Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 220 Drink it, why don't you drink it

Chapter 220 Drink it, why don't you drink it

Hellscream followed Emperor Shenwu out of the tent and came to the square outside.

The place was originally empty, but now it was full of people.

Groups of centaur executors surrounded the place airtightly, and a tauren was tightly bound and surrounded by a group of centaur warriors.

Hellscream has never seen such a tall tauren. He is more than [-] meters tall. His muscles are as old and strong as a sculpture, as strong and tough as a rock. He wears a gorgeous feather crown on his head, pale His beard was braided into whips and fell down from his cheeks, and both horns were broken, scarred and looked like he had experienced vicissitudes of life.

With two totem poles on his back, standing there is like a big mountain, which makes people awe-inspiring.

Emperor Shenwu seemed to be very familiar with the tauren in front of him.

Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan): "Cain Bloodhoof, long time no see. After the battle of Nushui River, we finally meet again."

Kane Bloodhoof (Chief of the Tauren): "Shenwu Emperor! I have to say, I still underestimated you. I have nothing to say now. You have got what you want. Kill me!" , but please spare my people.”

"Hehehe, you know that's impossible, the tauren have always been the enemy of our centaurs, but don't worry, I won't kill you at will, the dead are worthless, only the living have.

Although you and your people have been against me, I am merciful, and now there is an opportunity before you, you can save your people, and you can save yourself.

You have already failed, there is no need to continue fighting, it is of no benefit to anyone, swear allegiance to me, become my subordinate, then all the tauren will be released, as long as you swear not to fight against the Centaur Empire enemy, you can freely live under my rule. "

Kane Bloodhoof was furious when he heard this, "Freedom? The freedom you are talking about is the freedom of those wild boars and those harpies? I can't see any freedom in them. They are now yours. Slave, at your command."

"Kane, you should understand that freedom is always limited. Even in the past, the tauren had to abide by the rules of the clan, right? They were also driven by the chiefs and leaders of their respective tribes. Now it's just a different rule. What difference does it make if it's just a different person driving them?

I don't intend to make them slaves, but to teach these unruly beasts a little discipline, it's not enough to be strict, you should know this, in the ancient land of Kalimdor, the sword is always the most effective of.

But don't worry, as long as they understand my rules and the laws of the empire, they will adapt, and you will find that under my rule, people in this land can have a better life.

I know you're deeply skeptical about this, and I don't blame you. Centaurs and tauren have fought each other for thousands of years, and past grudges are hard to let go.

But you have no other choice. Now there are not many of your people left. They are scattered in every corner for the last resistance, but this resistance is meaningless. My centaur army will soon wipe out every village and kill every village. An enemy who dared to stand against me.

Make a choice, Kane, either accept my rule and join the Centaur Empire, or wait for the fate of being wiped out, and then you will witness the death of your people without a place to bury them.

I am Kane who respects you, so I am willing to give you this opportunity. You are the spiritual leader of the tauren family. If you are willing to call on the tauren to stop their resistance, peace will come.

I am kind and generous, you can still be the king of the tauren and lead your people, but you and your warriors must fight for me, when I need it. "

Kane Bloodhoof was shocked by Emperor Shenwu's words, he knew he had no other choice.

But he still couldn't help asking: "What exactly do you want to do? After defeating the Tauren, no one in the Barrens can fight against you. Why do you still need us to fight for you?"

Emperor Shenwu looked solemn, "The battle of Nushui River is just the beginning, and the barren land is just the beginning. I want to lead the empire's iron cavalry to conquer a large territory, conquer this continent, and then conquer the world."

Kane shook his head, "Mother Earth will not condone your behavior."

"Mother Earth? Haha, so you don't know, I am the chosen one of the Goddess of the Earth." As Emperor Shenwu said, a strong divine power of the earth was suddenly released from his body, and the thick divine power spread, even the surrounding rocks And the soil trembled accordingly.

Kane Bloodhoof was shocked to see that Emperor Shenwu, Mother Earth whom the tauren clan had believed in for generations, had become the patron saint of the enemy. This blow made him lose the last bit of will to resist.

Kane Bloodhoof knelt down slowly, "Then, I am willing to pledge my allegiance to you."

