Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 212 Hellscream's Desert Travel Notes

Chapter 212 Hellscream's Desert Travel Notes
Where the hell did that damn dragon throw itself?
Hellscream sat on the sand dunes, looking at the endless desert in front of him, and thought angrily.

At first he thought that the other party would definitely show up soon to explain what happened, but after waiting in the desert for half an hour, he realized that the guy probably wouldn't show up.

So Hellscream decided to get out of this desert first.

However, climbing up a sand dune and looking up, there is only endless desert in front of you.

The anger in Hellscream's heart has not been extinguished, the armor on his body has long been broken, and the blood all over his body has dried up, making him very uncomfortable. Let him hate that Prince Aidan immensely.

Backstabber, don't let me meet you next time...

Fortunately, the orc's recovery ability is amazing (the hero comes with blood back after leaving the battle), and the pain gradually became less painful soon.

However, although the wounds on the body are easy to heal, the wounds on the soul are not so easy.

I was defeated so thoroughly that I ruined the lives of all the orc warriors... He thought regretfully, he didn't have time to think about it in the previous battle, but thinking about it now, Gasell had reminded him more than once to be careful in ambush.

Orgrim also told him not to entangle with humans, but to complete the task quickly.

Why didn't I listen to the persuasion, why did I let the anger burn my head?It's the blood of the devil!Hellscream was well aware of this, and he licked his lips when he wanted another drink.

After a bloody battle, he was needed more than ever.

Walking on the scorching desert, Hellscream was still muttering.

Damn Ba Dao is ruthless, damn pig-riding savage, I know that orcs riding wild boars are not trustworthy.

Damn Prince Aidan, damn Varian, damn dragons, damn deserts...

Huh, it's so hot, isn't this desert boundless?

If it is a player, you can see a DEBUFF called [Desert Heat] hanging above his head.

[Desert Heat: A layer is stacked every 10 minutes, and the consumption of physical strength increases by 10%. After the physical strength is exhausted, the life value will be slowly lost. You can relieve the duration of this state by drinking water. 】

Hellscream looked up at the sky, he couldn't open his eyes under the sun, and the sky was clear, so he could only lower his head and continue walking. He didn't know how long it took. Finally, Hellscream, who was exhausted, fell on the sand with a plop. on the ground.

The DEBUFF on his body has been fully stacked, and his blood volume, which had already recovered by one-third, began to slowly decline again.

As the blood bar gradually decreased to a seriously injured state, he felt like he was about to lose consciousness.

In a trance, he felt a shadow blocking the dazzling sunlight in front of his eyes.

"Look what I found here? Hey man, how are you?"

"Water—water—" Hellscream said unconsciously.

"I don't have any water, but I have this, drink it, drink it." The spicy liquid suddenly poured into his mouth, and Hellscream felt as if he was drinking the blood of a demon, which finally shook his spirits.

He suddenly opened his eyes and was startled. A strange black and white bear-like creature was looking at him curiously.

He stood up abruptly, clenched Gorehowl in his hands, and suddenly found that he had strength again. No matter what the bear man gave him to drink, it undoubtedly restored him a lot of strength.

"What kind of creature are you?" He asked warily.

"I am Pandaren Chen Storm Spirits. I am wandering in this continent, looking for materials to make the best wine. A group of goblins said that there is a magical cactus berry in this desert that can make the best wine. Unfortunately, I am probably Wrong way, did you see those green-skinned goblins? He's about this tall..."

"Pandaren? What did you give me to drink?"

"Ah, this, this is my craft wine, do you want some more? The weather is too hot, the taste may not be right, I promise it will be absolutely full-bodied, the one you drank just now is very good."

The pandaren shook the wooden barrel in his hand, and there was a rattling sound inside.

Hellscream licked his lips, embarrassed to ask.

"where is this place?"

"Kalimdor—the Tanaris Desert, don't you know?"

"I was thrown here by a dragon."

"This is really strange. I haven't seen any dragons. Let's go. I think we can talk while walking. It's best to find a place to rest."

It was the first time for Hellscream to see such a strange creature, but he was very unfamiliar with this world. Maybe this kind of creature is very common, he thought.

Panda people are very friendly, so he is a little embarrassed to do something out of the ordinary.

Walking side by side with the pandaren in front of him on the desolate desert of Tanaris, Hellscream asked how to return to the tribe. He couldn't wait to go back to the tribe, regroup, and seek revenge from those humans, although that meant Had to face the warchief's questioning, face his own failure, but he didn't care.

"You want to go to the Eastern Kingdom? Then you have to be busy. To go to the Eastern Continent, you need to cross the endless sea. I heard from the goblins in Steamwheedle Port that there are creatures called humans and some dwarves living there. It is said that the beer and spirits of the dwarves are very tasty, maybe I can try it in the future.

What's the point-oh yes, to go to the Eastern Continent, I suggest you rent a boat from the goblins, those little green skins look a lot like you, maybe you are relatives, as long as you pay, they will Willing to carry extra guests, but also provide breakfast and dinner, but the taste is not very good.

Steamwheedle Port is to the east of Tanaris, and you ask me which is east... well, that's a good question..."

Hellscream soon discovered that this pandaren was very talkative, even a bit talkative, but he was not in the mood to chat right now, and seeing that the other party couldn't provide any useful information, he closed his mouth and walked silently in the desert. , listening to the pandaren chatter.

Every one or two hours, the pandaren would pour out a glass of home-brewed wine to quench his thirst, and at the same time handed him a glass. Hellscream silently accepted this generosity. Thanks to this thing, Hellscream did not faint again.

At night, the two stopped under a leeward sand dune.

