Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 190 Destruction Falls from the Sky

Chapter 190 Destruction Falls from the Sky
Wang Xuan did have reasons to be excited.

As the game's GM, administrator, and controller of the plot, one of his biggest headaches is that his ability to control the plot of the game is close to none.

The development of all plots depends entirely on the original script given to the system and the system's automatic error correction function.

Originally, there was systematic control, and the plot should be able to go on according to the setting.

However, the large number of players has brought countless uncertainties to the game. Although it has brought amazing income to the game company, it has also made the plot of the entire game more and more difficult to control.

The more players gather, the less controllable it will be, especially in this kind of war between the Alliance and the Horde. Among the 10 people, players account for almost one-third, especially the fourth natural disaster like adventurers. It is simply a disaster of plot control.

However, the mechanism of this game is a real-time calculation mode.

Although it can be micro-regulated by using the system to modify the rules of the game, he really has no idea what the final result of the regulation will be.

At this moment in this battle, he had no idea what it would turn into in the end.

If the adventurers really broke out and sent the tribe back in one breath, it would be a bad idea, and the new expansion pack of Tide of Darkness will be delayed again.

If the Horde is self-closing and does not invade Azeroth, then it will be off the charts, and the entire game plot will be subverted...

That's why we give adventurers a weak DEBUFF.

But he didn't dare to weaken the alliance too much. If the tribe defeated the alliance, and then directly wiped out the main force of the alliance with a wave of flat push, it would also not meet his expectations.

Because in history, the war between the Stormwind Kingdom and the Horde has also been fought for a long time. The two sides fought fiercely for several months, and the Alliance once had the upper hand. In the end, the Horde still defeated Stormwind City by assassinating King Ryan. down.

If this wave of alliance troops is really wiped out, the Stormwind Kingdom is flattened by a wave, and other countries in the alliance have not yet formed a coalition army, then the Horde's advantage will be too great.

If the Horde really conquered Azeroth, it would be a joke.

So the tribe had to win this war, but they couldn't win completely. The subtle control in it was a test of Emperor Xuan's ability to control the field.

However, the gods can't end directly, so he can only rely on bosses like Deathwing and the Lord of Fire to control them.

The black dragon army is the most critical part of his plan, a force that can determine the tilt of the balance.

Now that the Black Dragon Legion was finally in place, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, I can push the plot in the direction I need.

Wang Xuan: Thank goodness you finally arrived, don't end yet, let me ask you a few words.

Deathwing: Go ahead little bug, but don't delay too long, my patience is limited.

Wang Xuan: You have to let the Horde win, but you can't win too much. You have to let the Alliance have enough troops to flee back to defend Stormwind City.

Deathwing: Hmph, you really have a lot of requests, I can't guarantee anything.

Wang Xuan: It's actually very simple, you start with the alliance first, if the alliance collapses you will join the army, anyway, you will join the stronger side.

Deathwing: Why bother, just crush these ants together.

Wang Xuan: can figure it out for yourself.

Turning off the private message, Mo Fei looked at the black dragon lords hovering around, they were all waiting for his order.

"Black dragon lords, listen to my orders! Take your dragon group and prepare to attack!"

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Um, so where should we attack, the Alliance or the Horde, Lord Neltharion?"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Everyone - attack indiscriminately!"

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince): "What, father, are you crazy and provoke enemies on both sides at the same time? This..."

Deathwing suddenly looked at his son, and under the gaze of his dark golden pupils, Nefarian suddenly showed a terrified expression.


Nesario (King of the Black Dragon): "Hehe, my dear son, don't worry, your father is not crazy yet, this battle is a moment to show the power of the Black Dragon clan to the world, but at the same time, it is also a moment to show our faction At any time, once we help one side, then we are bound to this side. Those who are helped may not be grateful, but those who are attacked will definitely feel resentment.

Only by lighting them up and burning them together can we let them understand that our Black Dragon Legion is an independent existence, not only an enemy against them, but also a potential ally they can win over.

Neither humans nor orcs can really trust us, so instead of joining one side, it is better to wait for the price, as long as the price is right, you can join them.

The harder we kill them in this battle, the more they want to win us over.

At that time, both the Alliance and the Horde will offer benefits and benefits to our family in order to obtain our help. "

These words made all the black dragon lords dumbfounded. This logic is a bit outrageous.

But don't say it, it's not completely unreasonable.

The point is that the one who said this is Deathwing, you don't have to listen to it if you don't want to.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Lord Neltharion is indeed extremely wise."

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince) "My father's wisdom shocked me, please forgive my son's stupidity."

Night Fury (Black Dragon Air Raider): "Lord Neltharion is awesome!"

Murphys sneered secretly, maybe the alliance and the tribe will win over the black dragon army in order to win in a short time, but no matter which side wins the final victory, I am afraid that we will be the first to solve it.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Attack, warriors of the Black Dragon Legion, don't show mercy, don't hesitate, burn this world with raging fire, clean up the ants on the ground with dragon flames, the Black Dragon Legion is about to rise!"

With an order, the dragon group let out a deafening roar, and thousands of black dragons, big and small, swooped down at the same time.

