Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 216 Sugar!Door!roll!

Chapter 216 Sugar!Door!roll!
Murphy went out of the city, found a place where no one was around, and directly transformed into Deathwing, soaring into the sky.

He didn't go after Gul'dan's fleet directly, but flew in the direction of the Blackrock Tower.

Although Deathwing is powerful, he is not invincible. A million blood bars may seem like a lot, but Gul'dan has more than 100 troops, a whole fleet,

Dozens of battleships, and heavy weapons such as ballistas are generally installed on battleships.

That thing has a damage bonus for hitting units above giants, and it will cause thousands of damage in one shot. If dozens of warships fire at the same time, even Deathwing won't be able to resist for long.

Coupled with Gul'dan's own strong strength and many strong men under him, although there should be no danger for him alone, he can still run if he wants to, but it would be embarrassing if he couldn't prepare for the car to overturn.

I am the king of the black dragon, why not use it if I have a younger brother.

But summoning the Black Dragon Legion was quite a hassle, so he didn't bother to do it with much fanfare. He went to Blackrock Spire to call Nefarian and his little brother, and dozens of black dragons would be enough to share the firepower.

Flying and flying, the voice of the ancient god suddenly sounded in the ear.

Whispers in the abyss: "Deathwing, join me, surrender to the power of the abyss, that's your destiny—hey, where is Sargeras? Hehehehe, that bastard finally stopped talking, so that Well, it's just you and me now, let me have a good chat."

Murphy secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong. Ever since he obtained the Ring of Command from Sargeras, he no longer worried about the whispers of the Old Gods.

Because of the naturally hostile relationship between Sargeras and the Old Gods, it is absolutely intolerable for Deathwing to seek refuge with the Old Gods or be corrupted by the Old Gods.

So even if Sargeras didn't deal with Murphy, as long as the whisper of the ancient god sounded, Sargeras would help N'Zoth.

But once he became Deathwing, he couldn't enjoy the side effects of the equipment, and the whispers of the ancient gods immediately became clear.

The whisper in the abyss: "Don't struggle anymore Deathwing, this is your inevitable destiny. I have already seen the future and the truth of this world. Come join me, and I will show you an unprecedented scenery... "

Fortunately, Murphy has now tolerated this kind of whispering, and just tried to ignore it.

Soon Murphy flew to the Blackstone Mountains. The Blackstone Tower is located on the highest mountain of the Blackstone Mountains. The monster forces here are very complicated. Below the Blackstone Mountain is the underground city Blackstone Abyss dug out by the Black Iron Dwarves. They dug all the way down , and finally dug out the legendary Firelord Ragnaros, and was finally enslaved by the Firelord.

On the upper level of Blackrock Mountain is the Blackrock Tower, which was once the territory of the Black Iron Dwarves, but is now occupied by Nefarian and his Blackwing Legion, and continues to expand and build, becoming an indestructible fortress.

I heard that now there are orcs in the Black Rock Mountain.

He flew straight towards the top of Blackstone Mountain, which is the entrance of Blackstone Tower.

boom!Deathwing's huge body crashed down from the top of the mountain, shocking the orc shaman who was discussing cooperation with the Dark Iron Dwarves deep underground...

Murphy didn't change back to human form to avoid being exposed.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Nefarian, come out to me."

Soon, he saw Nefarian flying out of the Blackrock Tower with wings flashing. To Murphy's surprise, he felt the breath of another black dragon.

"Murpheus? Come out, I already feel your presence."

Sure enough, the figure of Murphys also flew out.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Murpheus, why are you here? Nefarian, what is going on?"

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince——: "My lord, this, this is because..." Nefarian was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly.

Murphys said frankly: "Master Neltharion, you told me to stop fighting with Nefarian and avoid the internal strife of the Black Dragon Legion. I think it is very reasonable, so recently Nefarian and I have started to get along peacefully, and often Come here to talk to him, to maintain a good relationship."

