Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 208 For the Horde

Chapter 208 For the Horde (Two in One)

Wolf cavalry has a huge advantage over human cavalry, that is, wolves can also climb mountains, and are not completely restricted by mountains like human war horses. Although the ability to climb mountains is not as good as dwarf goat cavalry, at least they able to climb.

And once the humans and wolves are separated, they can change from a level 36 wolf cavalry to a level 24 orc light infantry, and a level 22 black stone warg. Although the combat power has become weaker, the number has increased by one point. times.

After two consecutive bloody battles with heavy casualties, there are still more than 8000 wolf cavalry.

At this time, after hearing Hellscream's order, thousands of wolf cavalry on the side of the mountain immediately jumped off their wolves, and then waved their weapons, driving their war wolves along the hillside to attack Dagger Ridge.

Murphy was standing on the castle and breathing fire. He was shocked when he saw this scene. What a fool, what else can he do?

He really didn't expect this. He was completely solidified by the inherent war formula before, and subconsciously felt that the cavalry just couldn't go up the mountain.

Da Vinci on the side was also dumbfounded, "This, how could this happen."

Seeing this, Sigret couldn't help joking, "It seems that you professionals are not very good, and such obvious problems have not been calculated."

Da Vinci was stunned but didn't respond at all, his face suddenly changed, "What are you waiting for, hurry up and support Dagger Ridge!"

On the south side of the valley are continuous mountains and towering mountains. It is unrealistic to rush over them. Dagger Ridge is the mountain range on the north side of the valley, but the mountains in the north are relatively gentle, and there is only one mountain. You can reach the western wilderness by crossing the mountain. If these wolf cavalry ran to the plains of the western wilderness, they would never be able to catch them.

Speaking of this matter, Mo Fei and others didn't care too much about it. On the contrary, this group of studios were in a hurry. They claimed to be professionals. If you want money, you probably have to give a discount, it's all real money, this can be regarded as a work accident.

Siegret rolled his eyes at him, "Damn, didn't you see that there are still [-] wolf cavalry below? We only have a few thousand infantry here. It's good to be able to hold the line of defense. What more bicycles do you want?"

Sigret doesn't have a good impression of these studio guys at all, and he still wants to win Varian to go find Luna Scythe with him, hoping to mess up the cooperation between Varian and the studio.

Dalabang will lead the infantry below to block the gap.

Murphy also shook his head. He came to participate in this war. Apart from helping his brother, messing with plot points and reputation, his biggest purpose is actually to gain experience.

Now he has just been promoted to level 22. Compared with other heroes, his biggest weakness is that his level is too low and his basic attributes are too few. This time he has such a good opportunity and so many wolf cavalry, so he has to fight hard experience.

His position is just right, there is no need to change places, another dragon's breath spewed out, a white light flashed on his body, and he was promoted to another level.

After half an hour, the Kungfu Classic has been promoted to three levels, which is not unpleasant, but looking at the densely packed wolf cavalry below, Murphy is still dissatisfied. This is all experience.

Varian noticed the situation and hurriedly ordered the cavalry to charge. However, the orcs also sent thousands of wolf cavalry to meet them, fighting with the human knights.

At this time, Hellscream has led a group of orc light infantry without wolves to rush up the hillside, rushing up the narrow mountain road on the hillside.

Fortunately, the defenders on Dagger Ridge have already moved in place. With a [-] army, they are condescending, so it is relatively easy to defend.

The five civilian heroes all gathered on the hill, ready to face the attack of Hellscream. Most of them were surrounded by archers and crossbowmen, desperately releasing arrows to resist the charge of the orcs.

A small number of infantry concentrated on the key points of the mountain road and defended condescendingly.

Seeing Hellscream rush forward, Dawn Excalibur hurriedly sent a signal to the two mages.

"Don't worry about Hellscream, just stop those little soldiers, let's deal with this guy."

Night Dharma God: Received.

Flames of fire: Understood.

The two mages shot at the same time, summoning meteor fire rain together, directly blocking the way of the orcs from attacking the mountain.

