Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 197 Professionals

Chapter 197 Professionals
studio?Varian was a little unfamiliar with this term, but it felt vaguely familiar. He recalled it carefully, and suddenly remembered it.

Brother Aidan once mentioned that someone wanted to kill the third brother Alsace, so he mentioned the studio or something...

And according to Brother Aidan, there is not only one studio, but it seems to be very powerful like the Thieves Organization and the Assassin's Guild.

"The studio you mentioned is an organization?"

"It's not an organization, but a collective name for a type of organization." The mage explained: "There are many kinds of studios, and there are all kinds of them. Some sell materials, some sell equipment, and some take people on adventures. There are also those who help kill people, your situation is a bit complicated, you may need to find some big studios to do it, I can help you consult online, advertise, maybe there will be something."

Varian may not understand the mage's words, but he has long been used to them. Some inexplicable words often come out of the mouths of these adventurers. He guesses that most of them are some kind of blackening, just like the code between thieves. .

But he can trust the mage in front of him. In the past adventure career, he has fought side by side more than once. If such a friendship is not trustworthy, then what else is there to trust.

Varian nodded, "Alright, then please contact me. As long as it can help defeat the orcs, I'm willing to pay any price."

The actions of these old friends were very fast, and within an hour there was news that the mage disappeared for a while and reappeared in front of his eyes.

"Wa Wang, the people in the studio invited you to go to their residence to discuss in detail, and their address is in a building near the port."

Varian took the address and walked back to the palace. He hesitated in his heart. He was somewhat uneasy about finding a studio. He didn't know what kind of truth was hidden behind these mysterious organizations. After thinking about it, he decided to Just go to elder brother Aidan to find out about this matter.

Go back to the palace and tell your decision.

"What! You want to find a studio to fight against the Horde?" Murphy was dumbfounded when he heard Varian's words, you are an NPC, do you know what a studio is?

The NPC asked the studio for help... Why does this matter sound so unreal.

But thinking about it, it's not impossible. After all, the NPCs in this game are all intelligent NPCs, not much different from real people, and money is a thing, the prince of the Storm Kingdom, it doesn't matter how much you need.

To put it bluntly, money is money, and gold coins are worth more than RMB.

For a moment, he didn't know how to react.

Varian nodded solemnly, "That's right, in such a critical situation, any power that can be borrowed must be used. I know that work is an evil existence, but I think they are at least human, better than those ancient gods, Evil gods are easier to deal with."

Mo Feixin said that was not necessarily the case.

"Do you know what a studio is?"

Varian hesitated for a moment, "Probably some kind of Thieves Guild? An organization like the Merchant Guild? Isn't it?"

Murphy couldn't help laughing, "That's right, you summed it up pretty well, merchants and thieves... that's about it.

Well, the power of the studio is still very strong, and as long as the money is in place, it can do any job. If it is used well, it may really play a role. Let me go with you. Most people in the studio have no bottom line. Yes, it would be bad if seeing you alone blows you up. "

Varian said in surprise: "It's not possible, their station is in Stormwind City."

"That's not sure. As long as there is money to make, let alone a prince, they will dare to kill gods."

"I'll go too, I'll go too." Alsace said hastily.

Mo Feixin said that there is still a reward on your head, why don't you go to die.

"Did that person say what the studio is called?"

"Tianluo studio."

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief. He had heard of this studio before, and it was not good at fighting. It mainly engaged in various in-game businesses, such as teleportation between cities, reselling various bulk commodities, creating top-quality equipment, and collecting intelligence. And buying and selling... Guild members are also mainly professionals, and they generally don't take on that kind of murder.

But just to be on the safe side, Murphy still brought a group of knights under him, and Varian also called a few guards.

A group of people left the palace and soon came to the door of a magnificent building near the port.

At first glance, this building is no different from the surrounding classical buildings, but after a little observation, Murphy found some clues.

Excluding the architectural decoration style, it is somewhat similar to a modern office building.

He went up and knocked on the door, the door opened, and a guard wrapped in steel plates appeared in front of him.

Imperial Fortress Guard: Extraordinary unit, level 64.

When I went, I actually used extraordinary units to guard the gate. The strength of this organization is not weak.

Imperial Fortress Guard: "Several people, please stay outside, Your Highness Varian, this way please."

After hesitating for a while, Murphy asked Roland to stay outside with the knights, and several heroes walked in.

A parrot flew over and led the group of people.

While walking, Murphy looked at the layout of the building in surprise. The spacious hall, clean corridors, and office signs hung on the doors on both sides. The layout was exactly like a modern building.