Murphy looked at the two black dragons suspiciously. He was the former Murphys, and his relationship with Nefarian was not ordinary. Will these two get along peacefully?

There must be ghosts.

But now is not a good time to dwell on this.

"Hmph, maybe, I don't have time to care about the things between you, now call your dragon group, I have something for you to do."

Nefarian didn't dare to resist in the slightest, and immediately let out a dragon roar, and soon five or six adult dragons, a dozen young black dragons, and dozens of black young dragons gathered around.

All the black dragons prostrated themselves around Deathwing.

The strongest of the black dragon clan is respected, and Deathwing is the strongest of its strongest. Among the dragon clan, there is no such strange logic as that of human nobles, 'the vassals of my vassals are not my vassals' .

No matter which black dragon lord's subordinates, it's the same for Deathwing.

Counting, there are almost seventy or eighty black dragons, enough.

"You two come with me too, let's go!"

Deathwing soared into the sky, and behind him were Murphys, Nefarian, and nearly a hundred black dragons of all sizes.

"Where are we going, Father?" Nefarian couldn't help asking.

Deathwing said coldly, "You don't need to know, just obey."

Nefarian did not dare to be dissatisfied with this.

Deathwing: Emperor Xuan, where are Gul'dan and the others?
Wang Xuan: I have located them, they are located in the endless sea, coordinates 819.

Murphy opened the map and flew in the direction of the coordinates.

The Endless Sea—five hours later—

A huge fleet is riding the wind and waves, sailing towards the depths of the endless sea.

Gul'dan was standing on the bridge of the largest battleship, looking at the open sea in front of him, he felt proud and ambitious.

Soon, the power of Sargeras will be used by me, hahahaha, with such a powerful power, I will truly rule this world, no, not just this world, with the wisdom of Sargeras, I can control Travel through the mysteries of the astral world and obtain the coordinates of other worlds. I will conquer this world, form an army with humans and orcs, and lead this army to conquer all worlds. Even the Burning Legion will crawl under my feet.

That's right, that's it. Only in this way can I be worthy of my ambition. My name, Gul'dan, is destined to be known to all worlds, and all this will start from now on.

Gul'dan thought happily, as if he had already seen the scene of the day when he ruled the world, so what about Kil'jaeden, even you will kneel in front of me, what you have done to me, I Will return tenfold.

Suddenly, he heard a shout from the watchtower—"Dragon! There are dragons!"

Gul'dan looked up, and his expression changed drastically. In the distant sky, a group of dense black spots were rapidly approaching.

Sure enough, it is still here!Gul'dan's heart trembled.

Gul'dan (Demon Master): "All warships are on alert, ready to fight!"

Gul'dan gave orders loudly while casting fel magic and summoned a group of batwing demons. He had long been worried that Orgrim would send people to hunt him down. He would not be afraid if it was a fleet. It is impossible to catch up with him.

But the Dragonmaw clan controlled the flying dragon troops, and he was very worried that Orgrim would send the flying dragon troops to hunt him down, so when buying the fleet, he specially spent money to install anti-air scorpion ballistas on each battleship.

At this time, hundreds of ballistas on dozens of warships aimed at the sky, and many orc archers rushed onto the deck to prepare for battle.

Gul'dan was also ready to fight, thinking that there were only a hundred bipedal dragon cavalry, as many as they came, as many as they came would die.

However, when he saw clearly the true identities of those black spots, he was immediately stunned. It wasn't some biped flying dragon cavalry, but a group of black dragons.

And the lead one is too big, this, this, this...

Looking at the huge fleet below, Murphy secretly rejoiced that he had summoned a group of black dragons to help in the battle, otherwise it would be a bit difficult for him to go down alone.

Dozens of battleships are already on full alert, and the ballistas are densely packed. If you go up and shoot alone, you may really be deflated.

Murphys was a little surprised, "Is that the orc fleet?"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "That's right, it is the orc fleet, which is also our target this time. Now follow my orders and attack in an all-round way, leaving no one behind."

