Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 224 When the War Conference is in progress

Chapter 224 When the War Conference is in progress

Murphy shook his head and said speechlessly, "These resurrections are too bad. The rebirth of the evil template is okay, but I can do this kind of thing myself, so why should I use you? I have evil energy transformation in my hand now. If I want to blacken it, I can just transform it into a demonic creature and I'll be done. Then I can use Twisting Void to revive it.

But I am a good prince, how could I do this.

What I want is a resurrection method without side effects. "

Wang Xuan was also speechless: "Your request is too much, there are rebirths without side effects, but your requirements are not enough.

For example, the god-given skill [Earth Rebirth] of the Mother Earth Goddess, and the god-given skill [Life Recovery] of the Goddess of Life both have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. "

"Then it's over, just give me the whole set, and we won't choose."

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "No, no, this can't be fixed. This kind of big move that affects the balance of the game needs to be obtained by a god-favored person, and you are not a god-favored person."

"Then give me the status of a god-favored person. Aren't you the holy envoys of the gods? You must be able to talk to the gods."

Wang Xuan was amused: "Can you be more realistic, the background of a divinely favored person is worth tens of millions, how can it be so simple, even if we want to, we can't afford it, it's completely beyond our authority."

Murphy spread his hands, "This doesn't work, that doesn't work, you still want people to work for you, what a shit, anyway, it's impossible not to give benefits, or if you have something to give, let's talk about it. "

The three discussed for a while, Zhang Zhen said: "There is indeed one for you, this belongs to our GM's internal benefits, to help you level up quickly, although it is not as exaggerated as the rebirth skill, but it is quite powerful, especially for you This level is relatively low.”

As he spoke, he took out a stone amulet from his pocket and handed it over.

Mo Fei took a look at it, and his eyes lit up.

[Amulet of Ancient Wisdom (Amulet)
Item Effect: Ancient Wisdom.Activates while this amulet is in your backpack, increasing all experience gained by 50%.

Item introduction: A strange stone tablet engraved with ancient characters exudes a strange sacred energy. 】

I'll go, this is amazing, Murphy was immediately overjoyed, he has been worrying about leveling up too slowly recently, the later the game is getting more difficult to level up, even if he kills orcs with the hero group to gain experience, the experience points are still not enough, The experience value required for every tenth level increase will increase by a large amount.

He is now level 35, and he needs a lot of experience to upgrade to a level.

With this amulet, the upgrade speed is immediately increased by 50%.

No wonder these GMs are all level 99, so they have such a sharp weapon.

No, the experience needed for these GMs to upgrade to level 99 must be extremely exaggerated, and the 50% experience bonus may not be able to achieve it. Do they have more talismans in their hands?
Maybe this thing can be superimposed. If you put a few pieces in one person's bag, it will be like flying when you upgrade.

"This thing is pretty good, but if there is only one, do you want some, or..."

Zhang Zhen said: "Stop, stop, stop, you can pull it down. This thing is an internal benefit, and strictly speaking, it should not be exposed. It is a huge risk for you to use it, and it will be used for you for two months at most. You have to return it quickly when you run out. Want more, stop kidding."

Wang Xuan also said: "This is the final offer, Murphy, let's not go too far."

"Okay, that's it." Murphy said as he stuffed the slate into his backpack, "I'm going to gather the Black Dragon Legion and prepare to go to Kalimdor to fight."

A few hours later - Obsidian Temple:

Boom!Deathwing's huge body landed heavily on the temple.

The whispers of the ancient gods echoed in Murphy's ears, and the whispers became especially clear in the Obsidian Temple.

If it wasn't a last resort, he really didn't want to come back here.

No, I can't go on like this anymore. After this job is done, I have to find a way to get out quickly. The benefits are almost reaped. If I continue to be greedy, I will have trouble sooner or later.

He shook his head, trying not to look at the strange shadows emerging from the corner of his eyes.

Resisting the urge to confront the ancient god, Mo Fei used the control skill of summoning the black dragon army.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "All the Lords of the Black Dragon, warriors of the Black Dragon Legion, I am Neltharion, the King of the Black Dragon, the Destroyer of Destiny, the Terminator of all things, feel my will, obey My call, within three days, go to Stoneclaw Peak in Kalimdor to gather, another battle to change the fate of the world is about to start, and the Black Dragon Legion will show its power to the world!"

