Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 226 Norrelldorm's time turbulence

Chapter 226 Norrelldorm's time turbulence
Murphy sat on the sofa in his pajamas, looking at the empty living room in front of him in a daze.

5 minutes ago, he just woke up from his sleep. It was no surprise that he had a dream again last night. He dreamed that he had become the bronze dragon named Norrell Dome. The function of the bronze dragon was to maintain time. Therefore, the memory of Noreldormu that he read in the dream was also extraordinarily messy and fragmented.

The memory in the dream is not very clear, but I vaguely remember that I have experienced a very magical experience related to time.

The first thing I did after waking up was to come to the living room and stabilize my mind.

So, it's time to see if you can unleash the power of the bronze dragon.

He was somewhat nervous. The Dragon Feast skills he was going to try this time were completely different from those in the past few times, whether it was Flor's Lava Blood, Arundel's Pure Flame, Akanagos' Arkan Whether it is the Vortex of Art, its effect is very intuitive, even if it loses control, it is nothing more than a little injury, and the effect of these dragon feast skills is also very clear.

But what he wants to use this time is not an ordinary ability, it is a taboo power related to time.

Murphy has watched a lot of sci-fi horror movies in the past, such as Butterfly Effect, Horror Cruise, The Night the Comet Came... Many sci-fi movies that involve the concept of time will have creepy plots. , that is not an ordinary danger.

Lost in parallel time and space, or trapped in a certain time loop, or triggered a certain time paradox, it is possible to disappear completely.

Therefore, at this time, he was very apprehensive, as if he was facing a big enemy, and he was even hesitating whether to really try it.

Mo Fei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, did he really guess right?This thing can't be used at all. While he was disappointed, he also breathed a sigh of relief. Well, if it can't be used, at least there is no risk.

But on the other hand, he has some doubts, can he really use Noreldormu's time turbulence skill?

Ok?Why nothing changed?
Noreldorm's time turmoil!This time he chose to recite silently in his heart, but there was still no change. There was still an empty living room around, with the dawn light coming in from the windows, and pedestrians and vehicles on the streets and roads could be seen in the distance, just like in the past.

Noreldorm's time turmoil!

Thinking about it always gave him an unreal feeling that maybe nothing would happen at all.

I don't know whether it is more uncomfortable to fail, or to relax more without taking risks.

This feeling is quite weird, like the feeling of making up your mind to take part in bungee jumping or skydiving, but when it comes, you are suddenly told to cancel it, and you can't take that step.

There must be some reason, think about it, the description of these four skills in the game.

The surrounding air became blurred again, and he stared at the color of the wallpaper, but to his disappointment, the color changed slightly and returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Surrounded by the familiar decoration of his own living room.

When he read the third time, Mo Fei snapped his fingers, but in the next second, everything around him suddenly became blurred, the light and shadow were changing, the color of the wall was blurred, and all the colors around him also followed suit. transform.

Once used it's gone.

He breathed a sigh of relief, followed by a burst of ecstasy, jumping high on the spot excitedly.

An invisible force spread, and Murphy felt his body fluttering. He saw that the original beige wallpaper instantly turned purple, and the original marble coffee table turned into a mini round table. The long sword around the game has also turned into a cute girly oil painting.

Murphy took a deep breath, but no matter how dangerous and outrageous it was, he was still ready to give it a try. He had mastered power but didn't use it. This was by no means his character, and any way to gain power must be full of If you want to take no risk at all if you have experienced hardships and risks, it is better not to get involved in these things from the beginning.

I just don't know how I did it, and whether I can reproduce it.

Murphy snapped his fingers a few more times, until he was sure that there was no change at all, and there was no trace of strength in his body, so he stopped.

It's over, it seems like the previous few times, this power can only stay on him for a short time, and it can't be used for a long time at all.

His eyes suddenly lit up, could it be because of the mana value?

No, logically speaking, even if I can't use the full version of the skills, there will be some changes, right?Or maybe the power of this game is not that strong, not strong enough to modify the time?

No, have to try again!
Noreldorm's time turmoil!Snapped!

After a few seconds, the changes stopped, and Murphy looked at everything around him dumbfounded. The room he was in turned into a completely different look.

Noreldorm's time turmoil!

day!Mo Fei dodged left and right, thinking that he had seen it before. Suddenly, the figure of the woman in front of him was blurred, and the surrounding light and shadow changed rapidly. The next second, Mo Fei's figure disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the woman alone. He stared blankly at the empty living room.

What a headache, he sat on the sofa and lost himself in thought.By the way, what is the reason for this?

Murphy relaxed a little, but he was not ready to give up just like that.

Thinking of this, Murphy's eyes showed determination.

Noreldorm's time turmoil!Snapped.

"Wait a moment……"

There was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and a sitcom was playing on the computer not far away.

By the way, how to use this skill?
In the game, as long as you recite silently in your heart and trigger the game command, you can use the corresponding game skills. Magic skills generally require chanting spells.

Just as he was about to take a closer look around, the sound of the rain suddenly stopped, and then he heard a piercing scream behind him, and when he turned around, he saw a woman wrapped in a towel, looking at her in horror. with him.

This is really a hell, if it doesn't succeed, it's fine, but if it succeeds, it just can't be used again. This kind of feeling is really overwhelming.

let's start!

He looked around at the strange yet vaguely familiar living room. It was obvious that he was not the owner of this house in this timeline, so where and what was he doing now?

"Norrelldorm's time turbulence!" Murphy shouted, looking around nervously.

Well, that's probably the case. Thinking about it, it's unrealistic. Playing a game can also play parallel time and space, isn't it bullshit?Hehe, he couldn't help laughing at himself, he really saw hell.


"Ah, there are thieves! Ah, don't come here, I'm going to call the police!" The woman screamed while picking up her phone.

Murphy reacted immediately - it was a success!It really succeeded, he successfully switched to a different timeline.

If you don't want to try a few times, if it doesn't work, forget it.

Murphy's vision blurred, and he found himself back in his living room.

Just as Mo Fei wanted to dissuade him, the woman grabbed the surrounding things and threw them at him, biscuit boxes, piggy banks, unknown trinkets, a slipper, and a ceramic doll.

Mana is required to cast skills in the game, and without mana, naturally it cannot be cast.

It seems that the time for the skill is up. This skill doesn't only last for five seconds like in the game. He stayed in another parallel world for at least two or three minutes, but it seems impossible to stay there forever.

The living room is still the same living room, at least in terms of layout, it is not much different from before, but the decoration and furniture style have completely changed, with obvious feminine colors.

According to the effect described by the skill, it needs to be cut into a different timeline. It involves the concept of parallel time and space. Spraying flames and getting a magic ball are completely two concepts.

Haha, it's just a blast!
This time is completely different from the previous few times. The so-called "supernatural powers" he obtained in the previous three times can be regarded as tricks at best, but this time the ability he comprehend directly touches the laws of this world. Traveling through parallel time and space.

But in reality, I don't have mana at all, so naturally I can't use it.

As for why I can experience it a little every time I wake up, it is probably because I just woke up, and the remaining mana in my body has not completely dissipated, so I can use it a little bit. Once the mana in my body is exhausted, it will return to its original shape.

Well, such an inference would at least make sense logically.

I should have learned these skills myself, but I just lack the necessary conditions to use them. As long as I can cultivate mana, I should be able to use these skills all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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