Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 221 The Threat of Shenhao

Chapter 221 The Threat of Shenhao

Half an hour later—Stormwind—

The Pig and Whistle Tavern was extra loud today.

The adventurers who came back from the front line were drinking strong wine and eating barbecue, while bragging loudly about their experience of fighting the orcs on the front line.

The war between the Alliance and the Horde is now becoming more intense, and fierce competition is taking place in every castle and every town between the two sides.

The alliance has always used consumption tactics, using adventurers and heroes to consume the vitality of the tribe. At present, this strategy is still very effective, and it also makes adventurer players very addicted. Playing the battlefield every day is much more interesting than brushing dungeons.

The key scene is big enough, the more people fight, the more lively it will be.

In order to encourage the adventurers, Ryan really issued a special order that all adventurers who have participated in the war will get a [-]% discount on consumption in the city, and let the dwarf craftsmen create tens of thousands of medals and accessories as rewards for the adventurers' hard work.

At this moment, in the corner of the tavern, several mysterious people wearing cloaks were whispering about things that had nothing to do with the war.

"Let me tell you a few, you guys are dignified GMs anyway, and it's too cheap to have an interview in this dilapidated tavern, isn't there a good place to talk?"

Mo Fei looked at the three in front of him and couldn't help but be speechless.

In front of him besides Emperor Xuan, there were two mysterious people, both of whom were envoys of the God Realm, Su Wenrui and Zhang Zhen. These two people had met in the basement of the game company back then, and Mo Fei still had some impressions.

The three are GMs, each responsible for managing a continent, Emperor Xuan is in charge of the Eastern Continent, Su Wenrui is in charge of the Kalimdor Continent, and Zhang Zhen is in charge of the Northrend Continent.

"So what happened, calling me over in such a hurry?" He took a sip of ale and waited for the three to explain.

Su Wenrui sighed, "There is a little trouble on Kalimdor's side. I'm afraid I can't solve it by myself, so I have to ask Wang Xuan for help. Wang Xuan said you can help."

"What's the trouble?"

"You know the centaur race, the centaur, a monster force that had no sense of existence in history, suddenly rose up and established a powerful empire. Now it is about to sweep Kalimdor, defeat the night elves, and conquer the entire world. What about the sky world?"

As Su Wenrui spoke, he briefly described what happened before, including the results of his discussions with Emperor Shenwu.

The more Mo Fei listened, the more shocked he became. Wo Cao, whoa, where did such a powerful player come out?To do such a big thing without making a sound.

He is quite familiar with the history of Warcraft. Of course, he knows what role the centaur plays in it. It is nothing more than one of the many villains that served as a stepping stone in the process of establishing the tribe, and was easily defeated by the tribe led by Thrall.

And in World of Warcraft, it didn't even mix in a group book, it was only known as a five-player book with trumpet upgrades.

I didn't expect that even these guys would rise up. This is really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Don't bully the young and poor.

Speaking of the recent war between the Alliance and the Horde, the forums are full of news about this. As a continent that has not yet been opened to adventurers, Kalimdor has no sense of existence at all.

I didn't expect such a big thunder to appear all of a sudden.

"So that Emperor Shenwu is going to conquer the world now? Why is he so awesome, a professional player? A studio? Or some kind of big anchor? Is he so arrogant that even your GMs are not afraid?"

"Not at all. He is a legendary Shenhao player. He has spent hundreds of millions of dollars just playing a game. His real name is Wang Haotian. Have you heard of Haotian Group?"

"The one that sells electric cars?"

"That's right, it's the Haotian Group."

Mo Feixin said that of course he had heard of it, but he was a technology giant in the new era, a man of influence, and a boss who often appeared on the news.

Considered one of the top ten phenomenal figures of the 21s.

Unexpectedly, this kind of boss-level characters also play games, and the characters they play are so fresh and refined, centaur...

Murphy really didn't understand. Even if he wanted to play monsters, he would have to play with dragons, demons, and what kind of centaurs.

He said his thoughts, Su Wenrui also nodded: "Well, how can I say that people have ideas? Your idea is probably the common idea of ​​ordinary people, but why can people become a giant? The way of thinking is Not the same.

