Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 189 For the Alliance!For the Horde!

Chapter 189 For the Alliance!For the Horde!
Dawn Excalibur thought that this battle would be a bitter one, but to their surprise, the boss looked bluffing on the outside, but in reality it was a parallel importer, with frighteningly low defense, and a random Frostbolt lightning ball Throwing it in the past can do hundreds of damage.

More than 100 mages, warlocks, and priests output crazily, and after a few rounds, the blood volume of the boss gradually becomes empty.

Dawn Excalibur was both excited and puzzled, why does this boss feel a bit weak, it's not as tricky as the black dragon back then.

Although there are more than 300 adventurers and several heroes this time, it is still a world-class boss, there is no reason...

boom!The Balrog Lord Lagrios turned into a brilliant flame shock wave and dissipated in mid-air.

Dawn Excalibur blocked the impact of the explosion with its shield.

[System prompt: You have successfully defeated the reality projection of the Balrog Lord Lagrios, and you have obtained 550 plot points...]

What is just a reality projection?Dry!Isn't it a plot kill?

Dawn Excalibur was a little dumbfounded for a moment, originally thought that in the plot event, the head was a sure thing, but it turned out to be just a projection.

Dark Night Magic God was not surprised, he was a great elementalist, and he was very familiar with elemental creatures.

"Don't be shocked, the elemental creatures summoned to the material world are usually projections or avatars, which cannot be killed. If you want to really kill him, you have to go to the elemental plane to kill the boss's body, but even if you are exiled back It's enough to drink a pot, don't think about coming again in a short time, let's retreat quickly."

The summoned projection will take twice as much damage, and the probability of being beheaded will increase by 100%. The advantage is that death is not real death, it just returns to the elemental plane.

Demons can also use this trick, but after being killed, they return to the Twisting Nether and can be resurrected in the future.

This trick is often used by bosses in the non-material world.

Of course, capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes are inevitable, and what should be dropped will still be dropped.

Dark Night Fashen quickly touched the boss' body.

What made him both emotional and gratified was that a Balrog Lord's scepter unexpectedly burst out. He had had one in his previous life, and he never thought he would have the chance to get it in this life.

In just a short while, the surrounding orc army had reacted and came under siege. Adventurers are not afraid of death, but heroes can't hang on here.

Several heroes gathered together in a hurry, and as the white light of the teleportation technique disappeared instantly, those adventurers were out of luck. They were besieged by orcs from all directions, and they all died in battle.

At the same time, the Qingyang Empire Guild also successfully beheaded the abyssal demon king Baal...

Wocao, leaving the stage so soon?These two guys simply didn't work hard, Wang Xuan was speechless when he saw it.

The bodies of the two bosses didn't come at all, but two projections came.

He also knew that the power of the projection was only half of the main body, but he didn't expect it to be over so quickly, and these orcs were too lacking in war literacy, so no one protected the two important back rows...

In fact, this is not the fault of the orcs. Who made this war so chaotic? The orcs themselves lack the experience of such large-scale combat. In the past, wars have always been carried out in units of clans. Now there are more than a dozen people on the battlefield. The army of the clan is mixed together, and there is no real authoritative command, so this kind of thing will naturally happen.

Fortunately, at this moment, Great Chief Orgrim finally led the main force of the Blackstone Legion and the sword masters of the Burning Blade Clan through the Dark Portal and arrived at the battlefield.

As soon as he came over, he immediately ordered his subordinates to build a high platform, and he climbed up to observe the situation on the battlefield.

At a glance, he saw the majestic appearance of Varian leading the adventurers rushing left and right in the orc army.

Orgrim (Great Chief): "I thought Saurfang was brave enough, but I didn't expect there to be such a warrior among humans. Who is that man?"

"He's Varian, the man who killed Blackhand," said an orc veteran.

Orgrim was a little surprised, "What? Varian turned out to be just a human boy, hmph, it's really impressive, warriors of the Horde, you just watch the humans who killed Black Hand show off their power, who would like to Go and take his head."

"Let me do it!" Hellscream pushed away the witch doctor who was treating him, picked up Bloodhowl and walked up, "I have long disliked that kid. I was going to command the army before, but now the great chief is here. Let me personally lead the troops to take down that kid."

"Very good, let's go!" Seeing Hellscream leading his troops towards Varian, Orgrim knew that the front should be stable for the time being.

Orgrim frowned at the chaotic war in front of him. The formation of the alliance is a concave formation, which seems to be broken at any time, but in fact it is more like a trap. The orcs rushed into it easily. In that sunken area, however, there are a huge number of alliance spellcasters, especially those powerful mages. All the magic in the sky is concentrated there, blasting and killing the orc warriors in groups.

It can't go on like this.

Orgrim is a rare orc in the tribe who is very good at war strategy. Compared with other orcs with reckless and brave fighting styles, he is better at the use of tactics and strategies.

Therefore, he left a not-so-good title among the orcs-backstabber.

Many orcs felt that he was not honored enough, especially the series of operations that took advantage of Black Hand's death to quickly take the position of the chief, but Orgrim didn't care, only the victors were eligible to talk about glory.