At this moment, the soldiers of both the alliance and the tribe below all showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty. Regarding the sudden appearance of the black dragon army, the soldiers of both sides did not know whether they were enemies or friends.

But no matter how nervous they are, they still have to continue fighting, so the alliance and the tribe, while fighting each other, looked up to the sky from time to time.

Although Orgrim Doomhammer knew that the Black Dragon Army was here to help them, he was not very happy. The Black Dragon Army actually came. Belongs to Bloo.

In the next second, the black dragon spewed flames frantically towards the battle line.

Hundreds of young black dragons sprayed fireballs at high altitudes, and the sound of explosions continued. Adult black dragons were more ferocious. They dived directly at low altitudes, using their thick scales to resist incoming bows and arrows, and then sprayed out flames like a bomber. , one spray covers a range of tens of meters, leaving a large area of ​​burning human figures and charred corpses on the ground.

For a moment, the screams shook the sky, and countless humans and orcs were killed and injured in the fighting.

Orgrim was extremely frightened and furious, what, are these black dragons crazy?Didn't you agree to help the orcs?Even the orcs attacked together.

Kilrogg Evileye (Blood Ring Chieftain): "Those black dragons—they're attacking the Alliance, but they're also attacking our Great Chieftain."

Orgrimmar (Warchief): "I'm not blind!" His fangs quivered with anger, but he calmed down quickly.

"Let the troops regroup, strengthen the frontline air defense force, let the Dragonmaw clan speed up, and send their flying dragon cavalry over quickly. All the wolf cavalry are dispatched to stick to the alliance troops, and they are about to run away!"

King Ryan was relatively calm and even a little surprised. He originally thought that the Black Dragon was an ally of the Horde. Someone had previously reported that Deathwing and Medivh teamed up, which meant that the Black Dragon Legion was likely to join the Horde camp. Now He was relieved that the black dragon and the orcs attacked together, no matter what the reason was, otherwise the alliance might collapse in this wave.

Ryan (King Storm): "Retreat, let the army retreat, let the mage troops and archers retreat first, and prepare for air defense! Those ballistas behind are aimed at the sky, and tell Varian to come back quickly."

This sudden intrusion is actually an opportunity for the alliance, an opportunity for a complete retreat.

"What about those adventurers? They don't have a clear commander, and we have no way to convey military orders to them."

Ryan (King Storm): "It's okay, let them continue to fight. Varian said that adventurers are warriors who are not afraid of life and death, so let them fight to the end."

The army of the Stormwind Kingdom began to retreat slowly, leaving the battlefield, but those adventurers did not intend to retreat at all. This kind of battle is simply a carnival for players, especially when they lack the perspective of God, there are people in all directions, and they can't see it at all. Know exactly what happened, just hit it anyway.

Seeing the appearance of the Black Dragon Legion, the adventurers were not only not afraid, but excitedly began to slaughter dragons. The dragons are all delicious, not only the equipment is good, but also all kinds of top-quality materials.

Almost all the adventurers who participated in this battle were equipped with shop equipment. As long as they could kill a few adult black dragons and peel some dragon scales and blood back, they would have made money. Anyway, they were not afraid of death, so they just stayed and fought to the end.

The heroes ran very fast, and when they saw the situation was not good, they all started to retreat. They were all very expensive, but Varian always led his loyal supporters to rush left and right. This army was almost all four An adventurer at level [-] has the highest combat effectiveness of a fifth-level soldier, and can come and go freely in the orc army.

Murphy could see clearly in the sky that they were approaching the orc camp and the war flag of the chief.

It is also the place where the orc troops and heroes gather the most.

No, don't let him pass!
Although Varian is brave and his men are elite, but this lone army will inevitably be beaten to death in the past, silly brother, let the eldest brother help you.

Deathwing's huge body swooped down suddenly, the huge body brought huge wind pressure, sand and rocks flew on the ground, and the wind howled, but this was just the beginning.

The prehistoric flames!

Opening the dragon's mouth, hula la a turbulent flame rushed towards the face, and the place where the flame passed, whether it was an adventurer or an orc, was burned to ashes.

There were countless casualties, especially the adventurers. Because they charged in a tight formation, the formation was directly burned through the middle by the flames, and 300 people died at once.

Varian watched his loyal and brave soldiers instantly turn into a sea of ​​flames, his eyes were red and he was furious.

Seeing Deathwing swoop down again.

Fearless cut!He leaped vigorously, and the Salamani in his hand slashed down in the air.

However, he jumped tens of meters high all at once, and there was still a distance from Deathwing. Deathwing only sent him flying with a tail strike.

Varian rolled continuously on the ground like a baseball being whipped, flying hundreds of meters before barely coming to a stop.

As soon as he got up, he was caught by a few soldiers next to him, "Go, Prince Varian, the king tells you to retreat quickly, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

What?Varian looked around, and it turned out that Deathwing's attack was so powerful that it flew him directly from the orc army back to the alliance army.

Looking at the hundreds of adventurers surrounded by orcs in the distance, he let out a desperate cry.

Those are all his loyal fans, "No!"

In the next second, Deathwing's flame spewed down again, burning the remaining adventurers and the surrounding orcs into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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