Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 196 Dealing with Evil Forces

Chapter 196 Dealing with Evil Forces
pop - pop - pop -

Suddenly there was a burst of applause in the darkness.

"Prince Sigret, you are eloquent and scheming, but have you forgotten something, such as what the belief in Eternal Dark Moon is, and what is the ultimate goal?"

In the darkness, a figure slowly walked out.

It's the Prince of Kul Tiras—Aicraft Proudmoore.

Faced with this sudden interrogation, Sigret's face twitched slightly, "Well, I don't know much about the Eternal Dark Moon, it should be similar to the belief of the moon god Elune."

"Oh, you are too humble, Prince Sigret. As far as I know, aren't you a priest of the Eternal Dark Moon? How can you not even understand your own beliefs, even an outsider like me, His Highness Varian, or Let me introduce you. The believers of Eternal Dark Moon believe that one day the light will disappear, and eternal darkness will cover the entire world and the entire universe. Eternal Dark Moon is the only true god in that darkness.

At that time, all souls will fall into that darkness and accept the eternal rule of the God of Darkness. "

Varian was taken aback. You must know that the official belief of the Kingdom of Stormwind is Holy Light, and the doctrine of Eternal Dark Moon sounds like a proper cult.

"Prince Varian, if you really want to seek the help of supernatural powers, why not join the ranks of tidesages with me, and serve our great master together, my great master before I go The master has already issued an oracle, hoping to attract more believers. As long as you are willing to lead the people of the Stormwind Kingdom to believe in my lord, my lord will definitely give you help.

Our great master doesn't bother to use any magic or artifacts, he just needs to accept the will of the great master.

Its power will bring you the real evolution of life, and will turn the weak body of human beings into entities with terrifying power. The tiny orcs are just a group of brainless beasts, and there is no threat in front of real power. "

Sigret's eyes widened immediately, "Damn, why are you here to join in the fun? You're bragging like [-] to [-], who is your boss so awesome."

Ai Craft sneered and said: "Hmph, can you only seek believers for your masters, can't I just invest in the great existence I serve and find a few dependents?"

"Which god do you serve? The god of storms? Neptulon?"

"How can those weak gods be compared with my lord? My lord came here when this world was born. It is an ancient existence that transcends time and space. Its power is indescribable, and its image is indescribable..."

Sigrid reacted immediately, and exclaimed, "Wo Cao, I see, you tide sages believe in N'Zoth, right?"

Love Craftsman smiled proudly: "That's right, why are you scared? My boss is an ancient god, and your boss is just the embodiment of the dark side of Elune."

"The Old God? What is that?" Varian asked in surprise.

"It's a big monster full of eyeballs and tentacles. Don't listen to him. That thing is not a good thing."

"How can your master be any better? The eternal dark moon is the dark personality of the goddess of the moon. Her purpose is to plunge this world into eternal darkness. At least believing in my master can make people gain life evolution , get endless joy, what good is eternal darkness?"

Kel'Thuzad suddenly spoke, with righteous words on his face, "Prince Varian, don't be corrupted by evil, and trade with those existences beyond human understanding to gain power, that is definitely not a wise choice, you should practice with me Spiritualism, compared to those unknown existences, you will find that this thing is safer."

Sigret and Aiyi said in unison, "Fuck off, Kel'Thuzad, you bastard, you have the nerve to talk about us, don't trust his Varian, this old guy is an anti-humanity element, you will believe him sooner or later." All the people in the Kingdom of Stormwind are undead."

"Enough!" Varian yelled, quieting the three parties who were arguing.

Everyone looked at Varian directly, waiting for his choice.

Varian's eyes swept across the faces of the three, and finally fell on the elder brother and third younger brother behind them.

Murphy's heart was full of ups and downs, and each of these players was really worried, and each background was not simple.

This can't let Varian fall into the pit.

He said in a deep voice: "It is true that you can gain powerful power by forming an alliance with the darkness, but you must pay a huge price. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Second brother, I suggest you think carefully. If you make the wrong choice, you may suffer Bring upon your people a disaster worse than the orcs."

Varian nodded, "You're right, I have to think about it." He looked at several people with complicated eyes.

"I understand the kindness of several people, but how to choose, please forgive me for not being able to reply to you for the time being."

Kel'Thuzad gave him a meaningful look, "Prince Varian, you must make a decision as soon as possible. Time waits for no one. The later you make up your mind, the later you will spread the profound meaning of spiritism."

