Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 228 An Unexpected Strange Visitor

Chapter 228 An Unexpected Strange Visitor

Hearing Da Vinci's words, Murphy was a little surprised. He didn't expect that even the studio would be in trouble.

Varian became even more excited, "We must come up with a new strategy to fight against the Horde! The Kingdom of Stormwind must not fail!" Varian said loudly, his expression was dignified and excited, and his eyes were extremely eager. Could it be that he knew this? At that time, he was under too much pressure.

Originally, Varian had a high reputation, especially after the big victory in the previous Battle of Dagger Ridge, his reputation in the Kingdom of Stormwind was once again strengthened. Everyone believed that the great 'Storm Lion' would save the kingdom, Will defeat the evil orcs.

So many expectations and pressures have all fallen on Varian, but in the end, Varian is just a teenager.

Facing such a dangerous situation today, he still lost his composure after all.

At this time, several people felt it again. After hearing what happened yesterday, they all snorted and were shocked.

Varian scanned the crowd for a while, then suddenly looked behind Murphy.

"Prince Sigrid, Princess Greymane, where is the artifact you mentioned—the Luna Scythe?"

"It should be in the Twilight Forest. Why, His Highness Varian has changed his mind and wants to go look for it with us?" Sigrid asked with some surprise.

Dragons are generally not good birds in the eyes of mortals, and the image of black dragons is particularly evil.

The characters in the plot were naturally surprised by their real identities, but the players were surprised by what these two people meant, why did they directly blew their identities?
Nefarian (human mage): "Don't be nervous, mortals, we have no malicious intentions here. In fact, we have always tried our best to avoid being enemies with the Alliance."

"It is precisely about this matter that His Majesty has called an emergency military meeting and summoned the nobles and envoys from various countries to discuss the plan to fight against the tribe."

After figuring out the key point, everyone really didn't dare to act rashly. They all thought about how to expose their identities, and then waited for the red name to start fighting.

Other players also reacted quickly. Although the two of them appear in human form now, and they still have neutral yellow names, players with these two names are too familiar. Needless to say, Nefarian is a classic in World of Warcraft. The villain, the final boss of Blackwing Lair.

Last year, the Black Dragon Legion also launched a dragon disaster in Lordaeron, almost destroying the entire city.

But it takes time to wait for this opportunity. We are here mainly to confirm the intention of the alliance. If you join together, we can proceed to the next step.

There was silence in the hall, and the heroes couldn't come up with any good plans in the face of such a situation.

Now Varian has a great say in the Stormwind Kingdom, even if King Lane makes a decision, he cannot ignore it.

But when these players saw that the other plot characters did not respond, they stopped their actions decisively.

Everyone here is thinking about how to expose the true identities of these two evil black dragons.

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, no wonder the black dragons behaved so strangely in the Battle of the Black Gate, no matter it was human or beast, they all attacked, so weird.

Muradin's face was still ugly, but his tone was somewhat less murderous: "So we have to thank you?" He mocked.

Murphys snorted coldly, but the dragon language magic was really convenient to use, and he was ready to leave quickly. After all, this is a human city. As a BOSS, even if he pretended to be a human, he would still be a little nervous.

I think you all know Deathwing, the leader of the Black Dragon Legion. He used to be a noble guardian dragon, the guardian of this world, but evil eroded his soul. In the battle of the ancients 1 years ago, Neltharion fell utterly and became Deathwing.

As long as we can find a suitable opportunity and fight together, we will definitely be able to defeat him.

The appearance of the two immediately attracted everyone's attention.

what! ! !
Everyone showed surprised expressions, but this time it was the same.

Murphy also didn't really believe that King Ryan could do anything. He had never fought before in history, and he was killed directly, and the Kingdom of Stormwind fell.

He clapped his hands, the door behind him suddenly opened, and two people came out of the room.

"Hehe, you can't even imagine it." Murphys smiled self-deprecatingly.

Uther is the leader of Lordaeron, Sylvanas Windrunner is from Quel'Thalas, Falstad Wildhammer is from Aerie Hill...

Varian didn't quite believe it, but still nodded, "Okay, I'll go right away, everyone, come along too."


Varian is still hesitating. He still has a little understanding of werewolves. He absolutely does not want the people of the Stormwind Kingdom to become bloodthirsty beasts. serious.

King Ryan seated Varian and the others, and then said solemnly: "The current situation is very unfavorable to us. The million orc army is about to approach Stormwind City. The front line is no longer able to resist the enemy's attack. I have ordered all The troops have been transferred back to Stormwind City, and I am going to personally lead all the troops to defend Stormwind City.

But Murphy was the one who was most shocked, because he knew both of them.

Murphy heard it but called me directly, these two boys really dare to think, even dare to betray Deathwing?

Hmph, I really love to show off.

This kind of thing is really a bit of a fantasy.

