Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 187 Emperor Xuan's Plan B

Chapter 187 Emperor Xuan's Plan B
When Wang Xuan saw that the other party had closed the private message again, he was so angry that he immediately cursed.

Did your sister make a mistake? It’s such a grandiose thing to do a part-time job. I believed in your evil. If I knew it, I would find an actor to act. Even if the performance is not good, I will listen to the command.

He glanced at the scorched battle line on the Cursed Plain. In fact, the Horde's offensive had progressed during this period.

As the second and third waves of troops passed through the Dark Portal, they forcibly forced the adventurers back to the same level as the army of the Stormwind Kingdom. up the wings.

Now the tribe's positions have been established thousands of meters around the Dark Portal.

New clans are constantly passing through the Dark Portal and joining the battle.

The warlock legion led by Gul'dan has begun to try to summon demons, and Ner'zhul has also led a group of shamans to try to contact the elemental creatures in this world.

However, most of the demons summoned by warlocks are low-level demons. They can be used as cannon fodder, but they can’t play a decisive role. The elemental creatures in Azeroth are full of wariness against the orcs in Draenor, and they have not responded to the orcs until now. Shaman's call.

Lacking the support of mage troops, and no high-tech troops, the tribe's army relied entirely on the fierce and brutal individual strength of the orcs to keep fighting and maintain their offensive.

I have to say that the orc who drank the blood of the devil is a fierce one. Although the army of the Stormwind Kingdom is in a strict formation, it is still being squeezed and retreated. If there were no adventurers who continued to increase their numbers from both sides, they would have collapsed long ago.

Adventurers are worthy of being the fourth natural disaster. Even if they are dead or alive, each of them has two or three layers of weakness BUFF, and they are still fighting desperately.

In addition, there are constantly new teams of adventurers rushing over, or going online in place.

The momentum leading to adventurers has never faded.

Orcs are not afraid of death, and adventurers are really not afraid of death.

Moreover, the alliance also has the advantage of heroes. There are hundreds of heroes in the entire alliance army, and there are dozens of powerful lords. Among these lords, there are many players of strategy games such as mount and blade and total war.

It is completely playing the fantasy adventure game as a war game, commanding the army to use all kinds of weird tactics to fight against the orcs.

Some arranged the ancient Roman tortoise shell array, some set up the Macedonian spear phalanx, some led hundreds of guerrilla cavalry to play kite shooting, some played musket three-stage strike, and the Great Qin crossbow formation...

Don't tell me, compared with the nobles in the Stormwind Kingdom who generally only know F2A, these players use tactics more delicately, at least it looks pretty bluffing.

There are a few that are quite useful, such as the Macedonian spear phalanx, which frantically strung up candied haws against the brainless charging orcs.

Another example is the Daqin crossbow array, where the orc infantry lacking armor protection were shot into hedgehogs under the crazy shooting of the crossbowmen.

Moreover, Varian's appeal is too strong. With him as the core, more than a thousand senior adventurers have gathered, all of them are masters of forty or fifty levels. After several hours of continuous fighting, this team has gradually become well-adjusted. Yes, the combat power is not ordinary brutal.

Every time the tribe makes a breakthrough, this army will kill it, defeating the tribe's advance in one fell swoop.

No, I can't continue to waste like this.Wang Xuan looked at the battlefield below and thought to himself.

Although there are many troops in the tribe, although the orcs are brutal and warlike, they are not made of iron. It is hard to say whether they can win after so much consumption. Plan B.

He directly sent a private message to the two people who were ready.

Wang Xuan: Lagrios, Barr, you two are ready, it's time for you to play.

Lagrios: Got it, boss, let's make an agreement, one appearance fee is 100 million, and I will be reimbursed if I fail.

Wang Xuan: Don't worry, I'm a dignified GM, envoy of the God Realm, and I'm still short of your little money.

Baal: I don't have so many demands, just let me come and go freely in the main material world in the future, I really don't want to stay with those brainless demons in the Twisting Nether, this place is black and purple everywhere Awesome, the tone is too damn depressing, although my body is a demon, but my aesthetics are still human.

Wang Xuan: Okay, okay, no problem, anyway, once the Dark Portal opens, it makes sense for the demon lord to appear in Azeroth, I will give you this permission, but we still have to go through the process, you have to die if you die. Back to the Twisting Nether, but I'll get some warlocks to perform a sacrifice to summon you here.

Barr: No problem, let's get started.

At this moment, Ner'zhul and his orc shamans were helpless against the summoning circle.

Since Gul'dan successfully contacted the Burning Legion and polluted Draenor with the power of fel energy, the elemental creatures in Draenor no longer responded to the call of shamans, which also led most shamans to believe in fel energy , followed Gul'dan to become a warlock.

Those who can persist in staying are all loyal supporters of shamanism.

