Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 211 Equipment expertise and doubts

Chapter 211 Equipment expertise and doubts

Hearing the voice prompted by the system, Murphy was immediately overjoyed, it's cool, 2350 plot points, this time it's really cool to fly, I guess besides Varian, the commander of the army, he should be the leader of the plot this time. Get the most points.

After all, he summoned the Rain of Destruction, killed enough mobs, even killed a bronze dragon, and even fought Hellscream a few times.

It's a pity that Hellscream ran away in the end, otherwise there would only be more, and maybe he could directly rise to two levels.

Of course, another reason is that there are too many heroes participating in the battle, and everyone's influence on the plot will naturally be divided, but there is no way to do it. If there are fewer people, the battle will not be so easy to win.

What makes him a little helpless is that the progress of blackening has increased again, so he has to take it easy.

Once the blackening progress exceeds 50%, then you will become a neutral unit, which means that even if you kill it, you will not be wanted. This also means that it will be difficult for you to rely on your status as a prince Let the enemies of the same camp cast a rat-fighting weapon.

Of course, becoming a neutral unit is also beneficial. Neutral units have the possibility to communicate with many monster forces, and with some neutral forces, such as the goblins in Booty Bay, the relationship will be relatively easier to improve.

And once the blackening progress reaches 100%, it will directly turn into a humanoid monster and blacken into a boss.

Murphy doesn't really resist this point. Bosses are fun to play. Although being a hero is not bad, but he always feels constrained in doing things. He will miss the days when he was the lord of the black dragon, and Once you become a BOSS, the upper limit of blood volume will be directly increased by ten times. After entering the dungeon, there will be an extra blood volume bonus in the dungeon. In the true sense, the blackening will be ten times stronger.

However, Murphy didn't intend to blacken so quickly. Once blackened to become a boss, it means that he will become the hunting target of many heroes, so he must have enough strength before blackening.

At the very least, the first stage of the Dragon Feast mission must be completed, let's talk about acquiring the ability to transform into a dragon.

Fortunately, this time I got another dragon heart, the goal of transforming into a dragon is just around the corner, but I don't know what ability this bronze dragon heart can give.

Everyone else has also heard the sound of the system prompt, and according to each person's performance in the story battle, the rewards are different.

Generally speaking, it is very fair. The more brave you kill the enemy, the more you will be given the more plot points.

If you just hide behind others and kill a few mobs at will, the plot points you get are relatively limited.

Sigret was relatively rare, and only gave more than 500 plot points. Dalabon was much better, because he gave Hellscream a shield attack, and immediately participated in the battle, giving more than 1000 plot points.

The three melee players in the Five Heroes of the Black Gate had a long confrontation with Hellscream, which delayed time, and they all had more than 1000 plot points, close to [-]. The two mages were much less, only in the early [-]s.

Many heroes have been promoted directly. Everyone is busy counting their gains and new hero specialties. Only plot characters such as Varian and Muradin Arthas have no idea about this.

Their specialties should be obtained more naturally. They often have a sudden flash of inspiration between life and death in battle, an instant epiphany, or gradually master it through hard training, but it is completely different from the player's method of adding points to one of the three.

Murphy is also counting his income.

The first is the drop of the bronze dragon.

It's just a small boss of the third level of the skeleton, so the drop is not very surprising.

The first is a dragon heart.

【Bronze Dragon Heart (Core Material)
Item introduction: The heart of the bronze dragon Noreldom. It is said that only powerful dragons can conceive a heart. Even though Norreldormu is dead, the power of time still radiates from the dragon's heart.

This item can be used as a core material to create powerful magical equipment, and it is said that the dwarves of Ironforge are very fond of such things. 】

Then there is the Bronze Dragon Scale × 19 that must be exploded by the Dragon Clan.

Then came a bizarre golden hourglass, only empty inside.

【Broken Time Hourglass (Garbage)
(Not available)
Item introduction: The singular hourglass made of pure gold is a special instrument used by the bronze dragon clan. It is said that breaking the time hourglass releases the sand of time in it, which can temporarily stop the flow of time.

The hourglass, however, is broken and clearly unusable, but is still a fine work of art in itself. 】

Poor guy, Mo Fei was a little speechless looking at the few pieces that fell, except for the dragon heart and dragon scales, it was a broken hourglass, and he didn't give up any usable equipment.