Issued summons.Murphy flew towards Kalimdor without stopping.

This trip is a long way, and it takes two days to fly.

At the same time - Ashenvale - Astrana - Emerald Temple.

In the Emerald Temple shrouded in giant trees, the heroes and leaders of the night elves gathered together, discussing the upcoming war.

The night elves had already noticed the rise of the Centaur Empire, and had dispatched scouts and Horned Eagle Knights to pay attention to this newly emerging powerful force a year ago. When the crowd flocked to Ashen Valley, an alarm was issued immediately, and a large number of troops were assembled to prepare for it.

Tyrande even issued a convening order, summoning the leaders of various factions within the Night Elf Alliance to discuss countermeasures.

At this moment, in the meeting place under the giant tree, five generals from the seven Sentinels came, Tyrande and the other priestesses of the moon did not pull any of them, and several rotating archdruids and Headed by Fandral Buckhelm, he also attended the meeting.

There are also the leaders of the various allied races, the furbolg leader from Timbermaw, the dryad leader from the tree dwelling in the forest, and the forest guardian from Moonglade...

From the perspective of the lineup alone, it can be said that there are strong players gathered, not weaker than the lineup of the countries meeting in the alliance.

However, although there were many people and strong people like clouds, the real leader was Tyrande. She was not only the founder of the Sentinels, but also the high priest of the Moon God Temple and the favored person of the Moon God Elune.

At the same time, her husband, Malfurion, is the leader of the druids, a direct disciple of the demigod Cenarius—and also very henpecked. It can be said that she is the uncrowned king of the night elves.

This meeting was also called by her.

Although Fandral Staghelmet was a little dissatisfied with this, but now that the enemy was in front of him, he could only temporarily suppress his dissatisfaction. At this moment, it was finally his turn to speak.

Fandral Staghelm (Arch Druid): "The enemy is approaching the edge of Ashenvale. The centaur army is cutting down trees, building camps, and preparing for a full-scale attack. We must be ready to fight."

Farien (Forest Guardian): "That's right, we must protect our forest and never allow these evil creatures to defile our holy land."

Uru (Timbermaw Chieftain): Centaur, bad, furbolg, fight, kill them all! "

Lunara (Dryad): "High Priest of Tyrande, we will fully support you."

Cute Rabbit with Two Ponytails (General Sentinel): "But this alone is not enough, the enemy has millions of troops, and our troops are at a disadvantage, High Priest of Tyrande, I think it's time to wake up the sleeping archdruids gone."

In the entire social system of the night elves, the Sentinels and the Druids are the two main armed forces.

However, most of the druids were sleeping at this time, purifying the corruption symptoms that appeared in the Emerald Dream, including Malfurion Stormrage.

For druids, sleeping is work, and waking up is vacation.

Warrior of Pure Love (Lord of the Horned Eagle Knight): "I think Illidan should be released. He has been imprisoned for 1 years, which is enough to redeem his sins. Illidan is a powerful warrior who can Useful in war."

Tyrande frowned, the relationship between Illidan and her was somewhat complicated, and being mentioned made her a little uncomfortable, "I don't think Maiev would agree to such a thing."

Warrior of Pure Love (Lord of the Horned Eagle Knight): "Now is not the time for entanglements and personal grievances. Those centaurs are innumerable in number, and you must gather all your strength to defeat them. I think Maiev should also call out the Watcher troops to join the battle." right."

"Hmph, why don't you tell her that?"

The warrior of pure love immediately stopped talking, Maiev is not a talkative master.

Another suggested, "We should go to Cenarius immediately for help, only the power of a demigod can save the situation."

"Moonglade is too far away..."

"Isn't the big beast den not far away?"

"It's better to wake up the ancient guardians. As long as the ancient guardians join the battle, those centaurs will be vulnerable."

Everyone rushed to put forward various suggestions.

Tyrande frowned more and more, she suddenly looked at her adopted daughter, "Santis, what do you think?"

Shandris Feathermoon, Tyrande's most trusted Sentinel General.

Shandris Yuyue (General Sentinel): "I think these can be considered slowly, the most urgent thing is to determine the next strategic arrangement, the enemy is about to launch an attack.

