Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

The sun gradually rose, and the sunlight fell on the oasis. The corpses everywhere and the wreckage of the wooden houses that were gradually extinguished outlined a tragic scene.

Hellscream looked at the dead tauren on the ground and remained silent for a long time. Around him were hundreds of centaur and tauren corpses.

A big bird slowly descended from the sky, and it was Nica Blackhorn who finally returned with Chen Stormstout.

Nica Noire looked at everything around him with an angry expression.

"Come on, Emperor Shenwu, my uncle, do you want to kill everything like this? It's over, it's over, it's over now, my old village chief, why did you die? I managed to fill up the reputation of the village. It's all over." Nijia Noire looked at the old tauren's body and sighed.

But he was a player after all, so he quickly adjusted his mentality and began to touch the corpses around.

With so many centaurs and tauren, even whiteboard equipment can be sold for a few dollars. He specialized in this in the Tanaris Desert, and he is even more familiar with it at this time.

"Hey, why is there a BOSS corpse here? Brother Ma! Well, you also have today, hehe, you even exploded two blue outfits, not bad."

Nica Blackhorn was enjoying the corpse when Hellscream walked towards him.

"Take me to find Emperor Shenwu," he said.

Nijia Noire was taken aback for a moment, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill him!" Hellscream growled.

He didn't know why he did this, but he just wanted to kill people now, and the anger in his heart was burning his soul, making him want to vent.

These nasty centaurs, savage, cruel, they deserve to die.

Chen Stormstout sighed, "The dead are gone, maybe—"

"No, I have my reasons," Hellscream said.

Nijia Blackhorn shook his head, "There is no need, the village has been destroyed, and it is useless to kill him. Besides, you can't get close to him at all. Emperor Shenwu is a centaur emperor with millions of people under his command. Dajun, and he lives in Haotian City, which is a heavily guarded fortress, even if the whole tribe wants to capture it, it will not be easy, let alone you alone.

He himself is a top hero, and his equipment level is not weaker than yours. "

"You don't have to worry about this, you just take me there."

Nika Blackhorn looked at Hellscream's devouring eyes, and nodded with difficulty, "Okay, I'll take you there, but let me tell you first, I can only take you outside the city, as for what to do next You can do whatever you want, I will not follow you to give away the head."

Hellscream nodded, "That's enough——Chen, it seems that we are going to separate again. This time I may not meet you again. Anyway, thank you for your help during this time."

If the orc chiefs of the tribe heard this, they might stare out their eyes. When will Hellscream thank you so politely.

But the pandaren sighed, "I understand, since you insist on this, let's have a glass of Practicing Bar for the last time."

As he spoke, he handed the barrel to Hellscream, and Hellscream immediately drank it.

dun dun dun.

He downed a few liters of wine in one breath, and threw the barrel back to the Pandaren.

"Hahaha, goodbye Chen, you are a true friend, let's hit the road, tauren."

Nicah Blackhorn carried Hellscream, soaring above the sky, flying over Razor Ridge, flying over Thunder Valley, and flying across the vast wasteland.

The Barrens is indeed a barren land. The environment here reminds Hellscream of the Hellfire Peninsula. It is also vast, but compared to the Hellfire Peninsula, there are at least traces of life here, with rivers and lakes.

Suddenly he saw a piece of construction work, many centaurs seemed to be building something in the upper reaches of a river.

"What are they doing?"

"To build a dam, Emperor Shenwu wants to transform the environment of the barren land, and to do this, there must be an abundant water source. He will build a dam to store the water, and dig ditches to bring the river of Ashen Valley to this side. Come, increase the green area of ​​the Barrens, this project has been going on for several months."

This kind of thing is really a bit magical for Hellscream. The orcs only know how to destroy a world, but they don't know how to transform a world.

He found that there were still many tauren among the people below, but it seemed that they had all become slaves, moving bricks to resist wood, and a huge dam was gradually taking shape.

Countless tauren, wild boar, and centaurs were busy around the huge project. The sight made Hellscream inexplicably shocked, and reminded him of the scene when the orcs built the Dark Portal.

Soon the Nushui River Dam was forgotten, and after flying for more than an hour, finally, a huge city appeared on the skyline.

Haotian City!
Although it is called a city, it is full of the nomadic style of centaurs.

Numerous centaur tents were spread out neatly and densely on the open ground.

There are no tall city walls, towering fortresses, and gorgeous palaces. For centaurs, those things are meaningless.