"The enemy's military strength is smaller than ours. We must take advantage of the number of people. It is too disadvantageous to fight positional warfare. We must disrupt the enemy's rhythm, destroy the enemy's formation, and fight with the enemy at close range as much as possible. Then use the orc's iron ax and fangs Crush enemies.

Durotan, my friend, it's time to serve the Horde. I know you've always wanted to leave the Horde and live in peace, but if you can't win this battle, everything is nonsense. Lead your Frostwolf cavalry from the left Outflank the enemy.

Red, do you want to avenge your father? Then lead the Blackstone Warg cavalry and outflank the enemy from the right.

Remember, don't be obsessed with fighting, try to mobilize the enemy as much as possible, go around the enemy's back as much as possible and launch an attack.

Go, fear no sacrifice, for the Horde! "

Two wolf cavalry units, one black and one white, each with 5000 men, set off immediately.

Orgrim's adjutant said with some concern, "Ten thousand cavalry are not enough to surround the enemy."

Orgrim sneered, "There is no need for a real siege, as long as it can cause confusion among the enemies, those humans will either wait to die or send troops to fight. We have more troops, and the wider the formation, the better for us. "

Confederate positions—

"Your Majesty, the enemy has sent wolf cavalry to outflank the two wings of our army."

King Lane's face was serious, and he suddenly sighed, "It's time to dispatch the Storm Knights! Bolvar, you lead half of the knights to meet the enemy on the left flank, Duke Sidleyne, lead your cavalry to meet the enemy on the right flank, don't be in love Possibly blocking the enemy's line of sight.

Order, tell Varian to bring his men back, we can't win this war, we must prepare to retreat. "

As King Ryan said, he looked at the special envoys of the kingdom, "Guys, you must have seen the power of the orcs."

Alsace said first: "Yes, Your Majesty, we will immediately persuade our king to form a coalition army after we return."

The other special envoys could only nod in agreement in the face of such a scene.

King Ryan nodded in satisfaction. Although the battle failed in the end and failed to completely block the orcs at the Dark Portal, as long as the coalition forces can be formed, they will definitely win the final victory. Withdraw completely, otherwise once this legion is destroyed, Stormwind City will be unguarded.

The messenger galloped all the way to the forefront of the battlefield.

"Prince Varian, His Majesty the King asked you to retreat. We have failed and must retreat."

"No, as long as I'm still alive, the Alliance will not fail!" Varian roared with red eyes, his body was soaked in the blood of the orcs, dripping with blood, like a blood-red knight.

He looked at the soldiers and adventurers around him. Although there were countless casualties, they were still full of fighting spirit.

"King Wa, we will fight to the death with you."

"King Wa, please give an order, our alliance warriors will never frown."

"King Wa! Keep fighting, we're going to fight those tribal pigs!"

Varian's heart was full of pride, as long as he had these fearless fighters, he was confident of victory.

"Did you see that flag? It's the flag of the orc chief. As long as you can kill the orc chief, you will definitely win. Warriors of the alliance, follow me..."

Roar!A deafening roar interrupted Varian's speech, and in the sky, black wings covering the sky were falling from the sky.

"It's a black dragon!"

"Dragon is coming!"

"My God, so many black dragons."

"Wocao, what's going on!"

The soldiers of the Alliance and the Horde looked up at the sky one after another. At some point, countless black dragons had arrived above the battlefield, circling densely in the sky. Among them was a super-giant black dragon with a wingspan of more than 200 meters, like a dark cloud. shaded the sky.

On the tall stone gate of the Gate of Darkness in the distance, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief, your sister finally came.

 PS: Regarding the fighting power of the orcs, it doesn't mean that one orc can really fight ten adventurers, that's what some orcs used to brag about.

  It's as if Guan Yu said that Zhang Fei is the enemy of ten thousand people. If Zhang Fei is really asked to fight ten thousand, he will definitely not win.

  Because when the Dark Portal opened for the first time, the level of adventurers was generally relatively low, and most of them were more than ten or twenty levels, so the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers was not as good as that of orc infantry, and the victory mainly depended on human lives.

  But it doesn't mean that ten people will fight one, at most two or three will fight one.

  Now half a year has passed, and the level of adventurers has risen, so the combat power of individual soldiers is slightly stronger than that of orc infantry.

  Here are the data of some participating arms.

  Levy Spearmen: Level 16.

  Militia Archer: Level 12.

  Stormwind Kingdom Infantry: Level 25.

  Storm Rider: Level 48.

  Orc infantry: level 30.

  Wolf Cavalry: Level 36.

  Frostwolf Knight: Level 43.

  In general, the average level of orc units is higher, and there are almost no garbage soldiers.

  Humans have many low-level soldiers that lower the average strength, and high-level soldiers are powerful but limited in number.

  Adventurers of the same level are better than soldiers of the same level in duels, because they have more skills, and it is generally better to bring their own equipment.

  The soldier is equivalent to an adventurer with blank equipment and only a few basic skills.

(End of this chapter)

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