Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 215 The Daily Check-in of Deathwing

Chapter 215 The Daily Check-in of Deathwing

Although the number of fire elements is limited, the strength of the tribal shaman group has been greatly enhanced, and now the tribe finally has the support of a powerful spellcaster unit.

At the same time, although Gul'dan has left, there are still a large number of warlocks among those adventurers who are gradually growing up. Recently, several orc warlock heroes have emerged, which comforts him a little.

Seeing that the adventurers outside the city were almost cleaned up, Orgrim looked aside, "Master Ner'zhul, please do it."

Ner'zhul nodded proudly. He has now regained the recognition of the elements and has become the spiritual leader of the tribe. It can be said that he has finally regained his former glory.

At this time, he led a group of shamans to the edge of the battlefield and cast shaman spells together.

The elemental forces were brought together to form a vast ball of unstable fiery energy, which was released as Ner'zhul unleashed.

Rumble!The earth began to tremble, the ground was torn apart, flames and lava spewed out from the ground, and the majestic castle in front of me was also slowly cracked by the earthquake.

Rumble!One side of the castle wall was directly shaken down, revealing a huge slope gap.

The orcs outside the city immediately cheered and swarmed towards the gap.

Eldin Sunbreaker (Grand Magister): "My day, here we go again."

Yinyue Suifeng (Great Mystic): "The last harvest wave, ready to withdraw."

Saliman (Court Archmage): "If you want to brush it, hurry up, if you don't want to brush it, go and infuse the teleportation circle."

A group of mage heroes all ran to the gap in the city wall. After these days of offensive and defensive battles, everyone has gained experience. Generally, this wave is the best wave of gaining experience.

More than a dozen hero-level mages surrounded the gap, throwing all kinds of magic into the gap as if they didn't need money, and the orcs poured in in groups, and died in groups.

Finally, a powerful Goron siegeman rushed in. This thing is a level 70 monster, a super-large unit with more than [-] HP and super high magic resistance.

Carrying the sky full of magic, they rushed up. Seeing that Gorron punched and blasted the elemental creatures and magic servants summoned by the mages one by one, everyone didn't dare to delay, and they all turned around and rushed to the evacuation point.

The huge teleportation circle was ready, and everyone rushed in without hesitation. With the flickering white lights, they ran away in the blink of an eye, and soon the last hero disappeared. When the orc army rushed After entering the castle, what awaited them was an empty city.

[World Announcement: After a fierce siege battle, the Horde successfully occupied Fort Rennes and defeated the alliance heroes and adventurers who guarded the castle.won this small battle.

Even so, none of the dozens of heroes who participated in the battle to defend the city were killed, and all managed to escape from the fallen castle at the last moment. This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

In the Mage Tower in Stormwind City, the heroes happily discussed the previous battle. Although they lost a castle, everyone was not depressed at all.

"Haha, I earned another 125 plot points."

"What's that? I got 175 points."

"Fuck, why do I only have 50 points?" A melee hero said helplessly.

"Okay, you didn't do anything except kill a few wall-climbing orc assassins, 50 points is a lot."

"That's right, almost all of these thousands of orcs were killed by us today, so you cheerleaders don't complain."

"Damn, I also seem to be standing on the city wall and it's raining. This upgrade is too cool."

Murphy hid in the crowd and kept silent. Speaking of which, he was considered an outlier. Although he was a melee hero, he didn't waste his experience and plot points at all.

This kind of war of attrition is the most friendly to legal heroes. Standing on the city wall and throwing magic, you can gain experience and plot points.

There is nothing to gain in melee combat, but Mo Fei, who is not a legal system but has AOE skills, is not behind at all.

At this time, a message suddenly flashed in his private chat channel.

Wang Xuan: Mo Fei hastened to come out and come alive.

Mo Fei sighed helplessly, wondering why he was alive again.

During this period of time, apart from helping Varian defend the city, he also did a few private jobs for Emperor Xuan, playing the role of Deathwing, passing around.

Of course, it’s not a big deal, in order to avoid that it’s nothing more than a blind boss trying to influence the overall situation, or there are daredevils who want to change the plot and cause trouble for no reason, all of them are characters that threaten the integrity of the main plot.

