Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 195 The second way

Chapter 195 The Second Way
Varian listened thoughtfully, "Master Kel'Thuzad, you mean you want me to go to Northrend to find the crown of domination?"

Kel'Thuzad nodded slightly, "I have always been very curious about the legendary city of the dead, but because the Dalaran council was unwilling to support my field investigation, it has never been possible to make the trip. If Prince Varian intends to find The legendary crown of domination, I am willing to assist His Royal Highness, if all goes well, that artifact may help His Royal Highness save your kingdom.

I can also take a peek at the truth of the legend. Of course, I am just providing some knowledge and suggestions. It is up to you to decide how to choose. "

Looking at the scene in front of him, Murphy felt rather weird in his heart, thinking that it would be impossible, wouldn't Varian become the Lich King in the end?
He deliberately wanted to prevent Varian from accepting the proposal, but he didn't know how to say it.

He could feel Varian's desperate desire to gain power and fight against the orcs.

At this moment, Sigret's profile picture in the friend list suddenly flashed.

Sigret: Brother 36, is Varian with you?

Aidan: What are you looking for with Varian?
Sigret: I have a good idea, maybe I can help him defeat the orcs, so I want to ask him if he is interested.

Mo Feixin said, what can you do?But thinking about it can also distract Varian.

Aidan: Come to the Unmarked Cemetery outside the city, we're all here.

Not long after, I saw Sigrid and Princess Vivienne of Gilneas coming hand in hand.

Murphy was a little surprised, wondering how these two got together.

Vivienne is also a player. Like Sigret, she is the kind of player who prefers role-playing. She plays very well and speaks in a standard court accent.

When they met, they first curtsied gracefully to Varian.

Sigret also bowed slightly to pay tribute, "Ah, Prince Varian, Master Kel'Thuzad? What a coincidence."

Kel'Thuzad nodded indifferently at the two of them.

Varian's face was a little embarrassed. The scattered corpses and broken bones on the ground were not very elegant and could easily attract suspicion, he explained.

"Master Kel'Thuzad is showing me some special magic."

Sigret laughed, "Hehe, there's no need to explain anything, isn't it just spiritism? I've seen it a lot, so it's nothing special."

Kel'Thuzad's eyes turned cold when he heard this, "Young prince, please pay attention to your words. Spiritualism is a profound and mysterious magic. By studying the mysteries of the soul and death, you can create miraculous and great creations. Don't be arrogant, go to Evaluate what you don't understand, otherwise you will only reveal your ignorance and arrogance."

Siegret's gaze towards Kel'Thuzad was a little bit frightened. The shadow of a famous tree made him a little apprehensive about the future Enlightenment.

However, he still showed an expression of indifference, "Hmph, don't scare me, Mr. Ke, I know what psychics are, and those skeletons are useless at all. Your Highness An, why not believe in the Eternal Dark Moon with me, the power of the Eternal Dark Moon is the key to saving your people and the best choice to defeat the orcs."

"Eternal Dark Moon? What is that?" Varian looked puzzled.

Kel'Thuzad snorted coldly, "I've heard of the Eternal Dark Moon, but it's just an evil god believed by a group of ignorant lunatics."

Sigret shook his head, "The power of the Eternal Dark Moon is beyond the comprehension of people like you——Vivian."

Vivienne nodded, her eyes widened, and she suddenly let out a long, shrill howl.

The muscles on her body suddenly began to swell, thick black hair grew, and her face protruded forward. In the blink of an eye, the elegant and beautiful princess turned into a fierce werewolf.

Varian was taken aback, but fortunately he noticed that the werewolf's eyes did not have crazy killing intent, and he still maintained human reason, "Is this? Druid magic?"

Siegret exclaimed: "Okay, Varian, you know druid magic, but this is not druid magic, but it is indeed related to druid.

1 years ago, in order to fight against the invasion of the Burning Legion, the night elves once forged a powerful artifact—the Luna Scythe. Borrowing the power of this sickle, the night elves mastered the ability to fight as a werewolf. However, Drew, who turned into a werewolf, Yi is often unable to control her reason and falls into a beast-like violent mind.

So the method of incarnation as a werewolf was recorded in an ancient taboo book, and the Luna sickle was also sealed.

However, not long ago, Vivian found this forbidden book in an ancient ruin in Gilneas, and learned the spell of turning into a werewolf in the book.

Just when she was about to lose her mind, she unexpectedly received the blessing of the Eternal Dark Moon, so she kept her mind.

As long as you use the dark and quiet power of the Eternal Dark Moon to calm the violent wildness in your heart, you can maintain your sanity. Those druids don't understand the true meaning of it, so naturally they can't control this power.

There are millions of civilians in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and there is no shortage of population. What is lacking are powerful warriors. But if they can become werewolves, then every civilian in the Kingdom of Stormwind will become extremely powerful. If millions of werewolves can be gathered, the tribe will What are the millions of orcs, the threat of orcs will no longer be a problem. "

Are all werewolves in the Kingdom of Stormwind?
Mo Feixin said I'm going to go, you really dare to think.

But don't say it, if you really do this, a million orcs are nothing.

Varian was slightly moved when he heard that.

"Why don't you go to my father?"

"King Ryan is too conformist and values ​​honor too much. I'm afraid he won't accept such a thing."

"Things like this? You mean—"

"Of course it is to convert all the people in the Kingdom of Stormwind to believe in the Eternal Dark Moon. In addition, considering that most civilians do not have the talent to learn magic, it will take some external help to turn them into werewolves. This is what I want to follow. That's what Prince Varian said.

Although the Luna Scythe has been sealed, Vivian's ancient book records the location of the temple where the Luna Scythe was sealed. If Prince Varian wants to defeat the Horde, why not go with us to find the legendary Luna Scythe, as long as you master this artifact, and convert the people of Stormwind Kingdom to Eternal Dark Moon, you can create an army of werewolves to save your country. "

Looking for artifacts again?The Luna Scythe... I don't know which one is more powerful than the Crown of Dominion.

Varian hesitated for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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