People come and go, in and out, of all kinds, blacksmiths, cooks, fishermen, merchants, explorers, and lots of parrots.

These parrots are obviously played by players, and they communicate proficiently in the common language with the peculiar accent of birds.

Murphy was a little surprised, this group of people might not be simple.

"How did you make this building, why does it look so..."

"Modernization? Hehe, as long as you upgrade your construction skills to LV5, you can DIY your own building. This building was built by the architects in our studio. It is more suitable for us to use, and the price is also cheaper if you only buy land and materials. There are many."

"Here, it's here, you go in, I still have work to do." The parrot flew away after saying that.

A man wearing a white robe received the three of them. Many people in this Tianluo studio wear this kind of white mage robe. This kind of mage robe is closer to a formal dress and does not have attribute bonuses. It can be seen that this group of people really It's not that kind of combat player.

Da Vinci (Great Architect): Tier 70 silver hero, level [-].

Ok?There is even a hero architect?It was the first time for Murphy to see him.

Da Vinci warmly received the three of them, "Welcome, Prince Varian, Prince Arthas, and—huh? Prince Aidan.

Haha, what a wonderful combination, I have to say, Prince Varian, everyone in our guild is your fan. "

Speaking enthusiastically shook hands with Varian.

Varian was used to this kind of enthusiasm, but he was a little anxious. He couldn't see a powerful warrior or mage here. He really couldn't understand how these people could help him.

"We have listened to your request and have to say that this job is a bit tricky. It is almost impossible to defeat the entire tribe, so..."

Varian was disappointed for a while, and he knew that things couldn't be so simple, "I see, I just—"

"Hehe, when I finish speaking, this is almost impossible to do, so - you have to pay more."

Ok?Varian couldn't believe it.

"I mean 'almost' impossible, just 'almost,' but not totally impossible."

Varian looked skeptical, "So how are you going to help me fight the Horde?"

"Come here, please."

As Da Vinci said, he led everyone into a room beside him.

Once inside the room, Varian was overwhelmed.

In this empty hall, there is an extremely huge sand table, which clearly shows the topography of the entire Azeroth. Every mountain, every castle, and every river are vividly presented in front of you.

There are also models representing monster forces in different areas.

Varian touched a green dragon floating in the sky in surprise, but his hand passed through the green dragon.

"Is this—magic phantom?"

"That's right, this magic sand table uses the mage's illusion technique, you know illusion technique, you can create some simple illusions according to the caster's thinking, this sand table is engraved with 450 magic runes of illusion technique, to create This magic sand table took a lot of effort and expensive materials, but it's all worth it, so it looks a lot more intuitive."

Wari Anxin said that it is not only intuitive, but also very clear.

He looked at the miniature map of the entire Azeroth, feeling like a god, looking at everything.

Why couldn't the noble generals in Stormwind City think of such a method?

He felt a little annoyed, thinking of the crude sand table in the military situation room, compared with the magic sand table in front of him, it was just a child's toy.

He looked in the direction of the Dark Gate on the sand table, and he could see that the tribal barracks and fortresses had been built around the Dark Gate. There were many tall towers, tumbling battle flags, and the rough and wild architectural models of the Orcs. It is very scary.

And the red orcs that symbolize the Horde are everywhere.

Varian was stunned for a moment. These little red orcs were not placed randomly. They appeared on the map in groups, some in the posture of marching, and some gathered together to build fortresses. Could it be that, These villains marked the direction of the orcs' advance?

He recalled the military dynamics about the orcs he heard at the meeting before, and some of them could be found on the map.

But many more are seen entirely for the first time.

Da Vinci nodded, "That's right, what you saw is the current offensive situation of the orcs. As you can see, the orcs have divided into five groups and have launched a full-scale attack on Azeroth.

A force attacks the Swamp of Sorrows, sweeping away the local troll tribes and green dragonlords.

A troop went to attack Stranglethorn Valley, preparing to eliminate the local trolls and establish a logistics base for the tribe. At the same time, they also planned to contact the goblins in Booty Bay to purchase war supplies and arms.

A group attacked Redridge Mountains and is currently fighting the local noble castle.

A team headed to the Blackstone Mountains, preparing to conquer the Dark Iron Dwarves there, build an arsenal, and create weapons and armor for the entire tribe.

There is also a secret cavalry unit. They pass directly through the Twilight Forest, preparing to attack the Western Wilderness, which is the granary of the Stormwind Kingdom, and it is very conducive to cavalry operations. Due to the previous mobilization of the militia, the Western Wilderness lacks troops to defend. Once this A cavalry army arrives and will occupy the western wilderness without hindrance and seize food production areas for the tribe.

