Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 193

Chapter 193
Just as he was feeling emotional, the phone rang suddenly.

Mo Fei picked it up and looked, as expected, it was Wang Xuan who called.

He took a deep breath and thought that it was time to come.

Rescuing Medivh himself changed the development of the plot to some extent, and Emperor Xuan would definitely come to complain.

Fortunately, he already had a plan to deal with it, and he connected the phone immediately.

Wang Xuan: "I said, Murphy, you are too much trouble, to be honest, did you let Medivh go yesterday? This morning the forum was blown up, Lothar took people to kill Medivh , unexpectedly rushed to nothing, how is the plot going now? Did you have some PY deal with Medivh? Did you benefit from it?"

Murphy: "There is no other way, I have to get something for myself."

Such straightforward words made Wang Xuan amused.

Wang Xuan: "Damn it, why are you speaking so frankly? Did the book of Medivh fall into your hands?"

Murphy: "The book of Medivh is in the hands of Aegwynn. I don't want to mess with it. As for why you are so frank, you see, I will work for you, and there is no salary or bonus. Then I have to Take some advantage for yourself. Originally, in such a big event, I am a level [-] silver hero. How can I get thousands of plot points and hundreds of thousands of experience? It is not an easy task to go up to level ten or twenty.

As a result, I was busy with your affairs and delayed everything, so there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of it by the way. You still make such a fuss, which makes me sad. "

"You..." Wang Xuan was speechless, "Then you can't save Medivh, he is going to die in the plot."

Murphy: "Oh, it's not a big deal. What's the difference between disappearance and death? In the original history, didn't Medivh be resurrected by his mother later, so you can treat Medivh as his mother and revive Medivh in advance." No, it’s fine, and I even let him hide, as long as he doesn’t come out, it won’t affect the plot.

Didn’t you say it before, as long as the big picture doesn’t change, the details don’t matter. "

Wang Xuan: "... Well, forget about it, as long as Medivh doesn't show up, I'll treat him as dead, but you must not make trouble anymore, those princes and princesses are all big customers of our company, It’s not easy to miss a plot, which is very bad for the company’s performance.”

Murphy: "Okay, okay, I know, by the way, is the Black Dragon Legion joining the alliance or the tribe?"

Wang Xuan: "None of them will join. The Black Dragon Legion belongs to the Intervention Army and must be on standby at any time to make things right for me. There may be a place where you can be used in the future. Before that, don't mess with the war between the tribe and the alliance. Participated.

The Black Dragon Legion's participation in the battle has already attracted the attention of the other four guardian dragons. If they continue to gain a sense of presence, I'm afraid they will be recruited by the four dragons. "

It's okay for Mo Fei to say, just take advantage of this time to raise the level.

"Okay then, let's get back in touch later."

Murphy hung up the phone and entered the game.

As soon as he went online from the palace in Stormwind City, Murphy immediately felt the tension in the atmosphere. There were soldiers coming and going everywhere in Stormwind Fortress, and the messenger knights kept sending battle reports to the military intelligence room.

As soon as he walked into the conference hall, he immediately saw a grim atmosphere.

There were a lot fewer people, and some special envoys had already sent people or went back in person to deliver the news of the large-scale invasion of orcs.

Those who stayed were basically planning to join the war.

More are the generals and nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom.

King Lane was sitting on the throne, listening to Bolvar's report.

Murphy found an empty seat and sat down. He saw Varian sitting opposite the conference table with a rather depressed expression.

Bolvar: "The Horde's army has broken through all the castles and watchtowers on the border of the kingdom. Several orc armies are marching towards the Redridge Mountains. Many castles stationed by border nobles have been captured."

The Red Ridge Mountains are one of the most important iron ore producing areas in the Stormwind Kingdom. The local mountains are rich in iron ore. Due to the oxidation reaction, the entire mountain range is reddish.

Stretching for hundreds of miles, the Stormwind Kingdom entrusted more than a dozen nobles in that area, and built towering castles among the mountains. These castles played a huge role in fighting the local wolf man in the past.

However, these fortified castles fell quickly when faced with the attack of the tribe's army.

Although the tribe is barbaric, it is not backward, especially in the use of military technology. Powerful catapults, siege towers, and even hellfire chariots made with fel technology can easily destroy the gates and stone walls of the castle.

King Lane's face was serious.

A general suggested: "Let the nobles lead the people and troops to retreat to Lakeside Town to assemble and use the bridge in Lakeside Town for defense..."

Another general retorted: "No, the nobles should be allowed to stick to their territories, so as to buy us more time."

"You're letting them die!"

Ryan (Storm King): "We must face the enemy head-on and protect our land and people. Envoys and generals, do you have any good ideas? Feel free to speak up."

All the people present spoke one after another.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, the Battle of Black Gate failed, and there is no chance of winning a direct confrontation with the Horde. For the current plan, we must concentrate our forces to defend Stormwind City. The enemy must attack Stormwind City in order to go north."

"The enemy has a large number of troops, and we can use the enemy's food supply."

"Yes, yes, break the enemy's food path."

This move is almost the first reaction of the players, and even the players' brains are wide open, fully drawing on various whimsical ideas of ancient wars.

"We can build a dam on Zhishui Lake and store a lot of water. When the orcs attack the city, we can dig the dam and flood the Seventh Army."

"Fool, it's not the rainy season now, how can there be so much water, and the orcs have shamans who can summon earth elementals to quickly repair the dams."

"I think we can set up an ambush in Elwynn Forest, gather all the mages, and wait until the orc army passes by and set fire to the forest together, so that the orcs will be burned."

"It's useless, the orcs have shamans, who can directly summon storms to put out fires..."

While everyone was speaking one after another, someone suddenly let out a sneer.

"These plans you mentioned are completely whimsical and have no feasibility at all.

With the development of this war to the point where it is now, there is no room for chance.

Your Majesty, facing the front of the orcs, the Stormwind Kingdom alone cannot resist. The only way out is to retreat. The people should be evacuated immediately, and the people of the Stormwind Kingdom should retreat by sea. At the same time, all food should be burned and all water sources should be polluted. , Fortify the walls and clear the fields, leaving no grain of food for the enemy.

Your Majesty should lead the army to defend Stormwind City and attract the enemy to attack. After all the people have retreated, they should burn Stormwind City down and leave by boat from King's Harbor.

There are millions of orcs in the army, and the supplies they need will be astronomical. As long as they do a good job of strengthening the walls and clearing the fields, they can be weakened to the greatest extent and give them a chance to win the next decisive battle. "

(End of this chapter)

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