Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 219 The ambition of the third camp

Chapter 219 The Ambition of the Third Camp

This human being seemed to be very familiar with Emperor Shenwu.

Su Wenrui (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "I said Great Emperor, what on earth are you trying to do? You have leveled all the monster forces in the Barrens, and you have also taken over Desolace and Mulgore. You also sent troops to attack Feralas, and your scout troops even appeared in Tanaris, what the hell are you going to do?"

Emperor Shenwu (Khan of the Centaur Empire): "Hehe, why do you ask me these things? Isn't this game called 'free game world, players create history'? I am just playing free games and making history."

Su Wenrui, on the other hand, looked helpless, "How can this kind of slogan propaganda be taken seriously? Besides, there must be a limit to freedom. You have made Kalimdor like this now, and you will wait for Kalimdor in the future." It has been opened as an adventure map, so how can adventurers play when they come.

And you almost slaughtered all the tauren. The tauren is one of the optional races for the tribe in the future. When the tribe lands in Kalimdor in the future, the optional races are gone, so the game is still a mess. "

Emperor Shenwu chuckled, "Hehe, I don't understand this. Didn't it mean free games? Since it is a free game and players make history, why is there such a routine? There will not be enough races in the future, so we can naturally choose according to the actual situation. Choose, for example, our centaur race is quite suitable for joining the game as an adventurer race.

Besides, why must the tribe integrate the forces of Kalimdor?The matters of Kalimdor, of course, should be decided by the people of Kalimdor. "

Su Wenrui felt a little helpless when he heard this, "Don't fix all these things, what do you want to do? As a GM, it is my duty to maintain the stability and transition of the game plot. Tell me, what do you want? , I'll see if I can communicate with you, let's understand each other, and at least let the plot go on smoothly."

Emperor Shenwu nodded, "Okay, since you said so, I'll just say it straight, it's very simple, I want to make my centaur empire the third optional faction in this game, open adventurer templates and heroes template."

Su Wenrui looked shocked: "You are not joking, centaurs are wild monsters."

"Aren't the orcs also wild monsters before, and now the Horde has also become an optional camp."

In the game of Firmament World, forces and factions are completely different. Forces are just a group composed of wild monsters or NPCs, while factions represent the affiliation of players in the game and are the official characters that take place in the main storyline.

The previous alliance and today's tribe are like this. One of the biggest characteristics is that heroes and adventurers can be born, especially adventurers. This kind of existence does not exist in the plot, but is omnipresent, immortal , can be said to be the general existence of BUG in the game.

Having adventurers means that this camp has unlimited possibilities. No matter whether you are an ancient god or the king of demons, as long as you dare to show your blood bar, you will have to wait for death in front of the endless RUSH of adventurers.

That's why Su Wenrui was so shocked when he heard the words of Emperor Shenwu. This guy is going to challenge the rules of the game.

"This is different. The Horde has historically been the player's optional faction, and the Horde is powerful. Not only have many orc clans, but also joined many allied races in the later period, such as ogres, trolls, tauren, and the forgotten... "It's fun to play with allied race players.

Emperor Shenwu shook his head, "Don't worry about this, haven't you seen that I have already conquered several races, wild boar, harpies, goblins, fur monsters, tauren, plus centaurs, six are optional Races, more than a dozen optional occupations, once our 'Empire' camp is launched, it will definitely be loved by players."

Su Wenrui was speechless, thinking that your empire camp is full of crooked melons, wild boars and fur monsters have been put in, why don't you talk about kobolds and murlocs?

This thing is not intelligent enough, so it can only be regarded as a wild monster.

Not to mention the harpies, they are still in the stage of nesting and laying eggs, and centaurs have four legs. How do you wear equipment?Moreover, centaurs are born with their own mounts, which is completely unbalanced.

If this makes centaur an optional race for adventurers, it will be troublesome.

"No, no, no, this completely conflicts with our company's plot plan. Your idea will never come true."

Emperor Shenwu snorted coldly, "Hmph, then I don't care, I spent hundreds of millions to play this game, and your company is talking about free games, if you don't open the third camp for me, then I can only Continue to play according to my own ideas.