Nefarian was a little worried. With such a strong and large fleet, he might suffer heavy casualties, "But father, we are not enemies with the orcs, and with such a large fleet, a strong attack may cause heavy losses. "

Deathwing's dragon head slowly turned to him, staring at Nefarian with huge dark golden eyes, and asked casually, "Are you questioning my order?"

Nefarian shook his head in fright, "Of course not."

"Then let's launch an attack. I will take care of the biggest ones myself. Don't let me down my son, and you, Murphys, let me see if you still maintain the momentum you had back then."

As Murphy said, he folded his wings together and swooped down towards the largest battleship.

Murphys and Nefarian glanced at each other, and could only rush down.

As it got closer and closer to the sea, countless ballistas fired at Deathwing, and the dense ballistas attacked crazily.

Murphy had no intention of dodging, and even with such a huge body as Deathwing, there was no way to dodge.

It's a pity that Deathwing is not yet a complete body, and there is no way to use the cataclysm skill, otherwise the cataclysm will pass and the life will be over.

Bang bang bang!

The ballista continuously bombarded the huge body of the Black Dragon King.

Numerous damage figures kept popping up. The siege ballista shot on Deathwing's scales, and the damage was not low. Two rounds of salvos dealt more than 3 damage.

The prehistoric flames!

Deathwing opened his mouth, and raging flames immediately sprayed towards the battleship.

However, a huge green barrier emerged out of thin air, blocking Long Yan.

Anti-magic enchantment!
It's a bit of a skill, Murphy thought, but it's meaningless.


boom!Deathwing's huge body pierced through the barrier, and landed on the deck of the giant ship. The giant ship immediately made a terrible sound of breaking. The ground where the two dragon claws stepped on, huge cracks spread towards the surroundings. All the giant ships trembled and tilted accordingly.

The huge dragon's head looked directly at Gul'dan on the bridge.

"It's you!" Gul'dan suddenly recognized the other party. It was the human who went to Draenor with Medivh back then. He could feel the familiar coercive aura on the other party.

Then he was annoyed for a while, why! ?Why would this guy come to fuck himself?

Looking at the crumbling giant ships around him, he forced a smile on his face.

"Great black dragon, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us, why are you looking for me? We don't need to start a war, this—"

boom!There was an explosion sound from a battleship in the distance, and some of them were already on fire. Not every ship had a legendary warlock like Gul'dan who opened the shield.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "There is nothing to misunderstand Gul'dan, you are trying to get your hands on a power you are not qualified to touch, and this is the cause of your ruin, your ridiculous ambitions and tricks will end today , Wake up, orc warlock, and fear before the power of Deathwing."


In the next second, Gul'dan was engulfed by the raging dragon fire.

The flames spread everywhere, igniting the entire giant ship in the blink of an eye.

But Gul'dan is not dead, he has already strengthened his body with evil energy, and his fire resistance is extremely high.

Originally an epic hero, his blood volume was only over 8000, but since he defected from the tribe, his template has been transformed from a hero template to a boss template, and his blood volume has increased by ten times in an instant.

With a blood volume of [-], even in the face of Deathwing, he can parry a few times.

Gul'dan's angry voice came from the flames, "This is Deathwing you forced me to. I didn't want to be your enemy, but don't think that you can underestimate the power of a demon master! A powerful demon from the Twisting Nether, obey My calling!"

Hero Skill - Devil's Gate!
A huge magic circle emerged under his feet, and there was a twist in the air. A purple portal emerged out of thin air, and a doomsday guard more than ten meters high came out of it. The echoing voice whispered.

Doomguard: "I brought the end, I brought the end, I—the day!"

Seeing Deathwing's huge body and ferocious dragon head, the doom guard turned around without saying a word and wanted to go back.

"Leave it to me!" Gul'dan angrily closed the portal, pointing at Deathwing and gave the command to attack.

Now the doom guard could only curse and rush towards Deathwing.

