Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 188 Beheading

Chapter 188 Beheading
With the addition of the powerful Abyssal Demon King and Balrog Lord, the tribe's long-range firepower has instantly increased by a level.The balance of war tilted towards the tribe in an instant.

The super powerful AOE magic cast by the two bosses is like a big killer on the battlefield.

The ground was torn apart, magma spewed out, and the sky rained fire. Under such a blow, the army formation of the Stormwind Kingdom was suddenly crumbling, and might collapse at any time.

The most important thing is that the elite army of the Stormwind Kingdom is almost dead.

Although the [-]-strong army of the Stormwind Kingdom looks quite a lot, plus nearly [-] adventurers, the quantity is more than the tribal army that just rushed through the portal, but the quality is completely different.

There are only 3 regular troops of the real elite kingdom, and the rest are private soldiers of the nobles. Their strength is uneven. The rich nobles can train a whole team of knights.

The nobles who have no money can only recruit some low-level troops such as spearmen and archery militias to make up for it.

In contrast, the average strength of the orc army is much stronger. The strength and physical strength of the orcs are far superior to humans. Each arm is thicker than human thighs, and each of them is a muscular man.

Even the most basic orc infantry are third-level soldiers above level [-].

Coupled with drinking the blood of the devil, one by one turned on the berserk like a group of humanoid beasts. When encountering a well-trained regular army with a strict formation, they can fight [-]-[-]. When encountering those militia troops with poor armor and weapons , It immediately showed a crushing trend. Before relying on a large number of mage troops in the back for long-range fire support, it was barely possible to go back and forth with the tribal army.

Now with the addition of the two big bosses, even the long-range firepower doesn't have much advantage, and it suddenly showed a decline.

King Ryan stood in the middle of the army with a serious face.

"Those two powerful demons must be killed! Otherwise we will be in danger."

Strictly speaking, the Balrog is a creature of the fire element, but to everyone present, the Lord of the Balrog was burning with raging flames, and it definitely seemed that the demon had not escaped, and he looked more like a demon than a demon.

"Don't worry about your majesty, our warriors are already ready. Please send the main force to launch a frontal attack. As long as you can attract the attention of the enemy and give our warriors a chance, they will definitely be able to deal with those two demons."

It was an earl who spoke, and King Ryan still trusted the nobles.

"Are you sure you can do it - Lord Downton?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, please see, these are the warriors I have found. They are all powerful, and all of them have the determination and courage to serve the country."

Earl Downton pointed to the team behind him, and suddenly a group of people appeared.

There were hundreds of adventurers, and the leaders were two gold-ranked heroes, the players of the Ragnarok Guild led by Dawn Excalibur and Dark Night Law God.

Before Ragnarok Raiders Medivh failed to succeed, the two of them together should not stay in Karazhan, this Medivh is clearly unable to win, of course, now is the time when the wind and clouds meet, naturally it can't just be counted like this I just ran to the Dark Portal to join the battle.

This is an unprecedented event in the past two years, how can we not seize the opportunity.

This kind of big scene is a good place to fish in troubled waters, and it is a good time to confuse the plot points. It is not difficult to imagine that as long as you can gain something in this battle, the plot points will definitely increase, even if you just kill a few soldiers. Kill a few orcs and miscellaneous soldiers, that can also get some mixed up.

It would be even better if we could cut down a few important figures of the tribe.

It's a pity that the people in Ragnarok are all commoners, and they don't have a royal background, so don't even think about leading troops to fight and show off.

They didn't bother to kill the little monsters, they just waited for the big monsters to attack, and now they finally seized the opportunity.

They hadn't made a move before, and they were waiting for this opportunity.

"Your Majesty, we are also willing to participate in the war." It was the Qingyang Empire players led by Suliman who spoke. There were also hundreds of people and several heroes.

Unlike the Ragnarok guild, which relies on the relationship of noble players to receive such important tasks, Suliman is a court mage herself. Although she is not a royal family, she has some relationship with her guild directly. here.

King Ryan nodded in relief when he saw the two teams, "Warriors, heroes like you are needed at such a critical juncture, go and kill those two powerful demons, may the gods be with you Be with me. I will send troops to attract attention for you."

"Varian, lead your men to attack again."

"Father, I will not let you down." Varian, who was repairing his troops, accepted this arduous task without hesitation.

He leaped to the front of the battle and waved his sword, "Brave adventurers, kill me!"

With a roar, thousands of adventurers immediately headed towards the center of the tribe under the leadership of Varian. Varian took the lead, slashing wildly with the Saramani in his hands, and the heads of the orcs rolled and fell to the ground as they passed.

At this time, the armies of the two sides were rushing to kill each other on the ground that spread for several kilometers, and neither could completely overwhelm the other. This army of adventurers was like a sharp arrow, piercing through three or four lines of defense of the orc army in one go.

The orc army immediately mobilized the troops of various clans to launch a siege from both sides. Varian was not reckless. Seeing the orcs besieging them from all directions, he immediately ordered the adventurers to form a round town to defend. Two sparse notches come.

It's now!

The two guild teams immediately rushed through the gap and charged directly towards the two big bosses.

Dawn Excalibur (Dragon Blood Knight): "Don't dismount, run with me, don't stop!"

Saliman (Court Archmage): "Follow me closely, don't disperse, killing the Abyss Demon King is a victory!"

At this time, the two big bosses are still amplifying their moves.

There are only orc shamans and orc warlocks around.

Seeing two groups of hundreds of elite adventurers charging towards them on horseback, Gul'dan and Ner'zhul immediately led their men back...

Both of them are not stupid, and they won't use their wealth to fight recklessly. Anyway, there are summoned creatures that don't need to be used in vain.

The Balrog Lord didn't panic at all when facing the siege of the Ragnarok Guild.

Die little bug.

The Balrog Hammer, as huge as a locomotive, smashed down on the head, as if it wanted to smash the tiny human beings in front of them into meatloaf.

Dawn Excalibur raised its shield.

boom!The violent hammering caused Dawn Excalibur's legs to sink into the mud completely.

"Wo Cao, this boss has some strength, heal me quickly!"

The nurse group of dozens of people immediately threw various healing buffs to him.

The mages in the back row also began to output with all their strength, and the sky full of magic fell on the majestic body of the Balrog Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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