By the way, you probably want to kill me like a pig, I'm not one of those ordinary players, if you get scammed by your game company, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

You should know who I am, our Haotian Group's legal team is definitely not inferior to your Sky Technology, if necessary, I can let them contact you..."

Su Wenrui hurriedly explained, "Of course not, I absolutely didn't mean that, and our game is fully automated, managed by the system, and operates automatically, and our GM has no right to directly modify the data at all.

Didn't I come here to discuss with you with good intentions, except for this, can I change it, or else, I will start a plot line for you to dominate the world, and then let you be the final boss of the version. "

Emperor Shenwu shook his head, "No, no matter how strong the boss is, it is still a monster waiting to be pushed. Is there any way to survive after entering the dungeon? Only by becoming an official camp can it last for a long time."

Su Wenrui became anxious immediately, "But this game doesn't plan to open a third faction. The main plot of the game is the confrontation between the Alliance and the Horde."

Emperor Shenwu laughed immediately after hearing this, "Oh, really? Then if that's the case, what will the night elves do?"

"Of course I joined the alliance."

"But as far as I know, the power of the night elves is very large. It has been a powerful force for thousands of years. It was even able to confront the Burning Legion and defeat the army of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. Compared with the entire alliance, its background is not successful. Don't worry, how could they be willing to join the alliance as younger brothers?
Especially after the Scourge nearly wiped out the Alliance, this plot design doesn't make sense at all, you should understand this.

If the current situation continues, there will definitely be conflicts between the plot and the history of Warcraft.

And night elves have never been an optional race for adventurers, so if my guess is correct, you plan to open a third faction in the future, right, and this third faction is night elves. "

Su Wenrui was dumbfounded, "This..."

He was extremely shocked, this is really the main plot designed by the game company.

In fact, not only the third camp, but also the fourth camp will be opened in the future, and the fourth camp is the undead.

The game company plans to design the four major camps of the entire game according to the four major races of Warcraft, the human alliance, the orc tribe, the night elves, and the undead.

It's just that I didn't expect this to be guessed by someone.

He sighed, "So you should understand that it is impossible for the Centaur Empire to become an official faction."

Emperor Shenwu smiled, "Hehe, then if I conquer the night elves and incorporate them into the empire, then there will be no problem."

Su Wenrui was completely numb this time. What a fantastic idea this guy is. He smiled and said, "Are you kidding me? You also said that the night elves are so powerful that even the Burning Army and the Old Gods can be strong. By centaur?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Emperor Shenwu's expression suddenly became serious.

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Su Wenrui's expression also turned cold. "Okay, I will forward your proposal to the planning team, but I advise you not to put too much hope in it."

Emperor Shenwu shrugged, "You can do whatever you want, anyway, I will continue to follow my train of thought."

Seeing the envoy of the God Realm go away angrily.

Hellscream was listening at the side, but he was confused. What these people said really made him a little confused.

But soon, he put all these behind him, and he didn't need to think so much, he was here to kill.

Emperor Shenwu didn't seem to care much about that human being.

He was discussing something with a few guards on his own.

"Boss, will the game company play tricks on us?"

"Don't worry, our lawyer team is not raised for nothing. If they really dare to do this, they just give us an excuse to do it, and they can call me sweat, or your majesty. To play games, you have to have a sense of substitution."

"Alright Your Majesty, let me tell you, Your Majesty, I didn't expect you to know so much about the plot of the game."

"Haha, of course, I am also an old player of Warcraft, and I was the president back then..."

Hellscream didn't try to understand their conversation anymore, he walked around behind Shenwu Emperor silently.

He held up the Gorehowl in his hand, it was now.

Just as Emperor Shenwu yawned, Hellscream flew into the air.

Fearless cut!
He was very precise with this blow, and at the moment when the opponent relaxed his mind, an ax was slashing on Emperor Shenwu's head, and with a puff, the whole head was chopped in half.

For humanoid creatures, the head is the most important point, as long as the head is cut off, no matter how many blood bars you have, it will be fatal.