It has to be said that Orgrim's strategic ability is still very good. He knows that this war is a quick one. The tribe lacks supplies and logistics, but has the advantage in troops, so he has no plans to slowly attack Stormwind City. Instead, the whole army attacked as soon as it came up, occupying all the strategic points.

Once the five armies' goals are accomplished, Stormwind will be left alone, and the Horde will gain a huge strategic advantage. "

Varian stared at the orc army on the map, feeling fear in his heart. The Stormwind Kingdom's strategy against the Horde was completely suppressed by the opponent. Before, everyone thought that the Horde would directly attack Stormwind City, so the plan was to mobilize troops from all over the place to concentrate Go to the defense of Stormwind.

In this way, wouldn't he be falling into the arms of the orcs?

He felt it was becoming difficult to breathe.

Suddenly thought of one thing.

"How did you know this information?"

Da Vinci smiled slightly, "This is what our studio is best at, that's what we do."

Murphy was also a little surprised. This Tianluo studio is not well-known, but it really has a lot of tricks.

Varian's face suddenly changed: "Since you have known this information for a long time, why didn't you report it to the kingdom immediately? Aren't you the people of the alliance? Seeing the orcs raging, but remain indifferent, if the orcs' strategy is really achieved , how many innocent people will die.”

As he spoke, Varian became extremely indignant. He couldn't understand, let alone accept, that they were all human beings, and these people actually stood by and had no intention of being loyal to the kingdom at all.

For the first time, his impassioned speech failed.

"Sorry, we are all working as laborers, we just earn a living, we work to make money, we don't do things without money.

We don't care whether it's the Alliance or the Horde that wins, honors, heroes, blood, all of which have nothing to do with us, as long as they can make money, they are our customers, otherwise they have nothing to do with us. "

Da Vinci said it calmly, but Varian was furious when he heard it.

"Asshole, are you not afraid that I will arrest you for treason now?"

Da Vinci didn't care about Varian's threat, and even smiled, "I advise you not to do this, although you are the prince of Stormwind, I am not afraid of you, since I can send the tribe's information By showing it to you, you can also show the intelligence of the Alliance to the Horde, we don't intend to be against anyone, but if you prevent us from making money, your kingdom will pay for it."

Varian held the hilt of the sword, clenched his teeth, and almost couldn't help but make a move, but Murphy's hand was on his shoulder.

"So you can help us defeat the Horde for a fee?"

Murphy asked in disbelief. Although this group of people behaved professionally, it was still a bit too exaggerated to defeat the tribe.

Da Vinci shook his head, "It is impossible to completely defeat the orcs. The reason is that apart from too many enemy troops, there is another most important factor. I am not convenient to reveal this factor, but I think Aidan The prince must understand what I mean."

Varian looked at Murphy, who nodded.

This important factor is of course the official script. If the Stormwind Kingdom can defeat the Horde with one country, then the players are still playing a fart.

The system will definitely not allow such a thing to happen, and even without the influence of the system, it is not realistic. After all, the number of players in World of Warcraft was dominated by tribes.

Before, because the Horde faction was not enabled, the orcs could only play the monster template, so most players could only play the alliance.

But now the tribe has become an optional faction. Adventurer templates, soldier templates, lord templates, hero templates, all templates are fully open, which means that the tribe has become the same main faction as the alliance.

As a result, a large number of players joined the tribe. In this way, it is impossible to consume the tribe with adventurers. After all, the tribe also has its own adventurers.

Just give them a little time to grow.

Now it is clear that the alliance and the tribe are fighting, and neither side can be completely wiped out.

"But Prince Varian's goal was not to defeat the Horde, am I right?"

Not to beat the Horde?Varian was taken aback for a moment, but he reacted immediately.

That's right, he didn't want to defeat the tribe, but wanted to protect his kingdom and people, and defeating the tribe was just a necessary means.

"Then what can you do?"

"It's very simple, delaying time. It is impossible to fight against the tribe alone with the strength of the Stormwind Kingdom. It is necessary to concentrate the forces of the entire alliance. It will take at least two or three months for the alliance to form a coalition and then arrive here to participate in the war. What Prince Li'an has to do is to hold back the orcs in these two or three months, so as to avoid the country's subjugation."

Varian couldn't help laughing bitterly after hearing this, is it simple?This kind of thing is not simple at all.

"First of all, we need to define what constitutes a kingdom."

Da Vinci said: "It is obviously impossible to keep a little land and people alive, but as long as there are still unoccupied territories, as long as most of the population is still there, then it is not considered a subjugated country, right?"

Varian nodded.

"Then I have a solution."

(two chapters in one)

(End of this chapter)

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