The desert in the night is extremely beautiful, the night sky is as clean as it is, and the stars are weaving. Hellscream is not sure which star Draenor is, thinking that his original home is in a corner among the stars, this feeling makes Hellscream was inexplicably frightened.

He was so exhausted that he fell asleep lying on the sand.

In his drowsiness, he dreamed——

Surrounded by darkness, he stood in the darkness, the darkness receded quickly, and before him was the familiar scene of the Nagrand prairie—no, it was the West Wilderness, a place very similar to his hometown, he stood in the wheat field , Mai Lang twitched at his fingertips, a little itchy.

The scent of green grass wafted through the tip of his nose, which made him feel extremely nostalgic.

"Look behind you." Suddenly a voice rang in my ear.

Behind him? Hellscream slowly turned his head. On the wilderness behind him, there were countless orc corpses, so densely packed that they couldn't even count.

A trace of uneasiness rose in his heart, and he walked up to a corpse. The face looked vaguely familiar, it was Gasel Zog!Three spears and seven arrows were stuck in his chest, his stomach was cut open, and all his intestines flowed out.

Gasel's eyes suddenly opened, and his white eyes stared at him firmly.

"Hellscream, I told you there was an ambush, why didn't you listen, you killed us all!" Gasell's voice was full of resentment, his pale eyes had a death-like look.

"Shut up, warriors of the tribe shouldn't be afraid of death." Hellscream roared, but his voice was weak.

"Then why didn't you die? Why did you run away? You left us!"

"You left us."



Countless voices echoed in the wilderness. It was the dead orcs who were speaking. They crawled out of the mud one after another, dragging their corpses covered with knife marks and arrow wounds, and surrounded them in all directions...

Hellscream woke up suddenly from his deep sleep, covered in cold sweat.

He gasped for a while before regaining his composure, when suddenly the sound of howling wind rang in his ears, and when he looked up, he saw the pandaren playing with his long stick not far away, his fat body with agility not commensurate with his size.

The shadow of the stick was flying, with the sound of howling wind, it seemed to be quite powerful.

Hellscream was a little surprised, "Are you a fighter?"

"Let's just say, I can fight, but I prefer brewing and drinking."

"Let me compare with you."

The pandaren blinked and nodded, "If you insist."

Hellscream suddenly became excited.

Fighting, killing, this is the fate of orcs, killing may not work, but fighting can undoubtedly make him forget the troubles in his heart.

Fucking Goreroar, Hellscream eagerly looked at the pandaren in front of him, wanting to make a move, but worried that he would kill the bearman with too much force. Although Hellscream was not the kind of soft-hearted person, the other party helped him. It's really not easy to do this as the only traveling companion.

The pandaren seemed to know exactly what he was thinking.

"Take it as hard as you can, I think I can make some gestures."

It is enough to have this sentence——

what!Hellscream let out a loud roar, and Goreroar slashed across.

The pandaren backed away.


Back off!

Whirlwind strike!

But the pandaren dodged from left to right, without any intention of being tough with him, and even tried to run away. Hellscream was in a hurry and chased after him. Suddenly, the pandaren's feet stopped suddenly, and the long stick in his hand stabbed back like a spear. .

Hellscream was caught off guard, and was stabbed in the chest with a stick. He was suddenly out of breath, and fell to the sand with a plop.

The pandaren stretched out his hand to him friendly, "You are too impatient."

"You're cheating!"

"This is called the art of combat."

"Come again!"

The two fought three times, and Hellscream was knocked down three times.

Hellscream found that this chubby bear man was much more flexible than he looked. For the first time, he found that someone could compete with him head-on. At least in terms of skills, the other party completely played him.

But he doesn't want to admit it.

"I am Hellscream, the most powerful warrior. You just won me by tricks. If you fight to the death, I will not lose to you."

The pandaren just shrugged fearlessly, "Maybe—do you want a drink, buddy?"

After dawn, the two continued on their way.

Hellscream kept thinking about what happened yesterday, everything was so unreal, yesterday he was the commander of the orc army, leading the wolf cavalry army to sweep across the human territory.

Now it has ended up like this, what is all this for, why does that strange dragon say that its destiny is not there...

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the pandaren stop in front of him.

boom.He bumped into the pandaren's furry shoulder.

As soon as Hellscream looked up, he saw the pandaren looking up at the sky.

"What are you looking at?"

"Did you see that bird?"

Hellscream looked at the sky, and just in the shadow of the sun, a black dot could be vaguely seen.

"I saw."

"I don't think it's a bird."

"What else can it be if it's not a bird?"

"Just ask—hey, friend in the sky, can you come down and talk, maybe I can buy you a drink."

Just when Hellscream thought the bear man was crazy, the black spot actually hovered and landed.

It was indeed a bird, a huge bird. Hellscream originally thought it would be a bone-eating vulture. This kind of bird that feeds on corpses is everywhere in Draenor. Even if the world is polluted by evil energy, everything Withered, the group of bone-eating vultures grew stronger instead.

However, the bird in front of me is not a bone-eating vulture, but a huge eagle with a wingspan of more than five meters. The moment it lands, the feathers gather together, and it turns into a strange person with huge curved horns and a majestic body. The body is taller than the tallest orc, almost as tall as those ogres, but not as fat as the ogres, but with strong muscles.

The cowman is dressed in a leather garment decorated with feathers and animal skins, which looks a bit like those shamans in the tribe.

Hellscream felt that his three views had been impacted again, bear people, bull people, this world is really crazy.

The tauren nodded slowly, "Nica Blackhorn, it's a pleasure to meet you—Master Chen Stormstout, and—my god, Hellscream? Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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