Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 201 Tribal Expedition

Chapter 201 Tribal Expedition

Cursed Land - Horde camp.

After a period of operation and construction, with the Dark Portal as the center, the tribe's camp has completely covered this desolate land.

Magnificent fortresses rose up one after another, and the architectural style of the orcs has always been informal. Although the shape is simple and the workmanship is rough, it does not have a rough and wild aura.

The gathering of millions of orcs made this camp a huge base full of people.

Since Orgrim gained a firm foothold at the Portal of Darkness, what he has been doing is constantly sending troops to attack in all directions in this strange world.

On the one hand, it is a strategic need to do so, but more importantly, there is no way to do it.

An army of one million sounds majestic, but only by leading such an army can one understand how terrifying the amount of supplies consumed every day is to maintain such a huge army.

Fortunately, the orcs are not picky eaters and can eat anything, otherwise they really wouldn't be able to feed these guys enough.

Not to mention that the orcs who drank the blood of the devil are all violent. They want to find someone to fight all day long. Millions of orcs gather together, and the atmosphere becomes more and more tense every day, especially those new orc adventurers. , the ability to cause trouble with poor combat effectiveness is absolutely top-notch, looking for someone 'Mac Gora' every day, even he, the great chief, receives hundreds of challenges every day.

It made him very annoyed, but Makgora is a tribe's tradition, and he couldn't refuse it. Fortunately, these challengers were outrageous, and they could be overthrown with a hammer, otherwise they would be exhausted.

The number of orc adventurers who died under his hammer in the past few days is almost over a thousand, and I don’t know what these orc adventurers are thinking.

If you don't send these troops out to fight quickly, you will have to be angry.

As large armies were sent out, Orgrim was relieved to see that the army in the camp gradually dwindled.

However, the number of adventurers has not decreased, not only not less, but more and more, but he has gradually discovered the advantages of these adventurers. As long as he has something to do, he will not bother him all day long.

These orc adventurers are quite capable, and they are willing to take on any job, hunting and fishing, collecting food, killing people and fighting, building houses and moving bricks, as long as they give rewards, they can do everything. Solved a lot of problems...

So no matter how much he had a headache, he could only endure it.

Hellscream (Warsong Chief): "Great Chief, don't worry, I will definitely kill all the humans on that land. The warriors of the Warsong tribe who conquer that land for you are invincible."

Orgrim (Warchief): "Then do it, Hellscream, and don't disappoint me."

Hellscream didn't talk nonsense, turned on his own wolf, and with a wave of blood roar, the army of wolf cavalry set off in mighty form.

This army of wolf cavalry gathered one-third of the cavalry troops of the tribe, including 1 wolf cavalry from the Warsong clan, [-] wolf cavalry from the Blackstone clan, and [-] from the newly joined Batao tribe. Hell boar riders, led by a young chieftain named Ba Dao Rurui.

With such a powerful [-] cavalry, it is absolutely no problem to deal with those human farmers in the western wilderness.

Orgrim is confident about this.

He turned around and glanced at the few orc adventurers behind him. He had to say that these orc adventurers were still very useful. Although he didn't know how they did it, they undoubtedly brought a lot of information about this world to the tribe. It includes the territory distribution of the 'Storm Kingdom' that the tribe is currently facing.

It was with this information that he formulated his current conquest plan.

Seeing Hellscream leading the army of wolf cavalry disappearing into the horizon, Orgrim looked at his friend, the chief of the Frostwolf tribe - Durotan.

This is the last large army he will send away today.

"Are you sure you don't intend to conquer the world with me?"

Durotan looked solemn, and nodded slightly, "You know that I have never supported this war, bloody killings can't solve the problem, look around you in Orgrim, the earth is dying, what happened in Draenor is happening now Repeat, if all you want to do is repeat what happened in the past, I can't spend it with you."

Orgrim sighed, "Of course I know the dangers of fel energy, but we must first solve the problem of survival." His eyes turned to Gul'dan who was distributing demon blood to orc adventurers in the distance.

He lowered his voice and said: "When this is over, I will deal with Gul'dan and his warlocks. What happened in Draenor will not happen again, but before that, he is still useful. The enemies we have to face are very powerful. This point may not be understood by other orcs, but I think you must understand it.

Every power must be harnessed. "

Durotan shook his head, "I'm afraid when the day comes when you want to deal with them, you will find that it is already too late."

Orgrim snorted, "Forget it, we've discussed this topic many times, so let's not waste our time—where are you going to take your tribe?"

Durotan: "When the shaman of my tribe and I communicated with the spirits of this world, we felt the call of the elements. The elements of this world are very powerful, far exceeding the elements of Draenor. An elemental lord responded to my call. Request—the Lord of Frost, it told me that in the far north, there is a place called the Alterac Mountains, where the mountains are covered with snow all year round, very similar to the environment of Frostfire Ridge, and the human forces there It is very weak, and there are no lands everywhere, and I am going to lead my tribe to settle there."

Orgrim nodded, "I wish you success old friend, I can't help you too much, I can only give you the title of conqueror in the north, in name you are going to conquer the human kingdom in the north, so other tribes in the tribe can I won’t blame you for this, you can bring more supplies, this journey will be very difficult.”

Durotan thanked him sincerely: "Thank you old friend, I hope we can see each other again in the future." Durotan said, he and Orgrim exchanged fist bumps, and led the tens of thousands of Frostwolf warriors towards the north.

"Father, where are we going?" The young Goyle asked curiously as he looked at the tribal camp that was getting farther and farther away.

Although only three years old, due to the catalysis of the power of evil energy, and the precocity of the orcs themselves, it seems that they already have the size of a ten-year-old human child.

"To a faraway place, a new home." Durotan said lovingly to his son.

(End of this chapter)

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