Murphys smiled slightly: "But how could Deathwing easily escape in front of mortals?"

Regarding Varian's complaints, the knight resolutely chose to ignore, "This time there seems to be some changes. The king said that you must go there. He may have a way to save the situation, but he hopes to discuss it with His Highness."

"Of course, how could I forget it, and the power to protect the earth will be inherited by me."

King Lane and Varian discussed a few more words in low tones.

It turned out to be Murphys?How did this kid come here?And Nefarian, these two people got mixed up together, is this going to stage the black dragon's conspiracy in advance?

King Lane glanced at the crowd, as if he was not surprised by the result, he sighed, "Two unexpected guests visited me this morning and made a proposal to me. I didn't want to accept it at first, but when it happened Now, maybe this is also an opportunity, let me introduce it to you.”

Ryan (King Storm): "You two, you said in the morning that you have a way to defeat the Horde, so please tell everyone here."

Varian said in a deep voice, "Didn't you just say that there is no way to disobey Deathwing's will?"

That's what happened.

Morpheus (human warrior): "This is exactly the purpose of our coming to you. Deathwing must be eliminated. He has completely fallen into madness, and even tried to destroy the world. Although it is very dangerous, it is for this world and for the sake of For the future of the Black Dragon Clan, we hope to work together with all mortal heroes to destroy Deathwing."

Varian struggled more and more, he opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Seeing everyone's reaction, King Ryan didn't respond, he said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the end Uther stood up and said, "King Menethil has begun to gather troops, but large-scale mobilization takes time, and it is not easy to transport troops across the sea, at least two more months to arrive."

two months!King Ryan's expression was a bit serious, "But Stormwind City may not be able to last for two months..."

In addition, in order to show my sincerity, I will send some black dragons to join the alliance army to investigate the movements and intelligence of the orcs for you. "

Murphy was secretly surprised, but he took a step back quietly and hid behind the others.

Kel'Thuzad also had killing intent on his face, and Dalaran also encountered a dragon disaster not long ago.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Hmph, the words of your evil black dragons are not to be trusted."


"Of course not. I just want to show that not all black dragons are evil. Maybe there is a way to stop the fight between humans and black dragons and fight against orcs together."

Murphys said, "Do you still remember the Battle of the Black Gate?"

For 1 years, the Black Dragon Legion has done many evil things under his influence. Although we are unwilling, there is nothing we can do about it.

But those players didn't have so many worries. This is Deathwing, a world-destroying boss. If Deathwing can be killed, how many good things will come out.

This is the boss delivered to your door.

"Hmph, those guys only know how to intrigue and shirk responsibility. By the time they come up with a plan, our kingdom has already fallen."

It's best for others to open the monsters first, so that you can have a chance to pick up the leaks.

"What could be more important than a war with the Horde?"

"Of course, I will never forget what the Black Dragon Legion did that day."

Both of them have long black hair, dark golden eyes, and the powerful aura emanating from their bodies makes people look sideways.

It must be difficult to rely on players alone, but there are two black dragon lords to help with backstabs, the chances are great.

Sigret: "That's right, as long as Deathwing can be defeated and the Black Dragon Legion join us, there is a great chance of winning this war."

"Hmph, this should be told to the people of Lordaeron who died tragically." Alsace shouted, wanting to be the first to strike.

Maybe it can explode the artifact.

Varian was a little moved for a moment,
"But how can we kill Deathwing? I once charged Deathwing once, and I know its power very well. It is so powerful that as long as it wants to escape, no one can stop him."

Although there are only more than a thousand dragons in the Black Dragon Legion, and most of them are young dragons, dragons are dragons. They can soar in the sky and breathe out flames. It can be said that in this magical world, they are like strategic bombers. There are a thousand strategic bombers bombing the enemy and providing air support, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage in the war. At least there is absolutely no problem in defending Stormwind City.

He was about to quicken his pace when he suddenly felt something.

Nefarian nodded, and a teleportation magic disappeared immediately.

Murphy glanced at the new faces in the meeting room and couldn't help but be amazed. There are so many celebrities here. Unexpectedly, Queen Xi is here. It should be her sister Aurelia Windrunner who participated in the battle in history. Yes, no need to ask, most of the influence is caused by the players.

"Varian, don't compromise with the darkness." Someone persuaded.

The other is dressed in black and red armor, with a magical aura shining on his body, with a bit of evil spirit and evil intentions.

Since all the troops sent were elite troops, the leaders were all well-known figures.

Without it, these two people are too eye-catching,

Nefarian said again: "We already have a preliminary plan for this. Not everyone in the Black Dragon Legion is intimidated by his despicable power. There are many righteous people who are willing to help us, and there are many black dragon lords who are just deterrent. The mighty power of Deathwing.