I noticed it when he built the account. This guy spent nearly [-] million to build the account. I was quite happy at the time, thinking that our company had a big customer. I was also surprised at the time, why did he play a centaur.

I thought it was because of some special hobbies, but it turned out that something was wrong in less than two years. Later, after I carefully studied his game data, I found out that this guy definitely did a lot of research, and he was able to play this game Understood. "

Su Wenrui then explained to Murphy.

In the game Skyworld, all races have a birth rate setting, which is completely set by the system based on the game background and in-game performance.

There are mainly two values ​​to determine, 1, the historical background. 2. The speed at which adventurers kill monsters.

The weaker the monster, the higher the birth rate. For example, low-level creatures such as wild wolves, goblins, kobolds, and murlocs tend to have a particularly high birth rate, because if the birth rate is not high enough, it is simply not enough for adventurers to kill.

And even in the plot, they must also rely on numbers to ensure the continuation of the group. Without a super high birth rate, they would have been wiped out by other powerful races long ago.

To put it bluntly, it is the same as rabbits and mice in the animal kingdom.

And some powerful races, especially those with a long lifespan, such as various dragons, chimeras, night elves, etc., have a relatively low birth rate.

Because if calculated according to the mathematical model, even if the birth rate of the night elves is only 1, they reproduce one generation every 100 years, but because of their endless lives, the population will only increase but not decrease. Then after 1 years, the population will explode long ago, covering the entire world. More Kareem.

Even counting the death rate is not enough, so the birth rate of the night elves must be very, very, very low to ensure the rationality of the plot, otherwise the population will explode, and then the entire planet will be ruled.

Coupled with the various wars experienced in the history of the night elves, the excess population was consumed, so the population of the night elves remained at the current level.

The same is true of other powerful races, with low birth rates and various wars.

This is where the power of the system lies.

Among these races, centaurs have a relatively high birth rate.

A centaur tribe can produce 20% of the current population every month. Since Kalimdor is not yet open to adventurers, there is no risk of being killed for leveling, so there is no bonus to the reproduction rate in this regard.

The only attrition is mainly due to the perennial melee between the various centaur tribes. The 20% of the population that has reproduced is often consumed in the war, so the balance of the population can be maintained.

In addition, in order to prevent one family from being dominant, the system has also made a setting. When a tribe is too powerful, a plot event will be triggered - [King of the Clan], and other weak tribes will unite to attack this powerful tribe. The siege dealt heavy blows to this powerful tribe, so as to ensure the balance of strength of each centaur tribe.

If the population of each tribe consumes too much, it is to maintain a balance for a period of time to allow the population to return to normal levels.

This system basically covers all races in the entire firmament world, the so-called dynamic balance of population.

It can be said that it is very difficult to break this balance, which is equivalent to fighting against the system.

But this Wang Haotian did it in a daze. At the beginning of the game, he directly established a centaur Khan with a background of the gods, and it cost more than 5000 million just to build the account.

Then began some fancy operations. In the first more than a year, Emperor Shenwu did not make any big moves at all. The only thing he did was to maintain peace with various tribes, send gifts to increase favorability, and avoid wars, because he had money. , the result was that the favorability of each tribe was changed to friendly, which made the Haotian clan the only centaur clan that did not have a war.

Then he started farming, farming in the true sense, using his identity as the Goddess of the Mother Earth, commanding centaur laborers to develop a large amount of farmland, and the farmland can provide food and population, the Goddess of the Mother Earth His identity has increased the reproductive capacity of the tribe he rules by 100%.

Then he did not know where to collect several plot artifacts to improve the ability to reproduce. It is estimated that he spent a lot of money to find the studio to get them.

In his own BOSS skills, there are also a lot of skills that can improve the efficiency of reproduction.

After various operations, he abruptly increased the birth rate of the Haotian clan to 500%.

After half a year, the population skyrocketed, and then the [King of the Clan] event was successfully triggered. The other centaur clans immediately gave up their war with each other and gathered all their forces to attack the Haotian clan.

Then they were wiped out by the Haotian clan. "

"No, didn't you say that the system has a dynamic balance mechanism? What's the situation?"