Sigret: "Yes, Varian, the Luna Scythe will not pop out by itself, it will break if it is cut off."

Love craftsmanship: "My great lord is always willing to accept your allegiance——Alsace, right? Do you also consider it?"

Alsace shook his head quickly, he figured out that these guys are not good people, and he doesn't have the pressure to save the kingdom, so he doesn't want to deal with these things.

Varian looked at the eyes of several people a little flustered, "I want to go out for a walk."

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Murphy said with concern. Although Varian is an epic hero with a level of 71, he is only 14 years old. He is afraid that Varian will do something stupid.

Varian shook his head, "Don't worry, I won't make a hasty decision, I'm just walking on the street."

After speaking, Varian left on his own.

Varian was walking on the streets of Stormwind City. The streets were still bustling with prosperity. The tragic war two days ago did not affect the prosperity of the city at all, especially those adventurers who were happily discussing the previous events. The war, the gains at the Battle of Black Gate, and the Great War that followed.

Varian was very curious about how these adventurers viewed the war so easily, as if it was just a game. There were countless casualties among the adventurers in that battle, but it still didn't seem to have the slightest impact on them.

Some adventurers also saw Varian and saluted and cheered him.

Varian was a little anxious. From a very young age, he discovered that these rebellious adventurers seemed to have an indescribable respect for him. They always surrounded him, respected him, followed him, and believed in him. Him, honor him.

While this made him complacent, it also put him under a bit of heavy pressure. Originally, he was just an ignorant boy, but now, he bears the title of king.

"Wa Wang, you look a little nervous."

Several adventurers who were drinking and chatting on the street caught Varian's attention.

An elf mage, a dwarf warrior, a human knight, a priestess, and a dwarf thief.

He knew these people, had ventured together before.

The two parties are old friends, and only when he is with these adventurers can he completely relax.

"The army of orcs is overwhelming, how can I relax in the face of this war?"

The dwarf warrior asked concerned, "Does the king have any plans?"

"There is a plan, but it is useless for now-have you ever thought about gaining great power?"

"What powerful force?"

"Crown of Domination."

The mage seemed to know this thing, and frowned, "That's not a good thing, and the crown of domination seems to be in Northrend, so it's too late to find it."

Varian was not surprised. Among these adventurers, there were many knowledgeable people and many ancient secrets, which they could casually tell.

"Luna Scythe."

"Werewolf, that thing is a double-edged sword, maybe it will implode."


"Wo Cao, don't touch the ancient gods, King Wa, even if you want to blacken, go for Frostmourne, be a Lich King or something, don't get mixed up with the ancient gods, that's right The blow to your image is too great."

Varian couldn't help being dumbfounded, these adventurers really know everything.

But even they are so nervous, it seems that Sigret is right, it is better not to touch the Old God or something.

"Then how can I save my people?"

Several adventurers looked at each other.

A few people don't have a good idea to fight against the tribe. The Stormwind Kingdom in the script should not perish.

Although the country can be restored in the future, there must be many deaths during this period.

Although adventurers can fight bravely, they have no idea whether they can change history.

Several people muttered in low voices.

The mage said: "Actually, there is no chance at all. The orc invasion happened in the plot of Warcraft 1, and the plot of Warcraft 1 has two quest lines.

The Terran quest line ends with the Alliance defeating the Horde.

The Orc quest line ends with the Horde defeating the Alliance and occupying Stormwind.

Because the story needs to be compiled, the official finally adopted the ending of the Orc quest line as the official plot, and then there was the story of Warcraft 2.

If we can follow the Terran quest line of Warcraft 1 to advance the plot, then we can win. "

"What's going on with the Human Race mission line?"

"How do I know, that game was played more than 20 years ago."

Several people discussed it for a while, but they didn't have a clue.

"Wa Wang, we really have no idea about this matter, but someone may be able to help you with this matter, but well, these people are not good birds. These people are greedy for money, mercenary, and do everything they can. In a sense, it is even scarier than the ancient gods.

But these people are really powerful, as long as you can pay enough money, maybe these people can help you get rid of the Horde. "

Varian was a little surprised. He said that money is not a problem. There is still gold in the Stormwind Kingdom, but after listening to the descriptions of several people, why are they so familiar, "Are you talking about the goblins of Stranglethorn Vale?"

"No, we're talking studios."

(End of this chapter)

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