Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 207 Ambush

Chapter 207 Flying Daggers (Two in One)

It's done!Looking at the magnificent line of defense that was built in less than 10 minutes, Murphy breathed a sigh of relief.

To say that he led [-] people to guard the entrance of the valley, he really didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Of the 1 people, [-] are farmers and construction workers. Only [-] troops can really fight, and they are all infantry. If Hellscream leads an army of wolf cavalry to kill them, it will be completely unstoppable.

Now with this line of defense, there is no problem at last.

The lords who led the troops quickly commanded the soldiers to climb up the city wall and the arrow tower to defend. Murphy, Dalabunba, and Sigret went to the castle in the middle without any hesitation, and stood on a high place facing the distant city. look around.

"Don't tell me, this group of studios are really good at playing, and this defense system is well repaired." Dalabang said.

Da Vinci laughed, "Hehe, thank you for the compliment, we are professionals, and you will find that as long as you use them well, professional skills will produce miraculous effects."

Not only Da Vinci commanded construction workers and stonemasons to build castles and arrow towers, but the great craftsman named Mozi also commanded a group of dwarves and dwarves to install ballistas on the arrow towers. Now the enemy wants to capture this road The direction is not an ordinary difficulty.

Murphy saw that the soldiers were almost ready, and said, "Send a signal to Varian and the others."

Siegret nodded, raised his staff, and a beam of light shot into the sky immediately.

At this moment, at the end of the Dagger Ridge Valley, on the frontal battlefield between the Alliance and the Horde——

Hellscream is leading the army of wolf cavalry to attack crazily, and the phalanx of spears is constantly being forced back. Although they have the advantage of terrain, the spear infantry is also very restrained cavalry, but the orcs have 20 wolf cavalry after all, and they are all Third-level soldiers, against these more than [-] and [-]-level conscripted spearmen and pike infantry, they can use their attribute advantages to make up for their disadvantages.

After several rounds of charging, the casualties on both sides were very tragic, but the orcs drank the blood of the devil, which completely locked up their morale. The offensive wave after wave, the morale of the human side gradually fell into a collapse due to the heavy casualties. edge.

Behind the infantry phalanx, four thousand knights had regrouped and were ready to rush up to block the opening at any time, but it was obviously useless.

Seeing the signal from the end of the valley in the distance, Varian's face brightened.

"Successful, blow the attack horn and let the ambush attack!"

Woo hoo!With the sound of the shrill horn, countless militia archers and kingdom crossbowmen suddenly emerged from the mountains on both sides. There were ten thousand on the south mountain, led by Morgan Lisa and Alsace.

There are also [-] soldiers on the mountain in the north, led by several commoner heroes such as Dark Night Magic God and Dawn Excalibur.

At this time, as soon as the two ambush soldiers appeared, they immediately began to rain down arrows on the crowded wolf cavalry group in the valley.

Morgan Lisa and the Dark Night God even blasted the meteor fire rain towards the orcs in the canyon.

This kind of condescending and throwing magic is really too appetizing for players, it is simply an exclusive time for spawning monsters and upgrading.

Although these wolf cavalry were powerful in battle, like most of the tribe's troops, their armor was weak, and they didn't have any decent armor at all. Most of them were clad in cleft-hoof cowhide armor, and some were even shirtless.

Countless casualties were caused by the rain of arrows, "What! Hellscream, we must retreat!" Gasser roared. Their army consisted entirely of wolf cavalry, and they didn't even have any long-range units. Facing such an attack, they couldn't even fight back. no way.

However, at this time, Hellscream has already killed the head, and is taking the lead in rushing madly in the formation of human spear infantry.

Slash the ground!
With one strike of the axe, more than a dozen human infantrymen were split in half with a force.

Whirlwind strike!

An ax swept out, and three or five spearmen who stabbed at him were chopped off at the same time.


The strong wind set off by the blood roar swept across the crowd like an invisible meat grinder, and the human beings were turned into flesh and blood pieces wherever they passed.

"Hahaha, see, this is the true power of the powerful Hellscream, no one can resist my attack! Tremble before the tribe."