"You made a wise choice, let him go, pass the order to the hunting team, stop the pursuit, let the harpies spread the news, and tell the surviving tauren that their leader has joined the empire and the war has ended it's over."

Watching Kane Bloodhoof and Centaur Herald leave, Emperor Shenwu smiled at Hellscream.

"See, Hellscream, this is the difference between me and the tribe. Your tribe has no other choice but to slaughter the aliens, but I am not like this. My rule will be more enlightened, more benevolent, and more powerful."

"Why did you show me these?" Hellscream said in a deep voice.

"Because I admire you very much. You are a powerful warrior with a unparalleled sharp blade. If you use it well, you can bring great benefits to this world, but if you allow yourself to fall into the control of demons, you will bring great benefits to this world. , and bring destruction upon your people."

Demon's control!Hellscream was startled.

"That's right, I know that the power in your body comes from the blood of demons, but you already feel the horror of that power, don't you? It will take away your mind and erode your soul."

"I've changed."

"No, you just think that you have changed, but the power of the devil is still lurking in your heart, and it will burst out one day. You have already experienced the cruelty of war. Even if you return to the tribe, will it be different?

You still have to continue to kill and conquer, your chief will not give you other options, your people will not give you other options, you will sink into the killing, and finally be completely swallowed by the blood of demons.

Only I can help you and bring you salvation, join me Hellscream, let us bring order to this land together, let us build a world where all races can coexist peacefully. "

The voice of Emperor Shenwu was seductive, yet extremely sincere.

Hellscream stood there silently, he didn't want to admit it, but he was really moved.

He wanted to agree, but his loyalty to the tribe still held him back. He wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say it.

Finally, Hellscream made up his mind.

"Well, I can join you, but I have three conditions."

Emperor Shenwu seemed to have expected this a long time ago, "Let's hear it."

"First condition, I am a warrior, not a slave. I will fight for you, but you must not make me do what I don't want to do."

"No problem, a fighter should have his own principles and bottom line."

"The second condition is that I will never be an enemy of the tribe. If one day there is a war between you and the tribe, I will never stand by."

"No problem, the tribe and I will not go to war for a short time, unless one day they attack Kalimdor, but I don't think that day will come."

"The third condition, if you do not do what you say, then I will leave, and you can't stop me."

This condition was somewhat excessive, but Emperor Shenwu agreed without hesitation.

"No problem, then we've made a deal."

He said, holding out a hand towards Hellscream.

Hellscream took his hand and nodded vigorously.

"Give him back the axe." Emperor Shenwu said to the guards beside him.

"Boss, this is a legendary weapon, why don't you give him another one, there are still several epic axes in the warehouse."

"Give it back to him, Gorehowl can only truly exert its power in the hands of Hellscream."

Those guards looked at each other helplessly, and could only return Bloodhowl to Hellscream.

"What do I need to do next?" Hellscream asked in a deep voice while touching Gorehowl in his hand.

"Of course I'm preparing to go out. Things here are coming to an end soon. My army is gathering. My next goal is to defeat the night elves in the northern forest. As long as I defeat the night elves, no one on this continent can stand against me. Well, you can take a break for a while, oh yes, there is an old friend you might want to meet."

Hellscream wonders who the so-called old friend is.

He was still taken aback when he saw that person half an hour later.

In a camp located in the south of Haotian City, he met this 'old friend'.

Gul'dan (Devil Summoner): "Hey, Hellscream is you? What a surprise, I didn't expect to see you in this far away Kalimdor, this must be the power of fate."

Hellscream looked at the old orc in surprise, "Gul'dan, why are you here?"

A trace of cunning flashed in Gul'dan's eyes, and he smiled, "Don't mention it, I accepted a secret order from Orgrim to lead the Horde's fleet to open up overseas territories. I didn't expect to be attacked by the black dragon army on the way. The fleet is all over, and I only survived with a few hundred people.

We drifted along the sea all the way to this strange continent, and then we were attacked by these centaurs, who surrounded us, and for the sake of the overall situation, I pretended to join them for the time being, the leaders of these centaurs seemed to know the tribe well, he Let me serve him, and promise me rich rewards.

