Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 192 Expansion Pack [Tide of Darkness] Released

Chapter 192 Expansion Pack [Tide of Darkness] Released

Orgrim looked at the adventurer in front of him, and nodded secretly in his heart. There has never been a shortage of brave warriors among the orcs, but there are not many orcs with shrewd minds. Orcs who can combine strength and cunning, No one is bad.

At least from this point of view, these orc adventurers do not seem to be without merit.

"Then tell me how to solve the current problem."

The poisonous Jia Xu smiled slightly, "I have a plan, as long as the great chief listens to me, he will definitely be able to..."

He was about to show off his tongue brilliantly, when Hellscream beside him suddenly seemed to remember something.

"Great Chief, I suddenly remembered something. Our Warsong clan has just received a new batch of reinforcements. The number exceeds [-], which is enough to alleviate the shortage of the army."

What, fifty thousand reinforcements?Does the Warsong tribe have such a large population?Orgrim was taken aback. He never imagined that the other orc chieftains would also come to their senses, as if their memories had come online collectively.

Durotan (Chief of the Frostwolf): "Orgrim, our Frostwolf tribe has also sent [-] reinforcements."

Saurfang (High-ranking Warlord): "Chief, our Blackstone tribe has also sent [-] reinforcements."

Kilrogg (Chief of the Blood Ring): "Our Blood Ring tribe has [-] reinforcements."

After the chiefs reported the number, there were hundreds of thousands of orcs in the army.

And according to them, these orcs were all support troops from the original territories of various tribes.

Orgrimmar vaguely felt that something was wrong. Draenor was caught in a civil war, and the corpses of various orc tribes were scattered all over the field, and the population dropped very seriously. Later, when they went on an expedition to the sky world, the black hand assembled all the tribes, but only 60 Just Wan Dajun.

In order to ensure that he could conquer the firmament world in one go, Black Hand pulled all his troops to the area of ​​the Dark Portal, relying on the previous year's multiplication to gather an army of one million.

The rest of the people who stayed at home waiting to die were basically old and weak women and children. Why did so many orc reinforcements suddenly appear?

This is less than a year. Although the orcs are relatively precocious, they are considered adults at the age of 12, and the orcs who drink the blood of the devil can grow into adults in six years, but the problem is that it only takes a year or two.

He wondered, but it was good news anyway.

While rejoicing, the door of the hall was suddenly knocked open, and a Kor'Karon guard rushed in with a look of excitement.

"Great chief, good news, there are new clans and tribes joining our army."

new clan?Orgrimmar was a little surprised. The war launched by the orcs almost affected the entire Draenor. Dozens of clans all gathered under the banner of the tribe. Where did these new clans come from?
He didn't take it seriously, he just regarded it as a small tribe in a corner, with dozens or hundreds of people.

"How many tribes have come and how many people are there?"

"Great chief, a total of 27 new clans have joined, and each clan has more than 5000 troops."

what!Orgrimmar was startled immediately, and completely forgot about the adventurer just now, "Take me to see."

When all the orc chiefs walked out of the fortress, they saw a neat orc army coming out from the portal of darkness, and more than 20 new chiefs also came over.

These new orc chiefs looked very young, almost all in their early twenties, and each orc chief was followed by orcs holding banners, carrying their own clan battle flags.

They came to the high platform of the fort in a bustling manner, waving their weapons at Orgrim in greeting.

"Great Chief, I am the chief of the Wolf Warrior Tribe—Jagged Wolf Warrior!"

"Great chief, I am the chief of the Bloody Hand Human Tu tribe—the strongest son-in-law."

"I'm from the Ba Dao Tribe—Ba Dao Wuqing."

"I'm from the Brotherhood - Jim Raynor."

"I'm from the Infernal Walker Tribe - Dashuai."

"Sabak Tribe——Big brother who takes the lead."

"I am the tribe of the Temple of War-Kratos."

"I'm from the Aowao Niubi tribe—the invincible hunk!"

"I'm from the Beast Blood Boiling Tribe—Golden Behemoth!"

"I am the Chieftain of the Warhammer 4K Horde - the Green King!"

Looking at these new tribal chieftains and the troops of their respective clans and tribes, Orgrim was overjoyed, no matter where they came from, they were finally not afraid of running out of soldiers.

I lost [-] before, but now I got it all back.

The adventurer named Jia Xu, the poisonous man, has a livid face, bastard, I finally caught the attention of Orgrim Doomhammer, you Kryptonites, do you want to be so coincidental?

Orgrim (tribal chief): "Warriors of the tribe, young chiefs, welcome to the new world, join the army of the tribe, you came just in time, the tribe has just experienced a big victory, the enemy is weak , we are strong, this world is about to fall into our hands, you will become the blade and sharp ax in my hands, to conquer this world, cheers, warriors, for the Horde!"

"For the tribe!"


"For the tribe!"

"Strength and pesticides! Feed the Horde!"


Seeing the passionate aura of the young chiefs below, Orgrim nodded in satisfaction.

He actually doesn't have a complete idea of ​​how many people and troops the tribe has. The cultural level of orcs is generally not very high, and they don't know much about addition and subtraction within 100. It can be used, a lot, especially a lot, and this way of expression is much older.

It is said that it is ten thousand, it may be six or seven thousand, eight or nine thousand, ten thousand or two or three thousand are all possible.

So it was strange for Orgrim to see so many reinforcements suddenly, but he didn't think too much about it.

The more fighters, the better.

As for food and supplies, just grab them.


Firmament World's new expansion pack - [Tide of Darkness] is officially launched.

After the brutal war at the Dark Portal, the Horde finally set foot on this strange land. Under the leadership of the great chief Orgrim Doomhammer, the savage and warlike orcs vowed to conquer the world. Between the Alliance and the Horde The bloody battle is inevitable, what are you waiting for, come and join this epic war.

A new optional faction - Orc tribe, for blood and glory, for the life and death of orcs, fight with the tribe.

Added an optional race for adventurers - Orcs.Now you have just arrived in the firmament world from Draenor. For the Horde, start an adventure in this new land.

A new optional lord template - clan chief (orc), build your own clan, become a powerful tribal chief, each orc chief can have his own clan territory, set up his own exclusive clan culture, let Let your clan be known to the world.

Features of the Lord: The orc clan has continued the ancient war tradition, so all the people are soldiers, and every adult orc is a qualified warrior. By choosing different clan cultures, you can add corresponding special arms to your clan.

New soldier template - you can join various classic orc clans, become a tribal warrior, have a complete troop upgrade line, fight for the glory of the tribe, resist the threat of the alliance, conquer new territories, and grow up in the war .

Newly added hero professions - Prophet, Juggernaut, Shadow Warlock, Beastmaster, Orc Warlord, Death Knight (hidden profession), become an orc hero, and write your own legendary stories in this world...

Let me go, a new expansion pack is finally released, this time the game company has made a lot of noise.

While eating breakfast, Murphy browsed the content of the expansion pack on the webpage. The breakfast tasted good. The fried eggs were soft and tender, the ham was delicious, and the bread was crispy. They tasted just right.

Murphy is also in a good mood.

He was worried that the tribe would be consumed by adventurers, but after reading the content of this new expansion, he immediately realized that the war between humans and orcs had just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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