Strictly speaking, the shaman faction and the warlock faction are very difficult to deal with, and because they cannot summon elements, their status within the tribe has also plummeted. Shaman naturally also has to show his own value. This was originally a chance to make a comeback, but unfortunately it seems to be out of luck now.

The elements of Azeroth simply don't respond.

Drek'Thar (Frostwolf Shaman): "Master Ner'zhul, why don't we summon some other spirits? For example, spirits of beasts..."

Shaman can not only summon elemental creatures, in fact, the real ability of shaman is to communicate with all spirits, there are all kinds of supernatural beings in this world, gods, demigods, evil spirits... Of course, including The demon, Gul'dan contacted the demon during the induction ceremony.

Shamans can rely on spiritual seance rituals to communicate and communicate with various supernatural spirits. As long as the negotiation is settled, they can borrow their power and even summon them to the material world-basically, it is a process like dancing to the gods.

However, elemental creatures are the most useful among all spirits. This thing has its own entity. After being summoned, it can directly use the existing elemental substances to build a body, and the wind, fire, water, and land have their own functions. Unfortunately, this The elemental creatures in the world and the elemental creatures in Draenor are obviously not on the same channel.

Just as he was frowning, suddenly, the summoning circle glowed crimson, and at the same time, a dull voice echoed in the ears of all the shamans.

Lagrios (Lord of the Balrog): "Who is calling me, who is awakening me!"

The sound was deafening, with a strong echo.

All the shamans showed shocked eyes at once, and the one who responded to their summons was undoubtedly a powerful elemental creature, followed by ecstasy, and now they could finally use spells again.

Ner'zhul: "Great elemental spirit, we are delighted to hear from you. We are shamans from Draenor. We are here to ask for your help. We are willing to serve you, pray to you, and bring you Lend us your strength..."

Usually shamans borrow the power of elemental creatures to release flames, lightning, storms...

But in order to summon the elements to the real world, it usually takes a long time to cooperate and establish a sufficient relationship of trust.

But this time they obviously got lucky, and the elemental lord rushed to help.

Lagrios (Lord of the Balrog): "I am willing to lend you my power, not only that, as long as you are willing to serve me, I will answer your call, summon me, and release me into the real world , I will set the world on fire."

Ner'zhul was surprised and delighted. I didn't expect the elemental lords in this world to be so talkative, and the elemental lords in this world seemed to have a bad temper. You must know that the elemental creatures in Draenor are very peaceful. The elemental creatures are much more violent, but this can come in handy.

Ner'zhul: "Ah, great Balrog Lord, Lagrios, we are willing to serve you - come on brothers, let us summon together."

Hundreds of orc shamans all surrounded them. They hadn't communicated with the elements for too long, and now they finally got a chance to show their abilities, and they all started to cast their mana with all their strength.

As the summoning circle on the ground became brighter and brighter, flames suddenly rose.

The flames swirled, surging out like a whirlpool, soaring into the sky, and forming a huge phantom tens of meters high in the air that was burning with raging flames.

A huge body made of flames and rising lava appeared in midair, and it stunned everyone as soon as it appeared.

The lower half of his body is like a swirling flame vortex, the whole body is wrapped in flames, the upper body is made of semi-solidified lava, one hand holds a huge Balrog Hammer, and the other hand is burning with rising flames , with a pair of eyes overlooking everyone with a look of contempt.

Flames billowed all over his body, and the surrounding shamans were all sweating from the roast.

The adventurers in the distance were even more overwhelmed.

"Wasao, big screw?"

"It's not a big screw. The big screw is the king of the Balrog. This one is just a lord of the Balrog."

"Lagrios? I seem to have heard of this name, it's the one in the copy of the Temple of Flames.

I have to say that the Balrog Lord is very recognizable in terms of appearance alone. This huge red flame ice cream is as dazzling as a neon light.

Lagrios (Lord of the Balrog), world-class Tier 85 boss, level 345000.HP [-].

On the other side of the Dark Portal, the orc warlocks led by Gul'dan also successfully received a response from a demon lord.

In the huge portal, a huge figure with a height of more than 20 meters and a body length of 60 meters slowly walked out of it. It has a strong body like a dragon, wings of a devil, and holds a super war halberd more than ten meters long in both hands. .

Barr (Lord of the Abyss): Disaster Tier 80 BOSS, level 289000.The life value is [-].

As soon as these two big bosses came out, the orcs' morale was immediately boosted.

Although the boss is on the same level as a hero, its strength is completely different, especially on such a large-scale battlefield, it is undoubtedly a big killer.

Lagrios waved the Balrog Hammer, and raised his hand to make a volcanic eruption. The ground was torn apart and slowly raised, and hot lava spewed out from the ground.

Baal brandished the abyss halberd, raised his hand and fired a rain of destruction fire, and the green fireballs all over the sky fell crazily.

All of a sudden, the earth shattered and the sky collapsed, like the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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