Only the roar of hell killed the infantry guarding the hillside and killed them on the hill.

However, as soon as he went up the mountain, he was stopped by three human heroes.

These three human heroes have all participated in the first Battle of the Black Gate. Except for the Dawn Excalibur, which is in the second week, the level is relatively low, and the remaining two are all masters above the [-]th level.

The leader is as tall as an iron tower, wearing black iron heavy armor, a barrel-shaped helmet, holding a tower shield in one hand, and a warhammer in the other—hegemony (steel defender), level 80.Gold Level [-].

The person on the left, dressed in black dragon leather soft armor, has a graceful figure, wears a black scarf, reveals star-like eyes, and holds two top-quality scimitars enchanted with high-level sharpness.Qin Shimingyue (Blade Ranger), level 79.Gold Level [-].

The last person, with exaggerated explosive muscles, holds a two-handed sword.Dawn Excalibur (Dragon Blood Knight), level 46.Gold Tier [-].

The three surrounded Hellscream in a zigzag shape, facing the three heroes, Hellscream was not afraid.

Fearless cut!
Hellscream jumped up.

Steel barrier!Xiongba Tianxia was the first to greet him.

clang!Gorehowl slashed firmly on the shield, and the huge power even cut through the purple quality shield.

"What, Wocao, my shield."

"Don't talk nonsense, stop the hatred, we're going to take the head today." Qin Shimingyue appeared behind Hellscream in a flash, and struck with two knives staggered.

The Excalibur of Dawn also brandished its huge sword and slashed at its head...


No, this upgrade is still too slow.

Mo Fei drank a bottle of mana potion, consumed all the mana at once, and the breath of the dragon just burned dozens of wolf cavalry to death. Although these wolf cavalry had four or five hundred experience points, they could spend two Thirty thousand experience, but still too slow.

Such a good opportunity to upgrade, I don't know when I will meet it next time.

He looked up and saw that those mage heroes were all going crazy, releasing meteor fire rain crazily. This magic can be said to be the ceiling of the AOE skills of legal professions. The wolf cavalry below died layer after layer. Charred bodies were piled all over the city.

Although the flame dragon's breath has a strong AOE effect, it is weaker than the magic class in that its battery life is too poor, and it is still slightly worse than the professionals.

Touching the ring on the index finger of his right hand, he thought to himself that it should be used if it should be used.

He raised his right hand with the ring, and the power of fel energy condensed into a green ball in his hand.

Sargeras' whisper sounded at the right time, "Hmph, Deathwing, you keep saying that you don't care about the Burning Legion, and you're not trying to borrow my power just yet."

"What do you know, I need to hide my identity now, and I can't use my real power, otherwise you think I can appreciate your broken ability."

As Mo Fei spoke, the power of the evil energy in his hand became more and more uncontrollable. The evil aura emanating from the evil energy seemed to affect his spirit, and there seemed to be an evil voice in his heart.

Wocao, what a powerful force, no, I have to release it quickly, I can't control it.

Rain of chaos!

The power of evil energy in Mo Fei's hand suddenly turned into a green beam of light that soared into the sky. The surrounding soldiers and several heroes were all startled and backed away.

The beam of light shot into the sky and turned into a huge vortex, as if torn the sky into a big hole. Behind the vortex, there was a strange scene of twisted void, and huge green meteorites were suspended in the void.

Following Murphy's call, these huge meteorites fell towards this side of the vortex one by one.

The sky seemed to be burning up, as if the clouds were burning up, and then, a huge meteorite fell from the sky with a long trail.

boom!The violent explosion reverberated in the valley, deafening, the earth was trembling, bang bang bang!
The green meteors fell one after another. This magic could not accurately control the falling point of the meteorite, so it was completely up to the person who would hit it, but anyway, there were all orcs below, so there was no need to worry about not hitting anyone.

Meteorites fell one after another, and the shock wave of the explosion sent the surrounding soldiers flying everywhere, like the end of the world. Compared with the meteor shower, which was astonishing just now, there was no sense of existence at all at this time.

