Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 203 Gul'dan's Expedition

Chapter 203 Gul'dan's Expedition (Two in One)

Gul'dan is a very decisive orc.

This decisiveness is constantly reflected in the major turning points in his life.

When Gul'dan found out that he was not suitable for being a shaman, he decisively joined the Burning Legion.

Later, Medivh asked him to open the Dark Portal. After Gul'dan found out that he could not beat the human mage, he decisively confessed and tried his best to encourage the orcs to build the Dark Portal.

Now that Orgrim didn't want to see him, and he knew the approximate location of Sargeras' tomb, Gul'dan thought about it for a while, and decided to leave.

Of course, if you want to run, you can't just run around.

To find the Tomb of Sargeras and obtain the artifacts and mysterious powers buried inside, he needs enough subordinates (cannon fodder) to do so. He knows exactly what terrible enemies he will encounter in the Tomb of Sargeras.

So the first thing he did after making up his mind was to gather his power to the greatest extent so that he could go with him.

Gul'dan has been in the tribe for so many years, and he has saved a lot of money.

The first is the Shadow Council, a powerful team composed of dozens of high-level orc warlocks, and hundreds of low-level warlock apprentices. These are his most loyal followers and the most reliable help.

The evil orc battle group is composed of hundreds of powerful orcs who have drunk the blood of the devil many times. The power to distribute the blood of the devil is in the hands of Gul'dan, and the orcs are eager for the blood of the devil. Gul'dan will naturally Use this to recruit a group of elite dead soldiers for yourself.

The Shadow Assassin Group, belonging to the Shadow Council's killer organization, is composed of dozens of elite orc assassins, and they are led by the legendary thief Garona. Due to historical changes, Galona was not sent to assassinate Medivh. still follow him.

The leader of the Raiding Clan, Talon Gorefiend, was created by him alone. Although the population is small, only five or six thousand, they are loyal to him.

The Twilight's Hammer clan, this is the clan led by his apprentice, the two-headed ogre magician Cho'gall. Its members are composed of ogres, orcs, and white ghost orcs. The Twilight clan has not been very popular in the tribe. , because what he worships is neither fel energy nor shaman, but void magic. Even Gul'dan is very afraid of this kind of weird spell.

After calculating the power in his hands, Gul'dan immediately became confident in his plan. With such a powerful army, it would be absolutely no problem to take down the Tomb of Sargeras.

But immediately another crucial question appeared before his eyes.

How to get to the Tomb of Sargeras.

Gul'dan has only been in Azeroth for a few days, and his eyes are smeared to this world. The information he knows is obtained from a few human captives. He has no idea how to get to the tomb of Sargeras. No concept.

Fortunately, the sorcerer apprentice named Poisoner Jia Xu surprised Gul'dan and came up with a very suitable plan for him.

"Teacher, look here. This is the Land of the Cursed. It is located in the south of the Eastern Continent, and next to it is Stranglethorn Vale. At the southernmost end of Stranglethorn Vale, there is a city ruled by goblins - Booty Bay. Goblins are a very A greedy race that likes money very much, they are willing to sell anything for money, we can go there and buy a fleet, and then set off for the Broken Isles."

This really made Gul'dan's eyes brighten, his eyes were darkened.

"Good job apprentice, I will consider this plan." Gul'dan immediately calculated the feasibility of this plan, let alone, the more he thought about it, the more plausible he felt.

But what reason to go to Stranglethorn Vale is also a problem. Gul'dan still knows Orgrim quite well.

Once he finds himself running away, he will definitely send someone to hunt him down immediately.

So you have to find a suitable excuse.

Gul'dan sent his subordinates to search for news, and at the same time directed the orc laborers to build the demon altar. After a few days, he finally got a piece of good news.

Kilrogg Deadeye led the Orcs of the Blood Ring to conquer Stranglethorn Vale and suffered a big defeat. They were lured into the enemy by the local troll alliance and lost more than [-].

Although there is no injury, it is undoubtedly a big setback for the current strategic arrangement of the tribe.

Gul'dan immediately felt that he had seized the opportunity and hurried to the fortress.

As soon as he entered the chief's hall, he heard Orgrim's angry roar.