And Murphys is also well-known. He made a big fuss in Dalaran before, and coupled with the relationship of the anchor account, he has received a lot of attention. Almost everyone knows who he is, and he is naturally well-known by everyone.

Murphys and Nefarian nodded after listening, "Then it's a deal, Your Majesty Ryan."

Suddenly, the door of the military intelligence room opened, and a knight came over.

If the Black Dragon Legion could really be brought over to help the Stormwind Kingdom join the war, it would undoubtedly be a huge boost.

Murphys over there suddenly sighed.

Lordaeron is regarded as the backbone of the alliance. Lordaeron said it would take two months. Even if other countries can advance it earlier, it is estimated that it will not be much faster.

After hearing this, Varian couldn't help thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

Finally made a decision.

One is dressed in black scale armor, with a dark and stern luster shining under the light, his eyes are like lightning, and he wears a golden helmet, which has the air of a king.

"Then you must remember that at that time, the Black Dragon Army attacked the Alliance and the Horde at the same time. In fact, Deathwing's original order was to attack the Alliance and wipe you out completely, but Nefarian and I could not accept such behavior. We persuaded some The black dragon lord, on the grounds of indistinguishability, also launched an attack on the orcs."

Murphys sighed, "It's a pity for those things that happened in the past, but in fact we are also victims. The black dragon army's dragon disaster is not something we can decide. These are the decisions of Deathwing, the king of the black dragon.

Dalabon: "You're right, if you can kill Deathwing, you have to explode...cough cough..."

One is that the other party responds quickly and directly turns into a black dragon. In that case, it is likely that they will not be able to stay.

King Lane said: "In principle, we agree to participate in this plan, but the orcs are the enemy, we still need to give priority to dealing with the orcs, but as long as you can find a suitable opportunity, I will send the most powerful warriors to participate in this operation."

Morgan Lisa said: "Prince Varian, I think it's fine."

And if he killed his guest in front of the king, he would definitely be wanted.

Morpheus (human warrior): "In order to express my sincerity, I want to clarify something first. In fact, we are not human beings. In fact, Nefarian and I are the black dragon lords of the Black Dragon Legion."

The second is that the other party did not have time to react and was killed on the spot, but in that case, if they died in human form, there would be no way to reveal the true identities of the two.

"Will those humans agree?" Walking in the corridor outside the King's Hall, Nefarian asked with some uncertainty.

Murphys (Human Warrior): Epic Tier 90 Hero.Level 12500, HP [-].

Seeing these two people appear, a group of player heroes immediately wanted to make a move.

But in the face of the invasion of the orcs, we really can no longer let him go crazy. The world is at stake, and we want to do our part for this world. "

Nefarian (Human Mage): An epic second-tier hero.Level 90, HP 9750.

He is most worried about those players. Players can do anything for profit, and maybe three or five heroes will come to block him.

Nefarian (human mage): "As long as Deathwing can be eliminated, I can seize the leadership of the Black Dragon Legion. At that time, the Black Dragon Legion will join the alliance and fight against those evil orcs with the alliance."

"Your Highness Varian, His Majesty asked you to go to the King's Hall. There is something important to discuss with you."

At this time, the players have nothing more than two endings.

Naturally, he asked the special envoys of various countries and the generals of the reinforcements.

Although everyone knows that the two people in front of them are two black dragons in disguise, and even their professional titles are quite deliberate, but the characters in the plot don't know that, in the eyes of everyone, they are two strange human beings, and they are also "extraordinary".

What he said was correct, at least he was the king of the black dragon, so unless it was absolutely necessary, he would definitely not be able to escape easily.

But we can't resist forever, everyone, when will the alliance's reinforcements arrive. "

"Good morning, heroes of the Alliance." The two said in a friendly manner.

The group soon came to the meeting room of the King's Hall. At this moment, there were more people in the meeting room. Not only were there generals from the Stormwind Kingdom, special envoys from various countries, but also several people from different kingdoms. The general of the reinforcements.

"They will definitely agree." Murphys said firmly. The NPC may consider the conspiracy and interests involved, but the player, the player will definitely not think so much. As long as there is enough interest, they will fight everything , He knows the mentality of players too well.

The situation in front of me is quite delicate.

King Lane was in a bit of a dilemma. The Horde alone was difficult enough to deal with. It would undoubtedly be very troublesome to rashly provoke such a powerful enemy as Deathwing.

"Well, maybe, but don't forget your promise. After this is done, I will become the new king of black dragons."

Nefarian glanced at him thoughtfully, "You seem to know them well?"

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for so long, and you're still so vigilant." A familiar voice sounded from behind, and in the dark corridor, a knight in uniform with a huge sword on his back came out of the darkness.

Seeing that man, Murphy's eyes widened immediately.

The man had a face that was [-]% similar to him, and this face was so familiar that Murphys was taken aback for a while.

"Why, I haven't seen you for a few months, and I don't even know my father?" Murphy said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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