Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 227

Chapter 227
But then he had a headache again, so how to cultivate mana in reality?
In the sky world, many professions, monsters, and creatures have mana points, which are roughly divided into two types: natural and acquired.

There are many creatures born with magical powers, such as magical deformities, demons, elves, mana floaters, dragons...

There are also some human beings who are born with magic powers.

There are also quite a few acquired practitioners. In theory, as long as intelligent creatures have the opportunity to obtain magical powers through learning and practice, and it is usually not difficult, even low-level creatures such as murlocs and kobolds can't do it if they work hard. Can learn a few simple spells such as Frostbolt and Fireball.

The most intuitive among them is human beings. Humans did not know magic at first, and later humans helped the high elves defeat the trolls. In order to express their gratitude, the high elves taught humans magic, which developed rapidly in the following thousands of years, forming the The scale of Dalaran Magic City today.

Then if I can find a way to practice magic in the game, can I cultivate mana in reality?

However, there is no specific way to learn skills in the game. It is nothing more than reading a magic book with a flash of white light.

As for mana or something, upgrading and adding points will naturally increase it.

If there is really a way of cultivation, there may not be a bunch of magicians in reality.

Murphy thought, what should I do?
So what is the reason for this ability of mine to appear—yes, the original plot item!

If it's Prince Aidan, it's really not easy to slay a dragon, but if it's Deathwing...

A flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he was going to work in Kalimdor soon, why not take this opportunity to slaughter two more dragons, unfortunately there is only one red dragon lord over there, but it doesn't matter, take advantage of the gap between work Hang around more, at least gather a few, while Deathwing is still in your hands, use it if you can.

These legions were assigned to various castles, and then suddenly launched a full-scale attack last night. The alliance couldn't deal with such a large-scale attack at the same time. What's more, most players went online during the day when they slept at night, especially in the middle of the night, when there were very few online players. As a result, the tribe was caught off guard and took down more than a dozen castles in one go.

I don't know if there will be other original items in this game, there must be, but what will it be?

The ultimate goal of the Dragon Feast Ceremony is to transform a dragon, and a dragon is a creature with natural magic power. If you can complete the dragon transformation in reality, does that mean you can directly obtain mana?
If I can transform into a dragon in reality, it means that I can also gain extraordinary power.

Since the ancient dragon rock statue is the only reference, it should also be true for other original story items.

Frostmourne and Crown of Dominion should have at least one original story item.

It must be an item that touches the source of power, and it is very likely that you need to complete the story mission of the source to obtain power.

After entering the game and opening his eyes, Murphy appeared in the palace of Stormwind City. Yesterday, he planned to go directly to Kalimdor, but considering that it was already late, he stayed in the palace for an extra night.

As soon as I got up, I heard a sudden knock on the door.

Although these reinforcements from various forces are not large in scale, usually in the size of a few hundred people, they are all elite, which still boosts morale.

Thinking of this, Murphy couldn't wait to enter the game.

Murphy guessed that the Book of Medivh might also be an original plot item, but unfortunately Medivh is nowhere to be found now.

Dragon hearts must be dropped by BOSS-level dragons, and the skills produced by different dragon hearts are also different. If the dragon heart you eat is dropped by a defective garbage dragon, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss , that is to say, it is best to eat the dragon heart killed by oneself before you can rest assured.

To transform a dragon, you need to eat ten dragon hearts. He has only eaten four so far, and there are still six hearts left. There is a long way to go.

correct!Murphy suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

The ancient dragon rock statue is an original plot item, which triggers the original plot task. The key to the problem should be the word 'origin'.

This made him a little strange. During this period of time, the battle situation on the front line of the Stormwind Kingdom has been good. Not only did it consume a large number of troops from the tribe, but also small groups of reinforcements from various kingdoms also arrived.

Only the "origin" plot items can touch the power itself, yes, it must be the case.

what!Murphy was taken aback immediately. He asked about the details and couldn't help sighing that there are capable people in this tribe.

Alsace was even more frustrated.

A group of mages came from Dalaran, a few hundred meters of musketeers and mortars came from Ironforge, a group of Griffin Knights came from Eagle's Nest Mountain, and the elves of Quel'Thalas also sent a group of rangers Come to support...

As soon as he entered the conference room, he saw Varian walking around anxiously, fully armed, and Da Vinci sitting aside with a helpless expression.

"What happened?" Murphy asked as he followed Razidanan. He found that the atmosphere in the palace was obviously tense, with knights and heralds coming and going everywhere.

It stands to reason that there should be no danger.

Mo Fei pondered for a long time. Since the original plot item is a treasure that can bring power, it must not be an ordinary plot item.

But this ancient dragon rock statue is too pitiful, giving skills but not magic power.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Mo Fei took a deep breath, and then set the current goal to complete the dragon transformation as soon as possible.

Therefore, it seemed that the attack was still maintained in the past few days, but more than a dozen small corps were separated from the main army without any trace.

Orgrim apparently also discovered the alliance's strategy, and wanted to send mages and adventurers to use the castle to consume the tribe's troops little by little, without losing any of its own.

"What the hell happened, Varian, why are you in such a panic?"

He opened the door and looked out, but Razidanan looked at him nervously, "Your Highness, you have finally woken up. Prince Varian has urgent business with you."

"It's the tribe. Just last night, the tribe launched a large-scale raid and attacked more than a dozen castles at the same time. I urgently summoned the mages and warriors who participated in the plan, but most of the elite were not there. As of this morning, this More than a dozen castles have all fallen."

This explains why after playing the game for so long, I have never heard of anyone who can obtain superpowers from the game. After all, this original plot item is very rare. After playing the game for so long, the only original item he has come into contact with is the ancient Dragon rock statue this one too.

Now the entire Red Ridge Mountain defense line has been penetrated. Although there are still many castles in the Red Ridge Mountains in the hands of the Alliance, these castles have been divided and besieged by the Horde, unable to form a continuous direction, and can no longer effectively prevent the Horde from attacking Stormwind. .

This morning, the scouts in the East Valley reported that the Horde's vanguard had arrived at the border of Elwynn Forest and was about to approach Stormwind City.

Da Vinci also looked helpless, "We can't deal with this kind of tactics at the moment. The tribe's military advantage is too obvious. Even if our heroes are all there, we can only cause a lot of damage to the enemy in one or two castles, but other castles It will still fall, unless we send a large number of troops to garrison it.

But this will deplete the Stormwind Kingdom's small army. "

(End of this chapter)

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