Well, it's just a skeleton-level dragon, so you can't expect too much.

(To prevent everyone from forgetting, the ranks of BOSS are: Skeleton—Terror—Disaster—World—Destruction.)
Then Murphy checked the three specialties obtained this time.

1: City Defender Expert (Domination feat).You led the soldiers to defend against several times the enemy's attack in a battle, so you understood the essentials of using fortifications to conduct defensive operations.

Benefit: When you command defensive operations, soldiers you lead gain an additional +50 morale bonus.

2: Demoncaller (alignment feat).You used powerful fel magic in a battle, summoning hordes of hellfire demons from the Twisting Nether to join the battle, and had a huge impact on the battle situation. You have thus attracted the attention of the Burning Legion, and they realized that, Another powerful demon summoner is born.

Special effect: When you summon demons, there is a very low probability of summoning [Demon Lord], [Demon Lord] is a powerful individual far stronger than ordinary demons, and can serve you better, and [Demon Lord] will send you Publish Legion missions, complete such missions to get the exclusive rewards of the Burning Legion, improve your reputation in the Burning Legion, and also increase your blackening progress.

3: The weak defeat the strong (combat feat).You survived a battle when you were attacked by a powerful hero of a level far above you, so you learned how to take on enemies who were too powerful.

Special effect: When you face an enemy that is too powerful, all your game behavior judgments have a greater probability of success. This effect is only valid for enemies whose level exceeds your level by 25, or whose rank exceeds your level by five. .

Murphy browsed through the effects of the three feats, and immediately gave the city defense expert a pass. This feat is quite rubbish even for lord players, and it is useless except for city defense battles.

This 50 morale is quite a lot. Once it is turned on, it basically means that the soldiers will not collapse for any reason, but the trigger conditions are too bad, and city defense battles are too rare.

The specialty of Demon Summoner is very good, but still the same sentence, it conflicts with his dragon line, and his ability to summon demons depends entirely on equipment. If this thing is gone one day, then this specialty will be completely useless up.

In the end, the specialty of defeating the strong with the weak reminded him of the [Sole Survivor] specialty that he had met once before. It also increases the probability of game judgment. The probability of game judgment is very important. From weapon confrontation, it basically falls into this category.Relatively speaking, the trigger conditions for this feat are better.

Of course, there is also a disadvantage, that is, once one's level is raised, the rank is raised, and this specialty is useless.

But, I am only at the second level of silver now, and only at level [-]. It will be a long time before the full level and full level. I almost died today. It would be good if I could have an extra insurance.

You are the one.

Murphy thought about it and clicked harder.

System prompt: You have obtained a new specialty [weakness defeats the strong].

Then, Murphy looked at his attribute bar again.

Today, I went up to nine levels in one breath and got 45 attribute points. I can finally improve my basic attributes.

He already had a case for this.

Since it is a force-sensitive melee route, the four most important things to add are life, endurance, strength, and agility.

However, considering that I always have to face the whispers of the ancient gods and the demon king recently, maybe I should increase my spiritual power a little bit, and I can't always expect these two guys to fight each other.

Calculated in three, Murphy added attribute points to it.

(In order to avoid the number of words, only the main attributes of the protagonist are listed, and other skills, equipment and specialties will be updated in a free single chapter later)
Character Name: Aidan Perenolde (Prince of Alterac) Hero Template: Silver Tier [-].

Plot points: 555/2000.
Reputation: 1250.

Dominance: 165.

Level: 30.

Age: 21
Occupation: Prince/Knight of the North Wind/Dragon Feast/Son of the Storm.

HP: 3150 (blood rage suit, life ring +650).

Mana: 500.

Physical value: 2000.

Physique 50.

Stamina 40.

Strength 55. (Highlander talent +5)

Agility41. (Elf sword master blouse, windwalking boots +6)

Intelligence 10.

Spirit 30 (Fool's Crown +10).

Charm 20. (Dragon King Prestige +10)

Wisdom 10 (Sargeras Ring and Fool's Crown offset).

In this way, his attributes are finally acceptable.

The heroes are quite satisfied with the harvest this time, but there is one question that makes everyone a little curious, where did this hellscream go?
at the same time--

Hellscream looked at the vast desert in front of him, feeling at a loss in his heart—where did I get thrown?

(End of this chapter)

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