Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 214 Old Tauren and Little Tauren

Chapter 214 Old Tauren and Little Tauren

Watching Nica Noire disappear into the sky, Hellscream could finally relax.

Looking at the wooden houses and oasis around him, he felt both novel and relaxed. It was not time to sleep, so he walked out of the wooden house and wandered on the grass outside, looking at the strange tauren around him.

Some female tauren are drying their dried meat and making food from the roots of plants.

The male tauren are forging weapons and repairing armor, looking like they are ready to fight at any time.

Most of the tauren's weapons are heavy battle axes and war hammers. He even saw tauren directly using huge round wooden stakes as weapons.

The tauren also looked at him curiously, and one of them, a tauren warrior with a black mane, greeted him in a rough voice.

"Small man, are you the green-skinned man who came here with Black Horn?"

It was the first time that Hellscream was called a small man, but he didn't take it seriously. Compared with these big guys, he was indeed much smaller.

"Yes." Hellscream said.

"Hmph, that guy is a bastard. If you hang out with this kind of person, I don't think you are a good person."

Hellscream couldn't stand this kind of anger, and subconsciously wanted to teach this guy a lesson.

At this time, an old tauren with a gray beard came out, "Enough of Angry Hoof, don't be so rude to our guests, have you forgotten the hospitality I taught you?"

The big black man was reprimanded by the old tauren, but he didn't dare to attack, so he had no choice but to leave.

"Sorry young warrior, Angryhoof is a bit grumpy because of recent events, but he's not harmless."

For such a generous elder, Hellscream had to put away his violent side and put his hand off the handle of the axe.

"I don't know Nica Noire very well," he explained.

"Blackhorn's nature is not bad, but he is too jumpy. He doesn't look like a tauren. When he was very young, he left the tribe and wandered on the vast Kalimdor continent. No one knew about it. What he's been through, but once the tribe was invaded, he immediately came back to help the tribe.

He helped us find this oasis, you are a welcome guest here, please feel free to young warriors, just tell me what you need. "

Hellscream was not the kind of orc who would say politely: "I'm hungry and need food."

The old tauren immediately ordered a little tauren to bring some food.

The food was simple, just jerky and potato bread, but Hellscream devoured it voraciously. His sharp fangs easily tore up the hard jerky, and he swallowed it without chewing.

The little tauren who delivered the meal looked shocked, "What are you?"

Hellscream looked up at the little tauren in front of him. He was about the same height as Hellscream, but his immature face made it easy for Hellscream to tell that he was just a child.

"I am an orc."

"Are you from the Eastern Continent?"

"No, I'm from another world, a world called Draenor."

"Another world? What's it like there?"

"My hometown is in Nagrand, where there are lush grasslands and clear rivers, towering mountains, clefthoofs and thunder elephants in groups..." Hellscream tried hard to recall the few remaining memories while eating .

"Sounds like a great place, so why did you leave your hometown?"

Hellscream sighed, "My hometown has been destroyed, and it has become a dead place."

The tauren seemed to resonate, "Our homeland used to be very beautiful, but those damned centaurs invaded, conquered, burned, killed and looted, we had to leave our homeland, has your homeland been invaded too? The patriarch says that the invaders will be punished by Mother Earth, but I doubt it."

Hellscream was a little annoyed when he heard Maverick's angry accusation. Although the other party was talking about a centaur, he felt as if they were accusing him.

Has your hometown been invaded?Maybe, but who is the intruder?He originally thought it was those draenei, but now he suddenly realized that it didn't seem to be the case. Conquering, invading, burning, killing and looting, isn't that what he did in the past?

Could it be that the orcs themselves destroyed their own world?
He was unwilling to accept such an answer, but his remaining rationality told him that was all there was to it.

Hellscream's uneasiness misunderstood the old man on the side, thinking that he was worried about being in danger.

"Don't be nervous, kid, it's safe here. Have you seen the surrounding mountains? That's Razor Ridge, the home of the wildboars. This dangerous mountain range surrounds the oasis. There is only one path that can connect to the outside world. Those centaurs must be impossible Find the one who came here, and you are safe here."

Hellscream replied vaguely, and after dinner, he hid back in the wooden house, lying on the animal skin of the wooden house, Hellscream was very confused, he thought wildly for a while, and finally calmed down.

I don't know how the tribe is doing now, how the war is going, and gradually, he fell asleep.


"For the Horde! Launch!"

The flame projectile from the catapult hit the castle's magic shield heavily. Morgan Lisa, who was supporting the shield, didn't even frown, but yawned boredly.

Below the castle, hundreds of orcs swarmed and attacked the city gate. Surrounding the castle were densely packed alliance adventurers, who fought with the orcs as a team.

And on the city wall behind them, dozens of alliance heroes stood on it, pouring magic and arrow rain down comfortably.

The pure flame of Arundel!

With a dragon's breath technique, Murphy burned dozens of orcs under the city wall to death, and burned them to ashes together with the two adventurers.

"Wo Cao, brother, watch carefully, ah, my weapon exploded." An adventurer let out a tragic howl before dying.

"Feel sorry."

Mo Fei said that, but he didn't think so in his heart. Aren't you adventurers just here to gain experience? You're all wearing whiteboard shop clothes, what kind of clothes are you wearing?

This was the seventh day after the Battle of Dagger Ridge. Because of this disastrous defeat, the tribe lost [-] cavalry. This made the tribe madly retaliate. Orgrim led the army and began to push forward.

After the last victory, Varian also fully accepted the plan formulated by the studio, and began to implement the second step of the plan-the consumption strategy.

At the cost of the castles in the Kingdom of Stormwind, the tribe's vitality is consumed. Each battle does not invest many troops, but adventurers are used as cannon fodder and heroes are output. Without losing the army of the Stormwind Kingdom, they can fight with the tribe fight.

As of today, the Horde has captured more than a dozen castles of the Alliance and lost tens of thousands of orcs, but the loss of the Stormwind Kingdom's troops is only a few hundred.

Murphy participated in almost the whole process, but he did not lose his experience. No, with a flash of white light, he was upgraded again.

nice!Mo Fei silently added five attributes to strength.

And in the tribal position outside the city, Orgrim looked at the castle in front of him with a serious face. After these days of advancement, he has already seen that something is wrong. Although every battle can kill many adventurers, But the strange thing is that these adventurers continue to flow, as if they can't be killed.

Watching all the orc warriors fall down, Orgrim's face showed no fluctuation.

There was no way for him to do so. He received several bad news one after another. First, he learned that Gul'dan led his clan on a long voyage, and who knew where he went.

Then Hellscream's army was wiped out.

Kilrogg is still confronting the troll in Stranglethorn Vale, and it can be said that bad news comes one after another.

This makes people in the tribe float.

But there is also good news. The Shadowmoon Clan led by Ner'zhul successfully got in touch with Ragnaros, the king of fire elements in Blackrock Mountain. Through continuous sacrifices and communication, they finally made peace with Ragnaros. Relationship, mastered the elemental power of Azeroth, and was able to summon fire elementals to join the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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