Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 191 Orc Adventurer

Chapter 191 Orc Adventurer

A day later - Horde Fortress.

The war is over, the Horde army has completely occupied the cursed land and the surrounding dark swamp, and the main force of the army has all arrived in this new world.

At this moment, a kind of chieftain of the tribe is discussing the battle situation and the next strategy.

From a distance, you can hear the laughter coming from the big tent.

Saurfang (High-ranking Warlord): "Hahahahaha, those scumbags of the alliance were really vulnerable, and fled in front of the warriors of my great tribe."

Kilrogg Deadeye (Chief of the Blood Ring): "That's right, as long as we attack with all our strength, these humans are simply vulnerable."

Grom Hellscream (Chief Warsong): "Have you seen my battle yesterday? I killed two hundred Alliance soldiers and twenty Alliance heroes by myself."

Listening to the bragging of the orc chieftains, Orgrimmar Doomhammer was not as excited as his men.

Yesterday's battle was indeed victorious, but the loss of the tribe was huge. Nearly 5 soldiers fell on the way of charging, while the alliance's troops were not completely defeated. Although the wolf cavalry intercepted and killed several troops behind, but Still let King Ryan withdraw back with [-] to [-] people, and now they are hiding in a strong city, and it will still be a bitter battle.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Legion did not join the tribe as in the previous agreement. Instead, it disappeared after being burned and killed. I really don't know what the intentions of these monsters are.

The only thing that made him more gratified were those strange adventurers. The performance of the adventurers was far worse than what was said in the original legend - endless, and they couldn't kill them all.

It seems that the orcs who fled back must have made excuses for their own defeat, so they exaggerated the strength of the enemy.

But those adventurers are indeed a bit powerful, especially the will to never retreat in actual combat, which makes Orgrim very worried. If the enemies in this world are so difficult to deal with, then conquering Azeroth will become extremely difficult.

"Great chief, you don't have to worry about those adventurers, we also have our own adventurers." An orc chief said suddenly.

Orgrim was taken aback, "What? Why don't I know? Tell me, what are these orc adventurers?"

The orc chief explained: "When the evil energy disaster happened before, many orcs left their respective tribes and went to other places in Draenor to find a pure land that was not polluted by evil energy. People who now know that the tribe is in war, they all chose to return and are willing to fight for the tribe.

Just this morning, tens of thousands of adventurers have passed through the portal of darkness and arrived in this world. "

what!Tens of thousands of adventurers, that is tens of thousands of troops, I don't even know it at all.

He looked at Kargath Bladefist who was in charge of guarding the Dark Portal, "Kargath, do you know about this?"

Kargas looked stunned, of course he couldn't say that he didn't know at all, "I think, uh, I've heard of such a thing."

"Hmph, such a big movement is not reported to me."

Hellscream suddenly said, "Those adventurers are simply a bunch of trash, and they are not worth wasting energy to pay attention to. Only the warriors of my Warsong tribe are real warriors."

Reid also said: "That's right, those adventurers are very weak, they are all 'fresh meat', they don't even bring any equipment, they ran over naked with sticks in their hands, and their temperaments are loose, come on. After that, you will cause trouble everywhere, and you won’t be able to go to the battlefield at all.”

Orgrimmar shook his head. He felt that things were never that simple. If it was so bad, how could it be possible to pass through the Hellfire Peninsula full of monsters and cross the portal of darkness to this strange world?

"Call two adventurers over here, let me see how these adventurers are."

Soon a shirtless orc wearing fur shorts was brought in. When he came in and saw a group of orc chiefs holding a meeting, he was startled, but immediately showed a surprised expression.

Shrek (orc warrior): "Wo Cao, Wo Cao, it's actually the great chief who received me, awesome!"

To Orgrimmar's surprise, this orc named Shrek was only a little nervous for a while, and immediately got used to the surrounding environment. He seemed to be fearless and without any awe. The chief showed no signs of fear, but was very excited.

He first looked left and right, touched the big tent for a while, then gestured to the air twice with his hand, and then rushed directly towards Orgrimmar.

