Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

After hearing this, Murphy nodded thoughtfully. He could understand the reason of the three of them, but it had nothing to do with him. He is a player, not the owner of a game company. Why, he is not stupid.

Besides, you can't say that centaurs are ugly and engage in racial discrimination, right? Playing games is not a beauty pageant. According to this logic, is there a way for the tribe to survive?

This is not fair to players who play alternative races.

He shook his head: "I can understand your approach, but if you want me to participate, I'm sorry I can't accept it."

Wang Xuan was a little unhappy now, and said in a deep voice: "If you really don't want to, that's okay, then hand over your Deathwing's power, and I will arrange someone else to do the job."

Murphy smiled slightly after hearing this, "Have you found an actor?"

He doesn't think that Deathwing is so easy to master. Of course, it's okay to crush some small Karami, but if you are tough with the Centaur Empire, the requirements for operation are very high. Ordinary players can't play this kind of inhuman racial.

However, Wang Xuan took out the soul stone from his pocket, which contained Nelthario's soul.

"I don't need any actors, I just let Nelthario return to his place, Nelthario, you have heard our discussion just now, how about it, are you willing to accept this job?"

"Of course." Neltharion in the soul stone said calmly.

"You see, that's how things are, and we don't really have to you, so make a choice, get the job for us, or give back the power."

Murphy smiled slightly: "Okay, then you can take it away. It just so happens that I don't want to bear this burden anymore. I am nagged by the ancient gods all day long, and I have to go to work when I have nothing to do. I'm too tired, just to save trouble."

This made the three of them stunned, they never expected that Mo Fei was so easy to talk to.

"Have you really decided? This is Deathwing, a world-destroying boss! Are you so willing?"

"Hehe, don't mention the world-destroying level, so what if it's a god level, it's not your own after all, anyway, you have to hand it over sooner or later, it's better to play with your own account comfortably, I'm here to help you, you Have you forgotten?"

The corner of Wang Xuan's mouth twitched, and he nodded his head with difficulty, "That's true."

"So take this power away, let Deathwing return, what are you waiting for?"

After Mo Fei finished speaking, he looked directly into Wang Xuan's eyes, and Wang Xuan also looked directly at him. After a long time, he suddenly sighed.

"You really don't think about it anymore?" Wang Xuan asked weakly.

Murphy sneered in his heart, before he was only [-]% to [-]% sure, but now, he was already ten levels sure, Emperor Xuan didn't dare to release Neltharion at all.

"Don't think I don't understand, Neltharion is an NPC, you have no power to control him at all, once Neltharion returns, he will never be under your control, and he will even find a way to kill you, and Now that he has heard the outcome of his future, he will work hard to prevent it from happening again.

Your calculations will come to nothing, and then you will not only be unable to save the plot, but you will even have to face a terrible enemy. "

Su Wenrui said from the side: "It's just a boss, we..."

"You are just three heroes. You can't defeat the boss at the same level. Didn't you say it yourself? Let alone face the entire Black Dragon Army."

The three of them were speechless for a moment.The reason is that this game is too weird, and the GM's power is also within the rules of the game. Although Qiang is strong, it is not enough to control everything.

"Don't worry about everyone, I'm willing to obey orders, don't worry, I will never mess around." Neltharion suddenly shouted loudly in the soul stone, but when the voice came out, there was only an inaudible voice up.

None of the four paid any attention to them. People in prison can say anything in order to be free.

"I swear in the name of the Black Dragon Legion, as long as you release me, I will serve you. I may have been rebellious in the past, but that was because of the influence of the ancient gods, but now I am awake, release me Well, I am willing to serve you."

The four still ignored it.

Murphy smiled and said, "If you really want to believe him, then just take it away." As Murphy said, he stretched out his hand again, as if he was casual with you.

Emperor Xuan sighed, the fact is just like what Murphy said, they absolutely cannot trust Deathwing, no matter how outrageous the players are, they are accessible in reality and can be communicated and negotiated.

This NPC is not so particular. To them, the GM is an evil existence, but anyone who is a little bit bloody must fight.

Not to mention how an overlord like Deathwing could succumb to his own fate. If he went crazy and made trouble, the damage would be astonishing.

"Okay, what exactly do you want, just say it, we will try our best to satisfy you." Wang Xuan was also a bachelor, so he directly pointed out Mo Fei's purpose.

Isn't it just adding money?

"Don't, don't, don't make me sound like a lion. I really don't want to participate in this matter. Of course, if you have to let me participate in the war, I have no choice but to ask for the employee benefits that I deserve for a special job. I definitely didn't mean to blackmail you, really."

