Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 206 One TR Tactic

Chapter 206 A Book of TR Tactics


Facing the attack of [-] cavalry, Varian was not afraid, and he also swung his sword and led the army to charge.

The Storm Knights raised their spears one after another, lined up in a neat line, and poked at them like rows of spears.

The so-called equality of all beings under cavalry, this kind of head-on confrontation, human knights have no fear, the tight formation is not something that the loose wolf cavalry can resist, and the rows of cavalry are not against the sword.

Puff puff puff, row after row of stabs, one face to face, almost thousands of wolf cavalry were poked off, while the human knights only lost 300 people.

But Hellscream didn't care. He had already seen the fighting methods of human knights. Although this kind of cavalry charge was powerful, the strongest was the frontal wave. As long as they got into a melee, the cavalry would lose its power.

"Surround them, surround them, entangle them, fight with them."

Hellscream roared, and chopped off a Storm Knight with an axe. The Wolf Cavalry rushed into the formation of the Storm Knight frantically. The human cavalry suddenly fell into a disadvantage, and the huge magic iron blade of the wolf cavalry could easily cut through solid armor.

However, the human cavalry sword has no advantage in length. After a scuffle, the human lost nearly a thousand troops in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Varian chose to retreat without hesitation.

"Rush out, get out of here! Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

The knights gathered in a group, fought a bloody path from the scattered siege of the wolf cavalry, and fled desperately towards the direction of Dagger Ridge in the west. The single knights dismounted from the net, surrounded and hacked to death.

"Come back to me, you cowardly humans, fight me!" Hellscream was not at all happy about the escape of the human cavalry, he hadn't killed enough, and he led the wolf cavalry in hot pursuit .

In the blink of an eye, the human cavalry had rushed into the valley ahead.

Grom was about to lead his troops to chase after him, but a black wolf stopped him.

Gasel Zog (Blackstone Warlord): "Grom, we can't chase anymore. Our mission is to burn human farmland, not to fight the enemy. We are not familiar with the terrain here. What if the enemy has an ambush. "

In fact, Gasell didn't think there would be any ambushes at all. The orcs value pure violence, and they always fight straight, the strong win and the weak lose. They seldom pay attention to any tactics, and it's over if they go up in a hurry, at most in the middle of the night. Make a sneak attack or something.

However, since Orgrim became the great chief, he has given some training to these chiefs and warlords. Orgrim is nicknamed the backstabber, so he is naturally alert to this kind of thing.

Especially the Blackrock Orcs, Orgrim has been constantly instilling this information. In terms of tactical sensitivity alone, the Blackrock Orcs are somewhat stronger than other clans.

But Gasel didn't think that such a thing would really happen, he just had to find a reason to persuade Hellscream.

Grom was a little upset, there was no such thing as ambush in his dictionary, but he still felt that he should listen to Orgrim's order.

At this time, Ba Dao ruthlessly rushed over on a wild boar, and stopped doing it immediately after hearing the conversation between the two.

Ba Dao Wuqing (Ba Dao Chief): "What nonsense are you talking about? The enemy has already been defeated. If you don't take this opportunity to kill them all, what if they gather to trouble us again? If you are afraid Just say it.

Boss Hellscream, aren't you afraid too?If you are afraid, then let me hunt down those humans. My people are all true warriors, and they will never be scared by humans. "

As soon as these words came out, Hellscream's eyes turned red, and the little bit of reason in his mind was instantly burned away by anger.

Grom Hellscream (Chief Warsong): "Shut up, you pig-riding boy, the mighty Hellscream is fearless, well, okay, let me show you what is truly powerful, I will Lead people to crush those cowardly humans personally, as for you - stay here for me!
When I come back, I will settle accounts with you. "

Gasel was speechless for a moment, glared at Ba Dao Wuqing, and continued to persuade: "Hell roars, in case there is an ambush..."

"Hmph, so what if there is an ambush, in the face of my powerful strength, all tricks are useless - the whole army attacks."

After talking about Hellscream, he led the army of wolf cavalry to kill in the valley.

Gasell glared at Ba Dao Wuqing, and led the dark wolf cavalry to chase after him.

More than 2 wolf cavalry swarmed into the valley, chasing and killing them all the way. Seeing the enemy in front getting closer, suddenly, those human knights who were fleeing spread out to both sides, revealing a well-organized formation. The phalanx of human spearmen came.

As the knights escaped from the valley, the formation of spear infantry quickly spread out, blocking the exit of the valley tightly, densely packed with spears like a jungle of blades.

Hellscream was stunned for a moment, and there was really an ambush, but his shock was immediately overwhelmed by anger, "So what if there is an ambush, kill!"

With an order, the wolf cavalry rushed towards the human spear array in front of them.

Meanwhile—at the entrance to the valley:

Just as Ba Dao Wuqing led his wild boar riders to stand by, an infantry force of 1 people suddenly approached from a distance.

After seeing Ba Dao Wuqing, he hurriedly asked his wild boar riders to evacuate from the entrance of the valley and formed a formation in the distance.

The two armies confronted each other, but there was no intention of fighting.

Ba Dao Wuqing rode a wild boar to the front of the two armies, and Murphy also came out with Dalabon, Sigret, Da Vinci and others.

Ba Dao looked at the army in front of him ruthlessly, thinking that this is it?Relying on this little force to block Hellscream's army of wolf cavalry, it feels very daunting.

"Hey, I have nothing to do with the matter here. The rest is your problem. If you can't figure it out, it has nothing to do with me. I can't miss the hundred thousand gold coins."

"Don't worry, the money has been brought, and we will act according to the agreement."

As Da Vinci said, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, and Murphy stepped forward to trade [-] gold coins to Ba Dao Wuqing.

After all, Varian was still not at ease with Da Vinci, and put the [-] gold coins in Murphy's hands.

"Haha, Tianluo Studio is really straightforward in its work." Ba Dao ruthlessly accepted the gold coins, and with an order, the five thousand hell boar riders left immediately.

Seeing the Hog Riders leave, Murphy did not relax. Once Hellscream led the troops to retreat, they would bear the brunt here.

It is by no means an easy task to stop such an enemy army.

He touched the ring on his hand, and then shook the Storm Controller behind him.

It is not enough to rely on these troops who want to fight against more than 2 troops.

"Da Vinci, let me tell you that you are fine."

"Don't worry, our Tianluo studio is professional."

After speaking, Da Vinci immediately took people into action.

He assembled the three thousand farmers and masons in this army, "Guys, we must prepare our defenses before the enemy reacts, and start working."

After speaking, directly open the hero skill - quick construction.

The name of this skill is unremarkable, but the effect is quite amazing.

[Quick construction (professional skills/hero skills)
Activate: Increases the construction speed of you and the units you lead by 300%, but consumes 30% additional materials during the construction process. 】

Not only that, Da Vinci also brought a lot of mages and priests to give these construction workers the blessing of 'speeding' and 'brute force'.

Three thousand construction workers immediately turned into infrastructure madmen, beating wildly at the entrance of the valley.

Murphy saw a castle rising from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were two more walls and more than a dozen arrow towers on both sides of the castle.

In less than 10 minutes, a solid line of defense has completely blocked the entrance to the valley.

 I didn't feel anything after a day, it should be a false alarm, thank you book friend Hongyun Huanhai for the reward of 100000 starting coins, and add a chapter to express my gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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