Standing directly next to Orgrim took a photo, and took a few photos with the system's built-in camera function.

Shrek (orc warrior): "Hahaha, I'm blown away now. Hey, Doomhammer looks like this. It looks very ordinary. It's not as handsome as my Sal."

Orgrimmar felt that his forehead was on fire all of a sudden. He now understood why these chiefs didn't want to see adventurers. This adventurer naturally felt that he needed to be beaten. The key is to see Looking at their eyes without awe, an orc can be ignorant, but he cannot be an idiot.

"Pull it out, cut it!"

Immediately, two 55-level Kor'Kron elite guards rushed in, grabbed Shrek and dragged it out.

Shrek (orc warrior): "Damn it, I'll cut me down for whatever I do, Lord Orgrimmar, you tyrant, stupid king, cruel to the loyal."

"Stop! I've changed my mind." Orgrim showed a cruel grin. Generally speaking, he would not deliberately pursue blood and violence, but now he feels that sometimes meaningless cruelty is also a meaningful thing .

He walked up to the orc and looked at the other's uneasy expression.

"Don't waste it, feed him to the warg, after all—it's a piece of fresh meat."

Shrek (orc warrior): "Wow, don't wow, don't wow...don't kill me, I have shed blood for the tribe, I have been wounded for the tribe!"

Another orc adventurer was brought in. This time, he was not as aggressive as the last time. He looked very calm. He didn't have the urge to fight with someone at any time like an ordinary orc warrior. .

He scanned the hall and bowed his head to the head begging.

This action made the chiefs frown. This sense of politeness is really a bit out of harmony, and it reminded them of those humans.

Orgrim (Horde Warchief): "Are you an orc adventurer from Draenor?"

Poisoner Jia Xu (orc warlock): "Yes, Your Excellency the Great Chief, I traveled thousands of miles to come here, hoping to serve the tribe."

Orgrim (Horde Warchief): "So what do you think of this war, and what about the human armies?"

Poisoner Jia Xu (orc warlock): "This war may be protracted, so we need new troops. I think adventurers are an indispensable part of the Horde's conquest strategy in Azeroth."

Orgrimmar heard the disdainful sneer of the chieftains, and he grinned too, but didn't smile.

Orgrim (tribal chief): "Oh, why do you say that, we have defeated the human army, as long as we go all the way north, we can conquer this world."

Poisoner Jia Xu (orc warlock): "As far as I know, there are seven human nations in the alliance, and what we are facing is only one of the kingdoms. In addition, there are dwarves, dwarves, elves, etc. They are still waiting and watching, but once the war expands, they will all join the battle, and at that time we will be facing the enemy of the whole world."

"Our tribe has gathered the power of the whole world!" Hellscream roared in disbelief.

The orc adventurer in front of him shook his head: "This is different. The tribe has experienced a brutal civil war in the past ten years, and the population has been severely reduced. The most deadly thing is that the production capacity of the tribe has been completely destroyed. Now all the tribes are dying. Living by plundering, big tribes plundering small tribes, sooner or later they will be destroyed, isn’t that why we came to this world.”

"Although we have a huge army, it is based on the fact that all the people are soldiers. In fact, it is a one-time army. Once the strength of the army is exhausted, it can no longer fight.

The Alliance joins the army mainly in the prime of life, and most of the population is still producing, which can continuously produce resources and troops. As long as we cannot win quickly and continue to consume, our army will self-destruct within five years. "

Orgrimmar was secretly shocked. He had already sensed the crisis within the tribe before, and because of this, he chose to open the door to fight even in the face of the frightening adventurer in the legend.

Because if you don't launch the invasion tribe, you will play yourself to death.

Not only is there less and less food, but the pollution of fel energy also makes the orcs violently need war to vent their anger.

But I didn't expect someone to point out the problem of the tribe so clearly.

Indeed, the tribe's supplies are all obtained by plundering. Although they won a big victory yesterday, if they can't continue to obtain resources in the future, food alone will be a problem. They can't learn from those ogres.

(End of this chapter)

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