"Okay, okay, it's okay if we beg you, just tell me, what do you want?"

Before Murphy could speak, Neltharion in the soul stone over there finally stopped pretending.

"You humble ants, tiny maggots, you stole my power when I lost my mind, and now you have imprisoned me in this stone, you will pay for your rudeness, don't think I will be trapped here forever, the power I possess is beyond your comprehension, and soon I will be released from this cage, and by that time, you will know what a terrifying existence you have provoked..."

Wang Xuan casually stuffed the soul stone into his pocket again.

He reached out and made a please gesture.

Murphy thought about it, he really didn't want to blackmail anything, of course the benefits must be there, but there are reasons.

"First of all, the first point must not be something like 'no one knows what Deathwing's plot is'. Don't your company have a screenwriter? It's so hard to think of a suitable reason.

It is said that the centaur empire has the red dragon as an ally, right? What level is the red dragon? "

"Lord level."

"That's no problem, let's say, Deathwing participated in the battle to defeat his old enemy, the Red Dragon, and Emperor Shenwu is the Goddess of the Earth Goddess, right, so he must have some of the Earth Goddess' divine power in him? "

"Yes, it is part of the authority to control reproduction and life."

"Then it's easy to handle. Deathwing is the guardian of the earth and an evil big boss. Naturally, he covets the divine power of the earth, so his purpose should be to seize that part of the divine power from Emperor Shenwu and turn it into That’s why I joined the battle for my own use, so Deathwing can do it, right?”

"Yes, the same type of divine power can be taken from each other."

"Then it's over, so Deathwing chose to join the battle, so that the plot makes sense, as for my benefits——

This battle is very dangerous. If any plot character participates in the battle and is killed, you can't blame me. After all, even Deathwing may not be able to keep his hand this time.So I have the right to kill without limit. If any plot character provokes me, I can kill freely. You can't stop me for any reason. "

"This—well, anyway, there are no important plot characters in the Centaur Empire, so it's okay to kill them all, you can just do it."

"Secondly, you have to give me some life-saving props. I risk my life by working so hard for you. If Deathwing hangs up my main account, I have to hang up, so giving me a resurrection prop is not too much, right? "

The three said helplessly: "There really isn't one. The ones that can be resurrected are either magic skills or artifacts. We are GMs, not the bosses of game companies. We don't just brush treasures of this level at will, let alone selling props. Things our company won’t do.”

Of course, Murphy wasn't afraid that Deathwing would die. With him controlling him, a boss as strong as Deathwing would definitely be able to escape even if he couldn't beat it.

He's mostly doing it for himself, and Aidan is fragile.

"You can't give it directly, so you can give it indirectly. Tell me how to get the ability to resurrect the character."

The three discussed with each other a bit, and Wang Xuan nodded.

"This is not a problem, there are many resurrection methods in this game, which can be roughly divided into the evil version and the righteous version.

Most of the evil versions rely on external forces, such as necromancer magic. After the Lich King killed Saurfang, he was directly resurrected by the Lich King with the power of death to become an undead knight.

Liches can be resurrected with a phylactery.

Demons can be resurrected through the Twisting Nether.

Of course, this kind of resurrection has certain side effects, and it needs to be blackened. Even if you were a hero in life, you will become a boss template after resurrection. "

"The second method is more orthodox, the righteous version of the resurrection method, which is to borrow the power of the gods to resurrect.

Most gods have the ability to resurrect believers or preserve the souls of believers, but strictly speaking, many of them are not really resurrected, but more like some kind of template transformation.

For example, if you believe in the God of Holy Light, if your belief level is high enough, you will enter the Light God Realm after death, and reincarnate into something like an ancient guard of kings, a spirit of Holy Light.

A powerful warrior who believes in Odin, the god of war, can also enter Odin's Hall of Valor and become a heroic warrior if he meets the standard of "fearless death in battle" when he dies.

Another example is that you are not the son of the storm, you can enter the kingdom of the storm god after death, and let the god of the storm transform you into the soul of the storm - a special wind element creature.

I can tell you all these methods, you just need to follow the process.

So which one do you want? "

Murphy frowned, "What you're talking about are summoned creatures, right? Then I changed from a hero template to a summoned creature template? That's too bad."

The summoned creature template is a kind of free template. Although it is very powerful, it can only come to the mortal world when it is summoned.

That's too boring.

The guardian of the ancient kings, the spirit of the holy light, is the summoning object of priests and paladins.

Heroic warriors are summoned by war priests, and heroes with Odin's blood can also be summoned.

Storm Soul is the ultimate move of the Storm Attendant.

"No, no, no, this is a piece of crap."

(End of this chapter)

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