Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 222 The Trigger Conditions of the Official Camp

Chapter 222 The Trigger Conditions of the Official Camp

After listening to the words of the three GMs, Mo Fei was silent for a while, and said flatly, "Sorry, I can't take this job."

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, especially Wang Xuan, who looked at Mo Fei incomprehensibly, "I said, Mo Fei, are you joking? We agreed at the beginning..."

"We did agree at the beginning that I will play Deathwing's role in the historical plot for you, but this is not the plot of Deathwing. Strictly speaking, I have already completed the task beyond the standard."

Wang Xuan said anxiously: "If you are worried that the plot will not be satisfactory, didn't I say it, you can say..."

"Stop, stop, your explanation doesn't make sense at all. According to what you said, there is no need for the historical plot to keep the original plot line. You are completely fooling around.

Either develop strictly according to the original historical context, or simply leave it alone, it is not a good habit for you to be so up and down.

But the reason why I refused was not because of this, but because I thought it was a bit unethical for you to do so.

The promised free game, players create history, I can accept you asking me to do Gul'dan, after all, Gul'dan is an NPC, and it is understandable that history has changed and corrected.

But people have spent hundreds of millions of dollars playing your game, and if you still do it like this, it's a bit too immoral.

Besides, I really don't understand why you have to deal with this centaur empire. Even if the centaur empire wins, it's just a powerful monster force, which can be used as the next version In the end, the BOSS, when Kalimdor is opened, let adventurers and hero players go and fight the Centaur Empire, and it will be over.

Shouldn't the monster forces in this game be as powerful as possible? In other games, they try their best to create powerful bosses for players to push. Now that someone is doing the work for you, why are you unhappy? "

The three listened to Murphy's words, but did not accept them.

Su Wenrui said anxiously: "But Emperor Shenwu wants to become an official camp."

Murphy said, "So what, I still want to be the God of Creation, if you don't give him this permission, it's fine."

After Mo Fei finished speaking, he found that the three of them had helpless expressions on their faces, and a light flashed in his mind.

"Wait a minute, can it be said that Emperor Shenwu can really become the official camp by defeating the night elves?"

"Um, well...Actually, you can't..."

Seeing Su Wenrui's hesitation, Murphy immediately confirmed his guess. Damn, it's really possible? What's the reason for this? Could it be that as long as the monsters are powerful enough, they can become the official camp?

No, if you say that, the Burning Legion has occupied so many planets, isn't it still a monster?

There must be something to say here.

Excited and excited, he tentatively asked, "So you don't have permission to open the official faction at all? This permission is automatically triggered by the system, just like the plot event of 'King of the Clan', right! As long as If you meet the requirements, you can become an official camp."

Wang Xuan said helplessly, "Well, I didn't expect you to be really sharp enough. In fact, I have already said that this game is automatically run by the system, and we GMs are just doing a little maintenance and correction, and we can only use In-game rules.

In the deep logic of this world, there are countless hidden plot events and quest lines, which can be triggered as long as the conditions are met.

"The questline of 'King of the Clan' is like this. Some questlines can make the BOSS become a hero, and some questlines can make the hero black and become a BOSS, and the same is true for becoming an official camp. One day a special questline can To achieve this goal, of course, the difficulty of triggering is much higher than other task lines.

But according to our calculations, if Emperor Shenwu conquers the night elves, then he is likely to be able to upgrade the Centaur Empire to the third faction in the game. "

Murphy asked, "Then what is the triggering condition?"

"Sorry, this is a major game secret, and we have no right to disclose it."

Murphy chuckled: "You needn't say it, then I can guess the head office. Since you said that the centaur can defeat the night elves to open the third faction, then the key should lie in the night elves. Could it be the World Tree? No. , the Alliance and the Horde do not have a World Tree, they are also official factions.

Let me think about what these three camps have in common. First of all, they are all very powerful, but this should not be a hard standard. The alliance evolved from the Arathi Empire founded by Emperor Thoradin, thousands of years ago History.

The tribe was established by all the orc clans on Draenor, and the night elves are an ancient race inherited from the night elf empire 1 years ago... I understand, is it an inheritance? "

Wang Xuan's expression immediately pierced his heart, "I'll go, don't guess if it's okay, and you have to keep your voice down." He nervously looked around to make sure that no one was listening, but he still lost a silence barrier.