I agreed to him. Of course, all of this is for the Horde. I think these centaurs may become allies of the Horde. Why are you here? "

Hellscream didn't trust Gul'dan's words. He once trusted the old orc. When Gul'dan summoned the orc clans to show them the demon's blood, Hellscream was the first to drink the demon's blood.

But after going through this period of experience, he gradually saw everything that happened in the past. It was Gul'dan who destroyed Draenor. His fel power gave the orcs violent power, but it also polluted Earth and water.

Gul'dan is the devil's lackey, no doubt about it.

Listening to Gul'dan's narration at this time, he couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart, this old bastard must have some conspiracy.

He fell silent for a while, but Gul'dan keenly felt the difference of Hellscream. In the past, Hellscream was always bloodthirsty and manic, but today, he was surprisingly silent.

"Hellscream, you must have gone through a lot of hardships, you look terrible, but it doesn't matter, as long as you have another cup of demon blood, you will regain your strength."

He pulled out a cup from his arms like a conjuring, which was full of green viscous liquid.

"This is what I managed to keep - the puree of demon blood, not mixed with a little water, drink Hellscream, let the anger and power flow in your body again, drink Hellscream - this is the fate of orcs .”

Gul'dan originally hated those adventurers doing this in front of him every day, but seeing Hellscream, he subconsciously recited the lines.

It's probably easy to say.

But don't tell me, to the original crew, this line feels different when you read it.

Looking at the green liquid handed in front of his eyes, Hellscream's face showed disgust and hatred, but at the same time, there was a trace of desire.

He really wanted to drink up the devil's blood, let the power of evil energy soar in his body again, he missed the feeling of having infinite power, but there was a voice in his heart telling him, don't drink, don't drink!

"Drink it, drink it, why don't you drink it, what hell are you waiting for, the power is calling you." Gul'dan continued to seduce.

"Enough!" Hellscream raised his hand suddenly, almost knocking over the cup.

"Get away from me, you vicious warlock, I will no longer be controlled by you Gul'dan, your tricks and demon blood can no longer control me!"

He pushed Gul'dan away, gave him a fierce look, turned and left.

Gul'dan was left standing there with a dazed expression.

After a long time, he laughed sinisterly, "Hmph, you will succumb to Hellscream sooner or later, this is your fate."


Tongtian Peak - Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall!



The majestic and sacred singing sounded again, and Mo Fei looked at the bronze dragon heart on the altar with anticipation.

Among the many dragons in Azeroth, the Bronze Dragon is undoubtedly the most mysterious and powerful dragon. It has mastered the power of time and is the guardian of time.

Moreover, bronze dragons are also the rarest. Unlike other dragon races that build nests all over the world, bronze dragons are hardly seen by the world.

From the game server to the present, it has not appeared a few times.

If it weren't for the history of Warcraft, I am afraid that there is such a dragon.

I don't know what skills this bronze dragon heart can give.

The people of the dragon feast, the people of the dragon feast, feast on the flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!
Accompanied by the singing, Mo Fei gulped down the bronze dragon heart.

This thing smells a bit weird, smells like sand and heavy metal.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony, and you have obtained the skill - [Norrelldormu's time turbulence]. 】

[System prompt: For unknown reasons, your [Death Wing's God Seal] has loosened a little. 】

[Norrelldormu's time turbulence (Dragon Feast skill)
Use: The power of distorting time, causing you to immediately enter another different timeline for 5 seconds, and you in the current timeline will become a time projection, which cannot be selected and cannot receive any damage.

Conditions of use: 100 mana.

Skill Description: The ability commonly used by the Bronze Dragon Clan can travel through different timelines to avoid deadly threats. 】

Huh?This skill is kind of magical.

It is equivalent to five seconds of invincibility time.

It's a pretty good big move to avoid enemies.

Sure enough, the choice of ingredients is very important for the implementation of Longxiang's desire to become stronger, and this rare variety of Dragon Heart is awesome.

I am happy.

A message from Wang Xuan suddenly appeared in the private chat channel.

Wang Xuan: Hurry up, Mo Fei, come to live again, this time it is a big job.

Murphy was a little surprised, Gul'dan didn't say that before, big job?How big is this.

Aidan: What's going on?
Wang Xuan: You just come, and I will explain it to you in detail when we meet.

(End of this chapter)

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