal will intermittently attract a certain number of demons or void creatures to the world. (Consumes 500 fel energy).

Special Effect 5: Rain of Chaos.Summon a group of hellfires to fall from the sky. The hellfires will cause 500 points of impact damage to the falling area, and turn into hellfire demons, burning the world (consume all evil energy, and summon a hellfire for every 100 points of evil energy consumed)

Item introduction: The ring of the incomplete soul of the sealer Sargeras contains unimaginable power. Sargeras' soul resides in it. Only those with strong willpower can control this ring. 】

Powerful, really strong!
Looking at the attributes of Sargeras' Ring of Dominion in his hand, Murphy called it a good guy.

Sure enough, it is not a loss to have the title of divine weapon. With this thing, ask who else is Lao Tzu's opponent.

However, after carefully studying the skill description, Murphy discovered a serious problem.

This artifact is indeed powerful, but the side effect is also obvious, that is, the power of this ring seems to be uncontrollable.

For example, the skill Twisting the Void opens a portal for 60 seconds to intermittently attract demons and void creatures... It sounds very good and powerful, but it doesn't say that these demons and void creatures serve this ring or fighting.

This is very important. You must know that the text description of the game Sky World is very rigorous, including the description of the function of the skill. Sometimes the difference between one word and the effect is very different.

For example, if a mage summons water elements and a necromancer summons skeletons, there must be a description such as "fighting for you" or "serving for you".

Since there are none, it means that the summoned demons and void creatures are probably just wild monsters, the kind that don't distinguish between friend and foe.

If the summoned demons and void creatures don't obey orders, what the hell are they?
Fortunately, the special effect 2, the majesty of the demon king, can be used in conjunction with this skill to a certain extent, as long as the summoned demons are not particularly intelligent (such as the fearful demon king who relies on intelligence for food, or the eredar A lord with a highly developed civilization system) will regard himself as the king of demons, and he can order them.

Of course, if the summoned demon is a smarter one and sees through his own reality, he might give himself a big blow by raising his hand.

There is also this rain of chaos, which also does not say that the summoned hellfire demons will fight for themselves, but "burn the world", which basically means attacking all surrounding units indiscriminately.

Fortunately, the Hellfire Demon is a demonic construct, similar to a robot, and its intelligence is definitely not high. As long as the command is timely, it should be controllable.

There is also the whisper of Sargeras, which he is too familiar with, it should be similar to the whisper of the ancient gods, it seems that there will be a struggle of willpower at that time.

The only thing that satisfied him was the special effect 3 - transformation of evil energy.

This skill can directly transform the camp template of a creature, which is too powerful.

This thing is a money printing machine. For example, it is impossible for a mage to change his profession to a warlock, but with this thing, there is no problem. The arcane magic power in the body is directly transformed into evil energy. can.

This kind of function is too affordable to make money.

And the so-called blackening is three times stronger. Generally speaking, after blackening, the combat power will increase. After the warrior is fel-powered, he becomes a demon warrior, and the knight is fel-powered. Feeling much.

Speaking of which, the dragon race should also be able to transform.

Just when Mo Fei was thinking about the value of this artifact, Wang Xuan started sending him private messages again.

Wang Xuan: You haven't arrived yet, Murphy, hurry up, brother, the tribe is going to be overwhelmed.

Mo Fei was stunned, thinking what the hell, the tribe has millions of troops, why can't it stand up, and didn't they agree to add a debuff to the adventurers?
Deathwing: Tell me mortal, how the Alliance gained the upper hand.

Wang Xuan: There are too many adventurers. I was afraid that there would be too many people coming. We deliberately did not publicize it, so the number of adventurers participating in the battle is not too many. But after the fight, many big anchors began to broadcast the Dark Gate As a result, more and more adventurers came, and now there are fucking 10 people.

Deathwing: I told you to be careful of those greedy adventurers, but you are too short-sighted to understand my wisdom.

Wang Xuan: Damn, what are you pretending to do with me? I didn’t give you Deathwing just to let you play around. It was agreed that today you will play and disappear for me.

Deathwing: Shut up mortals, you know who you're talking to, the black dragonflight will join the fight, be patient.

(End of this chapter)

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