Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 202 This is the fate of the orcs

Chapter 202 This is the fate of the orcs

Orgrim couldn't help but sighed as he looked at his old friend who had gone away, but soon he regained his momentum. As the great chief of the tribe, let's save sadness until he gets old.

He must find a bright future for the entire orc tribe.

At this moment, Gul'dan has been paying attention to the movement of the great chief, and he didn't even notice that another adventurer came to him.

Bloodthirsty Battle (Warrior): "Master Goudan, give me a cup of devil's blood."

As soon as Gul'dan turned his head, he saw a fifth-level orc warrior looking at him expectantly, this stunned man again... Gul'dan was disgusted.

Gul'dan (Raid Chieftain): "Your contribution to the Horde is not enough to get such a reward." (not enough merit points).

"Oh, why are you so picky? Just have a cup, just a cup."


The orc adventurer walked away resentfully.

Another orc adventurer came up.

The second uncle (warrior): "I have collected 1000 points of merit, so you can give me the blood of the devil."

"Wait." Gul'dan picked up the horn cup, and scooped a cup of mysterious liquid from the huge pot in front of him. The green liquid was viscous and scorching hot, exuding the stench of evil energy.

However, in the eyes of the surrounding orc adventurers, they showed greedy and eager eyes.

The orc adventurer in front of him didn't pick it up, but looked at Gul'dan expectantly.

Second uncle (warrior): "What is this?"

Gul'dan glared at the orc, "What are you talking about, it's demon blood, you idiot."

Second Uncle (Warrior): "No, you should say—'This is the fate of the orcs'."

Gul'dan looked at the expectant orc in front of him speechlessly, and wanted to scold his mother. Is there something wrong with these fucking orc adventurers? Why does every orc have to do this when they come to collect the blood of the devil.

But he knew that as long as he didn't say that the other party would spend the whole day, Gul'dan could only hold back the killing intent in his heart in order to finish his work early.

Gul'dan: "Drink, Second Master, this is the fate of the orcs."

Second uncle (warrior): "Then Gul'dan, what is the price?"

Gul'dan: "All of this."

"Haha, that's the smell." The orc happily took the devil's blood and gulped it down in one gulp.

As soon as this one finished drinking and left, more orcs immediately surrounded him.

Devil Muscular Man (Hunter): "Give me a drink, I've already collected enough merits just now."

Five-nut moon cake (shaman): "I, I, I want it too. After three days of moving bricks, I finally got enough."

Mysterious dance steps (assassin): "And I, isn't it just a thousand meritorious deeds, I have a lot of meritorious deeds."

"Don't worry, don't worry, everyone has a share."

Gul'dan had never realized that he was so popular. Every day, orcs kept coming to ask for blood. Drinking the blood of demons was not enough, and he had to work a little bit.

Seeing that the pot of devil's blood had bottomed out, Gul'dan scraped the bottom of the pot with a cup, poured another cup of devil's blood into the cauldron, added several secret medicines, and then mixed it with several large wooden barrels of river water , boil it, and soon a pot of fresh [Devil's Blood and Evil Energy Hot Drink] will be cooked.

An orc looked at it and made trouble, "Oh, Master Goudan, your devil's blood is not pure, why do you still add water to it?"

Gul'dan glared at the orc, and said to himself that hundreds of orcs come here every day to drink the blood of the devil, and how much blood of the devil is not enough for you to drink, how can it be done without water.

He didn't bother to explain, just scooped up the boiled devil's blood and handed it over.

Although those orc adventurers had bad mouths, they didn't dare to make mistakes.

"Damn, I've worked so hard to complete the task, so I'll give you a watered version of the devil's blood, it's too fucked up."

"That's right, I think this tribe eats jujube pills."

"Hush, keep your voice down, your reputation will be deducted if you are heard by the great chief."

Those orcs drank the devil's blood cursingly, and green evil energy burst out of their bodies immediately.

Devil's Blood is a special welfare reward for orc players. It needs to be exchanged for 1000 merit points. The benefit of drinking Devil's Blood is that you can get a constant BUFF of 'power of evil', which lasts for a whole year.