Murphy had filled the ring with the power of evil energy these days, and summoned ten hellfire demons in one go.

A hellfire fell near the city wall, crushing more than a dozen wolf cavalry into a pulp, and then a huge hellfire demon crawled out of the burning crater.

Murphy was able to get a glimpse of the true face of this hellfire.

Hellfire (Demon Construct), Elite: Level 80, HP 15000.

This thing does not belong to the conventional monster system, but belongs to the war weapon of the Burning Legion. It is somewhat similar to the arcane golem in Dalaran, but it is an enhanced version of evil energy. The flames of evil energy are burning around the body of Hellfire. If you get close, you will continue to lose health.

Don't look at it as an elite, but it is a level 80 monster, and its combat power is quite powerful.

Just standing there, the fel flames that emanated had already caused the surrounding wolf cavalry to scream incessantly.

They didn't have much IQ, and they attacked the surrounding orcs and humans completely instinctively. They trampled a wolf cavalry to death with one foot, knocked down an orc infantry with one punch, and several wolf cavalry rushed up to face the hellfire. He chopped and slashed on his body, but the super high defense power did not hurt more than a dozen points. Instead, the blood bar burned by the fel flames around the hellfire was mad, and he fled to death after a few seconds.

"Wo Cao, Aidan, you are awesome, what kind of skill is this?"

The two cheap brothers were shocked.

Before Murphy had time to speak modestly, the hellfire suddenly punched the city wall with his fist.

The tall city wall was in front of Hellfire, but it was just waist-high, and when he punched down, three or four militiamen standing there were instantly killed.

"Stop, these are friendly troops, go kill those orcs." Murphy shouted.

The hellfire demon looked at him expressionlessly, apparently in its eyes, there was no difference between humans and orcs.

It seems that low IQ is not entirely a good thing.

"Kill inside, don't kill on the wall."

This time the hellfire demon finally understood, and rushed towards the orc army, leaving a string of burning footprints wherever it passed.

Although those orcs looked ferocious and violent, they seemed to be fearless when facing humans. However, facing the huge hellfire demon with a height of more than ten meters, they all showed fear in their eyes and howled mournfully, obviously drinking the devil's water. Orcs with blood will have natural fear when facing high-level demons.

Ten hellfire demons were rampaging crazily among the wolf cavalry army. Their tall figures stood out from the crowd, and Murphy watched his experience points gradually increase. This efficiency was much higher than that of him breathing fire alone.

Under the bombardment of the meteor fire rain, trampled by the hellfire demons, shot by the crossbowmen, and charged by the cavalry, the besieged orc army was killed and wiped out at an alarming speed.

Level 25 - Level 26 - Level 27!The upgraded white light on his body flashed from time to time, and when the orc army was completely killed and collapsed, the main force was gone, and only some stragglers were left and began to flee in all directions, Mo Fei was fully upgraded to level [-].

The reserve infantry of the Varian army finally followed up and rushed towards the northern hills. Alsace also rushed down from the southern hills with his soldiers.

But what hurts the most is that those hellfire demons have no intention of stopping at all.

Fortunately, after the previous fierce battle, six of the ten Hellfires were killed by the orcs, and the only three remaining on the battlefield were also bloody, and they were besieged by human soldiers and finally fell down.

There is also a hellfire that fell somewhere. The range of this rain of chaos is really not easy to control, and Murphy didn't bother to look for it.

Maybe after this war is over, he will become a field boss or something.

And the battle on Dagger Ridge was also decided at this time.

boom!Hellscream sent Xiong Batian flying with an axe.

The shield was completely split in half, and Goreroar took advantage of the opportunity to cut through the breastplate of the dominating world, -4127!

This blow almost cost him half his life. Fortunately, the Iron Defender has a super damage reduction ability, and failed to deliver a fatal blow. Xiong Batian staggered back, and the armor on his body was as fragile as paper in front of Gore Howl.

He clutched the wound on his chest, panting heavily.