A dozen batwing demons accompanied it and launched an attack.

Murphy ignored those batwing demons that looked like giant bats, but this doomsday guard was still a bit threatening. Ordinary doomsday guards were level 80 monsters, but this one in front of him was actually an elite, level 90 monster.

Although it is not a BOSS, it is more powerful than ordinary BOSS.

Raising the dragon claw to block the attack of the doomsday blade, the dragon claw took advantage of the opportunity to grab the left wing of the doomsday guard, and the other dragon claw went directly to the heart of the doomsday guard, and then crushed it hard.

The devil's heart turned into a ball of evil fire and dissipated between the dragon's claws, and the huge body of the doomsday guard also burned into ashes. The devil will not really die in the main material plane, and will automatically return to the twisting void after death. After a period of time will be resurrected.

After just a while, Gul'dan finally prepared his own magic.

A beam of fel energy shot at Deathwing,
Hero Skill - Fel Energy Slashing Wave!
boom!The fel energy beam pierced Deathwing's dragon scales, and magma-like blood spewed out immediately.

With nearly [-] injuries, even Deathwing felt severe pain.

The tyranny in Murphy's heart surged instantly, it was the anger belonging to Deathwing.

He completely forgot about Wang Xuan's instructions in an instant.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "You lowly mortal, filthy maggot, your ridiculous magic has pissed me off, I would have spared you, but now—die worm!"

Molten Purgatory!

The fire on the ship seemed to boil for a moment, and the whole battleship instantly turned into a crimson fireboat.

Gul'dan screamed and took out a healing stone and ate it, but it was useless, the blood volume dropped rapidly, and most importantly, Deathwing's huge dragon claw slapped him.

Gul'dan gritted his teeth, took out a soul stone, said a spell to the stone, and then threw it out violently.

In the next second, he was grabbed by the dragon's claw, and when he turned his head, he was facing the huge dragon's mouth that was getting closer and closer.

Ten minutes later, the last orc battleship also sank into the sea under the burning dragon fire. Murphy nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the countless orcs and ship fragments floating on the sea.


Nefarian wanted to cry, but there were more than 80 black dragons when he came, but now there are only more than 40 left. Fortunately, most of the dead dragons are young dragons and young dragons. I hope to get another batch from the legion later.

When the dragons flew away, on the surface of the sea, a distressed figure suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Gul'dan struggled and climbed onto a broken ship plank. Fortunately, he made a soul stone to save his life, and finally survived.

But after looking around, he let out an angry roar—no!

His fleet, his clan, his Shadow Council, all gone.

Although some surviving orcs could be seen struggling desperately in the waves, they should be able to recruit some people, but is it really possible to use such a small number of people to explore the tomb of Sargeras?
The water splashed for a while, and an orc climbed up from the water.

Gul'dan glanced at that person, it was the orc adventurer named Jia Xu, the poisonous man, unexpectedly this guy had a lot of life.

Poison Scholar Jia Xu looked around, but he didn't look desperate. He seemed to have guessed what Gul'dan was thinking, and instead patted Gul'dan on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Master Gu, don't worry, we don't have enough manpower, we can still call adventurers, just rely on your appeal, that's not as much as you need, I know a few big guilds and workshops, as long as you can find the Tomb of Sargeras , It’s not a problem to pay people and money.”

Gul'dan opened his mouth, and was about to speak, when the poisonous Jia Xu suddenly exclaimed, but saw the equipment exploded by a certain unlucky boss in the water, and plunged into the sea again.

Gul'dan was speechless for a moment.

Suddenly, a black shadow descended from the sky, that
It is a huge black dragon with a wingspan of more than [-] meters.

It's over!Gul'dan's heart suddenly despaired, but in the next second the black dragon turned into a human figure, which looked familiar, but Gul'dan was sure that this was the first time the two had seen each other.

"Who are you?" Gul'dan asked warily.

"You can call me Murphys, Gul'dan, are you interested in making a deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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