Hellscream felt stronger than ever before, completely unaware that his soldiers were being slaughtered frantically.

clang!He slashed with an ax again, but this time it was blocked by a warhammer. Hellscream's eyes widened, and he looked down at the dwarf in front of him. He was dressed in thick mithril armor. attack.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Your opponent is me, the orc chieftain, let you know how powerful the dwarves are today, for Azmodan - give me a blow!"

Thunder Clap!
Boom, a hammer hit the ground, and the ground was shot with electricity.

Hellscream felt his body go numb.

"Try this again!"

Hammer of the Storm!

The warhammer in the dwarf's hand circled and flew towards Hellscream's face. Hellscream hurriedly raised Gorehowl to parry, but the warhammer was not a real entity, but a phantom made of storm energy.

Boom, the hell roar of the hammer of the storm made the whole person fall into a state of dizziness.

When Muradin saw it, he jumped and smashed down with the momentum of Mount Tai.

what!Hellscream suddenly let out a deafening roar—truly worthy of his name as Hellscream.

Roar of Destruction!

Entering a berserk state in an instant, the stun effect on his body was directly exempted, and he rolled to avoid the inevitable blow.

"Die dwarf."

Hellscream's turn is a cleave.

clang!The ax was stopped by Varian's blade.

"Muradin, let me help you."

Muradin suddenly became a little anxious: "I can deal with this orc."

"I know." Varian said calmly, "but now is not the time to be a hero."

The two double-teamed from left to right, even Hellscream felt a strong threat.

At this moment, a group of wolf cavalry rushed over, blocking the confrontation between the two sides.

Gasell ordered his men to entangle Muradin and Varian, and shouted at Hellscream: "Hellscream, we must retreat quickly!"

"No, kill all these humans, we will win."

"Before that, all of our people will die." Gasell said, pointing behind him, and saw the corpses of countless wolf cavalrymen scattered all over the chaotic canyon.

He looked forward again, there were at least six to seven thousand human infantry, and the cavalry behind them also pushed up.

Woohoo, the sound of the orc's retreat horn sounded, finally waking Hellscream from his rage, and when he turned his head, he saw countless wolf cavalry crazily retreating in the direction they came from.

Hellscream finally regained his senses, gritted his teeth and let out an unwilling roar.

"Retreat!" Flying onto the Wolf Warrior, he followed Gaselzog towards the direction he came from.

Seeing Varian, he finally showed a triumphant smile. He succeeded, and everything went according to plan. Now it's up to the elder brother.

At this moment, Murphy had commanded the soldiers to completely enter the defense line. In the distant valley, the army of wolf cavalry was rapidly approaching. However, when they saw the scene at the exit of the valley, they all showed despair.

"What, what is that?"

"Human tricks, that must be an illusion."

"Magic, it must be magic!"

"Shut up, let me see," Hellscream rushed out of the wolf cavalry formation on a wolf, and was surprised when he saw the line of defense, and then he was ignited with anger.

How could this group of despicable humans use such a trick to frame the great Hellscream, the wild boar cavalry of the Tyrant Sword tribe?Damn, hate!Ahhhhh!
"What about the Chief?"

"What should I do."

"Kill it, kill it! The Warsong Marauders go first!" Hellscream gave the order, and immediately rushed out hundreds of meters of Warsong Marauders.

The Warsong Marauder is a special advancement in the wolf cavalry. The weapon is not a sword, but a mace, which has additional enhanced damage to buildings.Hundreds of meters of looters rushed under the city wall and immediately began to tear down the wall.

And the crossbowmen on the city wall also started to shoot arrows immediately.

The wolf cavalry behind also rushed up, slashing wildly towards the city wall with their war blades.

This kind of picture looks a bit weird, but the game is a game after all, everything is just the conversion of health bar and attack power. Although the city wall is a city armor with high damage reduction, it will still lose durability in front of physical attacks. Not to mention the siege damage from those hundreds of looters.

In the blink of an eye, pieces of damage appeared on the city wall, and the durability dropped rapidly.

Standing on the castle, Murphy looked at the actions of the wolf cavalry below, and thought to himself, I'm sorry, but I want to play forced demolition, which is exactly what I want.

Being condescending is a good time to farm monsters and upgrade.

The pure flame of Arundel!

