Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 198 Information Warfare

Chapter 198 Information Warfare

"You really have a way?" Varian asked with some doubts.

Da Vinci nodded, "Of course, but the price is not cheap. Since you are the king of Wa, I can give you a [-]% discount, but it won't be much cheaper."

"how much is it?"

"100 million gold coins - this is the basic fee, if the situation changes and other services are required, it may be added.

Of course, taking into account the duration of the program, it is possible to pay in installments. "

100 million gold coins!Mo Feixin said that this guy really dared to open his mouth. If 100 million gold coins are converted into RMB, it will be 1000 million, and it is only a basic fee. If he could really fight against the Horde and change the fate of Stormwind City, it would be worth the price.

Is it just that the studio is really so powerful?Even the official plot can be reversed, which he deeply doubts.

Varian was also suspicious, "Money is not a problem. I can still get 100 million gold coins from the Stormwind Kingdom, but how can I trust you to do this? How many soldiers do you have under your command? How many powerful fighters do you have?"

Da Vinci smiled slightly, "Hehe, soldiers? Heroes? Does the Kingdom of Stormwind really lack powerful warriors? As far as I know, there are thousands of heroes in the entire alliance, right?

Although the soldiers of the Stormwind Kingdom are not as good as the Horde, there are always 10,000+. What you lack is not generals and soldiers at all, but a plan, a plan that can achieve your goals.

And the key to the plan lies in the information. Without the information I provided, you would know nothing about the latest movements of the tribe. What else can you do but wait to die?
Soldiers and mighty heroes are of course up to you to muster.

And I only provide intelligence support and professional services when necessary. Don’t feel at a loss. My plan can ensure that you can achieve your goals and save your kingdom. Without me, you will definitely fail. Accept or reject my help, that is So simple. "

Mo Feixin said that's the case, the relationship is just a consulting service, and it costs 1000 million, which is really not cheap.

Varian gritted his teeth, "Let's hear it, I have to confirm the feasibility of your plan first."

Da Vinci nodded, "But before I tell the plan, please allow me to introduce a few colleagues, a few, please come in."

The side door opened, and several people came out from inside.

Sun Wu (court scholar), Li Er (great sage), Mo Di (great craftsman), Mei Lin (great mage).

All four of them are heroes, either bronze or silver, not even a single gold, but all of them are quite high in level.

Varian was taken aback when he saw Sun Tzu, "I know you, I saw you in the Royal Library."

Sun Wu (court scholar): "Hehe, Your Highness Varian, you are safe, then let me tell Prince Varian about the next plan.

Just now we have learned about Prince Varian's request, and initially worked out a feasible plan.

It's very difficult, but it's not impossible. Now the intelligence of the Alliance and the Horde is basically two-way transparent, and each knows each other's actions, but how to effectively collect and summarize information can only be done by us professionals.

In view of the current advantages and disadvantages of both parties, I have made the following plans.

First, concentrate our forces and fight a war of annihilation.

The enemy has an army of one million, but they have begun to divide their troops in large numbers. This is your chance. The Stormwind Kingdom must concentrate its forces and eliminate the enemy's partial divisions, instead of fighting a decisive battle with the enemy's main force. Let him come a few ways, I will only go all the way, understand ? "

Varian nodded, "I understand. I will summon adventurers to join the battle later. If I can defeat the main force of the tribe in one battle, then I can..."

Sun Wu shook his head, "No, you can't use adventurers as the main force. There are a mixed bag of adventurers, and many of them are spies from the tribe. As long as you gather adventurers on a large scale, the tribe will definitely know your plan in advance."

Varian lost his voice: "What? This is impossible, adventurers are brave warriors, fearless and loyal warriors..."

Murphy patted Varian on the shoulder and shook his head silently at him.

Varian was a little reconciled, but kept his mouth shut.

Sun Tzu went on to introduce his tactics.

"Second, the biggest advantage of the alliance is that it has a large number of powerful heroes, which is incomparable to the tribe."

This hero naturally refers to the player. Although the tribe has also opened hero templates and lord templates, new players have to start training from the first level. Before they grow up, there is at least one to three months of vacancy.

However, after two years of growth, there are thousands of heroes in the alliance, and their levels are quite powerful.

"So we have to give full play to this advantage. As for how to use heroes-there are many castles in various parts of the Stormwind Kingdom. These castles are the fiefdoms of the nobles. It is very useful for weak groups like demons, but it is not very practical when fighting against tribes, and it is easy to be destroyed.