This is the case at this time.
225000!Fatal blow!
Huge damage figures floated up, and Emperor Shenwu's blood bar was instantly emptied.

This was so sudden that everyone in the big tent was completely stunned.

"His Majesty!"




In that burst of exclamation, all the surrounding guards and chiefs swarmed up, and all the [-] squadrons of soldiers greeted Hellscream.

Those who can stay by the emperor's side are either chiefs or warlords, and they are all boss-level centaurs. If they shoot at the same time, the damage is not ordinary.

But Hellscream didn't panic, he had already thought about the process of getting out.

A big move killed the golden tent, and then the wind walk disappeared and ran away.


Hellscream's sword energy repulsed all the attacks, and he rushed towards the gate of the golden tent while spinning, but a figure blocked him.

Shadow of War (Death Knight): "Get out of the way, let me deal with him."

The centaur death knight named Shadow of War came head-on, and with a wave of his halberd in his hand, a row of centaur ghost knights rushed over.

Undead swarms charge!

This move is a BOSS skill, both the range and the sound and light effects are full.

Although the blade storm was powerful, it did zero damage to the ghost. Hellscream felt a chill all over his body, his strength and endurance dropped a lot in an instant, and his feet seemed to be covered in mud.

As soon as he stopped, all the surrounding attacks landed on him.

This is more than a dozen elites and BOSS attacking at the same time.

Hellscream was sent flying directly by the blast, and as soon as he got up, the shadow of war rushed forward, and the huge war halberd in his hand slashed at his head.

"Don't kill him!"

The war halberd stopped abruptly, resting on Hellscream's neck.

Hellscream looked at the speaker in shock, and it turned out to be Emperor Shenwu.

"How is it possible, you are obviously dead."

"Hehe, I am the chosen one of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, the chosen one, and I am so easy to be killed."

[Earth Rebirth (God Granted Skill/Hero Skill)
Passive: Triggered when you receive fatal damage, you will be resurrected again with the power of the earth. (Cooldown time: 24 hours. It can be triggered at most once in each plot event)]

"Grom Hellscream... Hehe, my subordinates told me about you, I thought they were exaggerating, I didn't expect you to come to Kalimdor, so tell me about Hellscream, why? Come and kill me."

Hellscream snorted coldly, "Because you are an evil guy, a brutal bastard, and your centaurs killed countless innocent tauren, you..."


The Great Emperor Shenwu burst into laughter suddenly, he walked up to Hellscream with four hooves, and looked down at him.

"You know Hellscream, I always knew that someone would talk to me in such a tone, but I never thought that person would be you, your tribe came to this world, isn't it just to slaughter and conquer What? What qualifications do you have to teach me?"

Hellscream was embarrassed for a moment, but he continued: "I used to be like that, but now I have changed."

"Ha, it's really convenient, so you don't kill anymore? What about the other orcs in the tribe? Aren't they conquering the eastern continent now? What are they doing? Why don't you go and kill all your people?"

Now Hellscream was completely unanswerable.

But he still stared at each other stubbornly.

Emperor Shenwu continued: "At least my conquest is to establish a new order. Under my rule, all races will gain peace, and they no longer need to fight each other for resources and territories.

I will lead these races, develop this barren land, build reservoirs and dams, expand oases and forests, so that everyone can survive.

What would happen if the tribe conquered the land?Tell me Hellscream, how is your home town of Draenor doing now? "

Hellscream became more and more speechless, and the entire Draenor was on the verge of destruction due to the abuse of fel energy, and this was the reason for the orc expedition to Azeroth.

"So don't question me in that accusatory tone. I don't expect your poor orc minds to understand my great plan. Put down your weapons now, and I will let you witness what will happen with your own eyes."

Hellscream was silent for a moment, and threw the Gorehowl in his hand.

"Let him go Shadow of War, he's no threat without a weapon."

The centaur exuding the breath of death raised his weapon, but the blue eyes under the helmet kept staring at him.

"Come Hellscream with me, the show is about to start."

Emperor Shenwu didn't seem to be angry at all about being beheaded, and walked outside with a hell roar.

(End of this chapter)

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