"Kilrogg is a waste, I let him go to Stranglethorn Vale to expand the territory, to expand the strategic space for the Horde, but this bastard got mixed up with the trolls there, and even lost the fight, it is unreasonable! Even a group of giants How can we conquer this world if the demons can’t handle it!”

Orgrim did have a reason to be angry. It is not an easy task to unify the tribes. Each clan does its own thing and basically has its own little calculations. He sent the Blood Ring clan to open up Stranglethorn Vale, and he values ​​the growth of the Blood Ring clan. In the Tanaan jungle, very good at jungle warfare.

As long as a territory can be opened up in the jungle of Stranglethorn Vale and a stronghold can be built, the tribe will have an outer strategic fulcrum, but unexpectedly, Kilrogg Deadeye saw the environment of Stranglethorn Vale, and immediately became self-conscious about enclosing the land. Thinking about it, he directly fought with the local trolls, wanting to stand down the troll's territory and make it the new home of the blood ring orcs.

It's fine if you win, but you lose in the end.

He can tolerate the departure of the Frostwolf Clan because Durotan is his good friend, who is Kilrogg...

Just as he was thinking about how to punish Kilrogg to ensure that he knew what was good and would not be alienated, Gul'dan walked in.

"Ah, Great Chief, what's the matter with you, has something happened?" Gul'dan asked in surprise.

Looking at Gul'dan's pretended concern Orgrim's eyes flashed a trace of disgust.

"Hmph, it's no big deal, that trash Kilrogg encountered a little trouble in Stranglethorn Vale—how's the construction of the demon altar going?"

"I'm afraid it will take some time. The number of hard workers is too small, and I can't help it—let me support Kilrogg. Although my Raiders and Twilight clans are small in number, they are very sacrificing. They've been in the camp for so long that they've started to get restless."

A trace of suspicion flashed in Orgrim's eyes, and he stared at Gul'dan for a while, "Gul'dan, what kind of tricks are you playing? You are not very enthusiastic about conquest and war. Why do you take the initiative to ask for war this time?"

"Ah, what you said, Great Chief, makes me feel so sad. I, Gul'dan, are loyal to the Horde. In the past, I spent too much energy on researching fel spells and portal technology. Now the Horde has arrived. In the new world, the Devil’s Altar section can’t be completed in practice. Of course, I have to try my best to do some work for the tribe. Otherwise, the war chief can also send me to the front line. I heard that Red Ridge Mountain encountered tenacious resistance from humans... ..."

"No need." Orgrim interrupted Gul'dan, "I have my own arrangements for Redridge Mountain's strategy."

Orgrim's plan is to use the confrontation on the Red Ridge Mountains battlefield to attract the main force of humans, so that Hellscream's large-scale roundabout combat can have a miraculous effect, so he is not in a hurry to decide the winner.

After thinking about it, Gul'dan still has some strength after all. If he can consume some of his subordinates, it will be much easier to deal with him in the future. Let him go to Stranglethorn Vale and those troll barbarians Go for it.

Orgrim (Great Chief): "Okay, then this task is entrusted to you, go to Stranglethorn Vale and tell Kilrogg, don't challenge my patience anymore, complete my task immediately, set up a camp in Stranglethorn Vale, of course Those trolls also need to beat it, use your fel magic to corrupt their land, you are not the best at this, let them understand that the honor of the tribe should not be offended, but don't waste too much time, our current main enemy is Humans, don't disappoint me."

Gul'dan quickly agreed, and when he walked out of the tent, Gul'dan was relieved.

Gul'dan (Demon Summoner): "Haha, stupid Orgrim, fuck the glory of the Horde, what does it matter to me whether the Horde wins or not.

You short-sighted, stupid and brainless chiefs only know how to fight for territory, start wars, fight for land and wealth like wild dogs, hum, but only power is the eternal truth, watch it, wait until I get Sa The power of Glass, you will all surrender at my feet. "

Back at the camp, Gul'dan immediately ordered to summon his men.

Gul'dan didn't take away all his troops. In order to confuse Orgrim, he deliberately left several thousand old and weak orcs and a hundred or so orc warlocks to guard the camp and continue to build the altar of demons.

He led the most elite [-] followers on the road to Stranglethorn Vale.