But a castle can last at least an hour or two before it is destroyed.

My plan is very simple, gather all the heroes of the legal system, and rain on the walls of the castle, blizzard or meteor fire rain or something, anyway, use whatever spell is powerful.

If the enemy wants to break through the castle, they must dispatch a large army. Before the castle is broken down, we can kill a large number of enemies. Once the castle is broken down, the heroes will collectively teleport away.

In this way, the battle for each castle can at least consume hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. There are hundreds of castles in the Stormwind Kingdom. If the enemy pushes down all the way, they must lose hundreds of thousands of troops. "

Mo Fei's eyes lit up, this move is really practical, it doesn't need too much, if dozens of legal heroes gather together and amplify the move together, the orcs may die as many as they come.

And this way, the number of people is small, and they can run away after fighting without fear of being blocked.

As for whether so many volunteers can be recruited, Murphy is not worried. Participating in this kind of activity can not only earn plot points, but also has experience in killing orcs. Standing on the city wall and killing orcs in the rain can upgrade easily and comfortably, even if you pay It is estimated that many people rushed to join.

And this trick can only be played by the alliance. Although there are many chiefs, warlords, high priests and so on in the tribe, they are basically NPCs scattered among millions of troops. Come.

Sun Wu continued to say——

"Third, assassinate the leader of the enemy. Although the tribe's army is huge and there are countless chiefs and warlords, there are not many generals who can really fight and command the army. As long as these famous people are killed, the tribe's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Moreover, the death of the general will also lead to internal disputes within the tribe in order to compete for the position of the chiefs of each tribe, which will slow down the marching speed and kill two birds with one stone.

Similarly, we need to gather a group of fighter and assassin heroes who are good at close combat to form a team. In addition, high-level assassin adventurers can also be recruited, but they must be absolutely reliable.

I could make a list of those who had a huge impact on the war and give their locations.

A three-pronged approach can definitely delay the battle until reinforcements arrive.

But while procrastinating, we must also determine the territories and sites that need to be given up.

The number of enemies exceeds one million. No matter what tactics we use, we will inevitably suffer huge losses. Therefore, we must be psychologically prepared from the beginning to lose more than two-thirds of the country.

This requires deciding which territories can be given up and which ones need to be defended.

My personal suggestion - use Westfall as the final base.

It is rich in food, which can feed all the refugees from the war in the Stormwind Kingdom, and there are several mines in the western wilderness, which can provide enough equipment. Although there are no particularly precious ores, the armed militia is still enough.

Moreover, Westfall is located in the hinterland of the kingdom. As long as Stormwind City is not breached, the enemy cannot send a large-scale army to invade Westfall.

As for the Dusk Forest, the Red Ridge Mountains, and even the cities and castles around Elwynn Forest, they can all be given up.

The only trouble in defending the western wilderness is the tribal cavalry that is about to arrive. Refer to the first article, concentrate your forces to eliminate the tribal divisions. My personal suggestion is to start with this cavalry first. You must destroy the cavalry sent by the enemy to the western wilderness .

This should be our first priority. At the same time, the other two plans should be carried out simultaneously, and the two do not conflict. "

Sun Wu talked eloquently about his strategic thinking, and Varian sometimes frowned and sometimes brightened his eyes until Sun Wu stopped talking.

"The plan sounds good, but since you have told me, aren't you afraid that I will do it myself?"

Several studio members looked at each other and all laughed.

Da Vinci (Great Architect): "To realize this plan requires massive intelligence support and the cooperation of professional skills. How do you know where the orc leader is? How do you know the enemy's marching route and specific time?

How do you know the internal situation of each tribe of orcs?You can't play without these,
To put it bluntly, without us, you can only fight a cold weapon war in the medieval style, cruel and long, but with our intelligence support, you are equivalent to having modern technology such as spy satellites Although it is still a cold weapon war, it is an information-based cold weapon war. It is useless if there are too many tribes. It is completely a dimensionality reduction strike. "

Varian heard several unintelligible words again, but the meaning was clear.

He can somewhat understand this, information is indeed very important.

Gritting his teeth, "Okay, I promise you! 100 million gold coins, if necessary, you can add more, but you must come up with enough valuable things to satisfy me."

(End of this chapter)

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