Not only can it increase the attack power and the upper limit of health, but it can also increase the power of fel spells, which is useful for warriors and warlocks.

The disadvantage is that intelligence is reduced by 5 points, and it cannot be healed by the holy light. However, orcs do not have the profession of priest and paladin, so it doesn't matter at all.

The key is that the process of drinking the blood of the devil is very ceremonial, and the famous orc hero Gul'dan personally refills the cup. For Horde players, this kind of thing must be experienced.

Therefore, most players will come to have a drink as long as they have collected enough merit points.

These orc adventurers howled immediately after drinking the blood of the devil.

Stomach ache (Hunter) "Oh yeah, that's the feeling, it feels so good!"

Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da (Warlock): "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Speed ​​Hurricane (Warrior): "Do you feel it, brothers, do you feel it!"

Hei Lao San (Warrior): "Friends of the audience, please see that this is the legendary Xiang of the Devil—no, it should be the Blood of the Devil. It took me three days to finally accumulate enough merit points. Now let's taste it. Taste how it tastes.

Suliu—well, did you see that, you can’t gulp while drinking, you have to drink while drinking, Suliu—Shuliu—this taste is authentic.

The taste is very layered, the taste is very mellow, how can I describe it, it seems like the smell of stinky tofu after being ground into a pulp, and then mixed with raw pig blood..."

Gul'dan looked at these orc adventurers who danced wildly and covered their faces helplessly.

Seeing Orgrim walking towards this side, he hurriedly handed the bone cup to the orc warlock at the side, and hurried towards Orgrim.

After walking a few steps, an old figure appeared at the same time - Ner'zhul.

Gul'dan and Ner'zhul looked at each other, and both could see the hostility towards each other.

Speaking of which, Ner'zhul used to be Gul'dan's teacher. However, Gul'dan betrayed Ner'zhul for power, tricked Ner'zhul into signing a contract with Kil'jaeden, and completely sold the orcs to the devil. The entire orc tribe is fel-powered.

As a result, Ner'zhul lost his power for a while and could no longer communicate with the elements, but now, he finally got the response of the elements again.

At this moment, the two are considered to be in a competitive relationship. One controls the Shadow Council and commands all the orc warlocks.

A ring that controls the earth and commands all orc shamans.

Both hope to expand their influence within the tribe and become the spiritual leader of the tribe.

In the past, Gul'dan relied on Black Hand to become the number two figure, but after Black Hand died in battle and Orgrim came to power, his status also slipped.

Orgrim respected Ner'zhul more, and obviously didn't trust him much.

Gul'dan has already sensed the crisis now, and he will approach Orgrim whenever he has the opportunity.

After all, Gul'dan was younger, and walked a few steps to the front.

Gul'dan: "Ah, great warchief, according to your command, I have given the blood of demons to those orc adventurers who have taken refuge with us."

Orgrim (Horde chief): "Well, well done, these orc adventurers are too weak, maybe drinking the blood of the devil can make them stronger."

Gul'dan: "Great Chief, the demon blood I brought from Draenor is almost used up. I hope to send me some hard labor and orc apprentices. I will train more orc warlocks for the Horde. At the same time Build some demon altars, summon demon legions to help the tribe, and it is best to summon an abyss demon king to absorb more demon blood, so as to provide spell support for the tribe in the next war.

In the previous battle, those human spellcasters were very powerful and posed a great threat to our tribe. If we can train more warlocks, we will be able to fight them. How does the chief think? "

Orgrim snorted noncommittally, but looked at Ner'zhul beside him.

"Master Ner'zhul, how is your communication with the elements of this world?"

"Very successful Great Chief, all the shamans of the tribe have recovered their ability to cast spells, and the elements of this world are far more powerful than those of Draenor. In the next battle, the shamans can provide powerful spell support."

"Ah, very good."

"But summoning elemental creatures requires elemental essence and a lot of precious materials as sacrifices. I need some hard labor to help mine spellcasting materials and build a storm altar."