Gul'dan didn't go to join the Blood Ring orcs, nor did he go to fight the large and small troll tribes in the jungle, but went straight to Booty Bay.

Although there is no treasure of gold and silver, orcs also have their own good things - special metals from Draenor, magic iron, constant gold, and krypton gold. Metals like magic iron are extremely hard. Although the orc army lacks armor, most of them have weapons Not bad, not weak at all with the alliance, relying on the weapons made of this special metal ore.

Both Eternal Gold and Krypton Gold are extremely high-quality magic metals, which are invaluable. Gul'dan sent someone to contact the goblins to sell a batch of rare metals, which really made the goblins smile.

After selling dozens of large ships to him in one go, as well as a large amount of supplies, Gul'dan immediately took the more than 1 orcs under his command on board and set off towards the tomb of Sargeras.

Meanwhile - Westfall - Valorshield
This castle is the fiefdom of an earl, located at the southernmost tip of the Westfall, and now it has also become a gathering place for the army.

In the conference hall of the castle, Murphy was discussing the ambush plan with Varian, Alsace and other heroes.

For this war, the three brothers did everything they could.

Murphy brought Dalabon and Sigret in.

Arthas also found Muradin Bronzebeard, Morgan Lisa, and Tianxiu.

And Varian even used his personal charm to call four brothers to help, plus several people from Tianluo Studio, it can be said that it was a crowd.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Da Vinci, where are the Orc Wolf Riders?"

Da Vinci (big architect): "They have arrived near the Sodom River and are about to cross the river. They are expected to invade the West Wilderness tomorrow. The plan of the orcs is to go all the way north, bypassing castles and cities, burning farms and wheat fields, killing Light up all living people and completely destroy the food production areas of the Stormwind Kingdom."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "No, they have no chance, I will definitely stop them and wipe out this orc cavalry!"

Varian said, with a determined expression on his face.

He looked at the brothers behind him, "How is the army gathering?"

Although Varian tried his best, King Lane finally failed to fully agree to this plan. King Stormwind's army is now confronting the Horde army in the Red Ridge Mountains, and it is impossible to withdraw.

However, King Ryan also attached great importance to the fact that his house was stolen from the rear, so he sent half of the knights of the Storm Knights to Varian, and at the same time appointed him as the Marshal of the West Wilderness Military Region, who has the right to mobilize the local militia and noble private soldiers fight.

Just three days ago, Varian had issued a call-up order to all the human towns in the Western Wilderness, and troops from all over the world continued to arrive here.

James Wrynn (Prince of Storms): "2000 people came from Moon Creek Town, 3000 people came from Sentinel Hill, 500 people came from Fort Ledan, 3000 people came from Gold Coast, and 4000 people came from Fengyu Port , 5000 people came to Lion Lake City...

Listening to the fifth brother's report, Varian carefully estimated the number of troops.

Not enough, far from enough, the combined strength is only more than 4 troops, and the 5000 knights of the Storm Knights are only [-].

Compared with the orc cavalry, the force is 1.5:1. Although it seems to have a certain force advantage, the orc is a pure cavalry force, and the warg can also fight, and the individual combat effectiveness of the orc is much higher than that of humans. These assembled Most of the troops are militias, and they are not dominant in terms of combat power.

If you fight head-on, you will even be at a disadvantage.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Why don't I summon adventurers, as long as I give an order, tens of thousands of adventurers can be summoned to join the battle in one day!"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "No, as long as the adventurers are called, our plan will be exposed immediately. The orcs are pure cavalry troops. Once we lose the upper hand, we will be at a disadvantage."

Murphy is too aware of the player's pissing nature. As long as this matter is exposed, the Internet will immediately be turned upside down. At that time, the players from the tribe will definitely know about it, so why not ambush them.

The plan must be known by as few people as possible.

He looked at Da Vinci, and Da Vinci understood immediately.

"Don't worry about Prince Varian, our studio will not collect money for nothing, don't worry about the issue of military strength, we have already selected the location for the ambush, and it is here - Dagger Ridge!"

 It seems to be recruited, the symptoms are not obvious, and it is not completely sure.

  In order to avoid serious interruptions, Da Qian intends to save some manuscripts to be on the safe side, so it will be updated every day according to the full attendance line of [-] words.

  The word count is a little short, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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