It's too strong, it's really too strong. I originally thought that three gold-ranked heroes would be enough to kill this guy, but I didn't expect to be able to beat him.

Liming Excalibur fell into a near-death state after being hit by an axe, and Qin Shimingyue just disappeared and dared not show up.

I can't stand it anymore.

The strength of these plot characters is indeed extraordinary, especially the key role of Hellscream who has killed demigods in history.

Hellscream grinned grinningly at the invincible human warrior in front of him.

"Human, you are much tougher than you look, but unfortunately you met me, do you have any last words?"


"why are you laughing?"

"Your army has been destroyed, look behind you."

As soon as Hellscream turned around, he was shocked and angrily found that he was completely surrounded.

Below the hillside are the wreckage of hellfire turned into rubble, human soldiers cleaning the battlefield, and the corpses of orcs and wargs as far as the eye can see.

The corpses were scattered all over the canyon, and the number was countless. He repeated in disbelief, "My army—is it destroyed?"

Thirty thousand troops, all wiped out?The warriors of the Horde, the warriors of the Warsong clan, the warriors of the Blackrock clan, are all dead.

Impossible, how is this possible!The anger in Hellscream's heart rose to its peak in an instant.

In the next second, a voice made him fall into an ice cave.

"Speaking of which, it's thanks to you."

That's right, I killed these soldiers, and my recklessness led them to a dead end.

Pain spread in his heart, remorse and anger intertwined, Hellscream's eyes gradually turned red, and his teeth creaked.

And around him, human heroes gradually surrounded him, as well as more soldiers. Countless human swords and spears surrounded him like a jungle.

"That's right, you have already lost Hellscream, surrender." Varian's voice sounded, and he walked in from the crowd with a look of exhaustion, but more excitement.

The battle was finally won, an epic victory.

Taking advantage of Hellscream's attention being attracted, Qin Shimingyue suddenly appeared, supported Xiongba Tianxia and Dawn Excalibur, and took a few steps back. The three of them took out blood bottles and poured them into their mouths.

More people gathered around. At this moment, the army has surrounded the place, but the innermost circle is naturally still a group of heroes.

Murphy is also in the mix. If he can kill Hellscream himself, he will definitely gain a lot of plot points, and there is a high probability that he will be able to learn a legendary combat specialty. This kind of thing must not be let go.

At worst, you need to get an assist.

"Let me finish him." Muradin eagerly tried.

"No, Varian, let me do it." Varian's older brothers also started to challenge.

"Well, can you let me try it?" Alsace said weakly.

As soon as Morgan Lisa raised her hand, the flames condensed in her hand, "Let me kill him with a big fireball."

"Stay away from Morgan Lisa, this job is our melee."

"Don't we legal professions have no human rights? When we clear mobs, we count on us, why don't we let them fight bosses?"

"If you want me to say, you don't need to talk about honor, morality, etc. with a barbaric race like the orcs. You just stand shoulder to shoulder."

As soon as the words came out, Varian, Muradin, Arthas and other plot characters all showed expressions of shock, but the players all had expressions of 'it must be so'.

If it was a one-on-one fight, no one would dare to say that they could win. In this case, it would be nice for everyone to fight together and get an assist after the group fight is over.

Tianxiu said: "I'll call one, two, three, everyone go together."

Dalabang: "Why not three two one?"

Everyone: "..."

Listening to the discussions around him, Hellscream felt so calm for the first time. The remorse and anger in his heart made him want to die, but before he died, he must make these hateful humans pay the price.

His eyes swept over these human faces one by one, and suddenly fell on one of them.

That's right, it was him, that human being, who dared to say that he was a courageous bandit, a cowardly deserter, and he had to die.

"Enough! You despicable humans, I am the mightiest warrior of the Horde, chieftain of the Warsong clan, the invincible warrior of Orgrim - Grom Hellscream, even if I die in battle, I will never give You wretched humans give in and prepare to die - for the Horde!"

Hellscream roared, and suddenly a Fearless Slash jumped towards Murphy.

(End of this chapter)

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