Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 217 The War of Social Animals

Chapter 217 The War of Social Animals

Hellscream was dreaming again. He dreamed that he had returned to Draenor and led the army of the Warsong clan to sweep across the Draenei villages. He brandished Bloodhowl and roared and chopped down the Draenei warriors. , happy and excited.

"For the Horde! Kill!" Hellscream rushed into the village with a roar, a young draenei appeared in front of him, and Hellscream slashed at him without hesitation.

However, in an instant, the draenei turned into the little tauren he had seen during the day.

Hellscream looked at the little tauren who fell on the ground, and he was stunned on the spot. He looked around blankly, and the surroundings were not draenei villages, but tauren villages, and it seemed that he was in the village of Nagrand. The scene was in a trance for a while, and a fear rose in Hellscream's heart.

The little tauren on the ground turned into a child of an orc, with his back turned to him, an inexplicable feeling arose in his heart that it was his son.

"For the Horde! Kill!"

Hellscream was awakened from his sleep by the shouting. His head was sweating, and he didn't know whether it was excitement or fear. The nightmare just now was very realistic. Until now, he hadn't completely escaped from that feeling.

"For the Horde! Kill!"

The voice sounded again. At first he thought he was still dreaming, but immediately he realized that it was not a dream. The sound of shouting and killing came from the outside of the wooden house, and occasionally there were roars and screams of tauren.

No, not for the Horde, the voice shouted—"For the Empire!"

empire?He woke up suddenly, it was a centaur.

When he rushed out of the wooden house, what he saw was a tragic scene. In the dark night, the village was already on fire, and every wooden house was burning.

In the darkness outside the village, you can see the dark enemies. In the darkness, countless monsters with centaurs are shooting rockets into the wooden houses of the village.

Hellscream sees the tauren being shot by a rain of arrows, roped and dragged out of the village.

He saw the strong tauren named Wrathhoof roaring and rushing out, but was covered by countless arrows, and instantly became a hedgehog.

He saw the tauren old man roaring and stomping on the ground, summoning rocks to smash several centaurs to death, and then was shot to death by the rain of arrows.

He saw the little tauren, who fell in the mud with a dead face.

Hellscream's anger instantly ignited, "Ah!" he roared, immediately attracting the attention of several centaur marauders.

"There's another one there, kill him!"

"Don't let him run away!"

A few centaurs rushed towards him, and Hellscream went up to him without hesitation...


Brother Xiaoma looked at the burning tauren village and couldn't help yawning. It's really not easy to work for people these days. It's okay to work hard during the day and do planning, and you can't be free at night. You have to play games Helping the boss fight, what the hell.

If it weren't for the free game helmet and overtime pay, he wouldn't do it.

Speaking of which, the aesthetics of these rich people is really strange. There are good human lords who went to Kalimdor and set up a centaur empire, so that their employees had to become half-human and half-horse This can be regarded as a real 'community animal'.

"My lord, I'm right, this is the last stronghold of the tauren."

The harpy patriarch beside him said flatteringly.

Since being conquered by the Centaur, the Harpy has joined the Centaur Empire as a scout and aerial reconnaissance force.

Although the frontal combat power is very weak, it is really convenient to find these small tribes of tauren who are hiding.

Brother Xiaoma took a look at the harpy on the side. This creature has a coquettish female appearance and gorgeous feathers. It is really beautiful at first glance, but the two bird legs are really an eyesore. It is estimated that some furry control will be very annoying. Like it, he just felt his scalp tingling when he looked at it.

Brother Xiao Ma (Centaur General): "Huh, you did a good job. I will take credit for you later. As long as you serve my Khan faithfully, you will be rewarded a lot."

The leader of the harpies hit the snake with a stick, "My lord, why don't you hand over those tauren to us, my daughters are very hungry."

The harpies don't have males, and the way they reproduce is to capture males of other races and forcefully mate with them, no matter what race they are, and the offspring are all harpies.