"I'll just tell you, but you must never tell others. If other players find out about this secret, then we don't know how many people will become kings and how many people will become emperors."

Murphy nodded, his heart was full of anticipation, this is the deep mystery of the game.

"To become an official camp, four conditions must be met.

First, of course, there must be sufficient power and population base, at least the potential to compete for world hegemony, and there must be more than three large cities or strongholds.

Therefore, those forces with a small population and a small base will not be able to do so.

Second, it must be established by a humanoid race, like the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has no chance at all.

Third, it must have self-independent sovereignty and cannot be controlled by humans, not even gods, especially not controlled by evil forces.

For example, the Dark Iron Dwarves, although their Dark Abyss is also a city and has its own civilization, but the Dark Iron Dwarves are enslaved by Ragnaros, so they definitely cannot become the official camp.

If the tribe is completely controlled by the Burning Legion, then they will not be able to become an official faction, but will become a monster force.

Fourth, and the most important point, is the legal system, or you can say inheritance and heritage.

The legal lineage of the alliance originated from the ancient Arathi Empire, with a history of more than 3000 years.

The legal system of the tribe came from Draenor, which was jointly established by all the orc clans, and the major orc clans have often been passed down for thousands of years, and the tribe defeated the ogre empire and obtained the orthodox status of Draenor.

The legal system of the night elves comes from the ancient night elf empire 1 years ago, and is the direct successor of the ancient night elf empire.

This is the key to their becoming an official faction.

Although the centaur race is quite ancient, it has never established its own empire, nor does it have a large city of its own. They all live as nomads in the form of tribes. It was not until Emperor Shenwu established the Centaur Empire that Haotian City began to be built.

Therefore, in order to become an official camp, the Centaur Empire must obtain its own legal system.

I'm not sure whether Emperor Shenwu knew about this, but if the Centaur Empire defeated the night elves and occupied the World Tree, and some night elves joined the Centaur Empire, then the Centaur Empire would have legal authority.

In this way, the four conditions are basically met, and the Emperor Shenwu is likely to trigger the plot mission of [Hegemony of the Sky] that becomes the official camp. "

So it turned out, Mo Fei couldn't help thinking for a while, in this way, Emperor Shenwu is really likely to trigger this plot mission.

At that time, it would be awesome to directly become the boss of one camp.

No matter how powerful the monsters are, they will inevitably end up being overthrown by adventurers and heroes in the end, and the leader of the faction itself is the leader of adventurers and heroes, which is completely a dimensional gap.

"Then which faction did you originally plan to make the official camp?"

"Human alliance, orc tribe, night elves, undead."

"The four races in Warcraft? Well, it's quite standard, but wait a minute, how did the law of the undead come about?"

Wang Xuandao: "It's very simple, backdoor listing, after the Stormwind Kingdom was destroyed, Lordaeron became the leader of the alliance, which is the so-called 'Lordaeron Alliance', and then waited for Arthas to kill his father and inherit the throne without dying The natural disaster swept Lordaeron, as long as the undead he led occupied more than 90% of the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, they could obtain the legal authority of the "Lordaeron Alliance".

Of course, at this time, he still has no way to become an official camp, and he must wait until he eliminates the influence of the Burning Legion..."

"Cough cough." Zhang Zhen suddenly coughed forcefully, and Wang Xuan immediately reacted, and said helplessly, "This is also a game secret, so don't gossip about it. There will be a [Natural Disasters Coming] event at that time." Events, players can choose in the plot events, join the undead kingdom or go to the south to continue mixing with the alliance.

The same is true for adventurer players, which is equivalent to a chance to change races for free.

After that, Arthas will become the leader of the faction and rule the undead kingdom in the north. "

Murphy nodded, thinking that the historical plot is not exactly the same, at least it has started to change from the original history here, but think about it Alsace wants to establish the kingdom of the undead and open the undead as the fourth faction , It's quite touching to think about it.

"So you understand, we absolutely cannot allow the Centaur Empire to win. In that case, the third camp will become the Centaur Empire, and then the four camps will become Human Race, Orc Race, Centaur Race, and Immortal Race." Race, completely uncoordinated, killing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Besides, the centaur is not as popular as the night elf lady. You know the black silk, long legs, white hair and no face lines, and the player's senses will definitely be uncomfortable. "

(End of this chapter)

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