At this time, Deathwing will come out.

Fly over, breathe fire, kill, read a few lines, all in one go.

It was quite exciting at the beginning, but it became meaningless after doing too much. After all, Deathwing couldn't get experience and plot points for killing monsters.

On the contrary, there have been a lot of strange talks on the Internet. Why is this Deathwing so active recently?Deathwing can be seen everywhere, he is simply a model worker.

When they came to the tavern, Wang Xuan was sitting in his old seat.

Murphy was wearing the mysterious man's cloak, and sat down opposite him.

He looked at Wang Xuan angrily, "Who are you going to do this time, the troll chief? The ogre leader? Or the elemental lord?"


"What? Isn't Gul'dan from the Horde? What is he doing?"

"Don't mention it. I don't know which player instigated it. This Gul'dan actually led his tribe to the sea to find the tomb of Sargeras."

Murphy asked, "But Gul'dan has always gone to find the tomb of Sargeras in history, so this hasn't changed the plot?"

Wang Xuan shook his head, "That's not the same. Historically, Gul'dan ran away at the critical moment of the second battle, which directly led to the defeat of the tribe. Moreover, after he arrived at the Tomb of Sargeras, because he was hunted down along the way, only He dispatched very few troops, but finally died in the Tomb of Sargeras because of insufficient strength, and was torn to pieces by demons.

His head was also made into the Skull of Gul'dan by the orcs who hunted him down.

But now his power has basically not been damaged. He has a [-]-strong army and a lot of elite bosses.

With his current strength, he might really be able to get a lot of benefits from the Tomb of Sargeras. If he absorbs the power left by Sargeras, the plot will go completely wrong.

So he had to be fucked. "

Murphy was a little speechless, "I said, are you tired all this time? I feel that the plot has long been out of the main line, okay? The player's influence on the game is all-round, and there will definitely be drastic changes from the original history. For example, Hellscream almost died before, if it wasn't for a bronze dragon that suddenly appeared - I would say it's better to let the plot develop freely and grow wildly.

Your company has said that you can play freely, play freely in the sky world, and players create their own legends. Now you have to do this, you are false propaganda. "

Wang Xuan shook his head, "No, no, that's not okay. The epic and exciting plot of the game must be guaranteed to remain the same. Otherwise, players will be left to fiddle with it. Who knows what ghostly plots can be tossed out. I don't want my company to The game becomes a joke.

And only by controlling the progress of the plot can we arrange charging items reasonably, otherwise how will our game company make money. "

Mo Feixin said that the latter sentence was the real reason.

Wang Xuan smiled and said: "And there is still you here, why did I let you play Deathwing, because it is just to do dirty work, these disobedient BOSS heroes and so on, they have to be beaten when they should be beaten, as long as they are controlled Properly, the general historical direction can certainly be maintained.

Besides, don't be a good boy, do you think I don't know how the ring on your hand came from?I can tolerate you doing this, I just need you to work, stop talking nonsense, and get ready to work. "

Mo Fei was helpless, he had short hands for grabbing people, and short mouth for eating people. He had indeed gained a lot of benefits by relying on Death Wing, so it was hard to refuse.

"Okay, just do the work, I'm going to be a part-time job, I'll start right away, and you can send me the coordinates later."

Wang Xuan nodded, "By the way, just destroy Gul'dan's fleet, and he must not die. Although Gul'dan's own role is not much, Gul'dan's head is an important plot prop. It must be guaranteed to fall into Ner'zhul's hands intact.

You are not allowed to take it for yourself. "

Mo Feixin said, if you don't kill him, don't kill him, but this Gul'dan is really unlucky, he is still there, and his head is missed.

He walked out of the city, but someone sent him a message in the private chat.

Siegret: "Brother, where have you been? There is a party in the palace tonight. I heard that there are many elf ladies from Quel'Thalas. Let's come out tonight and have fun."

Aidan: "It's still free, I have something to do these two days, you can play by yourself."

Siegret: "Okay, then we will go by ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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