Su Wenrui explained helplessly: "It's not that the system is not powerful, but that Wang Haotian is too cunning. He actually let a large number of employees from his company enter the game to join his tribe. There are a total of 500 people, all of whom are small bosses and elites. In this way, he can command the army under his command like a finger, and he spent more than [-] million yuan for the accounts of these employees.

Moreover, he also introduced the Mongols' Bangkok evil fighting method into the game, and used these employees under him to use them, gaining tactical advantages.

In addition, he also sent a lot of staff to join other centaur tribes as internal agents, gaining intelligence advantages.

Moreover, he also found an alliance with the studio, spent money to hire a few red dragons to participate in the battle, and gained air superiority.

As a result, when the battle finally started, he fought an epic victory with [-] against [-]. He defeated the other centaur clans in one wave and became the first clan king.

Since the centaurs were unified under the same clan, there was no consumption of war, and the population began to grow explosively.

It took him a year to explode the population to 20, and then began to sweep the various monster forces on Kalimdor.

Now the population advantage of the centaur is unstoppable in Kalimdor. "

Murphy was speechless. This is really a hard time. He has money and can play.

Playing games is not afraid of encountering local tyrants, nor is it afraid of encountering high-players, but if you are both local tyrants and high-players, it will be troublesome.

And he is very clear about some mechanisms of this game, such as population, is very important for monster forces.

Because the number and rank of the monster's BOSS are usually generated according to the scale of the monster's power.

The stronger the monster force, the stronger the boss will be generated by the system.

Now that the centaur has such a huge population and a million-level powerful monster force, even if there is no player to create a BOSS account, the system will automatically generate a world-class BOSS to serve as the leader of this force. As for the disaster-level horror-level skeleton-level , that is even more numerous.

If the population of centaurs reaches tens of millions, the system may even be able to generate world-destroying bosses.

With such a force, even if Deathwing went, it would only be for Ma Claw.

Thinking of this, Murphy looked at the three people in front of him speechlessly.

"So you want me to do it? Why don't you do it yourself, you are also envoys of the God Realm..."

All three shook their heads: "No, there is no such thing as a divine envoy in the plot, so we must not take it lightly, especially in this kind of plot event, we can't even show up, just like The Burning Legion invaded, and a few envoys from the God Realm suddenly appeared under pretext to settle the matter. Wouldn't that be no different from the Mechagod?

It affects the player experience too much.

Besides, even if we make a move, we may not be able to fight. We are only the holy envoys of the gods, not gods. Heroes of higher ranks are generally unable to defeat BOSS.

If the centaur emperor is brought out alone, he can fight against one of us. He has hundreds of big and small bosses under him. Even if the three of us fight together, we can't withstand the attack of a million centaur army.Tired and exhausted. "

The latter reason made Murphy immediately support his forehead. This group of GMs are too useless.

It was the first time he heard of the GM who couldn't beat the player in the game.

Mo Fei always felt that the other party was hiding his strength.

"What about the gods?"

"The gods are the background board, there is no possibility of ending, anyway, we will depend on you for this."

Mo Feixin said that I did not die by working, and he still wanted to participate in the war between the Alliance and the Horde, so he shirked: "But if Deathwing leads the Black Dragon Army to participate in the war, the plot does not make sense. Nothing festive."

Wang Xuandao: "This is not a problem. There are always more reasons than difficulties. If it doesn't work, let's say it's a mystery. No one knows what evil plan Deathwing is plotting..."

Murphy: "..."

"And you don't have to worry too much, after all, you are not asked to single out the Centaur Empire.

Still the same as the Dark Portal, the Black Dragon Legion mainly exists as an interfering force. If the night elves perform supernormally and the Tyrande army god possesses them, it is not impossible for a wave of extreme operations to destroy the Centaur Empire. After all In the history of the night elves, the Burning Legion should have existed just after that. We figured that no matter how strong the Centaur Empire is, it won't be able to compare with the Burning Legion. Maybe you don't need to take action at all.

The main reason for looking for you is just in case, after all, the other party is a Shenhao player, and there are too many tricks. "

(End of this chapter)

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