I initially drew up a battle plan.

There are so many enemies that we can't confront them head-on, but we can use the power of the forest to breed a large number of ancient war trees in the Falling Star Lake generation, form a siege net, and then fight the enemy at the border, luring the enemy into our preset ambush circle, Centaurs are not good at fighting in the forest, as long as we prepare well, we can win. "

After hearing this, Tyrande nodded in relief. This plan is still very reliable, but the call for help must also be carried out at the same time. It is not realistic to rely on the sentinel troops to fight against such a powerful enemy.

Tyrande (Moon Priest): "We must gather all our strength to face this crisis, Faris, and send your treants to Moonglade to seek the help of Cenarius.

Fandral, send your druids to wake up the druids in the great den at once, it's time to wake them up.

Rabbit with two ponytails, I appoint you as the special envoy of the council, go to Shadowhold to find Mawei, tell her to either release Illidan, or send the Warden troops to join the battle, we need all the support.

And I will personally lead the troops to stop the Centaur Empire's attack, delaying the time, Shandris, your plan is very good, but Starfall Lake is too close to the front line, the decisive battle will be in the forest outside the city of Astrana Go ahead, I will personally plant the Ancient War Tree here. "

Natural magic can create a powerful ancient war tree, but this powerful war weapon moves slowly, and it takes a certain amount of time to gestate.

If you want the ancient tree of war to participate in the battle, you must choose a preset location in advance.

Astrana is located in the depths of Ashen Valley, and the enemy will have to pass through the long forest to reach here, and their troops will inevitably be limited by the terrain. Centaurs are natural cavalry, and cavalry is not suitable for fighting in the forest. Ideal location for a final battle.

The night elves are worthy of being a powerful force that has been passed down for thousands of years. Although they do not show their mountains and dews on weekdays, once they encounter a crisis and the war machines are fully activated, their powerful background will be revealed.

Faerie dragons, chimeras, mountain giants, and furbolgs have been operating in the forest for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that they are natural allies of the night elves everywhere.

Not to mention the powerful demigod Cenarius sitting in charge.

Everyone finally calmed down and went to work.

The cute rabbit with two ponytails saw no one around, but returned to his tree house and chose to log off.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a spacious game room in front of him.

The empty hall is filled with game pods.

The cute rabbit with double ponytails crawled out of the game room and walked straight out. Outside was the spacious corridor of the office building. There were company clerks coming and going. Seeing the cute rabbit with double ponytails in pajamas, they all looked surprised. Weird look.

Of course, the cute rabbit is not her real name, her real name is Lin Meng.

At this time, Lin Meng walked to the end of the corridor in a hurry, pushed open the door of a conference room and walked in.

As soon as they entered the meeting room, everyone inside immediately looked over in unison.

This is the meeting room of Haotian Group. Dozens of executives of Haotian Group are in suits and shoes, having a meeting.

It was Wang Haotian who sat on the main seat.

Lin Meng said: "Chairman, I came back from there, the night elves have already..."

Wang Haotian raised his hand, motioning her to stop talking.

"Huimin, I'll leave the rest to you. I still have a big battle to fight."

After speaking, he got up directly, greeted Lin Meng and left the meeting directly, leaving everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.

The two came to a room on the side, which was another conference room, but the atmosphere in this conference room was rather tense.

A military map of Ashenvale hangs on the wall, and a group of professionals in military uniforms are conducting tactical maneuvers with scales and small flags.

The secretary kept recording the data and new information on the battle situation.

Others use computers for strategic calculations.

"The [-] troops of the Yunfeng clan have blocked the stone claw peak path, and there are night elf outpost guards near the exit, and they have already begun to engage in battle."

The forward three thousand scout troops were attacked by the sentinel troops, causing more than half of the casualties.

The Iron Horse clan has taken over a forest on the right flank, where we can set up camp.

The quilboar tribe suffered heavy losses and demanded to withdraw from the battle.

The Harpy and the Horned Eagle Knight fought and lost more than three hundred.

Seeing Wang Haotian walk in, everyone immediately stood up.


"Call Your Majesty."

"It's Your Majesty. The current situation in the war is going well. We have already engaged the enemy. The position of the main force of the night elves is not clear, and further testing is needed."

"Don't be so troublesome, Mengmeng, tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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