Orgrim nodded, "No problem, I will send you three thousand orc laborers later, and we must expand the number of orc shamans as soon as possible. The war is about to start, and I will rely on you."

Ner'zhul said: "Don't worry, Great Chief, there is absolutely no problem." After speaking, he left happily.

Gul'dan became anxious when he saw it, "Great Chief, what I need..."

Orgrim straightened his face: "Gul'dan, you need to understand that the Horde needs manpower everywhere if they want to conquer this world, and they really can't find many people... Well, I'll call back [-] orc laborers to help You, give you another five hundred adventurers, you can issue tasks to them and ask them to help you do the work."


"Why, are you questioning my decision?"

"Of course not, Warchief." Gul'dan said with his head bowed.

Looking at the back of Orgrim leaving, Gul'dan already felt the threat. Orgrim's hostility towards him was not even concealed by the other party.

"Damn it!" Gul'dan clenched his fists, his scarlet eyes fixed on Orgrim's back...

"Master Gul'dan, can we chat?" A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Gul'dan turned around and took a look. It was an orc warlock adventurer. Speaking of which, although these adventurers were not very strong, there were really many spellcasters, especially the orc warlocks, who were literally tens of thousands.

Moreover, everyone was very respectful to him, trying to curry favor with him, which made him feel a bit like a "grandfather of the industry". He knew each other, and he seemed to be called Jia Xu, a poisoner.

"What do you want to say, young apprentice."

Poisoner Jia Xu approached and said in a low voice, "I know where the tomb of Sargeras is."

what!Gul'dan's expression suddenly changed.

The reason why he worked so hard to bring the tribe to this world was certainly not for the future of the orcs, or the great cause of the Burning Legion.

He had his own plans, all about power, getting fel spells from Kil'jaeden, but that was just the beginning, and soon he wasn't satisfied with these 'mortal powers', he wanted more.

Later, Medivh showed him the existence of the legendary "Tomb of Sargeras", and used it as a bait to let him open the door of darkness.

He has always coveted the power in the Tomb of Sargeras, that is the legendary king of demons, if he can get such power...

It's just that Medivh kept hanging on him, and didn't really tell him the location of Sargeras' Tomb, and recently he even lost contact directly.

When Gul'dan heard the other party's words, he was suddenly surprised.

As soon as he raised his hand, the power of evil energy appeared in his hand instantly. He is not a good man and a believer, and the tribe does not have so many laws and regulations. He has no scruples at all if he wants to kill adventurers.

The poisonous Jia Xu hurriedly said: "Hey, don't get excited, don't you want to find the tomb of Sargeras?
The great chief no longer trusts you, you should be able to feel it, I don't believe you haven't thought of running away. "

Gul'dan snorted coldly, "Hmph, I don't know what you're talking about at all, you'd better be careful of your poisonous words, Jia Xu, and tell what you know, otherwise—"

The orc in front of him quickly drew a rough map on the ground.

A simple map of the firmament world.

"This is the continent of Azeroth, this is the continent of Kalimdor, this is the continent of Northrend, and here is the location of the Broken Isles, the tomb of Sargeras is here.

Now that Orgrim doesn't trust you anymore, why not just leave here and find the legendary Tomb of Sargeras. "

Gul'dan's heart skipped a beat.Although the map is simple, the approximate location has been marked out, as long as there is a direction, it will be easy.

He looked at the other party suspiciously, "Why did you tell me so much?"

Poisoner Jia Xu (warlock): "Because I'm your fan, Master Gul'dan, I'm also a warlock, and I want to gain power just like you. I know the location of the tomb of Sargeras, but I alone There is no way to reach there with the power, let alone gain the power buried in the tomb, but it will be different if you are there. With your strength, you can definitely open the tomb of Sargeras and seize the power of the demon king. Let me follow you, I am willing to be loyal to you and serve you, I just ask you to give me a small reward after obtaining that great power."

Gul'dan finally showed a smile this time, "Hahahaha, well said, only I am qualified to obtain the power of the demon king, you are well said apprentice, I will take you with me, when I get that power When the time comes, you will also receive your own rewards."

(End of this chapter)

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