"No, these captives are still useful, our boss—er, I mean our Khan needs them."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the village ahead, and a black figure came out of the burning village like the wind.

The centaur archer who was on guard immediately shot a rain of arrows.

The rain of arrows came head-on, and Hellscream did not dodge or dodge. He waved Gorehowl to block a few arrows that were aimed at the vital points, but the rest of the body could not be covered. The pain only made him crazier.

Hellscream jumped up - Fearless Slash!

The figure streaked across the night sky, and a centaur was split in half with an axe.

At this moment, he could finally see the enemies in front of him clearly. These enemies really fit the title of centaur. Their upper body resembled those of humans, but they were much rougher, with thick manes all over their bodies.

The lower body is in the shape of a horse.

Could it be that centaurs are descendants of humans and horses?Such a thought suddenly appeared in Hellscream's mind, and he didn't think much about it. At this moment, he just wanted to kill and kill.

These centaurs are clearly divided into two categories, string-controlling warriors-composed of centaur archers and centaur stalkers, most of whom don't wear armor, or only wear simple leather armor, and use bows and arrows to kill enemies from a distance.

The other category is armored warriors—composed of centaur marauders and centaur forerunners, wearing thick leather armor, and some even wearing iron armor, armed with battle axes, spears, and giant swords, charging head-on.

At this time, the centaur shooters quickly dispersed, while dozens of centaur marauders with tomahawks and spears rushed towards him, like a group of armored cavalry, galloping towards him.

Hellscream didn't hesitate, and directly used his ultimate move - Bladestorm!
The sword qi spun out like a whirlwind, and flesh and blood flew across it, like a meat grinder, killing a flesh and blood alley from the centaur formation.

He killed more than a dozen centaur warriors with just one move.

"What is that!?" Brother Xiaoma was taken aback, and suddenly he was no longer sleepy. Seeing the monster slaughtering his subordinates, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock, "Grom Hellscream? Wocao, where did this thing come from?" Those who come out, shoot arrows and shoot arrows! Shoot all arrows for me!"

Brother Xiao Ma was both surprised and happy. What surprised him was that this thing was not easy to deal with. He still knew the name of the famous tree, Hellscream. This is a monster that can cut down demigods. People don't know if it can be done.

He regretted that he only brought [-] troops with him this time. He thought it was just a small tauren refuge, but he didn't expect to meet such a killing god.
The joy is that this kind of epic hero, an important plot character, will definitely produce good things after killing it, plot weapons and so on, just one can sell for several million.

If this can explode Gore Howl, it won't be released yet.

If it is handed over to the boss, a promotion and salary increase is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, I suddenly became excited.

"Kites, fly kites, run for me." He yelled and started to run.

The most powerful point of the centaur is its excellent mobility. While running and shooting arrows, the enemy can only be beaten if they cannot catch up. The so-called kite flying tactic is simple and practical. This tactic is tried and tested when fighting the tauren No matter how powerful you are, you can only be a target if you fail to catch up.

At this moment, hundreds of centaur archers scattered in all directions, shooting densely packed arrows while running around.

This time, however, the trick failed.

Fearless cut!
That Hellscream jumped into the centaur and killed one with an axe.

Crack the ground!
The ground seemed to be split by an invisible blade, and the centaurs were split in half as they passed.

The centaur let out a terrified roar, and Brother Ma knew that it was only when the morale value was below 60.

Hastily shouted, "Don't be afraid, he is only one person, keep fighting, for the empire!"

Simultaneously launch the 'Invigorating Aura' skill to restore the morale of your subordinates.

However, after only two shouts, Hellscream's eyes suddenly looked at him, and his scarlet eyes were extremely eye-catching in the darkness.

Not good!Brother Xiao Ma suddenly fell into an ice cave.

Damn it!He raised his two-handed axe. After all, I am also an imposing centaur general, a skeleton-level boss, and there are so many younger brothers, so I should be able to win.

Fearless cut!The next second, Hellscream roared and leaped towards Brother Xiao Ma.

(End of this chapter)

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