Instead, there is a circle of high platforms in the center of the city, where you can vaguely see the appearance of the 'city'.

"Here it is - Haotian City!"

Nicah Noire landed on a dirt mountain and pointed to the huge camp.

"I can't go any further. There is a powerful 'Centaur Condor Archer' in the city, which can shoot birds hundreds of meters high. I don't dare to use it as a target."

Hellscream nodded, "This is enough."

"What are you going to do, fight all the way in?" Nicah Noire asked curiously.

Hellscream took out a clefthoof hide from his bosom, with something written in orcish script on it.

"what is this?"

"When I was in the tribe, I once fought with the triple blood blade of the fire blade clan. The triple blood blade claimed that the sword master of the fire blade clan was the strongest warrior in the tribe. I was very upset about this, so we fought A fight, and I won, it was my prize from him.

It records a fighting technique of the Blade Master of the Burning Blade Clan - Wind Walk!It never occurred to me to learn this trick before, but now it looks like I have to. "

Hellscream was talking to himself, frowning at the contents of the cowhide.

Nicah Blackhorn was speechless for a while—it turns out that this is how Hellscream's Windwalk came about...

In the battle missions of Warcraft, Hellscream's job is Juggernaut, and his skills are the same as those of ordinary Juggernauts, such as Windwalk, Mirror Image, Fatal Strike, and Bladestorm.

But in fact, Hellscream is not the Juggernaut, but the chief of the Warsong clan. If he insists on dividing the profession, it should belong to the warrior.

Nijia Heijiaoxin said that's the case, but are these plot characters learning skills so simple?
At this time, Hellscream had already read the content on the cowhide.

I saw Hellscream took a deep breath, and suddenly raised his legs——Windwalk!Run towards the front.

[Windwalk: Increase your movement speed by 50%, and increase your stamina consumption by 50%. 】

Running and running, Hellscream's body suddenly began to gradually become transparent.

Hero Skill - Wind Shadowless Step!

[Wind Shadowless Step: Increase your movement speed by 75% and increase your stamina consumption by 50%. When you are moving, your body will be integrated into the wind and shadow, so that the surrounding enemies cannot see your figure. 】

Hellscream's body instantly disappeared.

Nica Blackhorn looked shocked, looking at the place where Hellscream disappeared. "That's okay too?"

Hellscream is galloping fast, with the wind blowing from the soles of his feet. The highest meaning of the wind walk is to fully integrate oneself into the wind and shadow, invisible, colorless, shadowless and soundless.

In the past, he had always disdained to cultivate the mysteries of this aspect, thinking that only the frontal ones were the real orc warriors.

But now, he has to make a change.

The endless centaur tent seemed to have no end in sight, and Hellscream ran wildly, looking for the person he was looking for.

The camp of the centaur has a complete plan, there are straight passages between the barracks, and countless centaur warriors patrol and drill back and forth.

In a square, he saw groups of tauren being driven into iron cages and locked up. They seemed to be captives who had just been sent over. There might be as many as a thousand of them.

He also saw wild boars, harpies, ogres, night elves, and many other strange creatures.

Either as a subordinate race, or as a prisoner, busy.

found it!Hellscream's eyes suddenly tightened.

What attracted his attention was a big banner, and under the big banner was an incomparably magnificent golden tent.

Outside the big tent are a hundred centaur war executors, all level 58 elite monsters.

And around it are nine smaller camps surrounded by centaur eagle shooters. These eagle shooters are all level 55 elite monsters.

There are also some centaur seekers, leading hyenas, patrolling around.

Just by looking at the number of these densely packed elite monsters, one can tell that this place is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Once discovered, even he will not survive.

But Hellscream didn't care.

He quietly walked around the centaur seekers with their hyenas, patiently avoiding the patrol route.

Finally went around into the golden account.

Passing through the audience hall outside the golden tent and approaching the inner tent inside the aisle, he also saw the centaur emperor in golden armor.

Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan) world-class boss level 90, level [-].

Hellscream couldn't see the information on the centaur's head, but he could feel the strength of the other party.

In the big tent, there are several centaur guards, one of them is wrapped in steel armor, only revealing a pair of centaur with faint blue eyes, which makes Hellscream especially vigilant.

Shadow of War (Death Knight) world-class BOSS level 88, level [-].

At this moment, Emperor Shenwu was discussing something with a human being.

Hellscream was taken aback, how could humans appear in Kalimdor?He calmed down, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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