The power of the Dragon Feast in his body surged wildly, and the phantom of a dragon's head appeared out of nowhere on him. The dragon's mouth opened, and the dragon's breath gushed out. The scorching flames instantly engulfed dozens of wolf cavalrymen under the city wall and burned them to ashes.

The wolf cavalry at the back had no intention of stopping at all, and rushed forward to the city wall. Murphy simply stopped. The phantom of the huge dragon head grew its mouth like a living thing, and the flames were spitting out crazily, following the rotation of the dragon head. Spread left and right.

Hordes of orcs and wargs were burned to the ground.

System prompt: You killed the Warsong Wolf Knight and gained 480 experience points.

System prompt: You killed the Warsong Marauder and gained 460 experience points.

System prompt: You killed the Blackstone Warg cavalry and gained 440 experience points.

System prompt: You killed...

Hearing the reminders of experience gained constantly ringing in his ears, Mo Fei felt sour in his heart.

A white light flashed on his body, and he was upgraded.

Haha, cool.

Boom!There was a sound of rock collapsing. The right part of the city wall finally ran out of durability and collapsed into rubble. The wolf cavalry immediately rushed towards the gap, but what awaited them were the human spearmen standing behind. .

The narrow gap couldn't accommodate too many wolf cavalry to charge, and several wolf cavalry were stabbed by spears from all directions and fell to the ground as soon as they rushed over.

"Let me do it!" Hellscream roared, leaping vigorously.

Fearless cut!
The figure seemed to be flying, and he fell into the formation of the spearmen with a jump. A militia captain wanted to go up to stop him, but was chopped down by Hellscream with an axe.


With a big move, a bloody path was cut out from among the spearmen, and the wolf cavalry behind took the opportunity to rush out, and dozens of wolf cavalry rushed out at once.

Murphy saw it, and looked at the two people around him, "I said, two brothers, don't you plan to go up and do that Hellscream?"

Dalabang shook his head quickly, "I'm not out of my mind, so I won't go up to die."

Sigret even pretended not to hear, pouring firepower at the wolf cavalry below the city wall.

Murphy was not at all surprised by this result.

He also has no plans to be tough on Hellscream, this guy will be crazy, and he is only level 21, so don't go up and give it away, but there are other ways to keep Hellscream.

After drinking a bottle of Big Blue, facing the gap is another pure flame of Arundel.

Seeing that countless wolf cavalrymen were burned to death by the flames, the gap was blocked again by spearmen.

Murphy smiled slightly, and shouted loudly at Hellscream who had broken out of the encirclement.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Run away, Hellscream, run away, remember my name Aidan, your warriors were slaughtered by me here today, and all your people will be turned into corpses, this is their You deserved the end, don't let me see you again, or you will end up in the same end.

Cowardly bandits, cowardly deserters, flee in fear of me. "

what!Hearing Hellscream, he turned his head and saw that densely packed human soldiers had blocked his way, and his army obviously failed to rush over.

There were only dozens of horses following him, and the open wilderness was ahead, and he could leave now, but when he thought of the words of that damned human just now, his anger instantly overwhelmed his reason.

"A small human being, so arrogant, so daring, he must understand that no one can insult Hellscream! Ahhhh!"

Hellscream slayed all the way back again.

Killing frantically in the crowd, his body was stained red with blood.

After killing the gap all the way, just joining up with the soldiers under his command, at this moment, the hooves of the human cavalry sounded in the distance.

And on the mountains on both sides, the figures of human archers are constantly running and moving quickly. Those human soldiers once again occupied the high ground on both sides, and there are enemies in front and behind. This orc cavalry army has completely fallen into death. .

finally reached.

Murphy heaved a sigh of relief. With the three brothers alone, it was not a big problem to kill all the orcs, but it was really difficult to keep Hellscream.

Now encircled on all sides, with a gathering of heroes, Hellscream would not be able to kill even if the Overlord of Western Chu was alive.

"What a chief."

"What to do Hellscream!"

The surrounding orcs finally felt the fear.

However, at this time, facing such a desperate situation, Hellscream calmed down instead.

He looked at the surrounding mountains, and suddenly revealed a sinister smile.

"Go down to the wolf and attack the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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