Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 229 Murphy and Murphys

Chapter 229 Murphy and Murphys
"It's you!" Murphys looked at Murphy in surprise, and Murphy also looked at Murphy with a smile.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and the atmosphere was quite delicate.

It's hard to say what the relationship between the two is. They once fought side by side, cooperated to survive, and threatened each other's lives, and finally parted ways, looking like strangers, are they enemies?is a friend?brother?Is it father and son?

It's hard to say clearly.

After a long time, Murphy's expression gradually calmed down.

"So you have entered the game again? 'Prince Aidan'... It seems that you have learned your lesson, this time you chose a human identity."

The two looked at each other, and Mo Fei looked at the face in front of him that was [-]% similar to himself, feeling very emotional.

Murphy nodded: "Yes, after my investigation, I found that as long as you play non-human races, you will easily have 'abnormalities', so of course you should play humans. I don't want to make another brother for you."

"Hmph, don't make it seem like you are my creator, we just happened to use the same body."

"But you were indeed created by me. Your character, your experience, your ability, everything, you can deny these, but you should know deep down in your heart that I'm right."

The soul of the dragon—or the soul of the devil, is an artifact jointly created by the five guardian dragons. It is extremely powerful, especially for dealing with other dragons. When Deathwing first created the soul of the dragon, it was an artifact If the other dragons are tampered with, they will be greatly weakened if they approach, but the black dragons will not be affected.

Murphys froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Murphy to be so free and easy, then he smiled, "You're right, thank you, I'm sorry for fooling you, but I think you should be able to understand, Now I'm doing a big job and I have to go."

In the War of the Ancients 1 years ago, Deathwing used this artifact to hang and beat the four guardian dragons. Later, Malfurion sneaked into Deathwing's dragon lair through the Emerald Dream and stole this artifact. And hide it away.

And Deathwing is elusive, and it is simply impossible to persuade them to cooperate in dealing with Deathwing. "

Murphy smiled slightly: "I have an idea. If you want to deal with Deathwing, you might as well go to the other four guardian dragons for help. Anyway, you have already jumped back and found an alliance to cooperate. Then jump back again and go find There is nothing wrong with the cooperation of the four guardian dragons."

Looking at the back of Murphys leaving, Murphy smiled slightly.

"Okay, it's good to be confident, but you expect to rely on these hero players to deal with Deathwing? You are too naive, the dragon's ability to run is not generally strong, you should be very clear about this, Back then we fought our way out of Dalaran together.

Murphy smiled and said: "Hehe, that's true, so you have to give them a reason to join the war, for example - the soul of the dragon, you tell them that Deathwing is looking for the soul of the dragon recently, find it The soul of the dragon will go to them one by one to settle accounts, and the four guardian dragons will definitely not be able to sit still."

Murphy chuckled: "Based on our relationship, there is no need to help or not. Although we have deceived each other, it is after all a life-and-death situation. There is no conflict of interest. I think that with our friendship, this Help is nothing, if you had the chance to help me, you wouldn't stand by and watch."

Not to mention a huge boss like Deathwing, who doesn't use any control skills at all, and with more than 100 million blood volume, it is basically impossible to kill quickly, and Deathwing's toughness is also super high, It is also almost impossible to hit a fatal blow. As long as it wants to run away, we players can't keep him at all. What do you think? "

"Hey, there's no need to explain. I shaped you. I know what kind of character you are. That's the ideal me. To be honest, I'm looking forward to something earth-shattering from you. So goodbye, Murphys ,Wish you all the best."

Murphy said that you are still so confident, but it's a pity that it's too early to say big things. I'm afraid Murphys can't imagine that Deathwing will encounter such a thing as a card bug.

Murphys listened to his thoughtful expression, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was quite feasible.

When the Well of Eternity exploded, the entire continent of Azeroth was torn apart, and the Dragon Soul disappeared.

The more Murphys thought about it, the more reasonable he felt,
He couldn't help but look at Murphy with a complicated expression, "Why did you help me?"

"Of course I have considered this, but any plan is not formed at one time. It must be perfected step by step. Asking players for help is only one part of this plan. There are still many things to do. In the end, if you are lucky enough Well, maybe I can find a way to kill Deathwing."

If you know this news, the four giant guardian dragons will definitely not be able to sit still, and even if they don't come out in full force, they will definitely participate in the battle in person.

So I'm not at all worried about letting him know about my plans. "

This thing can be said to be the nemesis of the giant guardian dragons. As long as Deathwing gets this thing, he can easily handle the four giant guardian dragons. Let alone one-on-one, even if they join forces, they may not be opponents.Once Deathwing gets back the dragon soul, it can be said to be a devastating blow to other dragons.

Regarding Murphy's question, Murphys did not hide it, maybe it was the friendship between the two in the past, maybe it was the tacit understanding in the past, or maybe it just didn't want to show timidity in front of 'old friends'.

He was still a little entangled in how to obtain the Dragon Heart and how to stop the Emperor Shenwu, but the appearance of Murphys made him think of a brilliant plan.

"Oh, it hurts me so much for you to say that, even if you don't recognize me as a father, we can still be considered old friends after all, are you leaving in such a hurry?
But speaking of which, you're quite courageous, you dare to do such a big thing behind Deathwing's back, aren't you afraid that things will be revealed and you'll be killed by Deathwing? "

Murphys shook his head, "Deathwing won't know this, he is too confident in his own power, he is too arrogant to believe that anyone dares to betray him, and I can feel that Deathwing has gradually fallen into madness , He couldn't think about these things at all, his mind was full of thoughts of destroying the world.

If there are four guardian dragons to take action, coupled with the assistance of the players, there is really a chance to win Deathwing.

Murphys' face was a bit ugly, "I don't want to argue with you about this, what is the matter with you, maybe you came to me specifically to catch up with me, if so, please forgive me."

Murphys shook his head, "I've considered this too, but they won't participate in the battle. Deathwing's power is too strong. The four guardian dragons have no chance to face Deathwing alone, but if you want to It is difficult to get together, and the guardian dragons have their own responsibilities, and they will not leave their territories rashly.

As more and more people enter the arena, a wonderful drama is about to be staged.

Thinking in his heart, he couldn't help humming a ditty.

Time to go.

PS: There will be another chapter in a while

(End of this chapter)

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